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Ultimate Sexual Techno-Nympho, Miu Iruma! (Miu Lemon X Male Reader) Ultimate Sexual Techno-Nympho, Miu Iruma! (Miu Lemon X Male Reader) original

Ultimate Sexual Techno-Nympho, Miu Iruma! (Miu Lemon X Male Reader)

Author: DartY_NS

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Nutting In You, Miu.

Im a MASSIVE Danganronpa fan myself, so I've been thinking about doing this one for a while. Seeing how V3 played out, I made tweaks here and there to fit this narrative. This takes place towards the end of the game too, and after that, it'll be where this story really starts. It'd literally take FOREVER if i started this shit aaalllllll the way from the beginning of the game, like 50 chapters, ez, to get to this point in the story. Hope yall enjoy what's in this so far. Didnt take much time at all to shell this out, so ENJO- hold up, my intro. Lemme copy-paste it. I'll just use this other one. Ahem....You know your job, reader, get to readin'!

Chapter 1: Nutting In You, Miu.


A ton of talking can be heard outside the door. I rested there, on the bed, waiting for it all to die out. Nothing comes about me waiting it all out.. Maybe a person getting killed.. Maybe a prank that'll nip me in my ass, whatever. Im always safe in my room.. No one interests me. I'll do all I can to make sure I don't die, or kill. I've no idea what life was like before this, but...I know this mentality was natural for me. What concerns me is...Just what the hell my Ultimate talent is. I literally have no damn clue! If I can use it to get around this mono-fucker, Im one step closer to being outta here! "Hey, maybe we should ask him" I heard, and...My heart sank into a 300ft deep ocean.....Like h-huh? Who do they mean?

"*busts down my door* HEY WAKE YOUR SHIT-FACED ASS UP! *sees me knocked face-first, flat on the floor* Ugh, Ultimate Sleeper at it again" said Miu after her barging, "*gets up* Im..Im not the Ultimate Sleeper... *bats at her* And STOP CALLING ME THAT! I dont even sleep that often!" I barked at her, "*jumps, turns around, and holds hands over head while bending over, showing panties with weak knees* D-d-d-dont yell at me, Im sorry Im sorry! >~<....*wiggles ass at me* I'll..I'll let you do me here if it'll calm you" she cowered, "*slaps her ass* How 'bout you get the fuck outta my room?! Im comin' out, dammit!" I shouted. She jumped yet again and scurries out the door.

A sigh escapes my mouth. I knew I was gonna see what the commotion was gonna be all about sooner or later. That is, I might as well if they're gonna see a dumb bimbo-ass broad like her to bust open my fuckin' door! "*walks through the door* Alright alright, where's the fire? The hell's been goin' on with y'all lately?" I ask, "It's just that...We dont know what you're talent is, and it's been making us real anxious. What if someone dies and we need everyone to pull together to find out what happened?" Kibo answers, "Exactly. There's only six of us now...It's only a matter of time before Monokuma pulls a fast one on us" Shuichi followed up. Speaking of us six, we have me, Kibo, Shuichi, Miu, Tsumugi, and Maki. Everyone's been on edge for longest..Not only with the big majority of us getting killed or dying somehow, but I...Have been, by far, the most useless out of us all. My alibi's always been the same. "That guy is always in his room", "He never leaves there", "Monokuma knows how rarely he even interacts with anything", and many other things thrown around about me...I dont give a damn about you guys. Im getting outta here no matter what! "Angie and Kaede started making this list of activities while they could, then we finished it. We're thinking this may trigger your Talent" Shuichi brought up, "Be grateful we're even helping your sorry ass" Maki said under her breath, "*turns to Maki* Were you just talking shit about me?" I asked, "Do You Wanna Die?" she retorts and I look away as if nothing happened. I heard Miu giggling behind me. Yeah yeah, laugh it up, bitch. Best watch your ass next time you curl up, cuz you dont wanna know what I'll do to it from there..!

