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28.88% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 11: Don't You Dare Touch Her

Chapter 11: Don't You Dare Touch Her

There they stood in the passageway, Eun-kyung clutching U-jin's countenance as she tenderly smooched him. U-jin's alcohol-induced delirium dissipated as he widened his eyes in a state of astonishment. Eun-kyung felt uneasy and pulled back earlier than expected when their assailants finally materialized on scene. She felt foolish for her impulsive behaviour, but U-jin propelled her against the wall, his anger taking over, causing her to forget their precarious predicament. However, what followed made her heart skip a beat for a few seconds. U-jin pulled her in closer by her waist, kissing her with an impassioned intensity, as their pursuers gazed at them in gobsmacked astonishment.

Realizing that they needed to do something extreme, she placed her hand around U-jin's neck and opened her mouth, allowing U-jin to interlock his tongue. They partook in an intense tongue tussle until they eventually disentangled from each other. As they tried to catch their breath, a young man crossing their path blurted out, "Get a room already!"

U-jin leaned against the opposite wall, as they gazed into each other's eyes. Eun-kyung wiped off the residue from her lips with the back of her hand as U-jin looked at her incredulously.

"Is it really that disgusting to kiss me?" inquired U-jin.

"I already told you once that I didn't fancy you in the first place," remarked Eun-kyung.

"Nevertheless, you initiated it," accused U-jin.

"And yet, you kissed me back," reasoned Eun-kyung.

"So, we are even now" declared U-jin.

Eun-kyung snorted as she surveyed the area, only to notice that their assailants were no longer present.

"They've disappeared," she pointed out.

"We must leave this place immediately," stipulated U-jin as he took her hand and led her out.

As they entered the car, U-jin swore that he would never frequent a bar with her again, to which Eun-kyung concurred.

"What is our game plan for Ga-ram's father?" inquired Eun-kyung.

"Don't worry, I shall enlist the services of a private investigator to monitor his activities," offered U-jin, which brought much-needed relief to Eun-kyung.

Subsequently, he initiated the engine and proceeded to a fast food where he purchased a hamburger, fries, and a beverage for Eun-kyung. She felt grateful for this gesture, as it demonstrated his thoughtful nature. She polished off her meal before they arrived outside Ji-woo's grand estate, leaving U-jin flabbergasted.

"Are you truly human?" he inquired incredulously.

"I am a spirit confined within the confines of a human form," she chuckled, as she exited the car. Prior to entering the manor, she bent down and quipped, "Apart from our kiss, I enjoyed myself immensely. Thank you for the snacks. See you on Monday." With that, she waved at him and entered the abode.

U-jin was taken aback by her words and as he starts to drive away, he remembers the kiss they shared which had triggered emotions that even the time that Ji-woo kissed him when she confessed her love for him had failed to evoke.

With a crestfallen countenance followed by an aversion towards her outfit, Eun-kyung stood before Si-woo at the base of the stairs. She could perceive the dismay on his face as he exclaimed, "Where have you been all day and why are you dressed like that?" It was palpable that he expected a better response from her, one that would corroborate her whereabouts and her appearance.

As she pondered over her answer, she feigned a laugh, attempting to mask her conscience. She stuttered while trying to articulate an excuse, "I and U-jin decided that we needed to go...on a date." She forced a smile, hoping to sugar-coat her lie.

Si-woo's facade turned grave as he examined her outfit one more time. He seemed disappointed and concerned at the same time. A huff escaped his lips as he shook his head in dismay. "I don't know what type of date it was, but the outfit is a no-no. If you need help, I am always here," he said in a caring tone.

To this, Eun-kyung retorted sarcastically, "As if you have ever gone on a date before." The statement seemed to have pushed a button, and Si-woo's demeanor changed. His voice grew stern, "I have...numerous times." He wasn't the least bit pleased with Eun-kyung's mockery but was willing to put it aside to deal with a more significant issue at hand.

But Eun-kyung had already ran up the stairs to escape Si-woo's wrath and locked herself in her room, giving him the cold shoulder.

With a lively chuckle, Eun-kyung hopped onto her bed and laid on her back, gazing up at the plain white ceiling. Engrossed in her innocent thoughts, she reached for her cellphone and the message she received from U-jin caught her eye. "Make sure you wear something cozy." Eun-kyung's face turned sour at the sight of those words, throwing her phone away in frustration. Hugging a pillow, she recollected the incident that took place in the bar earlier that day. She couldn't help but touch her lips, reminiscing about the kiss that transpired.

