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26.66% Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: A Desperate Kiss.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: A Desperate Kiss.

Perceiving danger, Eun-kyung cried out in distress as she dashed towards U-jin. The boy in need of assistance had already disappeared, leaving U-jin rooted to the spot as he gaped helplessly at the approaching trailer, its driver showing no signs of halting.

At the eleventh hour, Eun-kyung gallantly hurled herself towards U-jin and pushed him to safety, tumbling down with him in tow. Disoriented by the events that had just unfolded, U-jin scanned the surroundings and visualised Eun-kyung close by, but recumbent and motionless. Stricken with remorse over the role he played in causing Eun-kyung's distress, U-jin frantically shook her awake, crying out her name in a near-constant delirium. By now, a motley crowd of bystanders had assembled, speculating over what appeared to be the demise of a young hero.

But astonishingly, Eun-kyung stirred, venting an appeal that U-jin had just invaded her auditory confines.

As soon as she regained her footing, Eun-kyung dusted herself off and explained, "You should have just verified my pulse instead of bawling into my eardrums," but before she knew it U-jin had envelope her in a warm embrace. "I'm sorry that I blanked out, Thanks for saving me" and she reciprocated, administering soothing pats on his back.

"It's alright that's why I'm here" she disengaged from the embrace, sidling over towards the gathering of onlookers, cueing U-jin to depart expeditiously, although a few among the throng had already taken photographs, as if the duo had partaken in some sort of theatrical display.

Upon reaching the Lamborghini, Eun-kyung caught sight of Young-chul with a bouquet of lilies.

Concerned for her well-being, he inquired, "Are you alright?" to which Eun-kyung responded gamely, "I am fine. Just a little dust on my attire."

Accepting the flowers from him, Eun-kyung waved, before ushering U-jin into the vehicle.

Eun-kyung proffered, "If you're not able to drive, I can take over." she said as she entered the passenger's seat but U-jin reassured her as he explained, "No, I'm fine it is you that I'm worried of" he started the car and drives off.

Eun-kyung, likewise unperturbed, inquired "I'm fine too, but what precisely occurred back there?"

Quietly mulling it over, U-jin hesitated before confiding, "During my juvenile years, I faced a life-threatening accident where my mother bravely shielded me from harm, ultimately sacrificing her own life in the process," U-jin empathetically stated.

Eun-kyung, now understanding, surmised "Is that why she's...."

"Yes, she lost her life because of me" U-jin's feelings of guilt and sorrow were palpable, but Eun-kyung reassured him, "Your mother's actions were instinctual, doing what any good mother would do, and her love for you is a testament to that." Eun-kyung softly mused as she comfortingly rested a hand on his shoulder.

"You also did that too, for a minute there I also thought that I lost you too" he said in a low tone.

"Well let's just say it isn't my time yet"

"Indeed" he smiles widely.

As their Lamborghini came to a stop at the cemetery's car park, they both alighted and proceeded to the grave site.

As they stood in front of it, U-jin bowed down and Eun-kyung followed suit. The name of Wang Hye Jin was engraved upon the stone grave. In reverence, Eun-kyung tenderly placed the lilies upon the grave.

"Mother, I'm here again and I will like to introduce you to Eun-kyung" Eun-kyung, had been facing downwards until this moment and was startled by the sudden attention.

She slaps his arm, "Ouch, Eun-kyung came here with me not Ji-woo" he defends.

"Your mum won't understand"

"She will eventually" he chimed in with a gentle smile.

"I'm not going to stay here for long"

"We will see about it" he then turns towards his mother's grave.

Amidst their exchange, U-jin reflected on his mother's memory, "Meeting Eun-kyung has reminded me of how much you are still watching over me. She saved my life today, just as you did years ago." As U-jin knelt down in front of the grave, Eun-kyung felt a pang of sympathy for his vulnerable state, and she too knelt beside him, offering her support. The novel never showed this side of him, she felt a little guilty for telling him that he was heartless.

"Mum, I miss you so much" he sniffed.

U-jin was now crying then Eun-kyung places his head on her chest.

"You can cry all you want here" she tenderly cooed as she patted his head, providing him with much-needed comfort.

After what seemed like eternity, he stopped and after they paid their respects, U-jin opened a perfume bottle and slowly poured it around his mother's grave, taking his time to pay his respects. Eun-kyung mirrored his actions, and once done, they once again stood in front of the grave.

"Mum likes lilies so much and Ji-woo likes rose so much that's why I and Eun-kyung choose this, I hope you like it and please wish me luck" he said with a smile.

Eun-kyung offered her own words of comfort, "You may rest easy, for U-jin is in good hands."

