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44.44% Transformers: The Descendants / Chapter 4: Harvest

Chapter 4: Harvest

Less than a half hour later, the new Commandobots, accompanied by Autobots Powerglide, Warpath, and Mirage, arrived once again at the site of the wreck. Before then, the Commandobots had been given the chance to scan new vehicle forms, which they readily accepted. As Prime had guessed, Corvax was indeed a triple changer, and he scanned both a Cybertronian heavy duty fighter jet as well as a streamlined sports car. Beatbox scanned a van with subwoofers on the sides, Airbourne scanned a stealth fighter jet, X-plode picked a tank, Demotak picked a bulky truck with a wrecking ball on the back, and Physicon chose an attack helicopter.

Reverting back to their robot forms, they looked at the wreck for a few moments.

"Daaaaang," Powerglide said, "This thing went through some hell."

"It did," Corvax said, "but it did its job; it got us here to you guys, and that's all that matters."

"So, how do we get the Energon out?" Warpath asked.

"Well, first we need to make sure there's no one inside the ship. The last thing we want is for a Con to jump out of nowhere and attack without warning." Corvax said.

"Leave that to me," Mirage said, showing off his invisibility power, "I'll see them before they see me."

"And if they do, you don't want to be in there alone," then, turning to Beatbox, Corvax suggested, "Send some of your little buddies in."

Beatbox nodded on opened the case on his chest, saying: "Tracker! Four-Arm! Deploy!"

Two cassette tapes sprung out of Beatbox's chest, transforming into Tracker, a silver dog with guns on its hindquarters and Four-Arm a red, thin, four armed, one eyed robot.

"Follow Mirage into the ship. Make sure nothing screwy is going on in there." Beatbox told them. Four-Arm nodded and ran into the wreck, Tracker following close behind.

"Hey, wait for me!" Mirage said, cloaking and going inside as well.

The others waited outside.

"Soooo, how are we gonna get all the Energon out?" Warpath asked.

"Once, we're sure it's clear," Corvax said, "Physicon can open the ship's fuel tank. I asked Optimus to send a tanker ship our way, which we can pump the Energon into. Should be a piece of cake as long as we don't get any unwanted visitors."

"That'll probably happen, just so you know." Warpath said.

"That bad here, huh?" Beatbox asked.

"You have no idea."

Just then, Mirage spoke over their coms: "Everything's clear in here, boys."

"Good," Corvax said, "Physicon, Airbourne, get that hatch open."

Physicon and Airbourne switched forms and flew up to the fuel hatch of the ship, reverting back to robots and beginning to cut open the hatch. Meanwhile, Mirage and Tracker came out of the ship.

"Four-Arm is in the control room getting ready to open the Energon valve."

"Good," Corvax said, "Physicon and Airbourne are opening the outer hatch right now. Once they do that, it should be smooth sailing from there once the tanker ship gets here."

"Careful, kid," Warpath said, "You don't want to jinx yourself."

"I'll scout around," Powerglide said, transforming and flying off.

"So, now we just wait?" Beatbox asked.

"We don't have much choice, Beatbox," Demotak said, "Unless some Decepticon finally decides to show his face."

"Uhhhh, guys," Airbourne's voice came over the coms, "We got a problem."

"What do you mean?" Corvax said.

Meanwhile, Airbourne and Physicon looked out behind the ship. They had opened the hatch, but that was when Physicon saw what was coming; a swarm of Insecticons coming in fast.

"A real bug problem." Airbourne said.

"The point is," Physicon said, "We need to move fast. When is that tanker getting here?"

"Soon." Corvax said. Then, pulling out his gun: "We'll just need to keep those bugs busy until it gets here."

Demotak and X-plode pulled out heavy cannons and began laughing in excitement.

"Finally, some ACTION!!!" X-plode shouted.

"Let's bust some heads!" Demotak yelled.

Warpath turned his arm into a cannon: "Look alive boys! Here they come!"

The group looked up to see Physicon and Airbourne fly past in their alternate form, firing to what was behind the ship. Then, the Insecticons came; they were creepier than anything the Commandobots had ever seen, and they had seen some pretty creepy things thanks to Shockwave.

"Ooookay…those are kinda freaky," Beatbox said.

"Freaky, and DEAD!" X-plode said, firing his cannon into the horde. Massive waves were blown away by the barrages, but more kept coming.

