After closing the woodshed door, Duan Yixin took out the corn seeds from the warehouse and put them into the bamboo basket. She carried the bamboo basket and returned to the front yard. When Chi Xinru saw her carrying a bamboo basket, she hurried to her side.
She took the bamboo basket off Duan Yixin's back and said, "Xin Xin, with your current physical condition, you shouldn't lift heavy objects. Let me carry this for you."
Duan Yixin smiled at her and said sincerely, "Thank you, Xinru."
Chi Xinru grinned at her, held her hand, and said, "Let's go. My father and the workers are waiting for us."
After saying that, Chi Xinru pulled Duan Yixin and hurriedly walked to the farmland. When they arrived, Chi Junheng and all the workers were there.
Seeing his daughter and Duan Yixin coming over, Chi Junheng said, "Xin Xin, these are the workers who will work for you from today onwards. They agreed to be paid ten copper coins a day without a meal."
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