When only the two of them were left, Emperor Yong'an let go of Xuan Ruiquan's hand, turned to look at him, and asked, "Who is Duan Yixin? What is her identity?"
As soon as his question came out, Xuan Ruiquan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Biao Ge, did you just visit my house?"
Emperor Yong'an nodded and asked again, "Is she my Shifu's daughter?"
Xuan Ruiquan nodded, "Yes."
He paused and asked, "Biao Ge. Why do you go to my house today? You are not just going to see Xin'er, are you?"
When Emperor Yong'an heard this, he rolled his eyes. He snorted and sat down on the white jade stool, "You still dare to ask?"
Don't know why Emperor Yong'an suddenly became angry, Xuan Ruiquan sat calmly in front of him and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"
Emperor Yong'an glared at him and asked, "When did you have a fiancée? Why have I never heard of this?"
Huáng Jiùfù (皇舅父) = Imperial Uncle
Jiù Jiù (舅舅) = Mother's brother
Huáng Gūmǔ (皇姑母) = Imperial Aunt
Gū Gū (姑姑) = Father's sister
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