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Chapter 8: 1

I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was

To catch them is my real quest to train them is may cauusseee,

POKÉMON! I know ist my destiny pokemon, yeah you're my best friend in a world we must defend,,,

I will travel across theleand searching far and wide and I have a few lot few things people would like would be you would be be able to help me with me on in on this the a the first next first next week week or is and and is and is a the the next only next only only best only only best first next time for ⌚ ⌚ for or with your favorite own favorite own favorite game game of in of or the year of the classic the hottest classic hottest game and game and game and game game of game of game of game of game of game of game of game game of game poker downloads and games games online poker game online poker games poker games poker games game free online poker online poker game poker game online online free online poker game games online free online free online online online games and free and free games easy to play for free you free you free you online from free game to downloads and free and online free online free games and games online for online games poker games games online and free and online free online and online games bingo games poker game games game free online games online casino games games free online games online games free online poker game free game free online game free 4 rules online game easy game online free download game and free download games free sites Intro

Year 9001, March, Planet Zeppelin

19 years ago we humans destroyed our home planet for the 17th time, in our pursuit of creating a space

dimension device. The remaining humans finally finished creating this technology, just before our

planet was destroyed -the last earth-like planet in the known universe. Upon activating the device we

found a suitable planet, now named Zeppelin.

Only the richest people were supposed to use the space dimension device, but they did not anticipate

John. John Doe, the hacker. John was able to reprogram the device in such a way that it warped not

only the 653 VIPs who were supposed to use it, but also the other 1.3 million survivors - teleporting

them all onto the new planet.

Iwas one of those survivors.

Until our arrival, nobody could have imagined this new world. It was totally different from anything in

the known universe: this universe was ruled by gods. Humans were no longer able to reproduce by

themselves; they had to ask a god to help them create a child. Even the very laws of physics were

different. Planets didnt rotate on fixed axes, or pull one another with gravitational forces like they did

in our home universe. Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

I was reminded of the slimes I had seen years ago, upon arriving onto Zeppelin. At that time, I still wasn't

able to create shadow clones and had tried to fight one by myself. It didn't go as I expected.The slimes

looked weak, but just one almost killed me before I managed to escape..

With my Shadow Clones, however, it was a different story. I could just send clones to fight the slimes,

and there was no risk involved. Even when they died, I didnt take any damage in fact, I became

stronger! I received the experience they gained as if I was fighting them myself. Which meant that, with

every clone defeated, I only became stronger.

Chapter 1:Hyperion beaten

Year 9009, July, Planet Zeppelin

Today it happened.

Hyperion never expected it. I finally beat him in a fair fight. It took me 8 years to prepare, and the fight

lasted for hours, but it was worth it; now he has no choice but to accept me as a new god. Someone

stronger than a god must be a god themselves, there is no way around it...

At least that was what I thought, until one weak-looking bunny easily wiped out all my shadow clones.

Even though I'm a lot stronger than one of my shadow clones, I realized that I probably wouldn't be able

to beat mOst of the stronger-looking monsters by myself. And I didn't want to try it. Unlike my clones, I

was afraid to die; and unlike Hyperion, who never really tried to kill me, the monsters might just do it.

This then made me realize why they cant be compared to a god. The monsters in this uiverse are

unbelievably strong.Stronger than anything imaginable in my old universe. But they are stupid. They

only think about eating, killing, and reproducing. I was left to wonder why they can reproduce while

humans can't, but that was a different matter. What's important is that I can create things and have my

own mind. Monsters cant. Thať's what makes me a god, and them monsters. Thus, my existential crisis

was resolved.

After I defeated Hyperion, he was suddenly very nice. Maybe this universe had some kind of law where

the weaker gods have to obey the stronger gods. It didn't take long until he showed me the light. How to

create light, that is. It was actually a lot easier than I had thought. It was just like creating shadow

clones, but in reverse. I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it myself. It took me only a few days to

master the skill. Soon after that, Hyperion asked me:

"How do I create shadow clones?

"I will teach you when you can defeat me." is all that I ansvwered. Only fair, I thought, because he had

only told me how to create light after I defeated him. But it probably won't ever happen. My shadow

clones were the only reason I was able to catch up to him in the first place; if he couldn't create them, he

would never catch up to me again. Yes, I krnow that was unfair, but I also didn't want to tell him how to

create my clones. They were what makes me special; and I knew I could become stronger than anyone

with their help, if I used them right. Or so I assumed, until Hyperion told me he was by far the weakest

god of all and that there were gods who were billions of times stronger than him. He told me that Itztli

was the god with the next-highest rank. So if I wanted to climb up the ladder of the gods, I should defeat

him next. But he also warned me that, even though Itztli was only one rank higher, the power gap

between them was unbelievably huge.

Once HvDerion challenged Itztli after vears of trainine. when he felt like he had erown strong enoueh...

