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25% Transformers : ZX Adventure / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Relic Of The Past
Transformers : ZX Adventure Transformers : ZX Adventure original

Transformers : ZX Adventure

Author: Dowaray

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Relic Of The Past

"Thud-thud-thud!" The earth shaking with each footstep of a big blue robot with Autobot symbol on his chest carefully wading through the thick jungle of Percival-8 searching for something. The robot suddenly stop in its track and touch a device on its head and a youthful male voice can be heard speaking in a hushed tone, "have you found any sign of our target yet, Z?" Meanwhile, a smaller red robot with Decepticon symbol on its chest and a womanly feature. Scanning her surrounding, she's coldly replying into her communicator, "nope, how about you then, X?"

Sighing, he scans the surrounding area and only seeing tree's for miles ahead, "me neither, are you sure you detected the signal in this area, Fixer?" In a spaceship outside of the planet, a lone Caretakers Mini-con with camo pattern outraged while hitting the terminal in front of him, "by the prime I told you so many times, I'm sure of it, why did you keep doubting me!?" Grimacing in pain with the sudden outburst of fixer X quickly reply, "well, don't you remember, we found you in the Junkion. Even tough my uncle already fixing you, there are still a few kinks in place that making you somewhat unreliable."

Fixer hit the terminal once again in disbelieve, "what do you mean I'm unreliable, ahem, let me tell you mister I'm technically the gosh darn best Caretakers Mini-con in this galaxy!" X roll his eye in exasperation, "of course you are the best Caretakers Mini-con in this galaxy, after all we are far away from any Cybertronian settlement." With pride, Fixer hit his chest, "hah, it looks like you agreed, huh!" Facepalming X start walking to search his target with aggrieved expression, "can you do something about this blow hard Z?"

She shake her head while searching for clue, "nope, I don't want to be dragged into one of yours childish banter." Sighing, X stop using his communicator and bored looking around the area while muttering, "man, why did our target choose to run away to this place?" Curious, he uses his communicator again, "hey Fixer, please send me the data of our target once again." Fixer start clicking on the terminal, "okay, please wait for a few seconds." Before long, a translucent window appear in front of X retina containing all the information of the target.

Fort Blaster, a red Decepticon with the shape of a bipedal tortoise that can transform into a tank. He's wanted because of his love of explosion and wanton destruction of Andromeda city back in Cybertron. His thick carapace and firepower making this Decepticon easily escape from the hand of Cybertronian police, his bounty is 70,000,000 Shanix. X caress his chin pondering something while walking, "hmm a turtle Decepticon huh, I hope my buster or Z, saber can punch or cut through its thick carapace."

"Bang!" Suddenly of explosion interrupting X thought as he quickly transforms into his car form a blue Skyline, and runs toward the source of the explosion. X quickly contacted the others via the communicator, "I heard an explosion nearby, I'm closing in on the source to check if it's the sign of our target over!" Fixer over the moon hearing X report, "hah, told you so!" Before long, X Spotting the target destroying an indigenous settlement with his cannon on its back, "gua-ha-ha-ha, die worm!"

"Aaaaaa!" A scream of terror can be heard from the distance as the native species living on this planet, the beast me. Running away in terror as, Fort Blaster mow them down with his fire breathing attack. One of the beast man child falling down as it's trying to run away from the deception. Noticing that Fort Blaster raising one of his foot intending to stomp the child while maniacally laughing. Gritting his teeth, X goes into full throttle, "oh no you don't!" Without the Decpticon noticing, X ram his car body to Fort Blaster side staggering him as X transform back into his robot form.

X turn his head for a moment and shout at the native child, "run!" Shocked, the child stand up and quickly run away. Touching his communicator X speak, "Fixer, I'm in contact with our target as he's terrorizing the local, quickly send my co-ordinate to Z, and tell her to come here immediately!" Turning serious Fixer clicking something on the terminal while saying, "roger that X!" Without X notice Fort blaster closing in on him and deliver a punch that send X flying into the air, "guahhhh, crack!" Finally, X's body crashed into a tree, stopping his body from flying any further while causing the tree to fall.

