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37.77% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Unexpected Evidence.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Unexpected Evidence.

Ever since Ji-woo's three-day hospital stay, Ga-ram, her closest friend, had not made an appearance to visit her. This left Ji-woo pondering what kind of animosity her once dear friend held towards her. Ga-ram had a habit of retreating from Ji-woo's life intermittently, and when she resurfaced, Ji-woo would kindly inquire about any underlying issues, only to be met with explosive anger or complete disregard.

There were instances when Ji-woo struggled to comprehend Ga-ram's behavior. Perhaps Eun-kyung had unintentionally offended her, but this seemed highly improbable since...

"Ji-woo, you are required downstairs," Si-woo called out from behind Ji-woo's door but too Si-woo's surprise, Ji-woo swung open her bedroom door, roughly pushing him aside, and swiftly raced downstairs.

"What on earth was that all about?" he shouted in astonishment. Refusing to acknowledge her bellowing brother, Ji-woo continued her frenzied descent. However, as soon as she reached the living room, her forward momentum came to an abrupt halt as she laid eyes upon an unexpected visitor.

"Well, it seems you're not particularly thrilled to see me," Ga-ram, the very person Ji-woo had been contemplating just moments ago, stood before her in the living room, positioned near the crackling fireplace.

"Um... I didn't anticipate it would be you," Ji-woo stammered nervously, her words echoing with a tinge of unease.

"Pray tell, who was it that enthused you so much that you hastened down the stairs with such fervor?" Ga-ram inquired, her hands gracefully folded.

"It was no one" Ji-woo said in denial.

"Ga-ram, I was just thin....," Ji-woo continued, but before she could continue, Ga-ram interjected.

"You need not elucidate any further; let us delve into the reason for my arrival. I want you to attend my father's trial as a witness," Ga-ram stated with unwavering determination.

"What? How did...what transpired?" Ji-woo inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"The specifics are inconsequential at this juncture. Here," Ga-ram handed Ji-woo a book, prompting a quizzical expression from her companion.

"I have transcribed Eun-kyung's witness statement within these pages. We were unaware that you would return before my father's trial, so you shall serve as a substitute in her stead," Ga-ram explained, her voice filled with gravitas.

"When is the trial to take place?" Ji-woo inquired, perusing the contents of the book.

"It shall commence on the forthcoming Monday. Si-woo will accompany you. Now, I must take my leave," Ga-ram informed, preparing to depart. However, as she stood, Ji-woo took hold of her and rose as well.

"If you don't have anyplace to stay for the meantime, I extend an invitation for you to stay wit..." Ji-woo's words were abruptly interrupted by Ga-ram, her voice seething with bitterness. "Ji-woo, there is no need for you to feign concern."

Taken aback by her best friend's harsh statement, Ji-woo inquired incredulously, struggling to comprehend Ga-ram's sudden change in demeanor. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice betraying a mix of confusion and hurt.

"I no longer require your help, Ji-woo. In fact, I never expected you to return, knowing how much of a coward you are," Ga-ram spat out, her disgust evident.

"Ga-ram, I don't understand..." Ji-woo trailed off, her voice faltering as she gazed at her friend, desperately hoping for an explanation.

"Our friendship has been deteriorating for quite some time now, so the least you could do is simply be at the trial," Ga-ram expressed, disdain permeating her words, before turning sharply and walking away.

Ji-woo stood there, motionless and utterly shocked by the sudden and heartbreaking end to their friendship. She could scarcely believe what had just transpired. Why was her best friend looking at her with such disappointment? Overwhelmed by the flood of emotions, she sank onto the couch, cradling her face as tears streamed down her cheeks. Had she truly lost her closest friend?

Suddenly, Ji-woo's aunt entered the room, seemingly unaware of the tension that had enveloped the space. Her eyes immediately noticed Ji-woo's distant gaze and tear-streaked face. Concern etched across her features, she approached her niece with gentle strides. "Are you alright? Oh my dear, are you crying?" she exclaimed, extending her hand in an offer of comfort.

"No, I'm fine," Ji-woo replied, her voice trembling, as she tried to wipe away her tears.

Her aunt's eyes brimmed with empathy. "I am not blind, my dear Ji-woo. Please, confide in me and share what is troubling you. Although I may have distanced myself from you since your father's death, but you need not bear this burden alone. Let's face it together."

