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44.07% Treasures of Heaven and Earth / Chapter 62: Judging Merit

Chapter 62: Judging Merit

The Elders looked at one another in consternation. "Our Sect has always been led by merit," answered another in indignation, "are you throwing away the traditions of our ancestors?" A rumble of approval from the others followed this question.

Before Dàilán could reply, Chénli spoke from behind her. "As Heir Guard, I am forced to observe that no attempt has yet been made, to judge my Mistress on her own merits."

Dàilán turned her head and shot Chénli a grateful glace, accompanied by the oddest sensation that the unseen watcher was cheering, before taking a deep breath and re-seating herself.

"If it is a question of judging merit," came a now familiar bass from above her, "as Head Guard, I wish to offer the following evidence into this… discussion."

Another Elder stood, but his expression was one of confusion rather than polite challenge. "I was not aware you have had any dealing with… the Heir?"

There was a wave of muttering at the Elder's use of her title, but most of the Elders seemed more focused on the Head Guard's response.

"Before today, I had not," admitted the deep voice, "However as you are, I was concerned about Heir Dàilán's suitability for her role. So in my capacity as Head Guard I observed the possible threat to the Sect without their knowledge - as I have done at times for each of the Elders seated here."

There was an uncomfortable silence as each of the Elders seemed to look away from the dais, in which the soft sound of rustling cloth and stone clinking as the Head Guard moved was very clear - then a prickle of Essence swept out and a faint Essence illusion appeared in the centre of the semicircle of Elders in front of the dais.

It took Dàilán a moment to recognise herself and Chénli seated in the antechamber - it was from an odd angle, which Dàilán realised had to have been through the other door the Head Guard had later entered from.

Chénli's quick hiss of breath told Dàilán she was likely distressed that she had not detected the Head Guard observing them. The heiress was more concerned that their strategising was about to be revealed.

However, when the illusionary 'her' opened with the words "...You mentioned Sect History…" she had to lift a hand quickly to her face and turn towards Chénli and her Grandfather to hide her amusement, echoed by the sensations she kept feeling. 'I sometimes teach lessons'; indeed.

Chénli's face was pale, but she relaxed on seeing her mistress' expression. Her Grandfather's face was set in hard lines with a furrowed brow, but she could see his eyebrows rising, accompanied by increased muttering from the Elders as the illusionary discussion continued.

When the Head Guard pointedly ended the soul tablet illusion on his declaration that Dàilán understood Founder's intent better than people who had lived their lives in the Sect, the Hall was filled with cries of astonishment, outrage - and from a couple Elders, laughter and shouts of agreement.

"If we are talking about merit," rumbled out the voice of the Head Guard, instantly silencing the commotion, its tone heavy with irony, "it would not be the Heir I would seek to remove from Council."

"Her Guard probably told her what to say," shouted the first Elder who had spoken.

"This coming from someone who clearly failed their observation training," one of the female Elders, "the body language clearly from both subjects shows otherwise. Sit down before you make an even bigger fool of yourself."

A different Elder spoke up, "The Heir clearly has the right mindset and she may have been able to learn our customs, history, customs and regulations from her Mother or her Guard. But she is also clearly young, female and noble. The nobles do not allow their women to practice battle techniques. This is at the core of our concern."

Another rumble of agreement circled the room. The female Cultivator that had not yet spoken looked over at the speaker and drawled, "I will ignore the suggestion that being a female can be considered a negative and concede the Noble." She fixed Dàilán with a gimlet stare, "What about it, girl? You may be young, but if you have been training with those worthless Empty Vase Cultivation techniques, it is already too late for you. You cannot hold the Heir position."

"I have maintained my training as taught to me by my Mother," replied Dàilán respectfully, feeling a proud approval from that unseen source, "My Father has supported my training as a Male Heir as agreed with my Mother. My Guard has acted as a trainer and supervisor." She bowed towards the female Elder, "I thank the Elder for her relevant question."

The Elder snorted, but returned the bow. The other Female Cultivator leaned forward, "Bah. Any fool can fight. It takes skill and practice to determine justice. Have you trained in investigative techniques and methods? Can you identify a cause of death, poison, weapons, evil techniques? Can you read body language and tell truth from falsehood to render true judgement? Do you know how to be an Enforcer?"