Moving closer toward X Fort Blaster grab him by his neck and lift his body to the air, "well-well-well looks who's here, a lone Autobots, tell me are you a police or one of those silly bounty hunter?" Gasping for air X secretly transform his left arm into his reliable buster while gripping Fort Blaster air. Fort Blaster ticked off as X doesn't answer his question for a while, so he angrily slams X body to the ground, "answer me!" Grinning, X pointing his fully charged buster at Fort Blaster, "ziiiing~, surprise!" His eyes go wide in horror seeing the fully charged buster, "oh no, pew!"

Fort Blaster and X body goes flying into the air and hit a tree stopping both them, standing up with difficulty X find Fort Blaster quickly recovered and readying his weapon on his shoulder, "bang!" Seeing that, X quickly roll to the side as the ground where his stand before exploded, "boom!" Without missing a beat X let out two shot at Fort Blaster, "pew-pew, ding-ding!" But his attack uselessly deflected without leaving any mark, grinning Fort blaster taunt X, "is that all you've got dim-spark!"

Fort Blaster fall down into all four, showing a giant cannon on its back with two smaller guns on its shoulder, while aiming all of them at X, "guaha-ha-ha, I'll show you what a real attack looks like!" The Decepticon let out an all out attack at X making his eye twitch in fear. Fortunately, with his lightning quick reflex, X successfully dodge the attack and charge his buster at the same time. While Fort Blaster, maniacally laugh seeing all the explosion he caused as his gun turning red hot from all the attack he let out, "vroom!"

Suddenly, the sound of an engine reverberate from the thicket at the back of Fort Blaster without his notice as he caught up with all the explosion, "vroom, crack!" A red motorcycle burst out from the thicket of the jungle and transform into a robot form Z, "Schvrmmmmmmm!"She quickly draw her energy saber from her back and cut the barrel of Fort Blaster stopping his attack. Breathing a sigh of relief X thank Z with a grin as he aim his buster at the target, "hey thanks for your help Z, now its my turn to attack!" Z calmly nodded as Fort Blaster in distraught seeing his beloved weapon getting cut in half, "pew!"

X let out another fully charged buster attack that push his body back a few step as Fort Blaster eye turn red, enraged by the destruction of his weapon, "bang!" The fully charged buster shot hit Fort Buster on its chest covering him in smoke, before X and Z complacent a bestial roar filled with rage can be heard from the smoke "roar!" Fort Blaster burst out of the smoke with a crack on its chest as he blindly charge at X and Z in a blind rage. X quickly dodge to the right while charging his buster once again, while Z dodge to the left side of Fort Blaster and slashing down with her saber toward his side, "wom, clink!"

Z saber bounce off Fort Blaster carapace as he instinctively swatted Z away with his tail, "swish!" Fortunately, with her quick reflex Z jump away at the last moment and with fully charged buster, X let out another shot. But Fort Blaster instinctively duck, dodging the attack, without missing a beat he's quickly charging right at X before he can let out another shot, "bam, guahhh!" X go flying into the air after receiving a tail swipe from Fort Blaster taking the chance Z closing in on him with a dash and let out a series of slash at his joint, "buzz!"

Her attack cut trough one of his joint on his leg making him knell to the ground. Recovered from the attack X quickly send a flying kick to his downed opponent making him fall to the on his back. Still enraged, Fort Blaster let out another beastial roar and try to get up, "roar!" But its all in vain as he struggle to get up at all, "thud-thud-thud, ziiiing~!" X slowly walk toward his hapless opponent while charging his buster, X carefully aim his shot at Fort Blaster head and say, "good bye, bang!"

X shot hit true knocking out Fort Blaster cold, breathing a sigh of relief X fall down to the floor in exhaustion. Z silently tower over X with worried looks on her face, smiling X quickly reassure her, "don't worry I'm fine just exhausted that's all." Fixer suddenly interrupt her before she can say anything, "congratulation everyone, I will send over the ground bridge over your location immediately. Oh, and don't forget to handcuff our target this time, we don't want what happen last time happening again, right?" Sighing, Z walk over to Fort Blaster unconscious body and bound both of his hand and feet.

