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40% Twin Magi / Chapter 4: CH 4, more stuff and Diagon alley.

Chapter 4: CH 4, more stuff and Diagon alley.

On another note, we have been practicing magic that has to do with our affinities. For Aisha, she practiced producing and controlling fire, manipulating the air around us, healing magic, and purifying magic. See an affinity to Life magic means that she has an affinity to healing and purifying, which is a type of magic. It is mostly used in rituals or to remove curses or their after affects, like say a 'Crucio'.

Speaking of the Unforgivables, the reason they are unforgivable is because they target the soul. The 'Imperious' curse puts the targets soul under your control, the 'Crucio' curse tortures' your soul leaving a stain on it, which is why it is so painful and difficult to cure, and finally the Killing curse cut the body's connection to the soul, which is actually painless.

It is also used in the horcrux ritual as when you cast the Killing curse you weaken your soul, then using the soul of the person you just killed you cut your soul. The only reason Voldemort could make more than one was because of how week his soul was from constantly casting the Killing curse. Although every time he did he just went even more insane than the last.

But purifying magic removes stains from dark or forbidden magics, and is one of the only ways to strengthen the soul. There are other ways of-course, one of them requires a affinity to Soul magic which I have.

Which brings me back to my affinities. My affinities are 'soul, death, and shadow' and the only reason soul is higher than death is because it got a massive boost from death. See the death affinity includes magics related necromancy, souls, and plague. So do to me already having a soul affinity it was boosted by the blessing Death gave me.

We both learnt how to properly use our affinities and mix them in some cases. I even learnt how to look at souls, our souls look different but similar. See my soul is naturally a shadowy black that gives off a black fog, not like a corruption we even went to see if purifying it did anything, and if anything it made it blacker.

Aisha's soul is a burning white, like actually burning, a white fire that burns with a pation. But in the center of both of our souls is a part of the others, in Aisha's there is a black spot like an abyss, and in the center of mine there is a white fire like a sun in the dark.

But enough remaining, where are these chrysalis I should find a search spell. Speaking of search, I just realized but where Aisha is getting the mandrake leaves.

Pov Aisha.

I had convinced mom to take me to the Leaky Caldron. Why? Where else am I going to get mandrake leaves. The plan is simple I will be disguising my-self as a random muggle, And with a few hundred pounds, head to Gringotts to convert the pounds to galleons. After that look for crystal vial and mandrake leaves from an apothecary.

"I still don't understand why you are disguising your self?" mom spoke.

"For a simple reason I'm only 10. I can't buy potion ingredients until I'm at least 11." I responded because for what reason would a child not going to Hogwarts need potion ingredients.

"I understand that but why are you hiding from the goblins." Mom had countered.

At that I was stumped 'why was I hiding from the goblins?' Well that made things easer. I didn't have a good reason to hide from the goblins. And why don't I act like a first year getting ready for Hogwarts? Oh wait it is February never mind. But maybe I can act like a child getting things for their mother, ya that could work plus that would give me an excuse to go to other places, specifically a shop for quills, parchment, and ink. Why did we send Azrael to the woods again when we could probably get a chrysalis here? We really didn't think this through.

"Alright mom change of plan. I won't be disguising my-self except my hair that is going blond. Instead I'm a muggle born going to Gringotts to convert some money into galleons. Then a child picking up some supplies for their parents." I cheered.

"You will do great honey." Mom said, encouraging me. Actually why is she not suspicions of us and why we know all this stuff.

"Hey mom, why are you going along with us and not surprised we know all this stuff?" I asked, simply ripping the band-aid off.

"That is because your brother, when he gave me the directions to the Leaky Caldron, he told me about something called the 'Akashic Records' and how it is a collection of everything that has happened or will happen, and how he has access to them." She told me.

I just said "Oh" with my mouth open. 

"Close your mouth dear we have arrived." And indeed we had, In-front of us was the Leaky Caldron.

Getting out of the car I told mom. "I may be a while after all I need to do some shopping."

"It is fine honey I may walk around a bit. just don't take too long ok?" mom replied as I waved and walked into the building. 

All of the stories did it justice. It had stone walls covered in dust, it was dark and some what hard to breath, I think I can see the dust in the air. It reminds me of when you leave the attic alone for too long. 'I'm just going to ignore that spider, nope does not exist.'

I speed walk up to the bar and ask for some help.

"Hello little las, what can I do for you?" the bar tender asked. He was a man in his mid 30s, 5'5", with brown hair and brown eyes. with a easily forgettable face.

"I'm doing some errands for my parents and they told me that you would show me the way to Diagon Alley?" I spoke with Innocents I didn't have.

"Ah, I see probably want you to learn how to be social by your self eh. Well this way." he said and I sweat dropped. 'Wow this is actually going to work that is a surprise' I didn't even use any of my acting skills or my childish charm. I probably barely got passed the first check point.