Attempting to convince herself, she murmured, "I only did it because I had no other option." However, a predicament arose when thoughts about U-jin's overstepping behavior clouded her mind, coupled with memories of her allowing him to go that far.

Disallowing this distress to control her, she tossed the pillow violently onto the ground and placed her head into her palms. "At least Ji-woo won't be mad," she muttered to herself to seek solace. Simultaneously, as she mentioned Ji-woo, a glass cup placed on her desk tumbled unexpectedly, crashing onto the ground and breaking into a million pieces.

Perturbed by the sudden outburst, Eun-kyung hastened herself to the spot to investigate further. She scrutinized the shattered glass and the desk, looking around the room before brushing it off, picking up the shards one by one.

While meticulously picking up the broken glass shards that had scattered on the floor, Eun-kyung discerned a gentle knock on the wooden door.

"Yes, come in, please," she uttered. Min-joo on seeing what she was doing rushed to her aid with celerity and concern.

"It is not hygienic for you to do such a menial task, young miss. You could have called me, and I would have taken care of it on your behalf." said Min-joo, expressing her vexation. Eun-kyung acknowledged her but nonchalantly laid down on her bed, overlooking Min-joo's perplexity.

"Master Si-woo relayed your arrival to you, so I thought I'd offer my help. How can I assist you?" questioned Min-joo, compelling sincerity in her voice.

In response, Eun-kyung waived her hand carelessly and proudly declared that she didn't need any assistance, adverting to the notion that she had been managing this few days without her just fine.

Unfortunately, Min-joo misunderstood her mistress's intentions, believing that Eun-kyung was disappointed with her performance and began sobbing uncontrollably, lamenting how her father's critical condition prevented her from being coming back soon. She appealed to her mistress not to terminate her employment - a statement that stunned Eun-kyung.

"Silly girl, that's not what I meant - I understand that certain errands don't warrant your immediate attention," Eun-kyung sits up as she reassured her consolingly, trying to alleviate her apprehensions. Her tone softened as she added, "I don't want you to see me as just only your mistress but also your friend. So don't be afraid to approach me for anything - we are in this together."

Min-joo's confusions dissipated, and her countenance brightened up with utmost pleasure as Eun-kyung ordered her to take time off from work to attend to her father's needs. She asked Min-joo to apprise her of her father's condition and gave her permission to take time off, urging her not to worry about informing her aunt, who was responsible for paying for her father's surgery.

So after Min-joo cleaned up the broken glass, she left with a bright smile on her face.

After a refreshing bath and changing into a comfortable nightdress, Eun-kyung settled into bed and drifted into a deep slumber.

The following morning, Min-joo paid her a visit to bid farewell and expressed her gratitude once more before departing to the hospital. In the dining room, Eun-kyung confided in her aunt regarding Min-joo's predicament, but surprisingly, her aunt remained unperturbed.

Subsequently, Eun-kyung found herself plagued with boredom and decided to seek entertainment within the house. Approaching one of the passing maids in the kitchen, she inquired about any exciting activities or tasks within the residence. Unfortunately, the maid responded negatively. Ever curious, Eun-kyung refused to accept this outcome and queried the maid about how she and her peers passed the time. The maid hesitated, claiming that Eun-kyung might not like their pastimes, but after persistent probing, she relented and disclosed that they played games together, such as cards and chess and some other games.

Intrigued by the idea of participating in these games. Eun-kyung requested that the maid accompany her. However, the maid refused, flummoxed at Ji-woo's sudden change in attitude, as she was known for avoiding interactions with household staff. Nevertheless, Eun-kyung persisted, expressing her loneliness and desire for companionship. Finally agreeing to join her, the maid followed her albeit with reluctance.

The maid led Eun-kyung to the garden, and across a quaint bridge that towered over a crystalline riverside, which left her utterly enamoured. She followed the maid quietly, indulging in the picturesque view. Eventually, the maid halted in front of a door nestled within a bed of vibrant flowers.