As she turned to leave, U-jin looked at her with a complicated expression, one that Eun-kyung could not fathom. She sharply said, "Let's go," and bade farewell to his mother's grave. U-jin followed suit, his emotions still raw with grief.

"Where might we go next? I must say, I am quite famished," Eun-kyung queried as they entered the Lamborghini.

"The hospital," U-jin replied with a serious expression.

Eun-kyung's countenance shifted immediately to one of shock, "The hospital? Out of all the exquisite restaurants in Seoul, you choose to dine at the hospital?"

U-jin remained poker-faced as they began to drive. It didn't take long for Eun-kyung to realise the reason behind their visit, "Are you injured?"

U-jin didn't deny it, but neither did Eun-kyung admit that she was also hurt.

But when he raised her skirt to attend to her injury that she lied was not there, she instinctively slapped him. "I'm terribly sorry... well, actually, I'm not. What were you even thinking?" Eun-kyung scowled.

U-jin seemed unperturbed by her reaction, "The injury needs to be attended to." U-jin touched his cheek, trying to massage it "The last time I received a slap from Ji-woo it wasn't this hard, must you put all your strength to do it"

"I'm not going to apologize" she stared at him still angry.

"I'm not asking for that, I deserve the slap anyways"

"How did you even notice it?" she asked about the injury.

"When you were lying unconscious earlier"

"Did anybody else...."

"I closed it as fast as I could"

As they pulled up to the hospital, U-jin escorted Eun-kyung to see his personal female doctor, he also had a personal male doctor too, but he'd insisted on waiting for the woman to finish tending to other patients.

Eun-kyung's appetite wouldn't wait, and U-jin had to buy her chocolates to beg her to wait which she obediently did. After the female doctor was through with what she was doing, she proceeded to tend to Eun-kyung's injury with meticulous care.

"Check him too" with an air of finality, no longer wishing to be attended to. The female physician proceeded to examine U-jin, meticulously searching for any indication of harm or internal trauma. Taking it one step further, she divested him of his shirt, divulging a well-toned, muscular physique. The doctor proceeded to palpate his chest and abdominal region, with Eun-kyung surmising that perhaps the physician derived some sort of perverse pleasure from the actions, she refused to look at the duo further and left the room but unbeknownst to her, she was exchanging the frying pan for the fire. Her path crossed with the exquisite serpent-like Ha-rin, with whom she now stood, face to face.

"Look what we have here, the defenceless pigeon" gleefully taunted Ha-rin. Incensed by the insult, Eun-kyung's blood boiled, but she bided her time, secretly strategizing. She reasoned that it was time this woman learned her place and so, she rested her hands, casting a sly smile. Ha-rin evinced a sense of unease, 'What could Ji-woo be plotting?' she thought

"Oh, I didn't happen to notice you before. May I inquire as to the reason for your presence here? Could it be that you have deduced that your visage demands refinement?" Eun-kyung inquires with a fabricated chuckle.

Ha-rin's countenance contorts in disapproval. "Is it not you who requires facial alteration?"

Eun-kyung undeterred, proceeds to taunt: "And yet, it is your dear U-jin who persistently follows me."

Ha-rin cordially interjects, "You are wrong, you seem to have forgotten that today's U-jin's mother's memorial"

"Oops and yet here I am but however, didn't U-jin himself bring me here for medical attention?" She raises her dress fractionally, allowing Ha-rin to observe the bandaged lap.

Ha-rin observes the affliction with a furrowed brow. "Where is he, you slut?" she bellows, incensed. Following Eun-kyung's glance to the door that was behind her, Ha-rin sprints towards it, flinging it open in anger.

Her ire peaks at the sight that greets her. "Do not lay a hand on him, you wench," she seethes, seizing the doctor by her hair.

"What is the meaning of this, Ha-rin? Release her instantly," U-jin roars with fury. He had no idea of Ha-rin's love towards him until Eun-kyung divulged that Ha-rin had threatened her to steer clear of him.

"She was attempting to-"

"Enough, Ha-rin. This is your final warning. You ought to know your place," U-jin admonishes sternly, quelling any queer notions Ha-rin may have harbored.

"You don't mean as you say, U-jin?" Ha-rin's demeanor is imbued with palpable mortification.

"I certainly do. Get out now," he signals to her towards the door, leaving Ha-rin crestfallen.

'Damn Ji-woo for ensnaring me in this elaborate scheme. She shall not escape retribution for this' she thought.

Eun-kyung that have left the scene ever since didn't know the deed she just did has caused her to make a very big foe. She purchased a cold drink from the vending machine and went to the garden that was close to the hospital but as she wanted to sit at one of the benches there, she heard Ga-ram voice coming from a bench that was far away from hers. Ga-ram didn't see her so she wanted to call out to her but she heard the man that was seating close to Ga-ram shout.