Unable to hold back any longer, Ji-woo's facade crumbled. She sobbed uncontrollably, seeking solace in her aunt's embrace. "I lost my best friend."

"Oh, my poor sweetheart," her aunt murmured, tenderly patting her back. "Let it all out, don't keep it inside. But remember, you are not alone. Now, the best you can do is be a helping hand to Ga-ram." she uttered these words as Ji-woo disentangled herself from the embrace, a sudden realization dawning upon her.

"Aunt, I have figured out what needs to be done," she confidently stated, and her aunt nodded in agreement. "That's the spirit! Now, let's hurry before your brother finishes the meal," they shared a laughter-filled moment before swiftly making their way to the dining room for lunch.

On Monday, as the trial was to be in progress, Ga-ram's father's relatives, comprising his two siblings and even his attorney who was also his sibling, had gathered with his neighbours and former co-workers and were seated on one side of the courtroom. While Ga-ram's mother who was an orphan, attended with her co-worker from the hospital where she works at and Ji-woo, U-jin, Eun-woo, Si-woo, Ji-woo's aunt, Mun-hee and Ga-ram's own attorney, Attorney John were seated on the other side of the courtroom.

"Have you thoroughly prepared for everything?" Si-woo inquired, turning to Ji-woo.

"I have assured you before, there is no need for concern," Ji-woo reassured him.

"All rise," the command rang out as the Judge entered the room and took their seat.


Ascending from his seat, Attorney Han, the representative for Ga-ram's father, stepped forward and courteously greeted the court. "As you are all aware, my client stands accused of maltreating his daughter. However, it is imperative to comprehend that he did not act with a sound mind. In truth, my client has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder." The attorney retrieved a document from their desk and handed it to the Judge, even furnishing a flash drive to a technician who proceeded to display an image on the projector. The image portrayed a result indicative of Ga-ram's father's diagnosis of bipolar disorder, bearing the signature of a doctor. After meticulously scrutinizing the evidence, the Judge nodded in acknowledgement at the evidence.

Then Ga-ram's attorney, Attorney John, a determined and eloquent lawyer, rose from his seat to commence his interrogation of Ga-ram's father. "Sir," he began, addressing the father with utmost respect, "Your lawyer has claimed that you suffer from a bipolar disorder. I must inquire, why did you not disclose this information to your daughter?"

"I didn't want her to be burdened with worry," replied the father, his voice filled with regret.

"Worry? When you were susceptible to dangerous tendencies and still cohabitating with her under the same roof, you could have inflicted harm upon her," Attorney John asserted, his tone firm and resolute.

At this point, Attorney Han, representing Ga-ram's father, promptly stood up to object. "Objection, Your Honor," he interjected, hoping to contest Attorney John's line of questioning.

"Objection overruled," ruled the judge. A smile played on Attorney John's lips as he triumphantly resumed his inquiry. "If you knew the extent of your disorder, why did you continue residing in the same household?" he pressed.

"I was unaware of the potential impact it could have on my daughter, and I assure you, that incident was a one-time occurrence," Ga-ram's father defended, his voice tinged with desperation and remorse.

"One-time? However, according to your daughter's testimony, it seems this was not the case," Attorney John countered, his voice resolute.

"I solemnly swear on my mother's life that it was indeed a one-time incident," Ga-ram's father vehemently declared.

"Mr. Han then why did your wife chose to leave your household?"

"I cannot determine the exact reason, as my wife frequently experiences sudden mood swings. Perhaps she was unfaithful to me," Ga-ram's father replied, sounding certain causing everyone in the court to start murmuring.

"Order," the judge interjected, striking the gavel on the bench.

Continuing his methodical line of questioning, Attorney John then asked, "Mr. Han, when the authorities were notified by Young Master U-jin about the assault on your daughter, why did you attempt to flee the scene? If you truly comprehended the offensiveness of your actions, running away would not have been your choice."

"Frankly, I was overwhelmed by fear and the profound realization of the harm I had inflicted upon my dear Ga-ram," he replied, his voice permeated with remorse.

Attorney John's brow furrowed as he meticulously processed the father's response. "Is that truly your answer?" he inquired, his tone laced with a blend of disbelief and disappointment.

"Yes," the father acquiesced, bowing his head in shame, unable to meet Ga-ram's gaze. "I wholeheartedly apologize," he whispered, keenly aware of the weight of his actions.

