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4% Triple Identity / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

As Gohan pulled out his cell phone to call to the CC he already dreaded the person who would answer the phone. He knew who it was; it was always the same person, that didn't matter to him. It was the way that person would react when he heard what Gohan did today that he didn't like.

"Capsule Corporation main building, communications department. You have dialed a personal number of one of our employees. May I ask who you are and what business you have?"

The male spoke with a light, happy tone. Gohan knew all too well that this business attitude would fade when he spoke up.

"Hey Tom," he started, but he never got farther because he was interrupted by the man on the other side of the line.

"Boss-man, how are you doing? Why are you calling? I heard you went to high school today." The man fired questions one after the other not even waiting for an answer.

"Putting aside the fact that I'm still wondering what you're doing in school," he continued, "You have to answer me one question Boss-man." Gohan was waiting for what he knew would be coming.

"How are the babes over at your school dude? Got a date yet?"

"Tom, just shut up and connect me through to Bulma will you? I have to ask her something." It was a well-known fact all around Capsule Corporation that you had to cut Tom short or he would go on ranting all day long if he had the change.

Tom Ruiter was appointed as the main communications officer for the Capsule corporation's main building about 3 years ago, when he was 25. The reason for doing so was simple. Although he had a tendency to simply ignore all kinds of etiquette, he had a tendency to address everyone rather crude; the Dutch man was a genius when it came to communications. Gohan was addressed as 'Boss-man' for example, while Bulma was always addressed as 'The Mrs.' A nickname that had earned him the wrath of Vegeta at first.

"Gohan," the voice of his Godmother, Bulma Briefs, said through the phone, "what is it? And how was your first day at school?"

"It was fine, I kind of liked it. Anyway, is it okay if I come over for a bit? I need your help for something and I think I could pick up on some of my work while I'm at it. I know you said you'd take over some of my work, but still. It's my work and I should do some of it myself."

"Fine by me kiddo," she answered, "you know you can come over anytime you want. There isn't any of your work left to do for this week, but the kids will be pretty happy to see you again."

"I'll be right over."

"See you in a minute then Kiddo" with that Bulma. With that she killed the line and waited for Gohan to arrive.

A few hours later, as he walked out of his office at CC, Gohan was thrown to the ground by two little kids that had jumped him.

"Hey Gohan!" the eight year old boy said. "What took you so long to work on? Didn't Mom already do all of your work?" the boy said.

"She did," he answered, "but I still wanted to check some of the things for myself. And I needed to do something while I waited for your mom to finish up on my request."

"You could have just come and play with us Uncle Gohan" the little girl next to him spoke up.

Bra had been born about 10 months after Gohan had defeated the space pirate Bojack, meaning she was born almost a year after Cell was killed. She was just a few months younger then Goten and, already, she was almost a mirror image of her mother. The only difference was that she had her father's eye color and strong chin. As much as Bulma completely adored Trunks, Bra could do no wrong in Vegeta's eyes. While he was putting Trunks through a rough training schedule (adjusted to the fact that he was, after all, still a kid) he didn't force Bra to do anything. Gohan could remember an incident when Bra had fallen when she was out at kindergarten. Vegeta was about ready to go and blow up the entire city block because she came home with a scratch. Only Bra and Bulma calmly explaining what had happened had managed to calm him down and prevented a massive destruction. Not to mention Bulma threatening to disable the cooking bots and start cooking herself.

"I know, but I still had some other work to do as well. Besides, now that I'm free we can go play."

"Hey kid, I've finished your suit." Bulma spoke up from behind them.

"Really?" Gohan asked. Both of the kids looked a bit disappointed that Gohan didn't miss. "Let's go then. I'll go and try it on right now. Come on guys." With that Gohan stood up with Trunks hovering near him and Bra sitting on his shoulders.

Bulma led him to her lab and handed him a simple watch. The simple fact that it didn't belong to some expanse company name was enough to tell Gohan that this watch did more then simply tell time.

"So, what does it do?" he asked.

"Press the red button and see. But first get my daughter of your shoulders." After Trunks had helped his sister down, Gohan pressed the button. His clothes changed instantly to a whole new outfit. Checking himself out in the mirror Gohan couldn't help but be pleased with the new look.

He was wearing a black body suit that was so tight it was almost a second skin. The only area that it did hide a bit was the crotch, something Gohan was thankful for. Besides the body suit he also wore white gloves and a green tunic over his torso and a helmet on his head. Attached to his shoulders with the gold-colored buttons was a big red cape. The helmet left the lower part of his face open, meaning he'd have to mask his voice on his own. His eyes were covered behind a black visor, making it impossible for outsiders to see through it. Above the helmet there were a few antennas placed.

All in all Gohan could only think one thing of his new outfit. 'Cool!'. The kids' thoughts about the outfit were something else though. 'He looks funny' Bra thought, while Trunks was a bit more direct. 'He looks like a total idiot. Dad's going to die from laughter when he sees this.'

"Thanks Bulma, it looks great. Just what I had in mind. How do I change back to my normal clothes?"

