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80% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 34: Madam Hyun, Not Mum?.

Chapter 34: Madam Hyun, Not Mum?.

Seo-jun passed by Eun-kyung and gracefully exited the laboratory, her heart pounding with astonishment at everything she had heard and all that had unfolded. With patience and consideration, she chose not to immediately search for Ji-woo, but instead positioned herself outside next to Si-woo's car. Understanding that Ji-woo was engrossed in completing her test, Eun-kyung knew it would be more appropriate to postpone the conversation.

In scarcely five minutes after the deafening resonance of the closing bell had faded into silence, Eun-kyung's keen eyesight caught a glimpse of U-jin hastening towards her with unwavering determination. As he drew closer to the car, an incessant and concerned repetition of her name escaped his lips.

Eun-kyung could hardly believe her senses. Had Ji-woo informed U-jin about Seo-jun's disappearance? Could he truly be distressed about her well-being, despite Seo-jun's ethereal state, impervious to any harm? Or perhaps he contemplated the possibility of her returning to her own realm? Eun-kyung leaned towards the latter assumption.

Just as this thought transpired within her mind, Ji-woo emerged with Ga-ram by her side, a lighthearted chuckle escaping her lips. "You are well aware that you require my vision to perceive her," Ji-woo expressed with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

"Well, is she present in this vicinity?" U-jin inquired attentively, fervently scanning his surroundings.

Ji-woo playfully rolled her eyes before extending her finger towards the precise location where Eun-kyung stood. "She's leaning against the driver's door," Ji-woo disclosed.

Finding the designated area, U-jin ceased his search and approached the spot Ji-woo indicated. Filled with a mixture of anxiety and relief, he could not contain himself. "Do you realise how much we were worried about you? Why on earth did you vanish?" U-jin almost shouted at her, genuinely concerned for her well-being.

"I deeply apologize for my actions; there were genuine reasons behind my sudden disappearance," Eun-kyung uttered, but the penetrating gaze Ji-woo directed towards her communicated an unspoken plea for further explanation. Gathering her courage, Seo-jun stammered, "I-I know who the accomplice is."

Perplexed by this revelation, Ji-woo inquired with furrowed brows, "Alright... who is it?" Her curiosity mirrored by the perplexed expressions etched on U-jin and Ga-ram's faces.

"It's Seo-jun, the leader of the music club," Seo-jun revealed, her words evoking an astonished "what" from Ji-woo.

"Could someone please enlighten me on the subject of this conversation?" U-jin interjected, his frustration evident in the tone of his voice.

Ji-woo turned her attention towards him, speaking in hushed tones, "Eun-kyung claims that Seo-jun is the accomplice."

U-jin glanced at the space where Eun-kyung had been standing. "Are you absolutely certain?" Eun-kyung silently nodded, and Ji-woo affirmed with a resolute "yes."

"But Eun-kyung's knowledge alone does not provide us with the evidence needed to prove it," Ga-ram interjected, her voice breaking the silence she had maintained since her arrival.

"We must acquire that evidence. Girls, it would be best for you to return home," U-jin declared decisively, his words laced with determination as he began to stride away.

"But... I mean, it simply doesn't make sense for Seo-jun to be the accomplice. There must be a misunderstanding," Ji-woo exclaimed, her gaze shifting towards Eun-kyung.

Eun-kyung met Ji-woo's gaze, conviction shining in her eyes. "There is no misunderstanding. I overheard Seo-jun admitting his involvement in orchestrating the vase incident over a phone call. And I believe there is another high-profile figure orchestrating events from the shadows, a bigger player concealed behind closed doors," Eun-kyung informed them.

"Who on earth have I offended besides them?" Ji-woo sighed, her palms pressing against her temples as she contemplated the mysteries that lay ahead.

"What's wrong?" Ga-ram approached Ji-woo, her face etched with genuine concern.

"There's an additional individual involved," Ji-woo whispered, the weight of her words evident in her voice.

"I suspected as much," U-jin chimed in, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Ji-woo, it's best if you leave now. Please send my regards to your mother," he instructed, but before Ji-woo could respond, Si-woo and Mun-hee approached them.

