[Location: Somewhere in Europe] [3rd POV]
Gripping the three vials, she breathed in deeply and downed them all at the same time, while Alice watched with a nervous expression on her face. Immediately after downing the three vials of mystery liquid, she felt pain assault her being. Gritting her teeth, she struggled to stay standing, as pain coursed through her, and her senses began to rapidly increase.
With gritted teeth, Lucifer's eyes began to glow a powerful blood red, and a blood red energy like cycloe surrounded her being. She was forced into unconsciousness as her body began to rework and evolve itself, combining, assimilating, and absorbing the new species.
Alice watched all of this with worried eyes, as she watched Lucifer be surrounded by some sort of cyclone of energy. She couldn't get close, as she could literally sense the danger from the cyclone/tornado of what appeared to be blood.
Slowly, the cylcone of energy began to cease and dissipate, and standing there was Lucifer, glowing blood red eyes with a slit in the middle of them. But more imoprtantly, she had a black and red substance covering her right side, with what appeared to be eyes glowing within it, before it blinked and disappeared.
Taking in a deep breath, Lucifer slowly reopened her eyes. Blurring, she reappeared next to the slightly worried Alice. Alice blinked in slight surprise, before looking up at the softy smiling Lucifer "I'm alright, love" Lucifer softly said, stroking Alice's cheek. Alice stared and noticed that Lucifer's eyes now seemed to have a permanent blood red color to them, except they weren't glowing.
"Are you sure? That look like it hurt" Alice asked, a worried expression on her face. Lucifer just chuckled and pecked her on the lips "I feel better than ever. Now, let's get going, love" Lucifer said, with a calming smile. Alice noticing that Lucifer was telling the truth, smiled and grasped Lucifer's hand, ready to leave back to Forks.
Sitting in her private jet, with Alice cuddled into her side, softly snoring, Lucifer leaned back into her seat. 'I think father might be a daughter-con, giving me a gift like that. Makes me half tempted to go to a world like the MCU. But, Alice looks way to excited to go to Legacies or Winx Saga, to take that from her' Lucifer thought, smiling softly as she ran her hand through her wifes hair.
'Now that I basically have the powers of Alucard, Cadis, and Muzaka, I really don't need anything more, not for a while at least. An ability that lets me combine my powers, and even species, would be best. Next would be something that can make Alice stronger, and then more passive abilities would be for the best. But that's not really that important, not with the next worlds I'm going to. Neither are particularly strong, and will just be for some fun, mainly for Alice' Lucifer thought, knowing that she was way too strong for either of those worlds to be any real threat to her.
The only beings in those worlds that can be a problem to her, is the gods from TVD, and potentially the dragon flame from Winx Saga. Besides that, there isn't much else in those worlds that can actually be a threat to her existence. They also had some minor powers that could be of use to her, but it mostly came down to Alice, and her desire to travel to them. She doubted she would be in either world for that long, as she'd much rather stay in a world like the MCU or Harry Potter, if staying for years at a time.
For now though, she decided to just get back to Forks, and spend her last few days in this world, in peace.
[Even later]
After some more time of flying, the two had finally landed back in Forks. Looking down at her sleeping wife, Lucifer softly spoke "Love, we're here" Alice whined at the attempt at waking her, before Lucifer softly shook her, causing her to slowly sit up and rub her eyes, with a pout, and displeasure clear in her eyes, not liking the fact that she was woken up.
"*Yawn* What?" Alice yawned out, causing Lucifer to chuckle "We've just landed, love" Lucifer said, causing Alice to blink in surprise, before shaking off her tiredness.
"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Alice said, jumping to her feet, causing Lucifer to fondly roll her eyes at her wifes reaction.
Getting out of the plane, Lucifer and Alice walked to Lucifer's car that she parked in the airport, before getting in and driving off. The Cullens already waiting for them at the Cullen home.
Driving for a little while, Lucifer slowly pulled the car into the Cullen driveway, while the two could hear the family already waiting for them. Getting out of the car, the two walked to the front door and opened it, before hearing the loud "Welcome home!" The Cullen family said, happy expressions on their faces.
Alice giggled happily at the little welcome home party they had set up. It had been two months, afterall.
Carlisle walked forward and gave Lucifer a short hug, before asking "How was the honeymoon?"