I refocus and look over the list. "Walk the dog, organize a girl's room, read a book, try and beat everyone at Janken, count to 100 really fast, jump to space, cook 50 dishes, worship Atua, draw with your eyes closed, run up the glass wall"...Yep..That's all 10 of 'em. "Why the hell would you put some that I cant really do?!" I asked, "Well..Only a few pitched in to make it up..W-wont know unless we try" Shuichi tries to encourage me. I only beat Kibo at Janken cuz he kept doing scissors but lost most of the time with everyone else. I counted averagely..Only cooked 5 meals, but they came out just ok. I cant draw for shit, and screw this Atone or whatever it's called. All that's left is... "Umm..Since you never visit her room, I'll show you" Kibo offered, then I followed him, ignoring how nervous he became. Wait..We're not going to _Her_ room, are we?

Regret weighing down on my shoulders, Kibo gave a knock and the door opened. "*turns around, pulls up goggles* Just who I wanted! I can test your metal ass out for this baby!" Miu said excitedly, "*throws hands up* W-w-wait! I came here to bring this guy!" Kibo said frantically, "Huh, that asshole? Fuckin' A, man! Well lemme just borrow ya for a- *sees Kibo run out the door* Fuck, what a pussy! Aint like he can really feel shit. *looks at me* And just what's a virgin like you doin' in my turf?" Miu asks me. Looking around, her room is alot more tidied-up than I'd figure. No trash...Maybe a few nuts and bolts on the floor but still. It's all purple and sparkly and shit. The light over this experimentation table really makes me uneased.. As if she's gonna cut me open like in some sci-fi thriller flick. "Apparently I came here just to fail. They sent me your way to see if I can do wonders for a girl's room. At least for you, I got no clue" I told her, "Well duh, shit-for-brains! The fuck you think I am?! This gorgeous body, this bright mind, and these rockin' tits gotta have a spotless, bitchin' room to go with all that! I aint some 2-cent, untrained skank that dont know a drill from a screw-driver" Miu bragged to me. Jeez, cant tell what's bigger. That mouth or them tits...Which Im totally not looking at. "Look you shit-faced virgin, if you're just gonna stand there lookin' lost and shit, you might as well try out this new thing I cooked up. *stands up* 'What is it?' you ask? *pulls the curtains from the mechanical chair* Wala! The Talent Identifier!...Chair-Thing!" she lately adds upon unveiling...Which I dont see much going on with it. Just a bunch of wires and bolts on a chair as far as I can see. "You're staring at it like it's a hot piece of ass! Only look at me like that! Dont try to figure out what's going on with it. This thing told me my talent in seconds" she told me, "Hmmm.. How's this? If it doesn't work on me, you let me play with your fun-bags as you moan for an hour. If it works, I'll...I'll stop calling you names and shit for a day" I wagger, "Let's sweeten the deal by having you as my personal servant for a day" Miu brought up, ".....Deal, bitch" I complied.