Attorney John took a contemplative pause, collecting his thoughts before delicately proceeding with his line of questioning. "You avow that it was the first time that you subjected your daughter to such physical harm. Then can you clarify the origin of the other marks on her body, as confirmed by the physician to not be a result of that particular incident?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," the father retorted defensively. "Perhaps she came under the aggression of bullies at school. Ga-ram, being a recipient of a scholarship at an esteemed high school, might be susceptible to such mistreatment. Moreover, I heard that her friend Ji-woo also experienced bullying there. If individuals are capable of tormenting a child from an affluent background, they are likewise capable of targeting a scholarship student like Ga-ram."

Attorney John arched an eyebrow, his skepticism lingering, as he remained dissatisfied with the father's explanation. "Thus, that is your response?" he inquired, hoping for a more conclusive answer.

"Yes," the father asserted resolutely, fiercely defending himself.

A deep sigh escaped Attorney John's lips, a realization dawning upon him that further inquiry may not yield any newfound insights. "No further questions," he ultimately relented, proceeding to make his way back to his seat.

Throughout the ongoing trial, a succession of Mr. Han's relatives were summoned to testify, each ardently proclaiming him to be an affectionate family man, incapable of deliberately causing harm to his loved ones. Their testimonies painted a picture of a caring and responsible individual, leaving the courtroom in contemplation.

Mrs. Han was summoned for questioning by Attorney Han, who began in a stern and assertive manner, "Mrs. Han, would you kindly provide an explanation for your demeanor towards your family? As a nurse, you seem to have overlooked your responsibilities within your own household."

Perplexed, Mrs. Han replied, "I am afraid I do not comprehend your meaning."

"Given your knowledge of your husband's condition, why did you fail to take any action? Your decision to leave the home may have incited your husband's aggressive behavior towards Ga-ram," Attorney John pressed.

"Are you attempting to place blame solely on me for what transpired?" Mrs. Han retorted, growing defensive.

"No, but it is undeniable that your actions played a role," Attorney John responded firmly.

Raising his objections, Attorney John rose to his feet, seeking clarity and fairness in the proceedings.

The judge ruled, "Objection substained. Attorney Han, please adjust your line of questioning."

Apologizing accordingly, Attorney Han respectfully sighed with regret before directing a new inquiry, "Why did you choose to leave your residence?"

A tear rolled down Mrs. Han's cheek as she spoke softly, "I was frightened. My husband incessantly subjected me to violence due to his personal struggles."

Curious, Attorney Han probed further, "What specific problems were these?"

"He was terminated from his employment," she replied.

"Actually, he resigned," Attorney Han corrected, seeking accuracy.

Confused, Mrs. Han interjected, "But he assured me that..."

"It is possible that you may have misconstrued his words and perhaps even believed that he had mistreated you as well, Mrs. Han. It might be worth considering whether you could be grappling with a mental ailment," Attorney Han concluded, offering an alternative perspective.

"It is you who possesses the mental problem! I sought your assistance, and yet you couldn't aid me," Mrs. Han exclaimed, rising to her feet as she unleashed her wrath upon him.

"Order," the judge interjected, striking the gavel on the bench.

"No further questions," Attorney Han declared.

Subsequently, he proceeded to interrogate Mrs. Han's co-worker, who attested that the man in question consistently exhibited aggressive behavior whenever he visited his wife at the hospital. Following this, witnesses to the altercation between Mr. Han and Ga-ram were called upon for further scrutiny.

U-jin supplied his testimony as someone who defended both Ji-woo and Ga-ram. Mun-hee, on the other hand, provided her statement as an individual who came forth due to Ji-woo and had also recorded the incident. Si-woo offered his account as someone who accompanied his sister to ensure her safety. Lastly, Ji-woo herself shared her own perspective, serving as Ga-ram's defender.

Then, Ga-ram the victim gave her statement that she and her mother had been suffering under her father's hand for five years.

A recess was then called, prompting Ga-ram to confront her mother, "Mom, why didn't you inform me about Dad's condition?"

"That's because... your father had already been cured. He had this disorder in his teenage years, but it was eradicated before we tied the knot," her mother replied.

"Then why does the documentation display a different date... was it fabricated?" Ga-ram inquired, suspicion filling her voice.

"It could be. Your father..." her mother's voice turned solemn, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mum, don't fret. Even if we don't prevail in the case, at least he won't reside with us any longer," Ga-ram attempted to console her.