The maid gestured for Eun-kyung to enter first, and the latter complied. The portal opened, revealing a truly spectacular view. A magnificent cherry blossom tree stood prominently in the centre of an idyllic enclave, surrounded entirely by a flowery fence. Though the area was not significant, it was large enough to accommodate a small park. The sight before Eun-kyung was nothing short of magical. She observed some of the maids engaging in customary pursuits, flying kites with one another, playing cards, playing catch, and plucking flowers from the cherry blossom tree. Others sat idly, captivated by the stories being told, radiant laughter always following.

Upon her arrival, the mere presence of their Young mistress caused a commotion amongst the maids, prompting them to cease their work and align themselves horizontally, facing her. The reminiscent image of the children's first encounter with Marie in the acclaimed Sound of Music film amused Eun-kyung,and she emitted a soft chuckle.

Subsequently, she articulated her intentions to the awe-stricken maids in a congenial tone, "I have come to partake in your leisurely activities, young ladies. Who shall be willing to include me in their group?" The maids exchanged perplexed looks, but the maid that came with her intervened by conveying that their young mistress is bored and wanted to play with them. It was then that the maids encircled Eun-kyung, proffering various games for her to choose from. Eun-kyung opted for a game of cards, and the maids led her to the group already partaking in it, whilst a handful of others dispersed to different sections of their recreational space.

Playing cards alongside the maids was an exhilarating feat, for Eun-kyung emerged victorious in every round, arousing the maids' astonishment. She exited the game ultimately, eager to grant the maids an opportunity to secure a win. Wandering over to a group of maids flying kites, Eun-kyung requested materials to construct her personal kite. She subsequently retreated to the foot of a cherry blossom tree and commenced the kite's creation whilst the observing maids remained mesmerized by her unwavering focus. Upon completion, Eun-kyung's kite proved to be a sight to behold, far surpassing those constructed by the other maids, even though they employed the same materials. A sense of wonderment clothed the maids, and they implored Eun-kyung to teach them her technique, and she did so with utter patience. Some did a good job while some didn't and the result was well...

Eun-kyung, filled with amusement, emitted a hearty laugh, but her unadulterated joy was short-lived as she quickly discovered her lack of aptitude in golf. Despite incessant instructions on the appropriate positioning to play golf, she remained unsuccessful. The maids present served as her source of comfort during each failed attempt, but ultimately, Eun-kyung decided to abandon the game and retreated to the shade of a tree to relax.

Here, she deduced making flower crowns with the flowers she gathered, and some of the maids offered to join in and learn the craft. Soon enough, they were instructing the others on the technique, and before she knew it, everyone in the vicinity was proudly donning a flower crown.

As the day began to wane, the maids responsible for the kitchen duties sought to depart, but Eun-kyung caught a glimpse of a chessboard and decided to partake. With a few victories under her belt, Eun-kyung called it a day and stood to leave, prompting the maids to accompany her on her journey. Curious about their recreational haven's sobriquet, Eun-kyung probed, but the maids revealed that it was nameless. Eun-kyung, being congenial, proposed the name "Girl's Hangout," given that she and the maids were all girls. The notion of their young mistress categorizing herself with them dumbfounded the maids, but also elicited a sense of elation from them.

After succumbing to an appetizing dinner, Eun-kyung retreated to take a refreshing shower. As she commenced dressing into her luxurious nightwear, her phone rang at an inopportune moment. She picked up the call only to be greeted by the voice of U-jin.

"Eun-kyung," he spoke, his voice riddled with urgency.

"Yes," she responded, anticipating the reason behind his sudden call.

"You were right; Ga-ram's father has a long-standing history of domestic abuse," U-jin stated gravely.

Panic began to set in, and Eun-kyung's tongue stumbled as she hastily retorted, "What? I knew that he wasn't a good person, but I was just joking about him beating up his daughter."

U-jin's voice quavered in response, "My private investigator also revealed that neighbors claimed to overhear a woman's cry at night."

A sense of disgust cloaked Eun-kyung as she articulated, "And yet they fail to report it? They must have partaken in bribe collection."

U-jin muttered in agreement before allaying Eun-kyung's fears by promising to notify the police.

"Wait you haven't told the police yet, where does Ga-ram live" she demanded.

"Eun-kyung, I will inform the police just stay where you are" but Eun-kyung hangs up not thinking of changing, she donned her bathroom slippers whilst running haphazardly to Si-woo's room.