The moment when I sat in the chair, she lowers the head piece on me, and it runs some letters through a display on the side. "Aaaaand it saaaays~ (Watch, it'll say what your Talent in no time, asshole! Or should I say, Servant?) *sees it say N/A*...WHAT THE FUCK?! XoX" she shouts, "-_-...Think you know what that means -u-" I said to her, "Yeah, that I gotta fix this piece of shit asap! oVo" Miu replied, "Nope. You know what I mean. Our deal, 'member? ouo" I remind her, "Y-you ass! *covers breasts* You're looking forward to filling up my tits? This is the only time you were actually interested in anything else! >O<" she complained, "Deal's a deal. Don't pussy out on me. I know it's your thing but still" I taunt and try to coax, "P-p-pussy?! Me?! I'll show your ass who the pussy is!" Miu shouted, unsettling me o__o. By the time I try to raise out of the chair, my hands are stuck, and when I looked down, my wrists were locked in place by metal cuffs from the chair! Unbuttoning could be heard in front of me, and there they were, Miu in her black bra, exposed with an embarrassed, blushing face. Miu then threw her arms at me and placed my hands on her large knockers. "E-EEEEEEE!~ >/////<" she moaned very uncomfortably. I let the caressing happening for about half a minute as she continued whimpering, temperatures rising and we were getting a sexual high, cuz honestly.....ALL THIS IS REALLY FUCKIN' HOT RIGHT NOW! TITS, TITS, TITS, TIIIIITTS @Q@! Ok Ok, back on track! I needed a moment to muster enough conscious to throw her off.. Sometimes I just can't help that. "W-what's wrong, eh? Thought you were gonna show who was the real pussy..Well? M-Mimi?" I tried to say tauntfully, "D-DONT PUSH IT, SHITFUCE! *makes my hands go under bra and squeeze the huge, soft, bare tiddies* Who's that, YOU DAMN PUSSY?!.....AAAAH~ _o_" she then moaned, flipping her head back while sliding a knee to the side of my waist, starting to sit on my lap O O. "Um.....It's- It's been over a minute now > >.....Miu? You stopped, what's-" I said, "*starts rapidly slapping my face* GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF! *throws me to the side and covers cleavage, turns to a stunned Tsumugi* T-tsumugi! This isn't what it looks like! *kicks me in my ass* And you! Get your pervy-ass out of my fuckin' lab! *sees me scurry out of the place* Yeah, that's right! Leave! NO ONE WANTS TO FUCK YOU ANYWAY!" Miu angrily shouted in a blast of rage, "G-goodness. I-Im so sorry I came at a wrong time! @///@" Tsumugi apologies, "Dont 'Goodness' me! Out with you too, virgin! *sees her leave too* (The hell! That door was locked too oVo)" Miu then thought, left there to calm down.

Once I ran outside, only Shuichi saw me aimlessly running away from where Miu's room was, but decided to not mind his business, seeing how distraught I was. I wouldn't wanna deal with anyone like that either though. My face plants itself on a wall of the school, catching my breath and rubbing the bruises on my cheek...God, I feel way more embarrassed than her! My attempts at my own fun just backfire horribly, Like shit, what am I gonna do when everything's all awkward with me and her? "(...The one time Im called out of my room...Quite a bit just happened and Im literally against a wall here..Im also having this..Strange-ass feeling...I hate it. Im going back to my room and forgetting all of this)" I thought, on the way to said room. However...The closer and closer I got to my room, the more this uncomfortable feeling grew and festered in me. I really wished it was the need to vomit, cuz at least there, I know I'd feel much better afterwards. Now it took me a minute to get through, but once I entered, a sense of guilty started peaking within me. "(What if...I made it up to her?...There's saying sorry but I can't face her after that. Ugh! Why am I thinking about this so much?! Not like Im really into her like that!) *looks around, seeing Shuichi talking to Kibo near a corner* I'll just chalk it up as human decency. Shuichi's smart. He's avoided every questionable conflict so far. I know what to do for now then" I plot to myself, walking over to where the boys are. "H-hey Shuichi.." I started, looking away, "You're looking real bad, you ok?" he asked, "D-dont ask. Think you can...Tell Miu Im sorry?" I ask of him, "(He must've just talked to Miu. If we're talking about her, anything can happen) Sure thing. *sees me nod and walk off* You showed him where Miu's room was, right? What happened?" Shuichi asked Kibo, "Nothing really...Well, I left before I could get dragged into anything" Kibo answers. In no time, I was there, lying in my room. It now feels like Im living under a rock. My one abnormal experience outside was very unwarranted, especially with what happened to me...An hour of reflecting goes by and I hear knocking. Is my life gonna start being out of my control now?

"*opens the door, sees Shuichi in front* So what happened?"

"She said she wants you to visit again at 8:30."

"(Tch. That's another hour from now.) Ok. Anything else she said?"

"Well she'll wanna hear it from you. I couldn't help her with how she felt too much."

