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20% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A Marathon Race Gone Wrong

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A Marathon Race Gone Wrong

Eun-kyung called Ga-ram for about nine times but still Ga-ram didn't pick up. Her unease was palpable, causing her to hastily adorn a jacket and exit her room. Descending down the stairs, she saw Si-woo walking out of the dinning room, she crouched down forgetting that the staircase barrier was transparent.

"What are you doing" queried Si-woo as he made his way towards her location. Standing upright, she attempted to explain herself with a straight face, "I was just looking for you, could you please hand me your car keys" she said with a straight face.

Si-woo's chuckles reverberated throughout the room, "When did you learn how to drive"

Eun-kyung's eyes narrowed as she retorted, "Ji-woo might not know how to drive, but I know"

"Or you just assumed that you know how to drive" Si-woo's laughter progressed with intensity. Offended, Eun-kyung made her way down the stairs, "If that's the case, why don't you offer to drive me instead?"

"Where the heck are going to by this time of the day" peeking out the window, Si-woo took note of the darkening skies of the evening. "It pretty dark, don't you think"

"Ga-ram wasn't answering my calls after I heard her scream when I called her the first time" she said anxiously, she felt uneasy about the whole situation.

"She is totally fine, she does that most of the time. Your concern is touching, however, unnecessary. There's nothing to worry" he patted her head and went up the stairs. Despite Si-woo's comforting words, Eun-kyung's anxiety lingered and decided to drop by at Ga-ram's house before going to school the following morning.

The following day, Eun-kyung meticulously readied herself for school and arrived at the dining room where her aunt had already taken her seat. Her aunt's countenance was one of solemnity, indicating her taciturn nature. When her aunt finally saw her, a smile of contentment appeared on her aunt's countenance. "I specifically instructed the chef to prepare your preferred delicacy for breakfast,"

Eun-kyung hastily traversed to the table to examine the food, but to her consternation, her reaction was distorted at the sight of the meager breakfast.

"What's this, it is only a slice of bread, How am I expected to survive an entire day at school with this morsel?" Eun-kyung retorted.

"You told me this is your favourite dish, and it comes with omelette and avocado" her aunt tried to reassure her but that was when Eun-kyung saw the green tea.

She motioned toward it and inquired, "Is this for me as well?"

Her aunt chuckled, "You said it's medicinal."

"Don't I look slim enough, in fact from now on please instruct the chef to prepare more substantial meals intended to add to my girth," Eun-kyung declared as she took her seat.

"But you need to be on diet, you said that you wanted to maintain your body"

"Maintain? More like break" she said sarcastically. "Then why was yesterday's breakfast better than today's own" she asked suspiciously.

"Well yesterday was your first day back at school after what happened, so we wanted you to gain enough energy for whatever will happen in school" her aunt explained.

"Guess what, I didn't have enough energy, in fact I ran to the cafeteria because of how starved I was, you could even say that I was the first student that entered the cafeteria" she exerted a smile.

Her aunt frowned then gazed at one of the maids and commanded, "Please inform Mrs Han to make four additional loaves of bread for Ji-woo."

"Yes, ma'am" the maid dutifully acquiesced then exited the dining room.

"Oh, by the way, Auntie, do you have any idea where Min-joo is?" Eun-kyung mused.

"Silly me, I forgot to inform you that she visited her father yesterday; nevertheless, she will return today," her aunt replied.

Eun-kyung started eating when Si-woo walked into the dining room, he sat at the chair that was facing hers and started eating, remembering something her smile widens as she ask "Little brother, who was the girl you kept on looking at in the school's car park yesterday"

Had it been possible, the glares he casted would have been lethal. "Do you have a death wish?" he hissed through clenched teeth.

His aunt swiftly intervened by striking his arm and sternly reprimanding him, "Si-woo, watch your tongue!" ignoring them both, he resumed his breakfast. At that same time, the maid brought more loaves of bread for Eun-kyung who began devouring it in haste.

When she was through, she looked at her aunt's appearance and couldn't help but say, "Oh my, auntie you look too beautiful today, and it is still just morning"

"Ji-woo, you are looking more beautiful than me and also younger" her aunt smiles as she compliments her in return.

"Like I said before, you fit to be my older sister not my auntie, I bet you could easily pass off as a college student" her aunt laughs while Si-woo rolls his eyes then Eun-kyung's phone starts ringing, she picked it up without looking at the person's ID.


"Ji-woo, I'm sorry about yesterday, I was busy so I couldn't pick up your call" hearing that it was Ga-ram voice, she was relieved to hear that she was alright.

"No problem, you'll be in school today right" Eun-kyung asked.