"Did I miss something?" Si-woo asked, his hand resting on Mun-hee's shoulder.

"Your sister will provide the necessary information," U-jin replied, causing Si-woo to straighten up. "Is everything alright?"

Ji-woo released a heavy sigh, her frustration palpable. "Just get into the car."

Si-woo bid Mun-hee farewell with a wave and drove off, leaving U-jin and Mun-hee lingering behind. As Mun-hee made a motion to approach her bike, U-jin intervened. "We need to talk."

During the journey home, Si-woo found it incredibly difficult to fathom the revelation that Seo-jun was responsible for the mishap with the vase.

"How did you find out?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

Ji-woo intended to reply, but Ga-ram interjected, causing Si-woo to cast a perplexed glance in her direction. "Allow me to handle this. Eun-kyung is present."

"What?" he exclaimed.

"She is seated right next to you," Ga-ram responded, barely containing her laughter.

"You guys need to stop this," Si-woo snapped, unamused by their antics.

"She speaks the truth," Ji-woo confirmed, her tone resolute.

"What the hell... how can she... I don't understand," he muttered, his anxiety mounting as he tried to navigate the road carefully.

"Eun-kyung is a transmigrator. But instead of returning home, she remained here in an ethereal form after leaving my body," Ji-woo explained.

"I think I need some fresh air," Si-woo muttered, feeling overwhelmed by the revelation.

"I handled this news far more better than you," Ga-ram teased, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"Shut up," Si-woo gritted through clenched teeth.

"Maybe recording this and showing it to Mun-hee will help," Ji-woo suggested to Ga-ram, hoping it would solidify the truth of their extraordinary situation.

"On it," Ga-ram swiftly replied as she fervently searched for her phone, her eyes scanning her bag with meticulous precision.

"I'm fine now... so she was the one that found out about it?" Si-woo nervously laughed, his feeble attempt to downplay the gravity of the situation falling flat amidst his quivering voice.

"We shouldn't even be surprised when we have someone like that who is now back home, someone who deceives others by projecting themselves as something they're not," Ji-woo solemnly informed, her voice laced with a potent blend of frustration and disappointment.

Si-woo mulled over Ji-woo's words, an involuntary shudder coursing through his frame as the weight of the revelation settled upon him. How could he still believe that Seo-jun, the nicest student in school who had never picked a fight or bullied others, could be capable of such an act? Seo-jun was not only highly regarded by teachers and students alike but ranked among the top in all subjects, second only to U-jin. This news shattered the image Si-woo had held, his role model now tied to a sinister event.

While Si-woo's thoughts wrestled with this realization, Ji-woo found herself lost in her own sea of contemplation. The revelation of Seo-jun's potential involvement in murder was not the sole hurdle she faced; her mother's unexpected return became yet another formidable obstacle. That cunning viper couldn't bear to remain distant for long, Ji-woo thought with bitter disdain. Of course, it was to be expected; once her mother caught wind of her aunt's engagement, she couldn't resist inserting herself into the equation. However, Ji-woo resolved to thwart any plans her mother schemed.

Aside from the precarious situation involving Ha-rin and Seo-jun, as well as the hidden secrets concealed behind closed doors, Ji-woo was burdened with another mission—finding her father's will. Even though her mother may have seized the copy, Ji-woo possessed unwavering faith in her father's intellect, believing he had stashed the original in a secure hideaway. Once she obtained it, she would expel her mother from the house, disregarding whatever share she believed she was entitled to. The house primarily belonged to Ji-woo, and she possessed the deed that cemented her rightful ownership.

Si-woo skillfully maneuvered the car to a stop in front of the mansion, and the group alighted. Ji-woo turned her gaze towards Ga-ram, who radiated a genuine warmth with her beaming smile. Aware of the woman who had returned, Ji-woo begged Ga-ram to stay by her side for a few days. In this tumultuous time, her two closest friends, Ga-ram and U-jin, were the only ones who could prevent her from baring her fangs at her mother. Thus, she requested the presence of the slightly less occupied individual to provide her support.