"*groans* (If only I can give her a kick in the ass somehow..)"

"You two just have some bad blood to work out. Just go about it carefully."


"You're...Interested in her, aren't you?"

"W-what?! Why would I be into a bimbo like her?"

"Im not expert on this sorta stuff, but it'd help if you two sat down and got to know each other. Everyone likes doing that."

"Alright, Mr.Social Butterfly. e e"

"You have an hour and a half to do so by that time. Should be able to cover alot of bases."

"(And he says he isnt an expert on this.)"

"Try to ease up on your approach to her too. I'll...Tsumugi's been pretty stressed herself, so I'll be busy with her" he lastly advices, going off to outside to find Tsumugi. Raauuuuggh...! What am I gonna ask to break the ice? I had nothing for all that time I laid in bed for an hour and a half. My uncertainties grew. After the allotted time pasted, I stepped outside, and started my trek down the halls to go back to Miu's room. Still, I was quite upset about how things've been, ideas began to pop in my head. Thoughts elaborated more and more as I continued walking. Most being tech related. Ok... Just gotta act calmly to get through this. When I led myself to the building that housed Miu's place, I knocked, sure that she could hear my heart race from the other side.

"*opens the door, seeing that my hands were pockets and slightly leaned to the side* O-oh..*looks away* It's you..."

"Heh, don't you look so down. *walks in*"

"*sees me sitting down on the table in the middle of the room, with one knee up and the foot on it too* (Wa-what's with this guy? Is he really gonna act as if what happened didn't happen? <~~>)"

"What're you waiting for? You can sit next to me."

"*jumps slightly* (H-huuuuh?!) Y-you think you can just order me around after a visit like that?!"

"But isnt this what everyone does though? Me and my friends don't always talk while standing. (This is kind of a lie, but she shouldn't be able to pick up on this...I don't know if I had any friends before coming this killing game..)"

"(W-well...I..) Ugh I guess. *walks over to the table, sits with legs bent inward*"

"Mind telling me why you wanted me to come back? Even after what happened earlier."

"Well first of all! Stop acting all cool, you shit! The fuck are you planning, huh?!"

"Look I asked first."

"But Im the one that invited you!"

"We got off on the wrong foot, so assuming anything would be a bad step too."

"(He's still giving me the same attitude!) This shit with you acting like this is nothing to you is pissing me off!"

"*sighs* I asked you a question, and (I need to say this carefully) Im sorry for what I asked earlier then that escalated. Ok?"

"...I dont like being taken advantage of.. When all those guys were alive, they made fun of me for my.. The things I did."

"(I might've said a few things before with them too, but still) Yeah, especially that Kokichi guy. He got on everyone's nerves. All that fuckin' lying."

"OOOOOO! If I could smack the shit outta him and use my laser goggles on him, I'd totally do it in a heartbeat!"

"You could've punched him with me that one time. So why didnt you do anything?"


"And you have laser goggles?"

".....They still need testing.. And functionality...> >;"

"(Da fuck? Why even mention them?) Uh so, back to my question. What's the occasion?"

"*twiddles with fingers* I umm.. Just need someone else to talk to...And maybe ease my nerves from that...Incident."

"I've had a feeling. *she looks at me* I mean, especially now...And those other times during the Trials, your confidence is very inconsistent. Im willing to help with that."

"H-help my confidence? Umm..."

"(Oh man, what's she gonna bring up?)"

"I..Usually dont get this far with myself cuz.. I used drugs to..Yknow...Distract myself. _ _"

"(D-dr..Did she say drugs?) L-like what?"

"Uuuuh on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad do you think Heroin is?"

".....I dont think you want me to answer that. _ _"

"For a while, that dork-ass Monokuma took whatever I had away, so my tech is all I have!"

"Would that mean you have withdrawals? I heard of it before."

"Well yeah! Sometimes I just wanna punch through a wall or kick a door down!"