"Of course"

"See you later" she smiles as she ended the call.

Si-woo stood up from his seat, "I'm leaving"

"Right behind you" she follows him out before waving at her aunt who waved kisses at her. She chuckles, Ji-woo's aunt was actually nice once she sees you behaving properly in front of her and also when you flatter her.

After Si-woo dropped her at the school's entrance, she proceeded to peruse the notice board, scanning the various clubs on offer to see which one could capture her interest. "K-pop dance club? No. Fencing? Absolutely not. Chess club? Did I come to school to learn strategies? Garden club? Well, I love flowers, but still a no. Spanish club? I have always wanted to learn different languages. Maybe..." However, her thoughts were abruptly halted when she was rudely pushed over by someone.

"I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to...wait, I meant to do that," the individual who caused the incident guffawed loudly.

Eun-kyung's initial response was a smile, which rapidly transformed into a punch to his face as retaliation for his insensible behaviour. As the offender stumbled and fell to the ground, he attempted to retaliate once more, however, Eun-kyung was quick to dodge his attack and follow up with a swift blow to his gut. As he writhed in pain, a crowd had slowly begun to form around the duo.

Everyone appeared shocked at how things turned out, It was at this moment that a posse of three males made their way towards them. The crowd parted to allow them to progress, the leader stooped down to the groaning individual on the ground and patted him on the head. "You're out," he announced before standing up and turning his attention towards Eun-kyung, who remained steadfast with her arms folded.

"You also want a piece of me" she smirked confidently.

"I had assumed that it was only a rumour that you've changed, but it seems I was wrong. Perhaps we should hang out more," he suggested with a smile before turning his back and leading his cohorts away.

Eun-kyung glanced down at the subdued individual on the ground, who was still in considerable pain. "Get up. I didn't even blow you hard," she taunted, further flabbergasting the onlookers who had witnessed her incredible strength. Incredibly, she stood there without any apparent discomfort on her hand, puzzling the crowd in the process. She eventually walked away, leaving behind the incapacitated individual, who was in no condition to get up from the ground.

Upon entering her class, she was greeted by Diego, who immediately approached her. "Did you truly strike Do-yoon in his gut?" he inquired excitedly while Eun-kyung rubs the hand that she used to hit the Do-yoon guy. She didn't expect her hand to feel that much pain, probably because she's in Ji-woo's body.

"Yes," she replied impassively.

"Remarkable. So he is now eliminated from the Game squad."

"Game squad?" she questioned, slightly confused.

"It's a group of gamers. Initially, there were ten members. However, Hyun-ki decided to gradually remove them one by one through a series of tasks, and as expected, all of them failed. Consequently, there are only three remaining members, which is the number that Hyun-ki initially wanted," he explained enthusiastically.

Eun-kyung's tone was then laced with indignation as she fumed, "So, I was one of the tasks!"

"I presume so," Diego replied, sensing the tension emanating from Ji-woo.

With the expectation of the teacher soon arriving, Eun-kyung instructed Diego to return to his seat, attempting to regain her composure.

"You're not mad, right" Diego asked in concern.

"Do I exude ire or vexation to you?" Eun-kyung strained a smile, attempting to mask her agitation.

"No, not at all," Diego responded before scurrying back to his allocated seat, which was situated at the front of the middle row, in contrast to Eun-kyung's situated at the back.

As the time for sports approached, Eun-kyung was brimming with excitement. She made her way to her locker in the girls' changing room adjacent to the gym, and to her relief, it was not in disarray. She then proceeded to change into her sports gear - an ensemble comprised of a white t-shirt, a striking blue jacket and joggers adorned with white stripes and Ji-woo's name emblem was on each of them. To her surprise, she discovered an additional set of sports wear in the locker with a penny in the pocket, she took it out incase she needs it.

Venturing out to the field, she was astounded by the expansive lot, reminiscent of a full-fledged stadium, housing facilities for track and field events. As she looked around, it dawned on her that the school was affluent enough to have been sponsored by parental contributions. Eun-kyung was especially adept at running marathons and sought to join the group that had congregated for the activity. Amongst the cluster, she spotted Ga-ram who was engaged in a conversation with the P.E teacher. She was happy that at least she will be seeing a familiar face.

However, another member of the group made a disparaging remark about Eun-kyung's presence, "What the heck is she doing here" a girl voiced out from the group. That drew Ga-ram's attention, and on seeing Eun-kyung she excused herself from the teacher and approached her.

"Where you looking for me"

"No, I'm joining this group" she. smiled but Ga-ram looked at her as if she was an alien.

