/ Movies / TRIAL READS



Movies 5 Chapters 10.1K Views
Author: Rala_Beast

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the reason why I posted this one chapter fanfic as the name suggest is for trial reads, where you guys tell me whether you want or not, then I will rank all the liked fanfic in order of which they are coming up next,( after u am done with the one I am currently doing).

all of mu fanfics are not going to exceed 100 chapters by much since I have a pretty good reason for it.

anyway the way the voting will work is I will post one chapter from each fanfic and you guys will be given two choices, one is that YES we want this or NOT YET I would like x fanfic to come first, see how I didn't include a NO option, well that is because I am writing these fanfics whether you like it or not.

the edits of each chapter might not be good since due to my experience and the lack of an editor but it will improve as I gain experience.

they might be something you might notice with each character, if you know, you know

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>15,000 words needed for ranking.

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Author Rala_Beast