"What do you mean that you don't know where she is"

"I haven't talked to her since she left" Ga-ram responds.

"Liar, you came to meet her here"

"I came to see my friend" she defends.

"You still had the guts to lie to me" but as the man raised his hand to hit Ga-ram that was when Eun-kyung called her name

"Ga-ram, I have been looking for you everywhere" she smiles as she walked towards them.

The man looked at her in surprised but then turned towards Ga-ram for explanation but Ga-ram kept mute.

"Here's your drink that you asked for" Eun-kyung gave Ga-ram the drink as she gave her a sign to follow up. Ga-ram realises what she was trying to do.

"Oh, thanks Ji-woo" she said as she collected the drink from Eun-kyung.

"Is she the one that you came to see?" the man asked.

"Yes, I had a small accident that led to this" Eun-kyung spoke up as she showed her bandaged lap.

"I must've been mistaken, I'm sorry Ga-ram for accusing you wrongly" he apologized although not sincerely.

"It's alright, Ji-woo this is my father" Ga-ram informed her.

"Nice to meet you sir" she smiled although it didn't reach her eyes.

"The pleasure is all mine, I should leave now, Ga-ram I will see you at home soon" he said before he left.

After Eun-kyung was sure that he had left, she spoke up, "Is that really your father?" she asked.

Ga-ram sighs "He is, so what" Eun-kyung felt that she was angry at her.

"What did I do, I thought you were in trouble" she defends.

"Well I wasn't, you should go"

"Not even a thank you" she got angry too.

"I don't just need you to meddle with my problems, Ji-woo never did" she proclaimed while rising to her feet, only to be detained by Eun-kyung.

"However, I am not Ji-woo," Eun-kyung retorted.

"That is precisely what concerns me," Ga-ram replied, looking intently into Eun-kyung's eyes. "Although you are not Ji-woo, you currently occupy her body which implies that whenever you perceive a threat, you should evacuate the premises. It is similar to your present predicament; I assume you must have engaged in a hazardous activity to become injured. Mind your business" Ga-ram advised and left.

Eun-kyung was upset but Ga-ram was right it isn't her body, when she leaves Ji-woo could potentially return, although she wasn't sure but she knows that Ga-ram needs help.

She sought out U-jin, who was with the female doctor and still laughing, despite being shirtless. Annoyed, she proceeded towards him, "I am leaving."

"Alright, let me escort you home" he began putting on his shirt.

"There's no need, I can just take a bus ride home but first I need to have Ga-ram's home address"

"If you want to go there I can take you but aren't you not hungry" he finished dressing properly.

"I am not interested in dining with you, forgot the address" she snapped. "I need to return home." She exited the room as U-jin bade farewell to the doctor before following her.

"Ji-woo, hold on," he called out.

"Now we have returned to Ji-woo," she grew more agitated.

"You're misunderstanding. It is because Ji-woo is the one who is usually bad-tempered, not you," he tried to catch up with her as she entered the elevator.

It was only the two of them in the elevator.

"Wow, I didn't know because I have the same face with her" she bellowed.

"What is the reason for your anger?"

"I cannot fathom it, remind me please."

"What exactly happened? Did Ga-ram say something to you?" He inquired.

"I am angry at the two of you," she retorted.


"Forget it," the elevator door opened, and she stepped out.

"Allow me to take you to eat at least."

"No," she feigned a smile and left the hospital, she was relieved that U-jin had not followed her. She disliked how she acted earlier, akin to a jealous girlfriend.

She went to stand with the other commuters that were waiting at a bus stop, but a Lamborghini stopped in front of her. U-jin alighted and opened the passenger door.

"Please come in," he offered.

After she hesitated, the women surrounding her nudged her forward.

As Eun-kyung entered, U-jin swiftly closed the door and flashed a smile at his helpers, eliciting high-pitched squeals from them. The onlooking men gawked in disbelief at the scene.

"May I inquire as to your preferred cuisine?" U-jin inquired while deftly maneuvering the car at an intersection.

"You," Eun-kyung idly replied as she stared out the window, eliciting a lightly amused chuckle from U-jin.

"I highly doubt you could consume all of me," he said jokingly.

"I can," Eun-kyung persisted, still oblivious to the implications of her statement.

"Then, where shall we start from?" U-jin teasingly remarked, prompting Eun-kyung to finally face him and retort, "In your dreams!"

"You seem quite ravenous, don't worry we will get there very soon," he reassured her as he focused on the road.