"Just press the blue button. Now I've build in a few features for you. When you're wearing that suit, all calls to your cell phone will be transferred to your helmet. You can phone just like when you're using a hands-free-set so you won't give yourself away too much. Now I think you should be going, your mom is going to get worried if you stay gone for much longer."

"You're right. Thanks again. See you two next time."

"Right, bye." Trunks said.

"Goodbye Uncle Gohan, see you next time" Bra said, right before Gohan flew out the window.

As Gohan flew over Satan City again on the way back home he noticed a commotion on the street. Looking down he saw a car riding way too fast in the city, almost hitting both pedestrians and other cars alike. 'It's a miracle no-one got hurt yet.' Gohan thought.

'Well, I wanted to distract attention from the Gold Fighter, might as well start now.' With that he quickly dropped down and landed on the streets right in front of the car.

The driver noticed the strange man in black and green suddenly dropping from the sky, but he was way too late to hit the brakes. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to see the bloodbath this would become. As soon as he closed his eyes however, the car jerked forward violently. Looking again he saw the strange man with a foot on the front of the car. The entire car appeared to be dented around the man's foot.

Coming over his initial shock, the man jumped out of his car, followed by his friend and started yelling at the weird man.

"What do you think you're doing, jumping in front of a driving car like that? You could have given me a serious trauma with that you idiot."

"I should be asking that question to you, good sir" Gohan said, making his voice a few octaves higher to mask it, "What do you think you are doing driving like that in the city. You could have hurt someone. Follow the rules of traffic, they exist for a reason." Gohan said. As soon as he was finished however, both men suddenly collapsed with laughter.

"What on earth is this guy saying. And what are you wearing?" one of the men asked in between laughs. "I Think," the other answered, also looking for breath because of his laughs, "this guy wants to play superhero. You've got a name, Greenboy?"

"A name, good point. I hadn't thought of that yet." Gohan said, as he realized it. Immediately he started thinking. 'A nice, cool sounding name to go with my superhero persona.' He thought. 'I know.'

"I am…" he said, his voice taking on an overly dramatic change. "The Great Saiyaman".

As soon as he finished speaking, both men laughed even harder. "What kind of a name is that?" the driver mocked, all the while laughing. It was the last straw for Gohan as his temper suddenly fired up. He slammed his foot down with more force then he intended, trying to get their attention again. The result was a big crack in the concrete and the entire crowd gasped. The drivers suddenly stopped laughing as well.

"I put some thought into that name!" Gohan yelled as he slammed his foot down again. "Stop laughing!" As he looked around he saw that he had caused a massive crack in the ground and the car had become trapped in it. Feeling sorry for the unneeded damage he did to the car, he walked over. Both drivers jumped aside quickly as he calmly made his way over. He picked up the car with one hand and placed it back on save road easily. As he turned around to face the driver he saw they were already on the ground, bowing as low as they could go.

"Please forgive us. We never intended any harm to be done. We're very sorry" They quickly said.

"Just be sure to follow the rules of the road next time. I don't want to catch you doing bad things again." He answered, before shooting of into the sky. The police had arrived at the scene and the drivers would be taking in by them. Justice would be served to them. pleased with his performance, Gohan quickly flew home, intend on telling his brother and mother about his exciting first day of school.

Gohan's family had reacted exactly as he thought they would. His mother wasn't happy with it, but agreed as long as it didn't interfere with is studies and he'd keep the number of missed classes to a minimum. Goten looked like he had heard that he would have three birthday parties in a row when he heard his brother had become a superhero. He thought Gohan's outfit looked really cool and loved the name Saiyaman.

He had stayed up late with both of them discussing what he should and shouldn't do with him being a superhero, a student and an executive of CC.

The following morning Gohan arrived a bit early to check if there were any places near school he could easily use to fly from and to, disguised as Saiyaman. It would certainly remove some of the travel time. He could reach Satan City in about half an hour when taking it easy, but inside of the city, he had to walk. That costs him another 15 minutes.

'Well,' he thought, 'time to start school and hear the rumors about Saiyaman'

Videl Satan was pissed. She didn't like other people doing things for her. She was too proud for it. Yet yesterday, her job had been done before she could even arrive. TWICE, in one day. The day hadn't even started yet, but already she heard rumors flying around about the new superhero. A rather fuzzy picture was taken, showing the town's new superhero, going by the name of Sa-something-man. She had heard, but was too angry to really care.

As she walked into the classroom she saw Erasa had asked going to join them again. Truth be told, Videl didn't really mind. Because of her job with the police she was always a bit behind with her schoolwork. The teachers knew that and always gave her a break with the marks, often gaining more points then someone who had the exact same answers. She had tried copying Erasa's answers one time and she had scored a C+ while Erasa only had a C-. The explanation the Gohan had given on physics yesterday had helped her understand the stuff they were supposed to learn a lot better. She thought he explained it a lot clearer then the teacher, even answering a few questions that were being asked, both from the class and the teacher. There was no way on earth she was ever going to ask for someone to help her out, but with a little luck Erasa would ask and Videl could listen in. And he, unlike most other persons male or female, didn't immediately start treating her like a princess because of her father. Videl hated being treated like a princes almost as much as being helped with something.

