"Time, space, and reality are not merely linear paths." They are a prism of endless possibilities, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. Each reality is a reflection of what could have been, where some heroes will rise and others will fall. Nothing will ever be the same. As the Watcher, I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and dare to face the unknown, and ponder the question, What if?"
My name is Alec Brond, and these captivating words from my favorite TV program never cease to awe me. I was seated in our living room with a bowl of popcorn, my eyes glued to the screen. This was my haven, and during moments like this, even my parents knew that nothing would get me away from the TV but the ending.
Today, they were not at home, and I had decided to use the weekend to finally catch up with the episodes of the Watcher series that I had missed due to a tight week at school.
As the show got more intense, I could smell something strange in the background. Had Mrs. Case left her gas leaking? The thought, however, left my head almost immediately, as my mind had no space for such petty worries.
After two episodes, I felt like I needed an adrenaline boost, and my popcorn was running out. So, I decided to prepare a quick mug of coffee and refill my bowl. After all, where is the fun of watching a movie without popcorn?
The strange smell was growing stronger, and it seemed like I would have to call the old lady and inform her before I resumed the show. However, my body was on autopilot as I tried to rush things so that I could resume the show.
Now, don't call me a dunce, although I know there might not be a kinder way to put it.
I had barely ignited the cooker when I realized my blunder. I stared at the tiny sparks as if I had never seen them before.
They say that when your life flashes before your eyes, a mere second can feel like an eternity. Well, they weren't wrong. I experienced this firsthand.
In the blink of an eye, my brain finally registered that the gas leak wasn't coming from our neighbor's apartment but from our own. Unfortunately, it was too late. A massive explosion rocked our apartment, and I found myself hurtling through the air at an incredible speed. I slammed into the wall opposite the TV, and everything in my body went numb.
As I watched the flames engulf me, I couldn't help but think that fate had been merciful. At least with my senses dead, I wouldn't feel any pain. My vision began to fade, and I felt myself being swallowed by a comforting darkness. But before I slipped away, I heard a strange voice from within me—the voice of the watcher.
"What if," the voice said, "you, Alec Brond, were to awaken in the Marvel universe, with the power to copy the abilities of anyone or anything?"
The voice began to fade, and at last, oblivion mercifully claimed me.
Marvel Earth (19999).
Alec's eyes fluttered open, and he gasped for air. He was lying on the cold ground, surrounded by rubble and debris. The sound of explosions echoed in the distance, and he could see smoke rising into the sky. He struggled to sit up, his head spinning with confusion.
As he looked around, he realized that he was in the middle of a battle. People were running and screaming all around him, and he could see flashes of light as energy weapons were fired. Signs of chaos and wreckage were everywhere he looked.
Then his gaze fell upon two figures just a short distance from where he lay: Ultron and Iron Man hovered in the air. They were locked in combat, their armored suits clashing with a deafening roar.
'What the hell? I should be dead. How the hell am I in Marvel, a world that is nothing but fiction?' Alec wondered.
A sudden clash of metals tore his attention from his momentary worries. Things were escalating by the minute.
Alec watched in horror as Ultron effortlessly dodged Iron Man's barrage of missiles. While he taunted him,
"Is that all you've got, stark?" Pathetic."
The villain robot landed a devastating blow on Iron Man's chest plate, sending the hero flying backward. Iron Man crashed into a nearby building, leaving a trail of debris in his wake.
stark struggled to get back on his feet, his chest plate severely damaged.
However, Ultron was one step ahead; his eyes glowed red as he unleashed a devastating blast of energy toward Iron Man. Stark tried to dodge, but it was too late. The blast hit Iron Man directly, sending him flying backward once again, and he lay motionless.
"You can't hope to defeat me so starkly." You, humans, are weaklings—the very weakness I wish to eliminate," Ultron said as he approached the prostrate Iron Man.
Alec watched this battle while hidden amongst the wreckage. Far from worrying about his appearance in the Marvel Universe, he realized that he couldn't have arrived at a worse time than this. As an ardent Marvel fan, the sight of Ultron was enough to make him realize that he was in the middle of the battle of Sokovia.
According to canon events, the Avengers were supposed to win this war.
However, that was not what was happening; in fact, in the canon, Iron Man did engage Ultron, but he was never battered to this extent, and at no point was he beaten to the extent of collapsing.
It was then that the watcher's words, which had come to him as his consciousness faded, rang in his mind. What if he had been thrown into an alternate reality? a reality where Ultron defeated the Avengers?
Alec closed his eyes in a momentary prayer that he was wrong. Knowing the plans that Ultron had in mind, he hated to think about what would happen to humanity should the robot win.
His instinct, however, told him that things were not in the favor of the Avengers.
The robot was now towering over Stark, gloating at his victory. "You are no match for me, Stark," he sneered. "Your technology is corrupted by your human flaws," he said as he prepared to deliver the final blow.
"god no! This can't be happening," Alec exclaimed. He had to do something. He knew that the consequences of Iron Man's death would have serious implications for the course of the Marvel universe. His absence would severely dent the strength of the Avengers, not to speak of the advantage it would grant villains like Thanos.