As Eun-kyung resumed staring out the window, her attention eventually shifted to a familiar figure conversing with a lady. "U-jin, please halt the vehicle at once," Eun-kyung urgently tapped him.

"Certainly, what seems to be the problem?" he inquired after ably parking the car in a secure location.

"That is Ga-ram's father; I encountered him earlier near the hospital," Eun-kyung pointed out. "Ga-ram has a father?" U-jin quizzically questioned.

"Yes, I disapprove of his manner of speaking to Ga-ram; he nearly struck her had I not intervened," Eun-kyung explained.

"So, you believe..." U-jin trailed off.

"Yes, he may be abusing her at home," Eun-kyung reasoned.

"Let me talk to him," U-jin proposed as he prepared to exit the car.

"No, let us merely monitor him for now. Who knows what he might do if he were aware of your association with Ga-ram?" Eun-kyung reasoned, effectively deterring U-jin from the potential confrontation.

"You are correct; shall we continue tracking him?" U-jin concurred, astutely returning his focus to the cab Ga-ram's father had just entered.

"Follow that cab," commanded Eun-kyung, upon seeing Ga-ram's father step into a taxi.

As the cab came to a stop in front of a local bar, Eun-kyung suggested they tail him inside to monitor him closely. Despite U-jin's initial doubts, she convinced him that they might uncover evidence of abuse and secure Ga-ram's emancipation.

He agreed then they proceeded to a nearby clothing store, where they purchased attire to blend in with the bar's denizens.

Eun-kyung tied her hair back and donned a black crop top, matched with black skinny jeans and high heeled boots, finishing off the ensemble with a jean jacket tied around her waist. Meanwhile, U-jin attired himself in a white singlet, topped with a brown leather jacket, along with a pair of blue jeans and black vans.

"Ji-woo's is going to kill you if she finds out" U-jin remarked cheekily, his gaze wandering to Eun-kyung navel-exposing top.

"You and I are the only one that knows except someone decides to spill the beans" she said as she grabbed his jacket.

"I won't" he raised his hands in the air.

Upon settling the payment for their clothing, they made their way to the bar, yet their access was prevented by the vigilant bouncer who prompted them to furnish their ID. While U-jin compliantly provided his identification, Eun-kyung was unable to do so because of Ji-woo's age as she can't enter the club because she's underage prompting U-jin to resort to bribery in order to gain entrance. The bouncer conceded only after being vouched safe with the exchange of a large sum of money.

As they entered the bar, the duo was greeted by a vibrant display of colours emanating from disco lights, which illuminated the dance floor, crowded with gyrating partygoers. U-jin manoeuvred through the throng with Eun-kyung and approached the bar, ordering drinks from the bartender.

Meanwhile, Eun-kyung perched on a stool and scanned the premises, eventually catching sight of Ga-ram's father, who was perched on an upper floor, whispering to a young lady accompanying him whilst leaning on a rail.

"There he is" she informed U-jin as she pointed at him.

"Okay, so what are we to do now" he asked as he handed her a drink.

"I spotted a wedding ring on his hand earlier so he is still married" she sipped her drink but U-jin drank his in one gulp, agitated and anxious to execute their scheme.

"So" he asked as he told the bartender to give four more drinks

"I can catch him in the act of infidelity" she said as she brought out her phone as U-jin drinks from one glass to another.

Whilst Ga-ram's father was engaged in lip-lock with his mistress, Eun-kyung capitalised on the opportunity and stealthily snapped a picture. Unbeknownst to her, their target had caught wind of their presence and began summoning other brawny men to track them down.

In a hasty move, Eun-kyung dragged U-jin towards a corridor intended to lead to the restroom for cover, yet U-jin's stupor had rendered him stubborn and insistent on obtaining another drink.

"But I want to drink more" he grumbles, Eun-kyung now knew that he was drunk.

An agitated Eun-kyung tried to push him forward, but he was immovable, forcing her to concoct an impromptu plan to evade their pursuers. Desperate and under duress, Eun-kyung mustered up the courage to take drastic action, grabbing U-jin's head and planting a kiss on his lips.

CelesteVega CelesteVega

I finally had my first review and I'm very grateful.

So fate is now pushing U-jin and Eun-kyung together.

Ji-woo: You wore a cloth that exposed my tummy.

Eun-kyung: I'm sorry.

Ji-woo: You drank an alcoholic drink when I'm not yet eighteen.

Eun-kyung: Please forgive me


Ji-woo: And how dare you, you kissed U-jin with my lips.

Eun-kyung: I thought you liked him.

Ji-woo: Are you crazy, Apologize now

Eun-kyung: I actually liked it ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

Ji-woo: (Starts to pursue her)

Thanks for reading.

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