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Unbreakable Vow Unbreakable Vow original

Unbreakable Vow

Author: Courtney_Talley

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 01

      The rain pelted against her face. Tilted toward the sky, Aelin inhaled deeply. Her lungs filling with the cold air, nose filled with the scent of rain. Twigs, leaves and dirt crunching under her boots as she began go make her way towards the small town.

    The bottom of her gown was coated in mud. Her feet in numb from the cold seeping through her boots as she trudged through the freezing mud. A shiver ran through her and she wrapped her arms about herself for warmth beneath the cloak covering her body.

   The wind sliced through her, causing a shudder to run through her body. She would be at the manor soon. She would be at work. It would be warm enough in the servants wing. Much warmer than outside. She hated that this was her life. But one of them had to work. And her sisters were not going to do so.

    No. They were too proud honestly. They had enjoyed a life of luxury. Then their father had died, and their mother following him soon after. It left the three of them orphaned. Their fathers family threw them to the streets, not caring if they survived or not. That was nearly eight years ago when Aisling was eleven.

   Aisling walked up the path and slipped into the door of the manor she worked in. She hated this but again, had no other choice. Her sisters sat back and did nothing to keep them alive. She quickly slung off the cloak and hung it up to dry. She ran a hand down the front of her gown and turned to a mirror. She looked fine.

   She sprinted down the hall and to the kitchen. She didn't need to be late today. If she was late they would throw her out, without pay. Money that she could not go without. Her sisters were starving as it is. Aislings stomach growled and ached. She was hungry. A feeling that had become familiar. Aisling grabbed the tray that the cook had set out with the breakfast on it, she knew where she was going.

Down the hall, quietly. Servants were to be seen and not heard. The Lord that she worked for was known for his brutal treatment of the servants. If one did not obey him, usually they ended up beaten. Aisling was lucky enough to have been chosen for the Lords wife. She was her personal servant. Lady Kenna was nice enough and sometimes fed Aisling. She adored the lady.

Aisling knocked on the door and waited, she had learned the hard way that she was not to enter a room unless invited in. Her ribs still ached from the beating Lord Devin had given her for it. It had taken forever to get to the dull ache it was at now. Starving had caused the enhanced healing she'd been born with to be slow. Most of her magic in fact was weak, just as she was.

"Enter, Aisling." Lady Kennas voice came from the room and Aisling opened the door, entering the room with her eyes cast at her feet.

"Good morning, Lady Kenna." Aisling murmured as she sat the breakfast tray down and stepped back. Lady Kenna approached the small table and sat down. She motioned to the chair across from her. She wanted Aisling to sit down. Aisling slowly sat and waited for instruction.

"Eat, sweet girl. I know it's probably been a week since you've had something substantial. Tell me Aisling, how are your sisters fairing?" Lady Kenna murmured and pushed the food to Aisling. Tears stung her eyes at the kindness, these meals that were given to her were most likely the reason she had remained alive still. Aisling was a survivor. Which made her dangerous.

"Beth and Hanna are well. The money I'm earning working here is providing for them. They aren't hungry anymore." Aisling murmured after swallowing the bite of food in her mouth. The biscuit had melted on her tongue, a burst of flavor. Honey and butter filled her mouth and she suppressed the urge to moan from the delicious food she was eating. Aisling was aware of Lady Kenna watching her closely.

"What if I told you that there was a way to give your sisters back their rank, and to give you one as well? Would you be interested?" Lady Kenna murmured and sipped her tea.

"I suppose. I would do anything for my sisters. Though, they would most likely not do the same for me." Aisling murmured and took a small sip of the tea as well. Lavender, chamomile and more honey. The tea was warm and subtly flavored. The scent floral. The warmth it provided helped Aisling feel less numb from the cold walk she'd endured on the way.

"I want you to be my lady. You will be given gowns and tutors. Being one of my ladies means you will go to court and balls with me. You get to keep me company when my husband is away or occupied at balls and parties. I will have you educated and trained to behave as a proper lady should. Your sisters will be brought here to live as well, in luxury of course. Their lives will be as they were before your parents death. What do you say?" Lady Kenna watched Aisling tense. This would put her in society. She tried to avoid that at all costs. Aisling was clumsy and ungraceful. She was nothing like what lady Kenna needed. But, this would likely make her sisters happy. It would also mean Aisling wouldn't have to keep going hungry and she'd have Lady Kennas protection.

"Of course, Lady Kenna. I would love to." Aisling murmured and blinked rapidly as her eyes stung. Crying now would do her no good. Her fate was hers to control.

"Good. I will take you to your room once you finish eating. You will be bathed and clothed properly. We will start your lessons and let my husband know I have chosen my lady for the season. Hopefully, during the season you find your mate and end up well cared for. My goal is to help you Aisling, just as you have helped me adjust to being here." Lady Kenna smiled and Aisling couldn't help but smile back. Lady Kenna was going to help her find her mate. Something she wasn't sure she even had. Aisling had been given no indication of a bond being there. Her sisters say they sometimes felt their mates when strong emotions were felt. But, Aisling never got anything. It was a fitting punishment, at least that's what Beth had said when they'd argued last.

Aisling finished her meal, thinking over the second chance her and her sisters had just been given. Even if the season ended and she had to go back to being a maid, Aisling would forever be grateful for the time Lady Kenna was about to give her. Time to be young, to relax and enjoy being only nineteen. She followed Lady Kenna across the hall and into a room. Her eyes wide as she took in the soft blues and greens that filled the room. The big four poster bed and canopy above it. The room was the size of the cottage she lived in with her sisters.

"Lady Kenna.... Thank you. I... won't disappoint you." Aisling whispered, tears in her eyes.

"No need to thank me, Aisling. You have been so kind to me since I married Lord Devon. I want to see you taken care of and away from my husband and his abuse. I know what he does to the servants. I know what happened a few months ago. You deserve more than the life you've been handed. Now, bathe and get ready. We have several fittings to get to, we need you properly attired for the court. We are visiting my brother this season." Lady Kenna smiled fondly when she mentioned her brother and walked from the room. It was no secret that Lady Kenna was a princess, the kings youngest sister. She had ended up mated to Lord Devon, their bond pulling them together. Kenna was so kind. Aisling didn't quite understand how Lady Kenna had been fated to someone like Lord Devon. He was evil. His soul black and sickly.

Aisling sank into the warm water of the tub with a deep contented sigh and closed her eyes as the warm water surrounded her. She had never taken a warm bath and it was amazing, the bath water had also been infused with oils. Aisling could smell the rose oil, and lavender. The dirt washed away from her skin and left the tub almost black. A servant walked in to help her dress. The gown Lady Kenna had left out was beautiful, silk and elegant. Aisling had never owned something so pretty before. The red of the gown matched her hair and the maid braided some white roses into her fiery hair. Hair that was much like the color of the flames in the fire place she stood in front of now as she waited for Lady Kenna to return.

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