Glancing at her wife, who was quietly whispering with Rosalie, Bella, and Esme, Lucifer smiled "Perfect" Carlisle smiled at the response, before leading them upstairs.
Sitting on the couch, Rosalie was the first person to speak "Where did you go for the honeymoon?" Rosalie asked, as the two were pretty quiet about where they were going, the only thing that they revealed was that they were traveling a LOT.
"Everywhere! We went to South America, Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, and even Antartica!" Alice said, before showing them the pictures she took with some penguins. "We also met a bunch of other vampires as well! Not all of them were friendly though..." Alice said, remembering the times that Lucifer slaughtered full covens of vampires that tried to attack them.
"And I suspsect you mimicked some new gifts?" Carlisle asked, causing Lucifer to nod with a grin "Oh it was more than just "some"...and we also got a wedding gift from a special someone" Alice hearing this, turned to Lucifer, who nodded, causing Alice to grin and stand up.
Watching her with confusion, the Cullens jaws dropped as two light fairy wings sprouted from Alice's back, and small specks of light floated off her hands "Luci's made me a fairy! And Luci got way stronger too!" Alice said with a happy smile, making a small rainbow with the light she was forming.
"A-and you're still a vampire?" Bella asked, awe clear in her eyes. Alice smiled with a nod. The others looked at her with silent awe, but slowly got their expressions under control. "So you're a fairy and not a pixie then?" Emmett asked with a smirk on his face.
Alice pouted at the teasing "Hey! I am a fairy! Not a pixie!" Lucifer hearing this, faked a sad expression "Oh, and here I thought you enjoyed being my pixie" Alice hearing this, turned to Lucifer and rapidly shook her head "I'm still your pixie!" Lucifer hearing this, slowly smirked, causing Alice to blink in realization and pout.
"Meanie" Alice pouted, looking the other way. Lucifer just softly chuckled and pecked her on the head. The others watched with amusement clear in their eyes.
"Who gave you such a thing?" Carlisle asked, as he realized that it was a gift from someone else. Hearing the question, Alice responded "Luci's dad" The others eyes widened in shock "Bu-but I thought he was you know..."
"He's omniscient Bella, he knew what was going to happen before it did. I'm assuming he made it before hand, and had it sent here to after our honeymoon finished" Lucifer answered, causing the Cullens (Plus Leah and Bella), to nod at this.
"Now, let's eat!"
[1 month later]
One final month had passed, and quite a lot had happened. For one, Leah had proposed to Bella, and the two had married. Bella had also been turned into a vampire, the Underworld kind, without the sunlight weakness, and slightly stronger. The transition into a vampire had taken Bella a bit to get ued to, but after getting used to it, she found that she thoroughly enjoyed it.
Today however, was a special day. It was the day that Alice and Lucifer were finally leaving. For what world? That was a surprise. They had already gotten everything needed packed up, and were pretty much completely ready to leave. All that was needed now, was to say goodbye to the Cullens, and then leave. Which is exactly what they were doing right now.
Standing in the backyard of their home, Lucifer and Alice looked to what was their family "Are you two really leaving?" Bella asked, a sad glint in her eyes. Looking at the eachother, Alice and Lucifer nodded "It's time we leave and do something new" Lucifer said, causing Bella to sigh in resignation.
"We're going to see you in a year, right?" Emmett asked, causing them to nod "At most a year" Lucifer responded. Carlisle smiled softly, knowing that it was pointless to try and persuad them otherwise.
"Please take care of yourselves" Carlisle softly said, causing Alice to sniffle slightly and hug the man "I'm going to miss you...dad" Carlisle hugged her back, before Emmett said "Group hug!" After hearing this, the rest of the family moved forward, and did one big group hug. Lucifer chuckled at this, and joined the hug.
"I love you guys" Alice said softly, before they all separated. Moving to Lucifer's side, they held hands, turned around to the family, before Lucifer softly spoke "You ready, love? This is going to feel weird"
Alice nodded "I'm ready" Alice responded, holding Lucifers hand tightly.
Upon hearing this, Lucifer smiled softly, before softly uttering the words. A glow emanated off of her, as she thought 'Time for a new adventure' The glow began to rotate around the two, taking the form of two golden angel wings made of pure energy.
"Begin world travel"
That is that! This is the end of the first volume/book. Whether or not this gets continued immediately, is completely up to you guys, as I'll be doing a poll across all of my sites I post on, with Patreon votes being payed attention to the most. That patreon poll will be over by sometime next week, during this time, the unique gamers travel fic will be updated daily.