"I-Im sure we have our times where we're like that too. ^_^; (Sure as hell cant be me though. e e)"

"R-really? I...Guess I never thought of that.."

"(Huh. Bought that real well) Ok uhh...I know it's sorta your thing, but think you can explain why you're into mechs and building shit?"

"Why? I make shit day in and day out! I feel hella accomplished with all that I've made!"

"So it makes you happy?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Anything else?"

"There's also uhh...Ever so often, *looks down, blushes* I enjoy lookin' at my huge tits in the mirror. Yknow, blushing at them- I-I mean! Basking at their largeness! Nothing weird about that! O/////O"

"*pauses and blinks* (Pretend I didnt hear about that) What if...Someone were to look at them and..Play with them with you?"

"Hey are you-"

"Im just asking, if you dont mind."

"I kinda mind but.. T-that could help too."

"(A likely answer. I know what else to do for that as well. ewe) Well..If you make gadgets.....Then you must've...Made THOSE gadgets before."

"What do you...?"

"Yknow...For pleasure."

"All I make is for pleasure."

"....(I might as well say it.) LIKE, FOR YOUR PUSSY!"

"Huh?! You sayin' there's something wrong with my vag?!"

"Nono, like- Ugh! (Do I really need to spell it out?) For masturbating!"

".....Huh, never thought of that. May work on that tonight."

"(You cant be serious..____ _______;)

"I might've came across that thought with those times I experimented on Kibo, but his pussy-ass keeps getting away! Dgh! What a virgin!"

"W-wait, so you're not a virgin?"

"...T-that's not the point! If I wanna tinker with your privates, take it like a man and hold the fuck still!"

"I...Think he just wants the consent at that point. You know that's a thing, right?"

"Whatever! I couldnt do whatever I wanted and he's a bitch for it!"

"(That just...Didnt make any sense. I feel scared now) I...Wanted to do more with you earlier, but I knew I had to stop at some point. You'd appreciate it more if I did, right?"

"Uhhhh...Yes...and No.."


"I-I would, most cuz Bitchmugi wouldn't have caught us...And no, cuz....I sorta wanted to, as well.."

"(I...Might regret asking later, but...) Wanted to....What?"

"W-well what do ya think, shithead? I kinda.....Wanted you to blast my pussy off with some dicking..if you catch my drift. >///>"

"(But that wasn't subtle at all!) Ok then...Then....(May regret this too) Ok what kinks you got? (>.o)"

"*thinks for a moment* Uh dick....."

"....UH HUH."

"....*rocks from side to side, thinking some more*...Rubbing my clit, and my tits...."

".....(Holy shit man...) You virgin."

"Like you got alot more!"

"Kinda got a list."

"Ah ha! So all you do is wank it in your room all day!"

"..Not wank...But I do touch myself alot to help me think about shit."

"...(I..Kinda wanna see that but- AHEM.)"

"Before I start, how often do you even wank?"

"Probablyyyyy.. Eh 10 times...A mon- (Dont wanna make it sound like too much! O///O) -Year."

"(Ok there's no way that shit's true.) Yeah, try twice a week in my shoes."

"Damn, you must be a man-whore or somethin'."

"(That's not even how that works!)"

"Well...As far as kinks. Ahem. Big tits, big ass, blonds, long hair, handjobs, watching gag videos, titjobs, big pussies, watching doggystyle, sucking me from the back, fingering with five fingers, thighs, bath sex, fresh smells, putting my fingers in hair, licking pubic hair, massaging my feet, squeezing ti-"

"*head spins from hearing the list of fetishes for 20 more seconds* @q@..."

"-tried watching chicks with dicks get fucked, didnt really do it for me aaaaand yeah that's about it. Hmm? You ok?"

"O_O....*takes a long pause* Da fuck did I just hear?"

"You were doubting me though."

"More like...I-I never thought you had that many. A-and you're a virgin? . ."

"I know alot more than a usual virgin."