Before long a ground bridge portal appear a few steps away from the other, recovered enough X stand up and drag Fort Blaster in to the portal by his tail with Z in tow. Fixer, already waiting for them as they step into the spaceship bridge. Seeing them, he excitedly waves his arm in front of an open stasis pod, "good job everyone, please put our prisoner to the stasis pod I have prepared." Nodding, X and Z laboriously put Fort Blaster into the pod because of his sheer size. Remembering something, X do a facepalm and stop Fixer before he can close the pod hatch, "wait, I forget to do something!"

Knowing what X about to do Fixer move his body away from the pod and letting X do his thing. Taking a deep breath, X transform his left hand into his buster and turn on its scan mode and point it at the unconscious Fort Blaster, "humm." A blue laser come out from the buster and start scanning Fort Blaster body. And before long the buster stop scanning as it let out a green light from its barrel as it start to change making X ecstatically fist pumping into the air, "yes finally, my father research isn't bogus after all!"

Seeing the ecstatic X making Fixer curious as he starts excitedly circling X trying to see what changed to the buster while Z silently watch it all happen with tender smile on her face, "oh it finally happens, let me see-let me see!" With a grin X turn his body and revealing the buster to the other, "Ta-da!" Awestruck fixer hold his cheek in shock as he gazes upon the buster, "ohhh, it's shiny!" The buster body now red with flaming vinyl instead of the usual blue and its red crystal on the tip of the barrel have turn green.

Excited, Fixer grab X arm and try to drag him somewhere, "quick, lets try it out!" Curious with his buster new capability, X let his body getting dragged to the range, but before they can take a step Z stop them, "Fixer please, don't you forget to close the stasis pod, again." Fixer stroke the back of his neck in embarrassment, "oh right, sorry I nearly forgot about that, thank Z!" He promptly close the stasis pod and bolted away, "I'll be waiting for you at the range X!" Z shake helplessly shake her head as X run toward the training room, "hey wait up!"

X stand in front of a range while being watched by the other, at first X let out a normal shot at the target, "pew!" A fireball, spew forth from the buster burning the target into a cinder, taking a comfortable stance X charge his buster, "ziiiing~!" After a few moment passed X let out the fully charged shot, "pew!" A red ball of energy shoot out from the buster, and it explode as it landed at the target, "booom!" Fixer excitedly cheering at the exploding target, "woo-hoo, finally Dr. Light Sky research on copying another Cybertronian gene to copy their ability is a resounding success!"

Stroking his chin, X thinking while glancing at the buster, asking the other for their opinion, "hmm, but why did it suddenly work with Fort Blaster and not the other Cybertronian fugitive we caught before?" Both Fixer and Z starting to think the reason for a while, until Z raise a plausible answer, "well, maybe it's because the fugitive we caught this time have a very distinctive feature than the other fugitive we usually caught?" Fixer and X think for a moment and then X nodded, "yeah, that's the best explanation we can give for now, that is until we can find another scientist to disprove us."

Fixer nodded agreeing with X statement, "yeah that's true, anyway captain." X turn his head toward him with an ominous premonition, "yes, what's wrong Fixer?" He let out an awkward laugh while circling his finger around, "Err, I need to remind you that our Energon supply is dwindling." Both X and Z eyes go wide in shock, "what!?" X grab Fixer shoulder and shake him, "what do you mean our Energon supply are dwindling aren't I already telling you to stockpile enough Energon to last for a year or two!?"

Sweating bullet Fixer quickly explain himself, "it looks like I'm miscalculated how much Energon we needed." X facepalming hearing Fixer confession, "we really need to get back to Junkion so that my uncle can take a closer look at your processor." Sighing, X gently place Fixer to the ground, "there's nothing we can do about that other than to get another one, Fixer!" Hearing X called his name Fixer quickly reacted and give him a salute, "yes sir!" "Go scan this planet for any Energon deposit we can use, and if you don't find anything, we will immediately go to the nearest trading station."