The day progressed without any real problems, with the exception of Gohan's weird reaction when someone said that Saiyaman's name was 'Singingman'. Her silent hope that Erasa would ask Gohan to explain stuff was answered and Videl's mind was currently at an overflow about all the stuff Gohan had told Erasa and Videl. She was sure that eventually even Sharpener had started to listen. He really knew everything about any school subject, yet he completely failed to notice Erasa's advances on him.. She understood why he had gained perfect scores, he was almost the image of the perfect nerd. Bad social skills, but insane knowledge. The only thing off was that he was rather tall, along with sharpener he was the tallest guy in class actually, and the fact that he was quite good-looking, according to Erasa and almost all the other girls in the class. It wasn't until after lunch that her watch suddenly started beeping, indicating that the police needed her help again.

The captain quickly informed her of a gang taking a bus full of senior citizens hostage. She quickly jumped up and ran out of the classroom to go help out. Once on the roof she de-capsulized her jet copter and jumped in. she started the engines and set course for the buss station. After her father had approved of her acts as a crime fighter he had pulled some strings so she could have a jet copter pilot license and be allowed to fly in the city even though everyone else had to wait until they were 21 before being allowed to even try piloting one of these things. That was one of the few things Videl actually liked about being a celebrity, you get advantages.

Just before she could arrive however, the captain called her again. The gang had taken the bus and drove out of the city, towards some of the cliffs only a few miles removed from town. Videl quickly changed course to where her objective was now heading.

When Videl saw all the police gars going at top speed on a single car road outside of town, Videl knew she had reached her destination. She quickly speeded on towards the bus with the hostages. Just before she reached it however, she noticed something on her radar. Right behind her, there was another flying object approaching fast. Videl assumed it was just the news crew, coming for their story.

As she approached the bus, one of the crooks tried to shoot her. in her jet-copter she easily evaded the badly aimed gunfire. When she was hovering above the bus, she pressed the button to turn the copter back into a capsule. As she landed on top of the bus, she quickly grabbed the capsule and put it back in her pocket.

As soon as she put it in her pocket however, she had to jump back. Bullets were again being shot at her through the roof of the bus. Moving quickly, she jumped back a little and immediately moved to the side of the bus. She moved quickly and kicked through the window easily, throwing herself with the force. The shooter was stunned by her appearance for a second and raised his gun to fire at her.

That second was all Videl needed to close the distance and swiftly placed a powerful knee in his crotch. She had long ago learned that fighting by the fair rules of Martial Arts didn't always work with crooks like this. She grabbed his gun and tossed it out of the window. Quickly turning around, she dashed towards the 2 other gang members. One of them was short and the other was a giant. The giant was driving and as soon as Videl got close both the giant and the dwarf were involved in the fight. With her far superior abilities as a fighter, Videl easily defeated the two, knocking them both out cold.

It was one of the seniors that suddenly asked her a question. "Videl, dear, now that you've knocked out the driver, who's driving?"

Turning she saw that the massive robber still had his foot on the pedal and the vehicle was now going at top speed, right towards the cliff's edge. Not being able to drive a car, let alone a bus, Videl did the only thing that she could.

She screamed as the bus flew over the edge, waiting for death to come claim her in a big crash. It never came.

When Videl noticed that she wasn't falling anymore, she started looking around for an explanation. It came when she heard a voice, sounding to weird to be natural.

"Is everyone all right in there?" She quickly moved to the source of the sound and found a strange person flying underneath the bus, holding it up with his hands. 'Who's this guy? And better yet, how can he do that?' she thought, although she was eternally grateful for him appearing at that moment.

The strange helmet-wearing man kindly put the bus back on the ground causing not even the smallest of shocks. As soon as there was save ground to stand on all the elderly people stepped out of the bus and started taking pictures of there savior. Looking him over once, Videl saw that this person was defiantly male and, from the look of his arms, no stranger to work outs.

"My apologies for scaring you all like that. But I feared that, if I stopped the bus before it went over the cliff, the sudden stop would have caused quite a bit of damage." He said, again speaking overly dramatic.

"Thank you." Videl said as the old people finally calmed down a bit. "But who are you?"

"Of course." He said as he took a few steps back. "Allow me to introduce myself." Suddenly he took on a strange pose, turning around to show them his back and bended over, looking back at them upside down through his legs. His arms were both spread out beside him.

"I am…" he changed pose, now standing on both his legs again, crouched down and held his hands above his helmet, fingers pointing towards his nose. "The Great Saiyaman!"

'Way too cool! She'll never be able to recover from that' Saiyaman thought.

He was right in a way. Videl was stunned from how Saiyaman had acted, but it wasn't because it was so cool. 'This guy is a total moron.' she thought.

Before she could voice her opinion, however Saiyaman jumped up and flew of. 'What the? That's the second superstrong superhero that flies of in two days. What's going on in this city?'

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