/ Historia / Undauntedly

Undauntedly Original


Historia 2 Chapters 2.9K Views
Author: tseyoblooms

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Both bound by a law,'Never be found in a too informal setting with the opposite sex',failure to which leads to a taint in one's image or a forced marriage.

Prescott doesn't seem to mind getting married to Eretria as long as her affair with Graham comes to an end. Thus,he uses this law to bind them both. Is this a good choice though?

Eretria Hobbs isn't just an ordinary girl,she was one with big dreams. Getting married to an earl means much but is she ready to go through a marriage filled with hate? Or was this just her thought? Who and what threatens her life? Is there more to the affair with Lord Graham?

Find out in this toe twisting novel.

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Author tseyoblooms