"Luo Sheng, do you still remember me? Luo Sheng..."
Luo Sheng glanced at Long Jie weakly and said in a husky voice, "Long Jie!"
"Thank God!" seeing that Luo Sheng was mentally stable, Long Jie immediately clasped her hands together. "Do you know how badly you scared us?"
Luo Sheng lay frozen in bed, completely confused about how he got hurt and what had happened. He tried his best to remember the night before, but apart from the image of blinding lights, he couldn't remember a thing.
"Did I get hurt?"
"Yes, you were injured pretty seriously," Long Jie nodded. "But, you don't need to worry. You're doctor is extremely skilled in medicine and he will definitely cure you."
Luo Sheng reached out his hand to touch his head and discovered it was wrapped in a thick bandage.
Apart from that, his right eye was also wrapped up.
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