"I thought you don't like strenuous activities, why now?" Ga-ram asked.

"Ji-woo might not like it but I want to give it a try"

"Oh, but Ji-woo never trained her body for this, it won't be easy to catch up besides the Spring sport's competition will start in two months from now, you think you can hold up" she inquired.

"If you're gonna train me then there's no problem" she grins.

"Ok. Everyone listen up Ji-woo will be joining my team from today onward" she shouted too get everyone's attention.

"Psst, shouldn't we test her first, we can't just allow her to join like that" a guy came close to Ga-ram and spoke up, Eun-kyung recognised him as one of the boys in the Game squad.

"Very well Sung-min, each teams are going to pick someone to compete with her, she's already part of my team so you and Seo-ah has to pick a person from your teams"

"Fine" Sung-min answers as he turns towards his team to pick.

After two minutes, two students were brought out to compete with her. Ga-ram paired up two students from each teams and sent them to three different part of the school to oversee the marathon. Then Ga-ram showed her and her competitors the school's layout and the routes they will run through using her phone. The school was really big so it could be used to run a marathon.

They then went to position themselves at the start point of the marathon. But before they took off, Sung-min interrupted them, " Just know that if you come out first, you will be in Ga-ram's team but if you come out second, you will be in my team" he smiles wickedly.

"Then if you come out last you can join mine" Seo-ah concluded joyfully. Eun-kyung and all the rest of them looked at her strangely.

"No darling, losers doesn't deserve to be in any of our team" Sung-min places his hand on Seo-ah's shoulder and shooks his head.

"But they also deserve a second chance" Seo-ah retorted. Eun-kyung already guessed that the only bad guy here is Sung-min, if what Seo-ah said was accepted she wouldn't mind taking last when she suspects that she wouldn't be able to come out first.

"On your mark, get set.....Go" The whistle was blown, Eun-kyung set off with the rest, of course they won't run so fast at the beginning so they took it easy. Then she felt her body muscles contracting, Ga-ram was right, Ji-woo wasn't born to be an athlete but she's going to change that, not thinking much of her muscles she focused on the marathon.

"U-jin, we are supposed to be on field not here, what if Hyun-ki is there" Eun-woo complained as they walked out of the computer building.

"Hyun-ki is a slacker, trust me on this" U-jin said looking around.

Then Eun-woo sat down on a nearby bench refusing to get up.

"All this stress for me, I was expecting you to come sooner" Hyun-ki, who had conveniently arrived, greeted them with a winsome expression and two bottled water in hand.

He offered it to the two of them, U-jin refused but Eun-woo grabbed it quickly and downed it.

"You know why I'm here" U-jin said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, I'm sorry I just needed an excuse to send that kid out of my squad" he apologizes with a grin.

"So you had to use Ji-woo, I wasn't even present"

"And yet she survived on her own, I heard she acted strangely when she came back, I only wanted to confirm" he replied.

"This will be the last time that you will try to pull that stunt again" U-jin warned. "Eun-woo let's go"

"Wait, those two have been standing there since we got here, are they trying to skip sport" Eun-woo said as he pointed at a girl and a boy standing near a light pole that was in front of the computer building. U-jin and Hyun-ki looked over at them.

"Probably another deliquents that you need to attend to" Hyun-ki stated.

"Hey you" Eun-woo shouted drawing their attention.

"Don't mind us Senior Eun-woo we came here because of the marathon, Senior Ga-ram asked us to come here so that we can watch when the competitors pass" the boy spoke up.

"Oh, and why's that?" Eun-woo asked as he walked towards them with U-jin and Hyun-ki in tow.

"Well, Ji-woo figured that she should join the marathon race team, stupid right" the girl chuckles but stops when she sees Eun-woo and U-jin frown at her.

"Here they come" the boy spoke as a boy ran past them. "He's from Senior Sung-min's team"

"Sung-min never fails to amaze me, I think I will have to reward him" Hyun-ki said as he opened the cap of the bottled water that he was holding. Then another boy passed with Eun-kyung in tow but she stops while holding her knees, she was breathing heavily until she collapsed.

"Ji-woo!" U-jin and Eun-woo screamed.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

Please I'm very sorry for the late update, I had a serious headache.

I also edited Chapter 1 and 3.

Hyun-ki: Ji-woo keeps on amazing me.( ◜‿◝ )♡

U-jin: So...

Hyun-ki: The changed Ji-woo is just my type, I feel the need to ask her out.( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

U-jin: I'm going to break your legs before you even get the chance to do so (angry expression).

Hyun-ki: But why, she's still single ಠಿ_ಠ

U-jin: Because she's my future fiancée.


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