"(OoO...That's...A bit hot..O O)"

"Anyways you may have some too, but you dont even know it."

"H-how would you know?"

"Only one way to find out."


"(Hey not yet, dammit!)"

"W-well if...If we're gonna see now..I need to get shit off my chest first."

Alright shoot."

".....Uh, I dunno how though."

"Well maybe you would've if you weren't such a drug addict."

"*bats eye at me* Ok you can just KISS THE FATTEST PART OF MY ASS!"

"Your flat ass?! I never think of back there anyway!"

"GOOD! Cuz you'd spare yourself of the funk that comes with it!"



"Not a dumb bitch like you!"


"WHAT'S UP THEN?! *shoves head into her's* AS IF YOUR SCRONY-ARM-ASS GONNA DO SHIT!"






"Then where's that ass at?! Ooo that's right! I CANT SEE IT!"


"*push head harder* BITCH, CUT YOUR SHIT!"





"ARGU-! *accidentally kisses her* OxO....*holds the back of her head* The hell're you doing?!"

"It's not me, faggot! IT'S YO-"

"WHO YOU- *kisses her again, locks lips with her longer and separates away* Is that what you want?! Alright, skank! oVo"

"(WAIT! NO! I-) *gets ready to slap me, but eases up into a lightly balled up fist from aggressively being kissed, eyes slightly roll back while drooling* (FFFFUUCK! Why's this feel so damn good?!)"

"*kisses her some more after a moment and smacks lips away, wiping them* Da hell? *sees that Im practically on top of her* W-what's going on here?! @///@"

"*touches chest, digging into my shirt* W-we were gonna fuck so...D-dont stop~.."

"I-I was in the moment..."

"Well keep being in the moment CUZ YOU'RE NOT LEAVING TIL WE HAVE SEX! Now get your cock AND DO ME! oVo"

"*sees her undo her belt, drops her boots and takes off her skirt. I then heard big locking clicks on the door as it shuts itself* (Fuckin' shit, what'd I get myself into? TT~TT...Alright, now you can do it.)"