Sorry if the ending was bad, but I have never ever gotten this far into a fic, and certainly have never finished one. I'm not the best at endings if you can't tell. Personally, I'd probably prefer to either do daily uploads for the unique gamers travel fic, or the young justice fic takes this ones place.
This fic, while having ups and downs, was truly the first fic to get this far, and to finish to this extent. I hope to continue it in the future, but it's truly up to all of you, and the votes. The next world would also be chosen by a vote, as I noticed that quite a few people didn't find the idea of Winx Saga being the next world, to be good.
Sorry about the super late upload. It was my brothers birthday yesterday, and I ended up falling asleep and only woke up just an hour ago.
Anyways, thank y'all so much for supporting this fic, even when it gets bad! See you tomorrow, please point out any mistakes!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)
Current Universe - ?????????
Current Location - Forks, Washington State.
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy, Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentement, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illussionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Visual Projections, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, Combat Perception, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, Pain Depravation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation, Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honesty Sensory, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Decision Manipulation, Truth Inducement, Illusionary Distraction, Illusionary Poisoning, Mental Imprisonment, Balance Deprivation, Visual Contortion, Emotion Deprivation, Impulsive Rage, Tracking Allurance.
Mate - Alice Cullen
Thanks for all the support!
[Location: ???????????] [3rd POV]
Within a small suburban street, there was nothing but the sounds of birds chirping, as the morning sun began to rise. This serene atmosphere was interrupted, as slowly a golden glow, and loud *WOOSH* sound erupted from a small corner of the street, out of sight.
As the glow ceased, two women stood there, one was tall, toned, and had blood red eyes. The other was short, adorable, and had golden eyes.
Slowly beginning to look around, the shorter woman spoke up first "Where are we, Luci?" The shorter woman, recognizable as Alice, asked.
Lucifer, the taller woman, hearing this, replied "It seems it worked, love. We're exactly where I wanted us to be" Lucifer said, smiling as she pointed at a small sign.
Gasping, Alice couldn't help but look at Lucifer with excitement in her eyes "Are we in Harry Potter?!"
Hearing the excited tone, and seeing her wifes face, Lucifer chuckled "Yep. I know that you initially wanted to go to the Winx Saga, but after becoming a fairy, you wanted something different, so, I thought this would be the right kind of different" Alice, hearing this, smiled and gave Lucifer a big hug.
Still hugging Lucifer, Alice couldn't help but ask "Does this mean we're near where Harry is?"
"We should be, why?" Lucifer replied, while finishing with a question.
"Can we go see him? Or help him?" Alice asked, not wanting the young boy to suffer at the hands of the Durselys, like he did in canon.
Hearing this, Lucifer softly smiled "I don't see why not, but first, let's get situated, okay?" Alice, hearing this, nodded, knowing that Lucifer needed to think over the current situation.
'Seeing as we're in Harry Potter first, the next step is to figure out whether or not this is a canon universe, as I didn't specify it as one, when traveling. After that, I'll need to get some blood from a witch, so that I can become one. Seems that the assimilation process for them is quite easy in this verse. Also looks like I'll be getting my next five powers, when Harry goes to Hogwarts, in the first year. Finally, I'll have to get to Gringotts, and see if father left me anything, like I'm expecting' Lucifer thought, while Alice watched with a giggle at her wifes thinking face.
'The five powers picked, need to be something that could help Alice, as well. Maybe something like power sharing, or species sharing. After that, I should try and get the age steal power I wanted, where I get the age of those I kill, combine that with age improvement, and it will get very powerful, very quickly. I basically have infinite potential, so it will never stop improving me. The most important ability would be the power to combine my gifts and powers together, to get something stronger. The amount of gifts I have right now is a bit ridiculous, with most of them being useless. Speaking of gifts...I wonder if Alice's works here' Lucifer continued her thoughts, before smiling and turning to Alice.
"Alright, I'm done thinking. Before anything though, do you know if your gift still works here?" Lucifer asked, causing Alice to blink before stopping.
"I think so, I haven't gotten a vision yet, but I don't see why I wouldn't be able to" Alice said, causing Lucifer to humm and nod, before Alice asked a question she had had for a while "Why haven't you ever copied my gift?"