There was another chorus of agreement and Dàilán inclined her head, wondering why the sensations suddenly seemed apologetic. "I have been training as a Clan Heir, in politics and business, between Clans and internally within a Clan. There is some crossover in the areas you mention, but I have much yet to learn. Fortunately, in that respect, my age is an asset."

"Most of the mid Earth scouts of her age probably have less skill in those areas than the Heir does," remarked a robust middle aged Elder, "look at how skilfully she has managed this discussion. Are not most of them only taking basics in investigation and politics now? She can match that level quickly if she is to be at the Sect from now on."

Dàilán winced as an almost audible feeling of disagreement rushed through her. "I am afraid my Father will not agree to my moving into the Sect, honoured Elder. I still have duties as Clan Heir to be responsible for."

There was a round of disgruntled muttering, "This is why it is inappropriate for this person to be Sect Heir," a rail-thin Elder with a severe cast to his features said flatly, "She cannot give her all to the Sect and her loyalty is split. Let us not make the same mistake as we did with her Mother."

The Heiress tightened her grip on the armrests and fought to keep her expression level as there was a sudden familiar roaring of anger at the back of her head. Part of her wanted to stand up and walk straight out of the Sect. It was not as if she wanted to be the Sect Heir, but the situation had not given her many options - unless she wished to risk alienating her Grandfather and depriving Guan of any chance of support.

Her Grandfather's voice cracked out like thunder, "You forget yourself. This Council supported my daughter's choices - indeed, due to the prophecy, we demanded it. My granddaughter is here to take up her duties at my request, not out of any ambition of her own. Guan's interests align with ours and I am satisfied that the Heir is a true Knife."

"How can she be a true Knife, when she has only received partial training? Or passed her Novice examination?" demanded the same Elder, "not only that, she expects she can go back to the soft life of a noble woman - she would never survive as one of us."

"You mean to say all the sect members who are not currently ranked Enforcers are not true members of the sect," questioned Chénli from behind her, sarcasm heavy in her voice, "that must be new policy I was unaware of."

There was a round of agreeing, sarcastic laughter from most of the other Elders directed at the Elder who had claimed passing the Enforcer's examination was a primary concern. One of the others, who had not spoken yet, remarked casually, "I shall remember your stance on this next time you come to the Healer's Hall, Elder Jia."

"Or the Forging Master's," growled out another muscular Elder who had been quiet up to now, "What say you, Formations Hall?"

"I say this behaviour is unbecoming of the Council," responded a taller Elder who had also remained silent. Dàilán had seen him quietly observing her but not speaking through the meeting.

The demanding elder sprang to his feet, anger clear in his movements, "You twist my words. Unless the Heir," this last word was said with an ironic lilt, "chooses to become a Formations Master, a Master Healer or a Forging Master and thus take their examinations instead, then she must pass the Enforcer examination."

"I actually have some abilities with Formations, Senior," responded Dàilán pleasantly, her mind racing as the anger settled into a heavy watchfulness almost completely focused on the Elders, her words causing the next round of disagreements to pause, "though it is not my strongest area of expertise."

The distinct concept of setting a trap suddenly dropped into her mind along with a strong feeling, prompting her to say something else, "You may set your mind at ease however, as I recently took the Examination independently, with the Heir Guard as sponsor. The after Order report was reviewed by the Sect Leader personally. I understand that I - have - actually passed the Novice Examination, Grandfather?"

The protesting Elder stiffened as her Grandfather stood from his seat. "In part - that is some of what I wished to announce at this meeting - my Granddaughter has successfully passed her Novice Examination."

"Before any thick headed person starts to question the validity of the Examination," the deep voice of the Head Guard rumbled across the audience Hall, "I also reviewed the after Order report and can confirm that the Examination was passed."

The Elder who had made the pointed remark about Healers earlier stood, "I have also reviewed the report as Head Healer - and I agree that the Heir passed… the Novice Examination."

There was a collective withdrawing of the Elders into their seats at this. Apparently the word of the Head Healer was considered especially weighty.

"Everyone is aware of your integrity, Head Healer," said one of the female Elders who had spoken earlier, bowed slightly in respect, "that is sufficient for me."