"But the house is now under his ownership."

"What! I thought it was registered in your name."

"He informed me that it would be more fitting for it to be in his, so we made the change," Mrs. Han revealed, causing Ga-ram to contemplate deeply.

"I wish I were smart enough to avoid being deceived. I am deeply sorry," Mrs. Han continued, her remorse palpable.

"We will endure this together," Ga-ram reassured.

After the recess, all parties reconvened in the courtroom. The judge then announced that since Mr. Han had only assaulted his daughter once due to his disorder, he would be granted a pardon. However, his wife and daughter would not be required to live with him until he received proper treatment. With that, the case was declared closed. A wave of discontent rippled through those who were not on Mr. Han's side.

"Your Honor, please allow me to present some evidence that unequivocally demonstrates Mr. Han's guilt," Ji-woo stood up, resolutely making her way to the front of the courtroom.

"The case has already been closed, Miss," Attorney Han interjected, attempting to prevent her from approaching the judge.

"Bring them forward," the judge interrupted, firmly instructing Ji-woo to present her evidence. She diligently handed over several video tapes, prompting the judge to call a technician to project them for all to witness.

The first tape vividly depicted the day when Eun-kyung encountered Ga-ram's father. Yet, a few minutes prior to that encounter, the footage presented Mr. Han forcefully dragging Ga-ram and, when she valiantly attempted to free herself, he callously struck her against a wall, unrelenting in his aggression. He even delivered a resounding punch to her vulnerable abdomen when no prying eyes were present, before forcibly removing her from the hospital.

The second tape divulged a younger version of Mr. Han, receiving a diagnosis from a distinguished physician who confirmed his bipolar disorder.

The final tape showcased a chilling conversation between Mr. Han and a medical professional, where he nefariously expressed his intent to terminate treatment in order to deceive his future wife into believing he was already cured.

Once the playback concluded, with the truth irrefutable, Mr. Han abruptly leapt out of his seat, propelled by a tumultuous mix of fury and desperation, and lunged menacingly toward Ji-woo, his hands poised to encircle her throat. However, the swift intervention of security personnel expertly restrained him, thwarting his distressing attempt. In his frustration, he launched into vehement threats, vowing to end Ji-woo's life, his laughter morphing into a hauntingly manic soundscape.

The judge, unyielding in the face of such chaos, promptly ordered the security personnel to remove Mr. Han from the courtroom, preserving the safety of those present and adjourning the proceedings for the day.

As they departed the courtroom, Attorney John approached Ji-woo, inquisitive about her astute unraveling of the critical information. However, Ji-woo directed her gaze towards Ga-ram and replied, "I simply envisioned what Eun-kyung would have done in this predicament." Ga-ram's expression illuminated with gratitude.

"I am deeply thankful," Ga-ram conveyed.

Persisting with his probing, Attorney John asked, "But how did you unearth his bipolar disorder?"

Mrs. Han interjected, "I divulged that to her, albeit unaware of my husband's intent to exploit it as an excuse," as she shifted her focus towards Ji-woo, expressing her profound appreciation.

"Aren't we going to commemorate this momentous occasion?" Ji-woo's aunt jubilantly interjected, capturing the attention of everyone present.

All eyes turned towards her, anticipating further elaboration.

Jubilantly, she revealed, "Well, Ji-woo assured me we would undoubtedly prevail, prompting me to arrange an extravagant buffet to celebrate our victory." This statement was met with cheers and enthusiastic responses from the gathering.

Attorney John leaned over Ji-woo's aunt's shoulder, his voice tinged with curiosity, and asked, "Am I invited to partake in the festivities as well?" Initially taken aback, she shyly nodded, her cheeks flushed with a faint blush.

Upon reaching Ji-woo's opulent mansion, they convened in the grand dining hall. Their eyes widened in awe as they beheld the magnificent display of gourmet dishes that graced the elongated table, each enticing aroma and artfully presented creation tantalising their senses. Eagerly, they all rushed forward, indulging in the culinary delights before them.

Si-woo skillfully positioned a variety of dishes in front of Mun-hee, who marveled at his ability to discern her favourite dishes.

"Um...either I possess an inherent genius or I noticed your longing gazes and uncontrollable drooling at these exquisite dishes," he playfully chuckled, observing her attempt to wipe away the drool.

Between bites of her steak, Ga-ram asked Ji-woo, "When did you develop such an insatiable appetite?"

