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73.33% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 31: What In Heaven's Name...?

Chapter 31: What In Heaven's Name...?

As U-jin fixed his gaze upon her, a question etched upon his face, Eun-kyung's unexpected exclamation took him by surprise. However, with a warm smile and a gentle shake of her head, she reassured him that all was well.

"Si-woo just messaged me, he's waiting at the gate. You may go back now," she divulged.

"Are you absolutely certain?" U-jin inquired, seeking a sense of reassurance. Eun-kyung nodded affirmatively, prompting him to draw closer. Leaning in proximity to her ear, his voice exuded a velvety tone as he softly uttered, "Good night," causing Eun-kyung's knees to weaken in response.

Now sporting a mischievous grin, U-jin bid her farewell and ventured back to his majestic mansion. Eun-kyung reciprocated the gesture with a wave, exiting through the gate, her fingers swiftly dialling the number from the message she had received.

Almost instantly, a male voice answered the call. "Ji-woo, could we meet up?" the unfamiliar voice spoke, triggering a sense of familiarity in Eun-kyung.

"Should I be willing to meet a stranger after being confronted with such a startling video," she cautiously replied.

"It is I, Hyun-ki," he explicitly clarified, prompting Eun-kyung to realised why his voice had struck a familiar chord.

"Where should we meet?" she inquired, her mind filled with questions regarding the video.

"The King's Restaurant, the very one that is situated within your neighbourhood," he promptly responded. Eun-kyung strained her memory in an attempt to recall any knowledge of the venue, vaguely recollecting the presence of a restaurant in Ji-woo's neighbourhood. She knew that there was only one restaurant that was in Ji-woo's neighbourhood. Although she didn't know its name, it seemed to be the only possibility.

"I shall arrive within ten minutes," she confirmed, before receiving his consent with a resolute "okay," then terminating the call. Urgency propelled her as she hurried to the nearest bus stop, her eagerness leading her to quickly board the bus bound for Ji-woo's neighbourhood.

Eun-kyung had a premonition akin to those depicted in movies, like when one was on the brink of revealing a dark secret something bad happens. However, she dismissed it and focused on the task at hand. It was crucial for her to proceed cautiously, meticulously scanning the bus for any signs of suspicious individuals or unusual activities. To her relief, everything seemed normal.

Just as the bus came to a stop at a designated bus stop, a man wearing a black hood with a cap tucked underneath, paired with black jeans, and hands casually nestled in his pockets, embarked onto the bus and decided to occupy the seat adjacent to Eun-kyung. To her astonishment, his unwavering gaze was directed squarely at her. Enveloped in a disquieting unease, she promptly averted her eyes, bewildered by his unwarranted fascination with her.

'Why the hell is he looking at me' she pondered, an icy grip of fear tightening around her heart. Succumbing to insatiable curiosity, she cautiously cast another surreptitious glance, only to discover that he had shed his hood, leaving only the cap to grace his countenance, allowing her an unabashed view of his appearance.

His hair seemingly dyed a snowy hue, gracefully ascended into a fashionably tidy man bun. His brows bore an unusual shade of white, causing her own brows to elevate in astonishment. Could it be that he had dyed them, too?. His eyes were closed, indicating that he was in a state of relaxation. A straight, pointed nose harmonized perfectly with his diminutive, yet pleasingly pink-tinted, lips. Despite his slender frame, evoking images of potential malnourishment, Eun-kyung couldn't help but pity him. How could someone's life be so arduous that they ended up looking like this? Even his pale complexion lent itself to the overall impression of an ethereal, slumbering beauty. Might he be a model or an actor, a celebrity of sorts?

Enthralled by her ruminations, Eun-kyung fixation persisted until the bus finally reached the stop near Ji-woo's estate. Wasting no time, she alighted promptly and hastened her stride to the restaurant.

The restaurant was bustling with life, with patrons from all walks of life, engrossed in captivating conversations and enjoying the delectable cuisine. She couldn't help but admire the seamless coordination of the staff, as they effortlessly went about their duties with grace and precision.

Eun-kyung's attention was suddenly drawn to a gleaming piano tucked in the corner of the restaurant. Her eyes were drawn to the young pianist, his nimble pale fingers dancing across the keys, creating a symphony of enchanting melodies. Entranced by his musical prowess, she couldn't help but find herself lost in the beautiful harmonies that filled the air.

Her heart swelled with admiration for the talented musician, whose passion clearly emanated from every note he played. Eun-kyung couldn't help but wonder about the stories hidden within his melodies, the joys and heartbreaks that inspired each intricate composition. Truly, this young pianist was a maestro, a beacon of inspiration and talent.

But then, her keen eyes were drawn to the ethereal visage, the cascading strands of snowy hue hair and precisely white arched eyebrows. How could it be? Wasn't he the gentleman she had glimpsed on the bus? How on earth did he materialize here so swiftly with a complete change of attire? 'Or could this be his doppelgänger?' she pondered, her mind racing.

Suddenly, a delicate touch upon her shoulder caused her to startle, and she turned to confront the mysterious stranger, only to find Hyun-ki grinning mischievously at her.

"My table awaits over there," he stated, pointing towards a discreetly tucked away alcove hidden behind a pillar. Eun-kyung obediently followed, her curiosity piqued. As they settled down, a waitress gracefully approached their table, ready to take their order. However, both of them simply requested glasses of water, knowing they would not be lingering for long.

"Now, I implore you, shed light upon this matter," Eun-kyung pressed, exhibiting the incriminating video captured on her phone, as the waitress silently departed.