Miu's juices started flowing and staining her panties, then the table as her face looked lewder by the second. She didnt hesitate to undo my belt, making my boner sling out of my pants. "MMMM Yes, gimme that dick, baby~!" Miu said in excitement, "I-I guess we're really gonna do it then..*starts getting jerked off by her hand* You brought me back to finish me off, huh? >///-" I asked, "So what if I did?! That dick is mine now! Eheheheheee!" she sinisterly giggled, aligning and grinding against it with her vaginal flaps, making us both moan and our hearts race. Miu was biting her lips, putting her hand on my lower back, spreading eagle on me. "Mmmmm~ That cock is ready to go to town on me..*gives me one more kiss on the lips* Cmon..Stick that shit in me...*stretches arms behind the examination table, feels a button. Lowering a machine from the ceiling with a spinning dildo at the end, unknown to me* (OR ELSE, FUCKER!) I know you want it..Mmm.." she moaned some more, "(Hmm..I did wanna see her tits sooo..Alright, slut, you asked for it!) HMPH!" I grunted, giving her a big thrust into her, shoving my cock into that wet, tight pussy of her's, making her jump up, "AAAAAAAAAHHHH~! *starts getting fucked* FUCK! FUUUCK! YES! FUCK ME OUT! EEEEEEEEEE!" she started moaning loudly from intense pleasure, drooling while taking my genitals slamming into her's with a tight embrace. "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmm! >q- (Damn does she feel so good. I feel like I can go all night on her! Oh no I can't! I came in at 8:30!) *looks at watch* (9pm?! I gotta hurry!) *fucks her faster, making her tits pop out of her top, jiggling in circles, stares at them with big eyes* (D-damn are they still so big to look at! Fuck, Miu really does have a sexy body! @ @)" I thought to myself, slowing down slightly to put her tits together. "M-my titties! *sees me licking them, turns head to the side, closes eyes* He-he's actually putting his tongue all over my tits! Aaaaaaah! *feels them being squeezed and kissed on* D-DONT SQUEEZE THEM!! >///< *eases up* N-no keep doing that! I want you to suck the hell outta of them!" she retracts in pleasure, "(Really?! Even while we're fucking?!) *presses lips right on her big nips and large pink areola, starts sucking them, yanking my neck back and forth, stretching them in and out* MMMMMM! @q@ *smacks my lips away and goes back in, sucking them like that again* (Fuck these're delicious!)" I then thought, slowly getting drove crazy from how delectable Miu is, "OOOOH FUUUUCK! YES! YES, LIKE THAT! SUCK ME OFF! SUCK ME FUCKIN' DRY! >O<;;;;" Miu loudly moaned some more, making us sweat heavily. Holy hell, why didnt I think of doing this sooner?! I was missing out on all this the whole time? "*burying my head into them huge pillows one more time, I finish sucking on her breasts* God that was fuckin' good! *wipes my wet mouth off* Now to finish your horny ass off. You damn nympho" I said with a big, devilish grin, "*gives me the same grin* Gimme all you got, you cock-slingin' fucker" she said to me, "Here goes, bitch! *lays stomach to stomach on her, making her rapidly gasp on me as my fast-fucking cock ruptures inside her* I-Im getting close!" I warned her before grunting, "WAAAAAAH! GIVE IT TO ME! DO IT! *feels my cock throbbing and quaking inside* COME WITH MEEEEEE~! *loads of semen pumps inside, spews out of pussy and runs off the table* S-S...SPLOOOOOOOSSSH!!~ KEEP GUSHIIING!~" Miu moans out ecstatically, having a heavy orgasm coming on, shared with me as her pussy "splooshed" out juices she had pent up for the longest. My hips locked into her for a long moment, finishing my sperm-dumping into her. Miu's legs lowered on the back of mine, our exhaustion and sexual high taking us for a while, laying there on her now messy lab table.

"Oooooo~ That was sooo good. I think you made my ass cum too ('u')" she comments, "(That's...That's not how that works..)" I thought, embarrassed. She mustered up enough strength to press that button under the table again to make the ceiling-dildo-bot-thing return to inside the ceiling, but this time I heard it moving. "!O_O; *looks behind, seeing the dildo being the last thing that was going up. bats back at her, grabs her collar and gets in her face* WERE YOU GONNA RAM THAT THING UP MY ASS?! OmO" I asked in anger, "Gehehehe, only if you didnt bone me -u-" Miu revealed to me, "What the fuck! I thought you said you didnt make anything for you to masturbate with!" I brought up, "Hmm...Why didnt I use it to jam in me? It can lower, go back and forth and everything" Miu says to herself, "Well fuck this then! Im getting the fuck outta here! *gets off and puts pants back on, speed-walking to the door, seeing that it's still locked* Bitch! Unlock this stupid door! I aint gonna literally get screwed over by you!" I ordered, "*lays on stomach, swings legs back and forth* Dont you want more of this though? eue" she said to me, "...*looks at a clock on a wall* IT'S 9:48!" I reminded her, "! Oh shit, that late already?! *picks up the remote off the ground and presses the open button* Go go! Dont want that damn bear offing us!" she said urgently, "*sees the door opening* Gotta hurry!" I urged myself, dashing out of the door. Miu flops over to the side, with a dreamy, satisfied look on her face.