"So off I go, bidding you all farewell and bestowing upon you my sincere wishes for good fortune," Eun-kyung uttered, swiftly vanishing. Ji-woo's eyes widened in surprise, but before she could utter a word, Si-woo motioned for her to enter the grand mansion. Standing by her side, Ji-woo perceptively observed her younger brother's trembling form and extended her hand to tenderly intertwine her fingers with his, accompanied by a reassuring smile that instantaneously alleviated his mounting anxiety. Hand in hand, they boldly ventured forth into the mansion.

Upon their arrival, they were cordially greeted by the astute butler, who, with utmost decorum and respect, informed them of their mother's presence within the living room. As they drew closer, the sound of laughter emanated from the room, Ji-woo's temples pulsated with an uncontrollable fury. She despised the owner of that laughter with every fiber of her being.

Witnessing Ji-woo's expression, Ga-ram reached out and placed her hand on Ji-woo's shoulder bringing a calming effect upon Ji-woo's frayed emotions.

Though Ji-woo was known to all as a reserved and timid girl, causing some people to mistakenly perceive her as someone who pretends to be an innocent and fragile lotus blossom. However, when in close proximity to her mother, Ji-woo's true nature burst forth uncontrollably. She had always been aware that her mother was not the person she appeared to be but a treacherous predator masquerading as a sheep. Her mother was a dangerous viper who resided within the family. Ji-woo often asked her late father why he fell in love with her, but all he ever did was smile like an infatuated fool. Deep down, Ji-woo knew her mother was up to no good.

It all began when Ji-woo was merely seven years old. Her younger brother had cried out for attention during a grand party hosted by their mother, and upon searching for her, he accidentally tore her dress. Her mother played off an appalling act with a feigned laugh in front of their guest, effortlessly masking the seething rage within her. Soon thereafter, her mother callously carried her younger brother away, with Ji-woo closely trailing behind, fueled by the desire to reprimand him for his behaviour. However, what she beheld plunged her into a state of sheer disbelief. Her mother brazenly plugged in an iron, patiently awaiting its scorching heat. Shockingly, she proceeded to press the scalding iron upon her little brother's innocent leg. Justifying her grievous actions by claiming that her torn dress necessitated an equivalent consequence, her mother callously reasoned that a mere alteration in attire would not suffice, for his father could readily replace it. She deemed it imperative to make a lasting impression instead.

Ji-woo's heart raced with terror as her brother winced in pain, and she couldn't bear to stand idly by. Bravely, she stepped forward to shield him from further harm, screaming out in protest.

Her mother's reaction was a mix of surprise and amusement. With a sinister chuckle, she warned Ji-woo that if she were to expose the incident, there would be no guarantee of her brother's safety. Fearing for her brother's well-being, Ji-woo made a difficult choice to not report the incident immediately. Instead, she resolved to gather additional evidence and expose her mother's true nature, but the woman proved to be exceedingly cautious, making Ji-woo's task all the more challenging.

Determined, Ji-woo steeled her mind and led the way, with the others in tow. As they arrived at the scene, Ji-woo's mother was engaged in a cheerful conversation with Attorney John, their laughter echoing through the room. Chae-young stood beside her, wearing a serene smile. This facade of her mother's happiness only fueled Ji-woo's anger further. When her mother saw their approach, she feigned affection, drawing near to embrace Ji-woo and her brother. However, the siblings withheld any reciprocal gestures, their love for their mother fading with each passing moment.

"I trust your journey was agreeable, Madam Hyun," Ji-woo offered a smile.

Slightly taken aback, her mother raised an eyebrow and questioned Ji-woo's choice of address. "Madam Hyun, not mum?" she queried, expecting the familiar endearment.

A calm yet slightly defiant smile played on Ji-woo's lips as she responded, careful to hide her seething anger, "You should be well aware by now that this arrangement is more suitable, and I have no intention of altering it," Ji-woo replied, carefully concealing her frustration. 'Just wait, your presence here won't last for long,' Ji-woo thought confidently, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

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