Fixer give another salute to X, "yes sir!" And then he quickly rolls toward the spaceship control room. With a grin, X invite Z, "hey Z want to go for a quick spar, I'm confident I will win it this time!" She cocks an eyebrow hearing X declaration, "oh, really?" X proudly nodding, so Z walk slowly to him and deliver an unexpected low kick staggering him, "oww!" Without giving X any chance Z punching X stomach making him fall to the ground drawing her saber she point it at the downed X, "well-well-well, it looks like you aren't ready yet."

X quickly protesting, "aw, come on, you are attacking me before I'm ready yet!" With a snort Z, sheathed her saber, "hmph, your enemy won't give you any chance, you know that, right?" Speechless, X reluctantly nodded, smiling Z giving her hand toward him, "good." Taking Z hand she help X to stand up, "you still need more training, go and do the stake for now and wait until I say you are ready for further training," Sighing, X nodded, "okay-okay, I'll get to it, but." X suddenly lean down and kiss Z lips, her eyes go wide in surprise as her face turning red in embarrassment.

Smiling, X let go of her lip, "thank you for everything, Z." Panicking a little she quickly say, "you-you don't need to thank me, a-anyway lets get back to your training!" Z moving to X back and push him toward the stake while he laugh seeing her reaction. X start his training with the stake while Z strictly training him for quite a while. Before long, Fixer call X via the communicator, X promptly stop the training and answer his call, making Z unhappy, "what happen Fixer?" With the clicking sound of the terminal, Fixer say, "good news, captain, I found an Energon signature from his planet."

Smiling X getting excited by the news, "that's great sen me the coordinate so that me and Z can go and get the Energon!" Fixer go silent for a moment and hesitantly say, "but." X cock an eyebrow hearing that, "oh, what's wrong Fixer?" Unsure, Fixer say, "you two better get to the control room, I want to show you something, I'm finding a weird reading from the area." X frown hearing the news, "alright, both of us will go to the control room immediately." "I'll be waiting for you both," breathing a sigh of relief, Fixer hang up the communicator, X turn toward Z, "lets go Z." Nodding, Z silently follow X back to the control room.

At the control room X and Z greeted by the sight of Fixer furiously clicking the terminal while seriously looking at the image of a pyramid on the projector. Noticing their presence Fixer wave his hand toward them, "ah finally you are here." X quickly ask, "what wrong with the Energon Fixer?" Fixer move toward the projector and point at the projected picture, "as you can see when both of you are busy training, I quickly found the Energon energy signature. To be safe I send a drone to scout ahead, and from this aerial picture I quickly found an Autobot symbol at the top of the pyramid."

X cock an eyebrow, "well, it no big deal, right, this is just another one of those abandoned building from the great war." Fixer nodded, "I thought that way too at first, but." He presses a button on the projector, changing the picture to an armed group of Decepticon drones patrolling around the periphery of the pyramid. With another group of drones carrying pickaxe, drill, and carts filled with Energon and soil in and out the pyramid. X stroke his chin while looking closer at it, "hmm, those drones seems awfully familiar to me."

Z calmly explaining to X, "those patrolling drone you see are the Vehicon, a Decepticon mass-produced soldier during the war. While the drone getting in and out, the pyramid are the Construcon, a replica drone that made to harvest resources and building things. Both of those drones are actively used and produced during the war by both side, but how and why those things here, and importantly what's wrong with that pyramid?" Z turn her head toward Fixer, "Fixer, do you have more picture of the pyramid?"

Fixer shake his head, "sorry, but our drone getting destroyed when I try to take a picture of inside the pyramid." Z sigh as X stroke his chin, "instead of skulking around here doing nothing, why don't we just go down there and scout the place ourselves, then." Closing her eyes for a while, Z nodded, smiling X give order to Fixer, "Fixer I need you to ready the ground bridge we will go down there immediately." Fixer give X a quick salute, "yes, captain!" After that Fixer roll toward the control panel and click something on it, before long he turns toward the other, "the ground bridge is ready captain, and good luck to you two down there."