She stood and bowed towards the Sect Leader and the Heir. "I believe that the Council should accept the Heir. Her continued training can be organised during the closer dealings with the Gi Heir that this Council has already discussed - activities that, I should remind the Council - are due in no small part to the Heir's actions."

At this, a heavyset elder who had remained quiet up to this point rose slowly from his seat. "While it is good to know that the Heir is taking her responsibilities more seriously, I believe it would be appropriate for the Council to view the Examination report as well, before we make a decision."

Dàilán winced internally, as the sensations she had been noticing seemed to narrow down with razor sharpness onto this Elder, focusing on keeping her expression tranquil. If they had a traitor on the Council, it would be - bad - to show the events of the trip up to the Sect, this morning. She probably should not have mentioned it… but she was almost certain she knew - what, or rather whom, she had been sensing now.

"Due to Sect-Level security concerns, that is not possible. Access to the report is restricted by my authority as Head Guard," the Head Guard's voice sounded like boulders rolling down a cliff side.

"That…" the heavyset elder seemed taken aback, "surely that is somewhat inappropriate?"

"It is not inappropriate," the Head Healer's voice sounded out again, "I strongly recommended such a restriction myself on viewing the report. As the Sect Leader concurs, further discussion on a sect-level security matter without approval would be considered treasonous."

Dàilán was thinking furiously, the watchful feeling growing stronger - almost like watching a great cat crouching for a pounce - and giving her a sense of security. Perhaps a false trail would ease this difficulty - and if she was careful everything she said would be true.

"Honoured Council," she said into the tense atmosphere, before anyone else could speak, "recent events have occurred - involving Clan Guan, which have caused substantial damage to its reputation and standing. However, I have investigated - and it seems more than likely that whatever enemies are attacking Guan are actually attempting to strike at the Sect by targeting me - as they did my Mother. My Examination was… affected by this. This level of threat to the Sect is the reason the details of my Examination have been sealed. I delivered the information to my Grandfather who immediately convened this meeting."

The Elders seemed taken aback looking back and forth and muttering to each other as a displeased clearing of the throat came from Grandfather behind her.

"I take it the results of your investigation are sealed to avoid alerting those behind the threat," surmised the female Cultivator who had asked about her skills in examining and judging previously, "that would indicate you are concerned about an information leak from this Council."

The female Cultivator's eyes brightened, "Girl, you are watching to see if even this much gets leaked, are you not? It seems I misjudged you - you are much more subtle than your mother was - I would be happy to have you as a student."

Dàilán bowed, and spoke firmly, "Honoured Elders, I came here aware that I could not remain apart from the Sect any longer, but neither can I neglect my duties as either Heir. So I propose a compromise. I ask that the Council approve a small, rotating presence of the Sect within Third House Guan - as Heir I have the Authority to permit this, especially within my own courtyard."

The Heiress paused as a new round of conversations sprang up. The tone of these seemed much more approving. She took a deep breath, "I would ask for experts from the Sect if possible, to allow me to study those areas I need to learn in Sect matters. This would also make it more difficult for those orchestrating these attacks to succeed."

"This could be combined with our arrangements with Gi Clan," pointed out the Sect Leader, "I for one feel this is an excellent notion. The Sect has remained quiet too long and obviously someone feels we are easily bullied. Let us disabuse them of the notion."

"I do have two conditions, however," Dàilán spoke clearly over the growing conversation. Time to set the trap, she thought - the question was if the prey had taken the bait.

The audience hall quieted and the Elders looked at her with considering gazes. "You are bold to ask so much of us," remarked the heavyset Elder, even as a now recognisable roaring seemed to reverberate through her skull.

"And yet you ask much of me," shot back the Heir, with equal gravity, "I only ask that any members of the Sect sent to the Guan Clan pass through the Heart of the Sect while under close observation by the Head Guard and Heir Guard. Anyone who passes through successfully themselves can also join the observation."

"That…" the heavyset Elder's eyes flicked about.

Dàilán took a deep breath. If she was wrong about this… she suppressed the thought and acted before she could talk herself out of it. She stood from her chair, concentrating on what she wanted - and that feeling of the unseen watcher as hard as she could as she called out.

"Senior! Please bring everyone observing this meeting to you."

There was a wrenching and twisting… and she was somewhere else.

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