Corvax raise his own gun: "Let's light em up!"

With that, the Autobots on the ground engaged in a massive firefight against the Insecticon horde. Demotak was practically a tank, rolling into the groups and smasing them with the spiked wrecking ball his had had turned into while blasting others with the cannon on his other hand. Their biggest advantage was in Physicon, Airbourne, and Powerglide, who could destroy dozens of enemies on the ground while also dealing with nasty wasp like Insecticons. X-plode was having a blast, laughing maniacally as he blew apart dozens of the enemy with each shot from his cannon.

"WOOOOOO!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! COME GET SOME!!!" he yelled. Corvax was holding his own pretty well, but then noticed that it was hopeless; the swarm was too big.

"I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out!" he yelled to the others.

"Unless that tanker ship gets here soon, we're gonna be ripped apart!" Mirage agreed.

"X-plode!" Warpath said, "Let's bring out the big guns!"

"Aw, yeah," X-plode replied, and the two transformed into their tank forms, firing explosive shells into the swarm. It seemed to push them back for a bit, but they still kept coming.

"It's no use." Corvax said, "There's just too many of them, and we don't have the firepower to drive them back."

"But we do, Crovax," said a voice over the coms, "We certainly do."

Suddenly, massive explosion erupted from the Insecticon swarm as artillery shells rained down. Then, Corvax saw the Aerialbots, led by Jetfire, fly overhead, dumping explosive payloads on the enemy. Corvax turned around to see a massive tanker ship fly in, landing near the site of the wreck, its defense cannons blazing.

Beatbox began yelling for joy: "That's what I'm talking about!"

"Guys," Airbourne said flying above the group in jet form, "The bugs are pulling back!"

"Good," Corvax said, "But we don't know for how long. Let's get that Energon transferred before they get back."

Within a few minutes, Physicon and Powerglide were able to get the hose from the Energon tank attached to the valve of the wreck, and begin pumping the Energon into the tank.

"C'mon, hurry it up!" Ironhide yelled from inside the ship, "We gotta get out of here before those bugs get back!"

"We're going as fast as we can, sheesh!" Airbourne said, "There's a lot of Energon here."

About ten or so minutes later, the tanker was full and ready to leave, and the Commandobots and the rest of the Autobots piled inside.

"And off we go!" Ironhide said, piloting the ship away from the crash.

Inside the passenger area of the ship, First Aid and Ratchet were tending to the ground team's wounds.

"These are pretty minimal, considering the swarm you were facing," First Aid said, "I'll admit, I'm impressed."

"Well, we did have a lot of heavy firepower pushing back the tough ones." Corvax said.

"I'm sure you did."

"Transmission coming in from Prime," Ratchet said activating the holo transmitter, and a hologram of Optimus Prime appeared.

"Ratchet," he said, "How goes the mission?"

"Smoothly," Ratchet replied, "We just filled the tanker up and are on our way back now. The Aerialbots and Jetfire are escorting us outside, and First Aid and I are tending to the ground team's wounds."

"Wounds? What happened?"

"Bunch of giant bugs tried to get us," Beatbox explained.

"Insecticons to be exact," Physicon corrected.

Prime nodded: "That can only mean Megatron knows the wreck is there and was going for it too, but not for the Energon…"

"He probably wanted us," Corvax said, "Shockwave must have told him we were coming to Cybertron."

"If that is the case, than we cannot let him get to you or the Energon. Tell Ironhide to move full engines ahead. We need to get that Energon back to base as soon as possible, and I fear the Decepticons may already be onto us."

"I hope not, but you may me right," Corvax said.

"Just get back here. We will discuss more later." Prime finished, and the hologram fizzed out.

"You heard the big man, Ironhide!" Ratchet said, "Full power ahead!"

"You got it!" Ironhide said, and the ship shuddered forward as it gained speed. Ratchet turned back to Corvax: "You really think Megatron was after you?"

"Why else would he send Insecticons to the wreck?" Corvax said.

"He's got a point," First Aid said.

"It doesn't matter," Physicon said, "Let's just get back to base. Hopefully no one has seen us."

Meanwhile, outside of the ship, a helicopter was watching from afar.

"Vortex to boss," it said, "They got the Energon. We're gonna have to try something else."

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