X nodded, "yeah, thank you Fixer," X give a quick nod toward Z and run toward the bridge, "lets go." Z nodded and follow X, "right behind you X." The portal ready when both of them arriving at the bridge, so they plunge straight into it and arrive in a secluded area near the pyramid. Turning toward Z, X quickly give an order, "we will split up from here to scout the area first, after three hours we will get back here to discuss what to do next." Z nodded and transform into her motorcycle form and go to the left, while X follow suit and transform into his car form and go to the right.

After three hours of scouting the area both of them come back to the agreed place, X the first one to ask, "so, what do you find Z?" Z recounting what she sees while leaning on a tree, "I found Fort blaster camp standing right next to the pyramid, it looks like he's the one controlling the drone." X looking at Z with confusion, "how did you find out that the camp owned by our last target?" With a smug smile, Z say, "Well, I sneak past the patrolling Vehicon with some difficulty and successfully infiltrate the camp, inside I found a terminal filled with document left behind by our last target."

Z stop for a moment and take a deep breath, "and from the document I found out he's working for my father." X eyes goes wide in surprise hearing the news, "Fort Blaster is working for Dr. Vile that's why he's staying here." X quickly ask, "does the document contain the reason, why Dr. Vile send him here?" Z nodded while looking at X strangely, "yes, and the reason is surprisingly linked to you." Dumbfounded, X point at himself, "what, me?" She nodded, "yes you, that pyramid over there." Z point her finger at the pyramid in the distance, "that's your father abandoned laboratory and my father try to get the research note he left behind."

Sighing, X looking at the pyramid while muttering, "so that's my one of my dad laboratory huh." X silently close his eyes for sometimes while his spark running in full throttle trying to come up with a plan. Suddenly, X eyes shoot wide open and quickly give an order to Z, "Z I want you to sneak to the back of the pyramid while I'm going to provide a distraction by attacking the entrance." Hearing his order, Z looks at X with worry, "are you sure X, you would be in a lot of danger attacking the entrance alone."

Grinning, X show Z his new buster, "don't worry, with this baby those drones won't be a match to me. At the same time, I believe you will be able to attack them from the rear too." Z nodded, "okay then, X leave it to me and good luck!" X nodded, "yeah, I will attack at the front gate in thirty minutes after that, I want you to start the attack at five minute after that." Nodding, Z transform into her motorcycle form, "goodbye X see you in thirty-five minutes." Z quickly drive off toward the distance while X waiting on the spot until the agreed time.

While waiting, X sit down and start to meditate, after a while he suddenly open his eye and transform into his car form, "vroom!" Before long, X arrive in front of the pyramid, and the Vehicon standing guard quickly noticing him and start shooting, "pew-pew-pew-pew!" Seeing that, X quickly do a zigzag maneuver, evading all the attack and leaving many potholes. X noticing a root outcrop looking like a ramp, so he drives full throttle toward it while under intense fire as more Vehicon gathering, "pew-pew-pew, bang-bang-bang, swoosh!"

Using the ramp X flying trough the air and he quickly transformed into his robot form mid flight while letting out two shot from the buster, "pew-pew, bang-bang!" X shot hitting the head of two Vehicon standing in front killing them instantly, Suddenly X buster turning red as he dodges into cover of a tree while charging his shot, "ziiiing~!" Fully charged, X rolling out from his cover and shoot his buster at the most crowded area, "pew, boom!" As the energy bomb explode, it brings with it half of the Vehicon that gather at the entrance, reliving the pressure toward X.

Taking the chance, X buster turn back to blue as he let out a barrage at shot "pew-pew-pew-pew!" Each of X shot hit an enemy with amazing accuracy, but unfortunately X attack doesn't make any difference as more drone join in the attack. Forcing X to take cover once again, "gah, there's too many of them, where are you Z!?"X buster turning red once again as he charges his weapon but, "crack!" Getting too many hit the tree X used as a cover fall interrupting his charge, "frag!" X quickly take a cover to another tree nearby while shooting at the enemy without changing back his buster making his attack ineffective.