Hearing the question, Lucifer just shrugged "I'd rather be able to control whether or not I have visions. Plus, it feels like I'm taking advantage of you, if I do that"
Alice, hearing this, giggled "It's not taking advantage of me, if I say you can do it. But I guess having uncontrollable visions might get annoying for someone who hasn't had it for their whole life. Why not get an ability that can let you perfectly control your abilities, without them going out of control or anything?"
Lucifer blinked a few times, as she began to process what her wife had just said. "I-I'm an idiot" Lucifer said, facepalming, causing Alice to giggle louder. Taking her face out of her palm, Lucifer looked to Alice and pecked her on the lips "While you, are a little genius"
Alice smiled at this. "Can we walk around now?" Alice asked, really wanting to see more of Privet Drive. Harry Potter was one of her favorite movies and books that Lucifer had introduced her to, with Harry being her favorite, alongside Luna. Luna sorta reminded her of herself a bit, and Harry was...Harry. The fact that Edward had a doppelganger in this universe, was a bit of a shock, but Alice knew that they were not at all the same people.
"Of course, love" Lucifer said, holding out her hand for Alice, who had accepted it. All they had on them was two backpacks, which had some basic clothes, and the technology Lucifer had given her, as she had a feeling it would still work, no matter the universe.
Walking through the small neighborhood/street, the two noticed people beginning to walk around, going for morning bike rides, and such. The two continued to walk around the rather quiet neighborhood, before Lucifer abruptly stopped, and turned her head in a direction, a frown marring her features.
"What is it, Luci?" Alice asked.
"I smell...blood" Lucifer said, her senses were drastically stronger than that of Alice's, allowing her to sense from FAR farther than her. It was to the point that she would be able to smell things from literal miles away. Hearing this, Alice frowned "It's early morning, what could have happened?"
"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about it" Lucifer said, before turning to Alice, who softly smiled "Want to go and see what it is?" Lucifer nodded, causing Alice to motion for her to direct.
Beginning to walk alongside Alice, Lucifer slowly led them to a small alley out of the way of the sight of others. Walking into the alley, Alice breathed in deeply as the rich scent of blood entered her nose.
Walking slowly, Lucifer breathed in deeply as she turned the corner, finding a small girl, coated in what looked to be her own blood, pale as can be, and seemingly unconscious or asleep. Gasping, Alice had small tears well up in her eyes at the sight. A small snarl escaped Lucifer's lips at the sight, before she moved forward and crouched down in front of the girl.
Slowly, Lucifer checked the girl's pulse, noting how faint it was. Before she looked, and found multiple bites covering her abdomen, seemingly from a canine of some sort, probably a large dog. 'Who would do this to a young girl?' Lucifer thought, as she cut her finger, and slowly let a singular drop of blood flow out, before it healed.
Floating the drop of blood above her palm with telekinesis, Lucifer softly opened the young girl's mouth, before allowing her droplet of blood to drop into it. 'This girl is definitely a witch, no normal human can survive these wounds, for this long, least of all a young girl' Lucifer thought, before sighing in slight relief as the girl began to rapidly heal from her powerful blood.
Looking around at the blood, Lucifer sighed, wondering if she should take some of it, before deciding against it. She didn't feel comfortable taking blood from a seemingly 7-8 year old girl. Especially not from a girl that was on the cusp of dying a moment ago.
Seeing the girl begin to heal, Alice sighed in relief, before asking the question both of them were having.
"Who is she?"
___________________________________________Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
That's the end of the first chapter for volume 2!
Any guesses on who the young girl is?
Don't worry, Lucifer will get the blood of a witch soon, as well as some others in the future.
Before anyone asks, yes, this is a HEAVY AU, as voted by the patreon peeps. Most of this will be completely OC, with some canon events still happening. Lucifer will begin to get magically powerful very soon.
Not sure if next chapter's going to be longer, but we'll see
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)
Current Universe - Harry Potter
Current Location - Privet Drive, England
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy, Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentment, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illusionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Visual Projections, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, Combat Perception, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, Pain Deprivation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation, Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honesty Sensory, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Decision Manipulation, Truth Inducement, Illusionary Distraction, Illusionary Poisoning, Mental Imprisonment, Balance Deprivation, Visual Contortion, Emotion Deprivation, Impulsive Rage, Tracking Allurance.
Mate/Wife - Alice Cullen
pelt me with your stones!
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