"Your brother failed to divulge the existence of this footage, did he not?" he queried, prompting Eun-kyung to shake her head.

It then dawned upon her that, if Hyun-ki was posing such a question, perhaps Si-woo had indeed seen the video. "Did he have knowledge of its existence?" she queried, to which he nodded affirmatively. This raised the question - why had he kept silent about it until now?

Detecting the bewilderment etched across Eun-kyung face, Hyun-ki endeavored to explain that he had specifically requested Si-woo's silence, prompting her to further inquire about the rationale. "Well, you see, I desired to uncover additional evidence," he responded.

"So by revealing this now, it suggests that you have procured said evidence," she mused aloud.

"Exactly," he affirmed, brandishing his phone to reveal a video capturing the full view of the person who callously pushed Ji-woo off the bridge.

Eun-kyung jaw fell open, flabbergasted by the revelation that someone was responsible for Ji-woo's fall, dismissing any notion of attempted suicide. And now, as she beheld the perpetrator himself, she realised she was not surprised in the least.

"How on earth did you manage to obtain this?" Eun-kyung inquired, her mind filled with perplexity as to how Hyun-ki had come across such vital information. It struck her as odd that this revelation was absent from the novel altogether. Just then, the waitress gracefully approached their table, carrying two glasses of chilled water, which she placed before them before swiftly departing once again.

"Mun-hee helped me," he replied, and Eun-kyung nodded in understanding. It made sense that having someone like Mun-hee supporting him would lead to the uncovering of the truth.

"But why are you helping me? I understand Mun-hee's involvement, but what prompted you to go through all of this?" Eun-kyung asked, suspicion evident in her voice.

"My sister asked me to," he responded, causing Eun-kyung to raise an eyebrow in surprise. "And who might she be?" She asked, she hadn't even known that he had a sister.

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" he retorted, slightly offended. "Don't tell me that just because she hasn't been coming to school, you've forgotten all about her." Eun-kyung quickly smiled apologetically, realising the oversight. She desperately wanted to search for more information online, but she didn't know his surname, and asking again would only incite his anger. Thinking quickly, she navigated to the Grade 12 forum and managed to find his name there. With that information, she swiftly searched the internet and discovered his sister's name, Kim Ae-ra, listed in his biography.

Eun-kyung was taken aback, a mix of shock and gratitude washing over her. Yoon-mi could have asked Hyun-ki for help before she left, but it seemed that things had progressed much faster now, and she knew that Mun-hee's involvement played a significant role. She couldn't help but feel a surge of appreciation for Mun-hee's friendship.

Gazing up at Hyun-ki, Eun-kyung's expression shifted, morphing into one of heartfelt gratitude. "You both are truly exceptional," she expressed, her relief palpable. "Now, Ha-rin will finally be completely dealt with."

Hyun-ki leaned back in his chair, relieved expression etched across his face. "Now I can no longer pretend to be her friend," he confessed.

"What on earth did you do?" Eun-kyung gasped, her voice filled with a mixture of shock.

"She was my primary suspect, so I cunningly befriended her in order to extract any information that could affirm my suspicions. And I succeeded. Her foolish driver inadvertently divulged that she had been in close proximity to the bridge on the precise day Ji-woo was brutally thrown off. I instructed Mun-hee to comb through the vast expanse of CCTV footage, searching for her activities that day. Remarkably, Mun-hee uncovered footage of her purchasing the very clothes she donned on the bridge. Additionally, a drone camera capturing nearby fireworks fortuitously captured her face as she threw Ji-woo off the bridge," he explained, his voice tinged with triumph.

"I am eternally grateful. Once I return home, I shall inform my dear brother," Eun-kyung declared, rising gracefully from her seat.

"You needn't trouble yourself with that. Mun-hee has already taken care of it, and it is he who shall discuss the matter with you. Allow me to accompany you home," he insisted, following suit as they departed the restaurant. For a fleeting moment, Eun-kyung caught a glimpse of the mysterious pale-skinned man before she too embarked on her way.

Upon stepping outside, Hyun-ki realised that he had carelessly left his wallet behind. Eun-kyung reassured him that it was unnecessary for him to retrieve it and escort her home, insisting that he go home instead. With that, he turned and reentered the restaurant as Eun-kyung headed towards the road to cross.

As she stepped forward, she was suddenly blinded by a blinding light and felt a slight impact that sent her reeling. Fury surged through her veins as she swiftly got back on her feet, storming towards the driver's door with a volley of curses streaming from her lips. To her surprise, the driver emerged from the car, and Eun-kyung eyes widened in disbelief. "Isn't he supposed to be in jail?" she pondered, utterly bewildered by this unexpected turn of events.

Mr. Han sauntered past her, making his way towards the forefront of the car and effortlessly crouching down, Eun-kyung couldn't help but notice a perplexing detail that demanded her attention. Eun-kyung's insatiable curiosity overwhelmed her, urging her to step forward and delve into the disconcerting discovery that awaited.

With a mixture of trepidation and fear, Eun-kyung approached the body of Ji-woo that was lying motionless on the ground. It was then that she noticed the ethereal glow emanating from Mr. Han's headlight, piercing through her own form and revealing an eerie transparency wherever the light touched.

A gasp escaped Eun-kyung's lips as she processed this chilling sight, her mind whirring with a multitude of questions.

"What in heaven's name...?" she whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of fear.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

Mystery is starting to come up one by one. I'm so excited.

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