In my high speed dash, I saw Monokuma scouring over the outside, then he looked at me with a bit of an angered face, making me go even faster to my room. He isnt thinkin' about killing me, is he?! The deep-seated fear in me emerging (AKA, The Bitch mode) comes out in me and makes me run like a madman into the school building, big patches of dirt explode behind me as I quickly find myself busting through the door. "*hears me coming in* Hey hey! What's wrong?!" Shuichi asked, "*flops on the ground* I almost died...That's all (つ﹏<)・゚。" I answer. He sighed. "*hunches over with his hands on his knees* W-well you're still alive, which is great and all, but you have just two minutes to get to your room!" he urges, "*looks at watch* SHIT!" I shouted, racing the rest of the way to my room, making it in there with only 30 seconds to spare. PHHEEEWWW, that was too damn close. OW! What the- Why's my penis hurt all of a sudden? I must've busted my load too hard or something. I then laid in the bed. All that death-defying shit really drained me. If anyone died right now, I wouldnt give a- "A Body's Been Discovered!~" I heard, making me jump out of my bed...WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?! A-A BODY?! BUT WHO?! "*pops out of nowhere* Said me" said Monokuma, "*bumps my head on the wall from another jump* How the hell do you get in my room?!" I react, "Poowhohooo~ A magician never reveals his secrets. Anyways, Im kiddin'. Livin' up, will ya" he said to me, "Hard to do so when you're such an oppressor. e e" I reply, "Be grateful, dammit! Anyways I saw the whole thing. *sees me put a shocked face on, blushes and holds chest* Oh youthful love! I never thought you two would be such passionate lovers. You even argue and go into angry sex like one!" he rambled, "W-we're not lovers! I was just...Caught up was all" I retort, "Yeah yeah dood. That's what couples and Exes say all the time too. *giggles* Oh how delightful would it be to see one of you die somehow. We already got rid of the small fries anyway" he also said, unsettling me, "(This damn, rape-faced, pedo-bear-looking..!)" I angrily thought. "*hears the bell chiming with me, sees the TV come on, announcing that it is nighttime* Oh look it's me, hey me! *turns back to me* Alright kid. You heard other me up there, it's bedtime mister!" he told me before sliding under my bed. I check under it and there's no sign of him. Ugh this is like a damn fever dream and I can't wake up...All I can do is sleep and hope for the better tomorrow. And so I did. The night was falling and day arose me seemingly in one instant. I was hearing footsteps in no time.

With hunger in the pits of my stomach, I followed our ever-shortening group down to the dinning room. Damn that Monokuma..I'll never forgive such a shitbag for trying to make us pick each other off. Yeah one or two of them I really hated but still. Once we got to the dinning room and everyone said their initial greetings, Miu couldnt help but to look shyly at me a few times, often with a lewd smile attached. Oh great, another thing to stress me out. Just don't do anything stupid, ok?...Who the hell am I kiddin', she is, isnt she? Once everyone got their food and were sitting at the table, that was when all hell was trying to break loose. "Hey guys! Everyone doing good?" Miu suddenly blurts, getting everyone's attention....Noo.. she wouldnt! "Guess who had a crazy night last night! *sees me stand up* That's right! See that guy over there! *points to me, and my blush intensified* Yeah him, I fucked the shit outta him! Lucky bastard, right? ^0^" Miu pretty much announced, followed with everyone's gasp, stunning me, "(This...This has to be a lie. That can't be true!)" Tsumugi thought, "I-is that true?" Shuichi asked, "*raises my head* Yep! I made her scream like the pig she was too!" I confirm to everyone, blowing them away...At first. "Hey Shuichi...Why's it look like he's crying?" Kibo whispered, "I know...Poor guy" Shuichi whispered back. The rest of the group was asking me and Miu a bunch of trivial questions...When I say the rest of the group, I mean excluding Maki. She's really acting like me when this whole thing started, not taking part in shit. I'd do the same if I were her though, shit. I keep forgetting she's there.. Yes most of the questions pertain to us doing the sex...And yes, she was still having too much fun with all that...Dammit, all from the one time I step outside my room too! Just please somebody kill me!...But Miu, she was looking happy and more confident after our meet and greet was over with, as if we made a miracle or some shit. I guess making someone happy counts for something, right?...Yeah I know...What's wrong with me? 。゚(இ‸இ゚)゚。

More from this...Some other time! I dont know when this'll continue but look forward anyway, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life! Oh and the other stories after this as well! You'll see!

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