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100% U & I / Chapter 1: Epilog
U & I U & I original

U & I

Author: JerDhanz

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Epilog

When I open my eyes, I know that this is not me. They will not recognize me and he will not recognize me.

I walk as fast as I can before my times come to an end and he will catch me. I just want to see them before I leave...

I open the door and I see him leaning on the bed. His eyes catch me.

"Who're you?" He asked me.

I come close to him and watch every inch of his face.

How can I answer his question when I do not have any evidence to proof? How can I explain to him about us? About them?

A tears falling from my eyes and I smile to him, and then I hold his hands. He just silent and watching me and let me do what I want. He look zero.

"I wish that I can explain to you through my eyes... I wish you can reads my memories..."

Now, I started to cry. I feel the pain in my chest... 'Why this happen to us?'


I hears the bell ring.


He will come to catch me!


I watch him and hope that he can help me.

'Please don't let him catch me! I want to be with you!'


The door open and there he is, standing with his demonic smile.

"Times up."

He said and suddenly, the man beside me falling asleep. I try to wake him up, but there is no use. He was like a doll, frozen there with his calm face.

'Oh, dear...' I shed a tears. The man grab my hand in a polite manners.

'I will miss you. I will miss you all. Good bye my dear Lanz...'

With my other free hand, I pull the blanket to his chest so that he can sleep well.

"Can we go now?" The man asked and I just nod.

'I will get back my life. I swear to God, I will.'

"Okay. Now, follow me." He said.

"What will you do if I don't follow you?" I asked and he show his demonic smile.

"Then, I'll kill them one by one."

His words was like a blade stab in my chest.

"Don't you dare to touch them!" I warned him.

He walked with his smile and without any words and I follow him.

"Where're we going?" I asked.

"To my house."

"What for?"

He answer nothing and it's make me angry, but I just keep silent and obident with him.

We climb in his car and just keep silent along the ride. In my head, many ways that possible to vanish this man appear, but do I dare to do all that thing like posioning him or stab him? Is there other ways that can get rid of him without let my hands dirty?

"What in your mind now?" Suddenly he asked and I jump in surprise.

'Can he read my mind?'

"Don't worry. I can't read your mind." He said again, like answering the question I just thinking right now.

"How can I believe you?" I asked, doubt him.

"I will not asked you anything of I really can read what in your head right now." He said, monotones, but yet polite.

"But I can tell that you're trying to find a ways to get rid of me." He added.

I ogle at him and he make a half smile while wathing me from his corner eyes.

"Am I right?"

"No." I lied.

"Okay. Then its prove that I can't read your mind." He reply without looking at me.

'I must beware with him...' I warned myself and will keep that in mind that my enemy is not an ordinary person.

"Okay. We're here. Get out." He told me.

"Where are we?"

"We're at my house. Now, get out."

I do what he told me.

"Follow me. We have important matters to discuss." He said while walking to the porch and unlock the door.

"What matters?" I keep asking.

"About the promise that you must accompilsh." He answer while I enter into the house and he close the door. We go to the living room and suddenly there is an old woman come out from the kitchen.


"Make us a drink. Hot drink." He told her so she must be his servant.

"Sir." Called an old man, just show up from nowhere. There's a brief case on his hands. Their master take the brief case and take out a paper and a ball pen. He hands in the paper to me and I read the bold words.


"What is this? What is this for?" I asked to him. I start to feel uneasy about this situation right now.

"That is for u and I. For us." He answer, monotones.

"Hell, no! This is not going to happen!"

I tear the paper into pieces in an angry emotion and he just watch me.

"Benson." He called the old man. Benson take out another paper and give it to him.

"Read them." He said to me.

'What? Another copy?!' I grab the paper and once again, tearing them into pieces.

The old man called Benson take out a paper from the brief case again.

"Are you finish?" He asked me, still calm looking at my angry behavior.

"How many copy do you have?" I asked.

"There a many if you want it. You can tear or eat the paper as long as you want, but you will not find the original one." He explained and I shrug, unsatisfied.

'This is killing me!'

"I want you to recall our agreement a decad ago. You already sign the agreement. The marriage agreement." He said.

"Liar!" I shouted.

"You get what you wanted and now you have to repay what you got ten years ago." That all he said and I feel confuse. I do not understand what he tried to said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

The old woman appeared and put the mugs on the table. He reach one and take a sip.

"Do you still remember the day before Lanz fall in love with you?"

He asked me and like a bomb drop, the memories emerge in my head. I stare at him with disbelief.

"Who're you?" I asked.

"Me? I am Dhenz. A man who is immortal." He answered.

Now, he is showing up his demonic smile once again.

"And just yesterday, I had turn back the time..." His eyes were sharp, tearing my heart. I feel hurt.

"... to ten years before. Time where before you met Lanz and he don't know who're you." He continue.

I ogle with disbelief. Do this thing like turning back time exist now?

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