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tree of Souls tree of Souls original

tree of Souls

Author: Tristen_Balentine_9314

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: the day I lost my Village

I woke up to my big sister suky she was pulling me out of my bed there  was fire all over the house we ran out the door when we got outside the whole village was in engulfed in flames black clouds took over the cool morning air the villagers were in a fight with an enemy village I was so scared the screams of the villagers being slaughtered  echoed all around me who would do this to us that was the one thing on my mind 

Suky " kiki come on we need to live 

      Suky voices came there the chaos like knives  when I nodes her pulling my hand we ran out of the villagers the back some covered are screen we ran into the forest I looked around to see that the flowers that looked so beautiful this time of year  were no more than  ash blowing in the wind my heart was pounding out of my chest  we  came to a stop I grade my legs trying  to catch my breath. 

Kiki " why were they attacking us four" 

Suky " i don't know but we cant sat here"   

When  the two girls  were talking a arrow  came out of the trees Suky  pushed kiki out of the way the arrow hit the ground next to her  kiki are you ok suky said as she pulled out her sword two more arrow came at her she spun around and split her sword in two and cut the arrows in haif Suky than took her sword  and through it in the direction of the attacker when the sword  was in the air electricity engulfed  the sword as it went through the air it almost look like a buzzsaw when it cut the tree in two the attacker came out of hiding  the attacker look to be female she was about 4.6  she was wearing a gray cloak her eyes was a blood red color the bow that was in her hand  was gold and silver trim was around it it look to be made of damascus steel


Suky " who are you and way are you attacking us four "?

The girl don't say a word to suky she just  looked at her with a cold gaze in her red eyes the girl  pulled bake on her bow and started to chaten

The girl "  give me the power to pierced through the sun and  send a flaming valley of arrows through my enemies"  

 A arrows the was made of  fire manifested in her bow when she let go of  the bow strain  a valley of flaming arrows  cam at suky 

Suky " twilight shield"  suky shouted when she put her sword into  the ground  a wall made of black lightning cam to shield her from the attacking  then the girl  jump bake and pull out a  rapier form  her cloak she then run at suky the two  girls clashed sword Sparks were flying when the two girls keeped clashing together   they were moving so fast that my eyes can barely keep up  suky kick the girl in her stomach  and knock her back into a tree then she grabbed  the sword  that she through   at the girl   she then took  her to sword  and made  a x shape  and started to chant  

Suky " to the one that rules over the sky I ask that you send your unclenching rage and strike down my enemies what's Black Lightning now Twilight storm" the sky  went black and Black Lightning rain down on the girl  

 We thought  that we it was over but we thought  wrong when  a arrow cam out of the smoke  and hit suky in the leg  it dropped her to the ground the girl woken  out of the smoke  and stop at suky she took  her Rapier  "kiki no suky" I said  when  run in front  of the two  of them  her red  eyes  were  staring me down with killing intent   the girl raised her sword apparent strike us down when all of a sudden the sound of a horn appeared in the distance the girl then retracted her sword back into the sheath I'm turn around and walked off without even a second look me and suky ran back to the Village what we saw was horrifying the whole village was reduced to nothing not a man will not show is Left Alive although I laid on the ground was black Corpses burnt in the fire the air was thick with the smell of smoke can blood I dropped to my knees in  tears 

Kiki  " grandma no please  do  die no grandma " it was all I could say when I found my grandma's dead body tears flowing out my eyes like Rivers my sister  suky  put her  hand on my shoulder  suky " we can't leave him like this  we need  to bury the bodies it took us three days to bury the whole village by that time I didn't have one tear left to cry I asked Suki this anyway you could bring them back 

Suky" yes but I don't know if it's true or not discipline called The Soul tree that's Eddy Grant any wish that you could think of but no one has seen the tree 4 over a hundred years kiki" we need  to find   it I will  bring  bring everyone back

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