"Noticing how Eun-kyung could consume substantial meals without affecting my figure, I decided to follow in her footsteps. After all, if food represents life, then consuming abundant food guarantees a long life," Ji-woo chimed in, cheerfully taking a mouthful of fries.

"You're really becoming quite strange," Ga-ram teased, continuing to enjoy her meal.

"Thank you for the delightful meal," Mrs. Han graciously conveyed her gratitude to Ji-woo's aunt.

"You're most welcome. However, I'm quite curious about where you and your daughter have been staying," she inquired, seeking insight into their temporary living arrangements.

"We have been residing with Ji-hye," Mrs. Han replied, gesturing towards her co-worker.

"That's lovely. If there's anything you need, feel free to reach out to me," she kindly offered, prompting Mrs. Han to nod appreciatively. Then, Ji-woo's aunt turned her attention towards Attorney John, who was seated nearby, and inquired, "Mr. John, how did you find the meal?"

"Splendid," he complimented, eliciting a contented smile from Ji-woo's aunt.

Meanwhile, U-jin's gaze remained fixed on Ji-woo, who noticed his stare and inquired about the reason behind it.

"How did you know about Ga-ram and her father's presence at the hospital on that day?" he asked curiously.

"Um... Si-woo informed me that you had mentioned Eun-kyung meeting them at the hospital. This led me to investigate what had transpired," Ji-woo defended her actions. Si-woo, who had been observing Mun-hee's mesmerized expression as she gazed at Eun-woo, suddenly realized that his own name had been called. He turned his attention towards Ji-woo, seeking an explanation. However, Ji-woo disregarded his inquisitive gaze and redirected her focus to U-jin, questioning why Little Diego hadn't made an appearance.

"I'm not entirely certain. Perhaps he was preoccupied and unable to attend the trial today," he replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"But he returned four days ago," Ji-woo remarked in puzzlement. U-jin simply shrugged again, failing to provide a satisfactory explanation.

Preparing to depart, Ji-woo leaned in and whispered into Si-woo's ear, "If your sentiments for her are sincere, you should cease ogling and openly confess your feelings." With that, she swiftly made her exit before he could respond.

As Ji-woo stepped out of the mansion, she was immediately greeted by the sight of the darkened sky and an icy evening breeze that sent shivers down her spine. Determined to seek solace, she decided to venture into the serene garden. It was there that she encountered a group of diligent maids, who kindly inquired if they could fetch a blanket to shield her from the chilly wind. Grateful for their concern, Ji-woo graciously declined their offer and continued on her path. She couldn't help but wonder why the maids always showed such care for her well-being, even though she rarely engaged with them beyond brief exchanges. Perhaps she should have taken the time to connect with them further during her fleeting moments of respite.

As she approached the door that was adorned with an exquisite lattice of blossoming flowers, Ji-woo gingerly pushed open the door, commencing an unhurried journey toward the heart of the garden, where a resplendent cherry blossom tree stood sentinel. Her outstretched hand reverently brushed against the velvety petals, a profound exhalation of relief escaping her lips. "It's truly remarkable to witness your growth, dear cherry. I deeply apologize for my tardiness in visiting. I didn't have the courage to come after what..." Her voice trailed off, interrupted by quiet sobs.

"I can't help but question whether my mother truly loves me or not. I am burdened by guilt, consumed by my own selfishness, my self-centered nature and ignorance. Eun-kyung has helped me to realise the extent of the damage I have caused to those around me," Ji-woo confessed, her voice filled with anguish as she knelt down and embraced the tree trunk.

"I've been a coward, constantly running away from the truth. Oh, how I long for my dear father to be here... the only person who could have healed my wounded soul. I disregarded his existence, and now I only wish to apologize for all the pain I've caused. I'm plagued by fear, dear cherry. Must I sacrifice myself to atone for my grievous misdeeds?" she poured out her heart, her voice trembling.

Suddenly, a rustling above caught her attention, causing her to look up only to find a shadow hovering on one of the branches of the tree, startled, she let out a piercing scream.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

Very tired, I'm going through a lot; no light and the preparation for my project defence, thought the practical aspect will take place this week but then it happened to be next week.

Ji-woo's life is now being revealed little by little, I gave a long chapter due to my absence during this past three days. I know it isn't much but after this month, I'm sure that all my issues will be solved.

Thanks for reading.

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