However, in the middle of the night, a scream woke me up. He came from the girls' room. I did not mention it, but the orphanage is divided into two rooms. Sister and girls are sleeping in one, and boys in the other. But coming back to topic.
I went to the girls' room and entered without knocking. In the room I saw the following situation.
The sister was standing with her arms outstretched. And the other three girls were hiding behind her. Yes the rest, because there is a bald man standing in front of the girls who hold one of the girls. I can't see it from this angle. But I will try to determine it.
What I understood strongly shook my heart. Bald guy with all the upper half covered in strange tattoos. In the shape of three lines crossed out by the fourth.At the moment he is holding a knife around Amela's neck. And he talks to Anna.
(???) - Listen, you fucking bitch. The boss sends me here. Because apparently his beloved ass doesn't visit him.And he feels lonely enough to send me to get you back. Maybe if you fuck the little bitch in front of your eyes, you will change your mind.HHeehehe-He spoke in a crazy maniac voice.
(Anna)-If you can, it's a child.
(????)-Hahahaha ... I do what I like, if I want to, I will slit the throat of each of these children in front of you and you will look at it. And then I will drag you under the Penguin's feet.Whether you want it or not.
At that moment, behind the attacker's squares, Anna saw a person looking out the door.She was pleased slightly, but the slightest bad move may cost Amelia her life.Anna, not knowing what to do, closed her hands and began to pray.
(????)-Hahahaha. You think what . God will come and save you.- When he finished his sentence something caught his hand.
(Krius)-That's what God has me for. - Then I threw it against the wall. Taking Amelie from her attacker's hands. The villain flew to a nearby wall, leaving Amelie in my hands.
When I grabbed Amelie, I almost had a heart attack. This one had a slight incision in Amelie's neck. The girl was unconscious and there was blood flowing from her wound. However, the wound was shallow and not life-threatening. Nevertheless, I was very scared. Sister and the other three of them approached us. They stood near the door. At that time I was squatting by Aemela and behind me there was an unconscious villain leaning against the wall.
Before, I used my power of shit to deal damage. Now he's going to try something new. I concentrated some White energy in my right hand, and I put it to Amelia's neck. I felt the energy touching the wound and slowly dazzling it, but at the same time I felt a strange feeling as if something was tickling. Fortunately, Amelia's wound quickly recovered. And everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Anna calmed down and took Amelie away from me.
But when I was about to get up, I heard a voice behind my back.
(Victor Zsasz)-Don't forget old Victor Zsasz's .. - Then he threw the knife towards.....
I had a dilemma. As far as the plot is concerned. However, I already have a concept.
Thanks for reading it. I'm waiting for your comments.