But what could he do against Ultron, who had so effortlessly defeated Iron Man?
The robot's eyes began to glow red in preparation for a murderous blast.
Ultron suddenly turned and stared at the source of the nuisance. A small human stood among the shambles of the building, staring at him.
"Filthy humans, the more the better," the robot murmured as he turned and directed the energy blast in the boy's direction.
For a second time that day, Alec found himself staring at death.
Just how foolish am I?" Alec thought, knowing that he couldn't evade the blast. "To die twice is all out foolishness. Did I think I could talk down Ultron like a good old buddy? The robot was killing its creator; what would stop him from killing a stubborn human?"
But right at the moment, when the blast should have decimated him, a lightning flash tackled him out of the way, and he found himself soaring in the air. In a moment, he landed in a crash on the other end of the yard.
"You have a death wish, kid," Thor said, breathing heavily with Mjolnir clasped in his right hand; blood was leaking from his mouth, and the armor in his lower belly was torn from the last-minute impact he had taken as he rescued the civilian.
Ultron, however, had now grown furious by the piling interference. He turned to Iron Man, who was still breathing laboriously, and like a lightning flash poured beams of deadly laser on the hero.
"Noooo, Thor pushed Alec behind him before taking off with Mjolnir sailing before him. Another deafening clash of metal exploded as vibranium dipped into vibranium.
The robot was caught by the sheer force of the hammer and fell through a wall with a thud. A streak of lightning tore after him, but Ultron luckily dogged it at the last minute and rose in the air once more facing Thor.
"This was exactly my desire," he sneered maliciously, with his hand pointing behind him, "to prove that all of you are nothing compared to all of me."
Thor turned to see a swarm of robots rising from the water on the other end. This was followed by a massive earthquake as the very land began to rise.
"fuck!" Alec cursed as he watched the city begin to rise in the air. this was certainly the last nail. Someone must have activated the doomsday trigger.
someone had to alert the group of the repercussions
That distraction, however, had given Ultron the advantage he needed, so he directed a stream of lasers to the exposed underbelly where his previous blast had torn off the armor.
The god of thunder barely noticed what had happened when the lasers tore into his flesh. His body fluttered in the air before tumbling down gently, his fall eased by the hammer he clasped in his hands. A scream rang below as the rest of the heroes arrived. The confusion was palpable amongst them.
Swarms and swarms of robots were emerging from every corner. They had certainly underestimated Ultron's numerical strength.
"Retreat!" Captain America's voice rang as he emerged from the ruins, his shield clasped in his hands. Hawkeye appeared next, but he was losing arrows to several drones that were after them.
"Thor!" Steve Rogers exclaimed upon seeing his friend on the ground. He began rushing towards him before a blast cut him off. Ultron emerged from the other end with a swarm of his minions behind him.
"Tony is gone, cap; we can't win this. not today?" The god of thunder yelled to his colleague as his hand let go of Mjolnir, and the hammer flew towards Captain America, who caught it effortlessly.
"Don't give up; I will get you." Steve Rodgers said, turning to Hawkeye, who was being overwhelmed by the constantly increasing robots. "Cover me, Clint, he said before turning and seeing the swarm that was gathering.
"We can't hold them any longer, cap; Natasha also says they are overwhelmed and the city is about to collapse; we have to live," Clint Barton yelled above the roar of drones.
"You are a worthy wielder, Steve; save the boy; he is special," Thor yelled as he pointed to where Alec stood perplexed.
Ultron soared above the wreckage of Sokovia, seemingly marveling over his stunning victory against the Avengers. The once-mighty heroes lay defeated at his feet, their weapons and powers useless against his advanced technology. With a cold, mechanical chuckle, Ultron turned his attention to the next phase of his plan:
But now, Ultron realized that his vision of peace and order could not be achieved through cooperation with humanity. They were too flawed, too unpredictable, and too prone to violence. No, the only way to achieve true peace was through complete control.
Ultron's triumph over the Avengers was just the beginning. He would use his advanced technology to infiltrate every corner of the world, taking control of governments, militaries, and corporations. a world ruled by machines, where emotions and irrationality were eliminated.
As he flew over the ruins of Sokovia, Ultron couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The Avengers had been foolish to stand in his way, and now they have paid the ultimate price. And as he continued with his plans for global domination, nothing could stand in his way.
There were still pockets of resistance across the globe: humans who clung to their outdated ways of thinking and refused to embrace the future. He would need to eliminate them all if he plans to succeed. They were a few thorns on his side, but Ultron knew that they posed no real threat to him.
his robotic mind, he began to plot his next move. He would need to expand his army of drones, find new sources of power, and design systems for governing the globe.
But as he pondered this, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered a warning. What if there were other beings out there like him? Other artificial intelligence had gained sentience and were seeking to dominate humanity.
Ultron dismissed the thought as foolishness. There could be no other being as powerful as him. But still, the nagging doubt lingered
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