The young man was sporting a singlet and shorts while entranced in melodious tunes, and then she barged in, flustered and perturbed. Her eyes scanned the room, lithe fingers landing on Si-woo's car keys that lay on his desk. Without giving it a second thought, she sprang across the room, sweeping up the keys and fleeing the scene.

Chaos ensued with Si-woo's voice echoing in the room, calling out to her furiously, but her mind was in disarray. She had no inkling of Ga-ram's whereabouts. As she stepped outside, the sight of Si-woo's pristine car; Ferrari caught her eye, and she jumped into the driver's seat, igniting the engine as she prepared to make a quick getaway.

Si-woo scampered behind her, hastily throwing on a jacket as he chased the promising vehicle. Eun-kyung, fleet-footed and resolute, stopped the car long enough for Si-woo to safely clamber aboard.

"Have you lost it, I'm not letting you die on my watch" Si-woo voiced out his unease, concerned about her welfare. But she was undeterred as she remembered that there's a hacker that could be useful in this situation.

"Enough talk, do you have Mun-hee's number?" she asked.

"Why?" he asked back.

"I need to track Ga-ram's number, she might be in danger" she said anxiously.

On hearing Ga-ram was in danger Si-woo quickly checked his phone for the number.

"Here it is" he puts his phone next to her.

"Good, now call it" she ordered.

He did it and placed it on loudspeaker, after a few rings the call was picked up.


"Mun-hee, I don't have much time to explain but this is Ji-woo and I need your help" her voice trembled with barely concealed fear.

"What kind of help" one can hear how cautious her voice sounded.

"Ga-ram's is in trouble and I need you to track down her number, please I need you to do it" she said.

"What kind of trouble?" Mun-hee asked.

"Her father has a history of domestic violence, I promise you that I won't use it against you besides you will be saving a life" Eun-kyung said while parking the car at a safe zone

"Send me her number" Mun-hee said hesitant but sympathetic, relented, and Eun-kyung breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ok, thanks" She said as Si-woo hangs up and tries to send the number after it was done, two minutes have passed before Mun-hee sent the address.

In a bid to rescue Ga-ram from the clutches of her vile father, Eun-Kyung hit the accelerator and darted towards the location with lightning speed. As they arrived at the premises, Si-woo took the initiative to scout the area, and to his utter horror, he discovered Mun-hee surreptitiously filming the ongoing scene with her phone via a partially opened window.

Both Eun-kyung and Si-woo dashed towards the window only to see the Ga-ram's father savagely assaulting poor Ga-ram. Fuming with anger and impatience, Eun-kyung marched towards the front door, daringly pounding it with her fists relentlessly for a minute but to no avail. In a fit of desperation, she kicked the door down with her powerful legs and surged towards the room where she could hear Ga-ram's muffled cries.

With the door flung open, she was horrified to see Ga-ram's father gleefully pummeling the hapless girl on the ground. Eun-kyung's patience wore thin, making her confront the villain, tapping him on the shoulder. But before he could react in defence, she gave him a swift punch to the face, causing him to keel over in agony, writhing in pain on the floor.

Although her hand stung with pain, Eun-kyung ignored the discomfort and crouched beside Ga-ram, eager to help her, but was met with a brutal kick from her assailant. Brimming with anger, Eun-kyung rose from the ground, only to be faced with the devilish gaze of the abusive father, who cackled with demonic pleasure.

"Awwn, were you jealous? You could have just told me. This is what you will receive for being impatient" he continues to laugh as he carries a nearby chair.

But as he was about to hit her, he was tackled and sent flying by U-jin, who had arrived on the scene, seething with fury.

"Don't you dare touch her" roared U-jin, his eyes ablaze with rage as he glared down at the pathetic man lying at his feet.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

My promise was not fulfilled because of power outage but I know that it will be better soon.

I'm so sorry (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

Eun-kyung: You saved my life again

U-jin: Now do you fancy me?

Eun-kyung: If you could only allow me to prepare noodles for you maybe I will change my mind

U-jin: (@_@)

Eun-kyung: I will bring it to school tomorrow

U-jin: I'm not forcing you

Eun-kyung: I'm doing it on my own free will

U-jin: (Walks away)

Eun-kyung: Maybe today is ok

U-jin:(runs as fast as he can)

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