"Ah, frag!" X buster quickly turning blue as he shot another barrage at the enemy "pew-pew-pew-pew!" Unfortunately the majority of X shot misses it mark as he's not properly aiming it first. Suddenly while X busy ataacking the sound of a saber cutting trough a metal can be heard, "clang, sssrt!" Breathing a sigh of relief, X turning his buster red again and charge it while speaking to Z trough the communicator, "ziing~, thanks god you are finally here Z!" Grinning, Z cut down another enemy that attacking her from the back, "sorry for getting late, there are just too many drones!"

Nodding, X reply, "yeah I agree with you, just hold on I'm going to cut down some more enemy!" Fully charged, X aim his buster at the crowded area, "pew, boom, ziing~!"While charging some Vehicon try to attack X to interrupt him but Z quickly dispatch them before they can do it, fully charged once again X aim his buster to the crowd, "pew, boom, ziing~!" A scene like this happen three more times until all the enemy cleared up, X look around asking, "phew, is that all our enemy?" Scanning the surrounding, Z nodded, "yep, that's all of our enemy."

Breathing a sigh of relief, X point at the pyramid, "phew, alright, then let's get inside and see what kind of thing left behind by my father first." Then X point at piles of Energon crystal the robots have been mining, "and then, we will be moving these Energon to our ship." Nodding Z enter the pyramid first with sword still drawn, X helplessly shake his head and follow her inside. Suddenly as we step inside the pyramid, "pew, ding!" With her superb reflex Z parry the sudden shot from a turret, reacted X shot the turret destroying it, "bang!"

Worried, X grab Z shoulder and ask, "are you alright Z?" She nodded, "yep, I'm okay." X take a closer look at the turret, "hmm, it looks like we found the reason behind our drone's destruction." He points at a destroyed drone they owned, located a few steps ahead from the turret. Serious, X turn his head toward Z, "watch your step Z, we don't know what kind of trap hiding deeper inside." Z nodded and walk deeper into the pyramid with X in tow, before long they stumble upon a T-junction on the road, Z stop and turn toward X, "which road should we take X?"

X step in front and scan the surrounding while caress his chin, "hmm." Looking down, X find a fresh track of soil from the road to the left, "it looks like the mining area is due to the left, so we will take the road to the right for now." Before long, X and Z stumble across a derelict room with a sunken floor filled with rock and soil, with X noticing sign of an aftermath of explosion on the roof. Both of them safely walk across the sunken floor thanks to the soil and boulder, entering the door they run across another dilapidated corridor with the wall destroyed by explosion.

Looking at the destroyed corridor, X remarked, "man it seems like Fort Blaster walking down this way destroying all the trap he runs across." X turn toward Z, "hey, is the document you found have anything on this Z?" Z shake her head, "no, but I did stumble across an encrypted document unfortunately I run out of time before I can decrypt it." Sighing, X stroke his chin, "hmm, it looks like we also need to move the terminal too after this, well, let's move on again shall we?" Z nodded and so both of them moving on without any danger.

Before long they run into a badly destroyed room that looks like a dead end as there is no door or archway on the other side to speak off. Confused Z tilt her head, while X stroking his chin looking at the room thinking of something, "oh a dead end, huh?" Hearing Z remark, X shake his head, "no, this is the puzzle room, from the destruction of this room I infer Fort Blaster is getting too impatient to solve the puzzle and destroy this room in a fit of rage with his canon instead." Surprised, Z ask, "how did you know that this room is the puzzle room?"

X helplessly start to explain the reason while pointing at the corner of the room where a row of pillar still standing amidst the destruction, "I know my father. And he likes adding puzzle room on the entrance of his labs, for example, look closely at those pillars." Z move closer to the pillar and take a closer look at it, finding ancient Cybertronian script carved on it, "try to rotate those pillars!" X shout, puzzled Z try to rotate it, "creak!" Z eyes go wide in shock as the pillar start rotating by itself., "see, I told you so!" With a shout, X moving away on the other side of the room, searching for something on the ground.

Puzzled, Z silently watch X searching for something, and before long he shouts, "aha, I finally found it!" X dash toward the pillar and start rotating it in a certain way until an audible clicking sound can be heard from a wall.

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