The man led me to the wall and opened it to the chaos that was Diagon alley. He bid me good luck and I entered the ally and went strait to Gringotts.

The white building towered over the rest of the alley, and even looked like a second sun with how much light it was reflecting. Giving the two goblins stationed at the front I walk through the great wide doors.

It was then that I remembered what Azrael taught me about goblins.

Flash back

"Goblins are creatures of gold and blood. If you can't gain their respect with gold, you do it with blood. On another note, they also like insulting each other. So we will be doing two things, one we will be exercising everyday with brakes on Sunday. And two we will be verbally sparring, and actually sparring. With our words and our fists, or blade depends on what I'm feeling."

End flash back

So as I walk up to the first free goblin I keep a smile on my face and a confident stride. Making sure that I exude confidents and not arrogance.

When I get up to him I can see his name tag says 'Drigneurk' and that he is ignoring me so I speak up.

"Wow you have terrible perception if you can't notice a costumers in-front of you." I spoke with a grin on my face.

He looks at me with the tiniest hint of amusement in his eyes, no doubt realizing that a child is attempting to insult him.

"Apologies I couldn't see you, you're too short to see over my desk." Drigneurk spoke trying to see if I will take the bait or not.

"Hm, perhaps you should get a desk that is more your stature. Or are you compensating for something, perhaps a weak member." I turned the insult around and through it in his face. His lips noticeably twitch upward. And I hear the hall grow quieter, weird.

"Go find your parents child, so that they can teach you some manners that you clearly lack." He says no doubt thinking I'm a normal 10 year old.

"Oh? And here I was thinking I was smelling your greed. When it is just your bad odor." After I said that I heard a few sinkers around me, and look to see my-self and Drigneurk surrounded by more goblins.

"Perhaps I should call some guards after all, a child has no need to do business with grown-ups." He said with a small smile lifting the corner of his mouth.

"Oh you need to call some guards? Is this child too much for you to handle? Too afraid of getting your ass kicked?" I spoke in return, with a huge grin pulling my lips ear to ear. I could now see why they enjoyed this.

"Hahah." He burst into laughter and it sounded part growl part bark, the other goblins joining in. When he spoke again he gave me a grin to match my own.

"I like you little metamorphmagus. We will have to schedule a few appointments before anything though. What is your name so we may get on that." He spoke with a bit of a jovial tone. However there were a few thing he said that confused me.

"My name is Aisha Moirai, but what appointments do we need to schedule and how did you know I was a metamorphmagus?" I asked confused.

"Most magicals don't know this but goblins that work here in the entry hall are required to have enchanted objects that can recognize Animagus and metamorphmagus. However this is just a precaution as goblins can smell magic." He spoke with an air of pride. No doubt proud that he was a goblin.

"I didn't know that, and the appointments?" I asked because I was confused as to why I needed an appointment.

"Well you see, we are required to do a few things. Firstly, we need to record your magical signature, do to Animagus and metamorphmagus being a security risk by merely existing. Then, we need to do an inheritance test, as metamorphmagus don't just pop-up out of muggle families, it is a magical bloodline trait after all." Drigneurk lectured me and I could see the points he made. After all someone who could disguise themselves could in theory have a easer time getting in and out.

"Alright, I understand, however you should make an appointment for two. My twin is also a metamorphmagus." I informed him and I could see the surprise in his eyes but his face didn't show it.

"Understood, I will book the appointment for two. It will take a bit of time, however if there are other things I should know like you two being seers, or that your twin is an Animagus do let me know." He spoke the last part clearly meant as a joke.

"About that." I spoke up and he paused.

"My brother is a seer, and I am here to grab a few things so that we can become Animagus. His name is Azrael Moirai by the way." And he just starred at me with a blank face.

"Dam it, it hasn't been 10 minutes and I already have a headache, you little shit." He cursed at me already done with my shit.

"Alright, will next week Saturday work?" Drigneurk asked.

"That will be fine. Onto the business I came here for, can you convert muggle currency into galleons?" I confirmed then asked.

"Yes we do, we also work like a muggle bank where you can keep a card on you to take to an ATM to add and withdrawal muggle cash from your Gringotts vault. Or to just pay a magical with galleons It converts the muggle cash at a lower rate as-well, normally the exchange rate is 5-1. 5 British pounds per 1 galleon, however with a Gringotts card it would be 2-1." He spoke like a sales person, which he was I guess.

"As great as that would be, I don't have a Gringotts vault and I don't even know if I want to transfer to Gringotts." After I said that we went into a long discussion of whether I should convert my family's money. I had decided to talk to mom about it, there were a lot of advantages to doing so. Plus it would give us a safe place to hide our potions for the Animagus ritual.

After converting the 200 pounds to 40 galleons (40g). Which is a solid 4 weeks worth of salary for a Ministry employee, which explains why the Weasley family is so poor, after all they have so many children and only a measly 10g a week. While other noble families have investments and ownership of several stores.

After that I left Gringotts, to start shopping.

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