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64.44% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 27: Yoon-mi......

Chapter 27: Yoon-mi......

Kwanita and Eun-kyung made their way to the living room, taking seats opposite each other. Eun-kyung couldn't help but feel uneasy under Kwanita's piercing gaze.

In Eun-kyung's mind, she believed that Kwanita had called her there to reprimand her for being late. She thought that Kwanita was the type of person who preferred to address issues privately rather than embarrassing someone in public. On the other hand, Eun-kyung's mother believed that public scolding was a more effective way of teaching a lesson. Eun-kyung reminisced about a time when her ex-boyfriend came over for a movie night, and her mother yelled from upstairs, demanding that she clean up the bathroom which she had left messy with toothpaste. Eun-kyung had always been prone to getting toothpaste all over the bathroom while brushing her teeth, and her mother had been complaining about it for years. But on that particular day, her mother indirectly revealed her habit in front of her ex-boyfriend, and since then, Eun-kyung never made a mess with toothpaste in the bathroom again. While her mother's methods were far from ideal, Eun-kyung couldn't deny that they had been effective, although she was too annoyed with her mother to admit it.

Suddenly, Eun-kyung was snapped out of her thoughts and redirected her attention to the lady sitting in front of her. Despite appreciating Kwanita for coming to her defence, Eun-kyung sensed a deep-seated animosity emanating from Kwanita's eyes. Unaware of the history between Kwanita and Ji-woo, she contemplated whether she should attempt to mend their relationship. However, she knew that ultimately, the decision rested with Ji-woo. If this was all a misunderstanding, she was willing to step in and mediate.

After what felt like an eternity, Kwanita finally broke the silence. "You've changed," she uttered, causing Eun-kyung to resist bursting into laughter. This woman was quite perceptive. However, it also meant that Eun-kyung had to tread carefully, as Kwanita might uncover the truth once Ji-woo regained control of her own body.

"I hadn't realised," Eun-kyung replied, causing Kwanita to narrow her eyes.

"I had expected to encounter a fragile girl, but here you are, acting as though nothing has afflicted you. In fact, if someone were to learn of your experiences and witness your current demeanor, they would find it nearly inconceivable," Kwanita remarked, her eyes brimming with suspicion.

Eun-kyung couldn't help but release a laugh. "I suppose you have a point. Perhaps it's because I have finally come to realise that I have been deceiving myself for far too long. It became apparent to me that my past actions held no meaning."

"Do you mean the suicide attempt?" Kwanita inquired, seeking clarification.

"Yes, that's correct. I have realised that I have people who really do care about me; I am not alone," Eun-kyung responded, her gaze turning somber before lifting her head with a gentle smile.

"U-jin informed me that you have given up on him," Kwanita probed, attempting to detect any subtle change in Eun-kyung's reaction.

Eun-kyung felt a sudden panic. U-jin had not relayed any information to her. How could she ascertain whether Kwanita was truly aware or merely suspicious? Sensing Eun-kyung's confusion, Kwanita clarified, "He also told me that you are currently dating Diego, and I noticed how you instinctively withdrew your hand from U-jin's when you sensed Diego's jealousy." Eun-kyung marveled at Kwanita's attention to detail. If this woman were to become her mother-in-law, she would dread her presence, for fear of constant scrutiny. She had encountered someone even more watchful than her own mother.

"If U-jin divulged this information, then I see no reason to conceal anything from you," Eun-kyung responded, relief evident in her smile.

"Indeed," Kwanita replied, leaning forward and intertwining her hands on her lap. Eun-kyung leaned back, retracting her earlier judgment of Kwanita. 'I take back everything I said about this woman. I don't like her at all.'

"Ji-woo, please be honest with me. Are you dating Diego solely to capture U-jin's attention?" Kwanita inquired.

"What? No," Eun-kyung exclaimed, firmly denying the suggestion.

"Then you mean to say that you genuinely love him?" Kwanita's question hung in the air.

"Of course I do. I have come to realize that my feelings for U-jin were not love after all. It was simply because of the way he treated me that I thought he would make a good boyfriend. I was so desperate for someone to love me more than just a friend that I saw U-jin as the best option," Eun-kyung was taken aback by her own words, unable to believe she had actually said them.

Kwanita was stunned, but then she smiled and said, "It seems like you have finally opened your eyes, and now no one will be hurt. I didn't want U-jin to marry someone he doesn't love, which is why I always acted the way I did towards you. I couldn't stand seeing you constantly trying to make him love you more than just a friend."