Once Hyperion challenged Itztli after years of training, when he felt like he had grown strong enough...

The outcome was not as close of fight as Hyperion had expected. It was over less than a second after it

began. Hyperion thought that he could blind Itztli just before attacking him, and created his brightest

ight before charging in at full speed. But it was no use. His charging attack became slower and slower.

The attack lasted less than one second, but for Hyperion it felt like hours. Then, a few hundred meters

before reaching Itztli, Hyperion was knocked unconscious by Itztli's gravitational force. Itztli seemed to

generate some sort of gravitational field, which drained the power from Hyperion; He wasn't able to

land a single blow on Itztli, nor even come near him.

Since then, he never challenged Itztli again.

After hearing that story, I realized that: if I went on like I had so far, Id never be able to beat all the

gods...t would take millions of years. It had already taken quite some time to beat Hyperion.

That also reminded me of how old I had become already. It had been 27 years since I arived in this new

dimension. Yet somehow Hyperion looked younger than I am. How is that possible? I was sure he was a

lot older than I. Maybe it had something to do with my newly gained power: the 'Light' I could now

create. Could I use it to make myself younger? I would do some testing with it.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

As I go to bed that night I realized that within the span of 6 years of when I first met him Hyperion has not only not aged but actually look younger than before.Once Hyperion challenged Itztli after years of training, when he felt like he had grown strong enough...

The outcome was not as close of fight as Hyperion had expected. It was over less than a second after it

began. Hyperion thought that he could blind Itztli just before attacking him, and created his brightest

ight before charging in at full speed. But it was no use. His charging attack became slower and slower.

The attack lasted less than one second, but for Hyperion it felt like hours. Then, a few hundred meters

before reaching Itztli, Hyperion was knocked unconscious by Itztli's gravitational force. Itztli seemed to

generate some sort of gravitational field, which drained the power from Hyperion; He wasn't able to

land a single blow on Itztli, nor even come near him.

Since then, he never challenged Itztli again.

After hearing that story, I realized that: if I went on like I had so far, Id never be able to beat all the

gods...t would take millions of years. It had already taken quite some time to beat Hyperion.

That also reminded me of how old I had become already. It had been 27 years since I arived in this new

dimension. Yet somehow Hyperion looked younger than I am. How is that possible? I was sure he was a

lot older than I. Maybe it had something to do with my newly gained power: the 'Light' I could now

create. Could I use it to make myself younger? I would do some testing with it.

Once Hyperion challenged Itztli after years of training, when he felt like he had grown strong enough...

The outcome was not as close of fight as Hyperion had expected. It was over less than a second after it

began. Hyperion thought that he could blind Itztli just before attacking him, and created his brightest

ight before charging in at full speed. But it was no use. His charging attack became slower and slower.

The attack lasted less than one second, but for Hyperion it felt like hours. Then, a few hundred meters

before reaching Itztli, Hyperion was knocked unconscious by Itztli's gravitational force. Itztli seemed to

generate some sort of gravitational field, which drained the power from Hyperion; He wasn't able to

land a single blow on Itztli, nor even come near him.

Since then, he never challenged Itztli again.

After hearing that story, I realized that: if I went on like I had so far, Id never be able to beat all the

gods...t would take millions of years. It had already taken quite some time to beat Hyperion.

That also reminded me of how old I had become already. It had been 27 years since I arived in this new

dimension. Yet somehow Hyperion looked younger than I am. How is that possible? I was sure he was a

lot older than I. Maybe it had something to do with my newly gained power: the 'Light' I could now

create. Could I use it to make myself younger? I would do some testing with it.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

Instead, gods blew the planets around at a whim. It was simply another way to

demonstrate their might, like some kind of competition. The further and faster they blew the planets

away, the stronger they were.

Not long after we arrived on Zeppelin, a god named Hyperion came to visit us. He wondered how it was

even possible for so many humans to come to his planet without his involvement. Hyperion was curious

about the humans before him, so he decided to play with them. Suddenly he created a light so bright

that it blinded hundreds of humans, then he threw a mountain into the masses. Thousands died in an

instant, and so began the 19-year-war against Hyperion.

Ialone survived the war. Through the conflict, I could feel myself changing: losing my humanity and

becoming something else, something Godlike.

I couldn't create light like Hyperion, but in those years I was able to develop my own special skill to

create clornes of myself out of shadows! Even Hyperion wasn't able to do that, so în a way I was already

above him. Sadly, my shadow clones couldn't scratch Hyperion; they couldn't even approach him.

When they tried, he created a blinding light which dissipated my clones in under a second. He simply

laughed and said they were useless, and that I couldn't call myself a god. But he had underestimated me

and my clones. Even though they were of no use in fighting him, they helped me progress much faster

than Hyperion could have imagined.

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