Meanwhile, in the emperor's office...
"So, no one got caught last night?!" the Emperor, Deimos Albion Tempest, slammed his hand against his desk. "Just how much more the royal warriors will disappoint me?! They only need to catch one so we can serve his head to that brat!"
"Father, haven't you calmed down yet?" Daniel chuckled until his eyes squinted, standing near the desk with his hand on his back. "You know, the mad wolf pack consists of special wolves handpicked by the Grand Duke. So, it is not the royal warrior's fault."
"Special wolves, tch! They're just a bunch of delinquents!" Deimos spat out as he cast his eldest son a look of dismay. "You're too kind to them. You should've let your men handle their arrest!"
"Father, you know the silver wolf pack doesn't meddle in those affairs. Do you want me, the crown prince, to lose his face?"