One moment, he was on his way to job interview, and the next moment, Arthur found himself gasping for breadth and vision blackened. He then heard a bell sound and a grudd voice saying, "Next." He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a huge hall gilded with gold and precious stones dazzling as midnight stars.There were numerous counters with people or various gender and age queuing in it.He noticed he was the one to be called and subconsciously went.Behind the counter he saw a bespectacled creature quite like a mix between Goblin and House elf of harry potter movies.It was looking closely at him and then at a file on its desk then back at him.It suddenly exclaimed "DAMMIT! " And dialled in an antique telephone nearby and shouted, "PROTOCOL 666 , COUNTER 127868!".It then looked at be with a look mixed with pity and jealousy.
Suddenly, a group of similar looking creatures came from behind the counter and escorted me to a room where an old looking creature was sitting in a high table. "You might be wondering what is happening, Mr Arthur. Due to an accident, you died before your time is due.As such, you escaped from the clutches of fate .Where you were before was the atrium of Afterlife, where you would usually be processed where you should be sent. Since you are a special case, you are being given a choice.You can either move on after getting your memory wiped and enter reincarnation or you can act as an agent of after life for next two lifetimes and gain a entry ticket to elysium directly with a clause that you don't stain your soul with evil in those said life times.The choice is yours to make".
Arthur was shocked.Being an avid reader and expert of fanfictionology and various grants from ROBs, he quickly regained his composure. He asked, " Will I be able to choose the circumstances of the next two lifetimes, and will I be granted any boons?". The creature raised its eyebrows abnormally high and came to a conclusion. "I see that you are familiar with various reincarnation and transmigration fanfic books.As such, most of it is partially true. You will be going to the Wizarding world in your 1st life.You can choose your circumstances of birth and ask for 3 boons.Mind that they are not overly overpowered and break the world order.Your 2nd life will be decided after your 1st."
Arthur considered for a while and stated, " I want to be born as the last living descendant from the line of squibs from Gryffindor and Slytherin blood lines on my paternal side and Peverell and Hufflepuff on maternal side.I want to be born 7 years before Harry Potter and grow up in Wools orphanage, London. As for boons, I want the Arc of Embodiment from Fairy Tail Universe with full power , the Library of Heaven's Path with infinite golden pages and finally Natural occlumens and legimmens".
He looked at Arthur and said," Why you are stopping with that.Ask for Marvel universe infinity stores and all other ultra powers while you are at it" with a deadpan face."Your birth circumstances are no problem. Arc of embodiment can be given, but it will develop slowly with an increase in your control over magic. The Library of Heaven's path is also fine.But you will only get 10 golden pages per year.Your third boon will also be issued.
But remember, don't pollute your soul with too much evil.It will invariably affect your next lifetime. Off you go and have fun" he said while snapping his fingers.Arthur vanished with a pop .He then massaged his forehead muttering something about fanfiction control and moved in to his next case, all the while Arthur was on to his next great adventure...
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