Eun-kyung smiled and said, "So we don't have any problems between us anymore." But before Kwanita could answer, U-jin stormed into the living room, looking furious. He forcefully dragged Eun-kyung off the chair and excused himself from Kwanita.

"No problems," Kwanita replied. She watched as Eun-kyung complained about her hand, but U-jin continued to drag her away. "Why does it feel like one of those soap operas I watch, where the protagonist falls for the female lead after she stops paying attention to him?" Kwanita mused to herself.

Eun-kyung was dragged all the way upstairs to the end of a hallway. "I swear I'm going to kick you if you don't let go of me right now," and in that moment U-jin let her hand go.

"What on earth has come over you?" Eun-kyung demanded angrily, clutching the wrist that U-jin had tightly gripped. The force with which he had dragged her seemed to have left a visible mark.

U-jin noticed the mark and approached, attempting to examine it. However, Eun-kyung instinctively recoiled, creating a distance between them. "I'm really sorry," he said with genuine remorse.

"Why would you do such a thing, then?" Eun-kyung inquired, her annoyance still palpable.

U-jin lowered his head, his gaze fixed on the ground, as he replied, "I happened to overhear your conversation with Kwanita, and I became furious when I heard you say you were in love with Diego." Eun-kyung couldn't help but stifle a laugh, delicately reaching up to pat his hair. She thought she saw his ear droop down remorsefully, resembling that of a contrite dog. U-jin was momentarily stunned at her action before a radiant smile spread across his face.

"But that was all an act," Eun-kyung reassured him, her laughter subsiding.

"Now, please do enlighten me as to why you've brought me to this place," Eun-kyung requested, her gaze shifting around the room.

"Oh, didn't you say that you wanted to meet Granny?" U-jin promptly responded.

"Yes, but isn't she unwell at the moment? I wouldn't want to disturb her," Eun-kyung gently noted, taking a step towards walking away. However, U-jin swiftly grasped her wrist and positioned her in front of the door at the end of the hallway.

U-jin knocked on the door, and Eun-kyung anxiously fiddled with her hands. The prospect of meeting her idol in person was truly a dream come true, and she yearned to make a first good impression. Then she recollected that she currently inhabited Ji-woo's body, rendering it technically not a first encounter. Nevertheless, it bore significance to her.

After receiving permission to enter, they both crossed the threshold into the room. Eun-kyung's wandering eyes took in the luxurious surroundings. It was quite dissimilar to the typical depiction of grandmothers' rooms on television, which often overflowed with relics from a bygone era.

Observing her hesitation, U-jin gently guided her towards the balcony. There, Eun-kyung found herself face-to-face with the renowned Madam Wang, a woman who had gone to great lengths to elevate her family's esteemed position within society. According to recent news, the Wang empire held the foremost position among the most popular and wealthiest companies in Korea, ranking among the top five on the continent and even within the top ten globally.

Eun-kyung gazed at her with wide, starry eyes, causing a slight discomfort to the recipient. Granny turned to U-jin, questioning him about Ji-woo's intense stare. However, before he could respond, Eun-kyung interjected.

"I'm a big fan," Eun-kyung blurted out, surprised by her own confession. She noticed the startled expressions on the faces of U-jin and Madam Wang, promptly covering her mouth in response.

"What Ji-woo meant to say is that she misses you," U-jin interjected, attempting to break the tense silence but Granny scoffed in response. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

Now it was Eun-kyung's turn to be taken aback. Did Granny also have an issue with Ji-woo? This presented a troublesome situation. How could she establish a connection or spend quality time with Granny if she disliked Ji-woo?

Without a moment's hesitation, Eun-kyung gracefully knelt down and gently grasped the armrest of Granny's wheelchair, eliciting surprise. "I genuinely missed you," Eun-kyung declared, her smile radiating warmth. Nonetheless, Granny remained unmoved, keenly aware of the true motive behind Ji-woo's unexpected visit: her romantic involvement with Diego and the desire for Granny's blessing. Otherwise, Ji-woo would not have bothered to pay her a visit, as the young girl harbored a profound fear of Granny.

Leaning in closer, Granny's smile widened, causing Eun-kyung's own smile to falter. Yet, before Granny could articulate her intended message, her focus was captivated by the enthralling irises in Eun-kyung's eyes. Granny's expression transformed into one of shocked revelation as she softly whispered, "Yoon-mi..."

CelesteVega CelesteVega

I found out that I made a huge mistake in Granny Wang's age. I have made corrections to it.

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