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100% Totem Integration / Chapter 2: Mititary Academy

Chapter 2: Mititary Academy

His arrival attracted quite a bit of attention, especially among the girls. Martin was no longer skinny and his t-shirt fit him perfectly, showing off his muscles and veiny forearms. His hair also grew a bit longer in 1 month, it was trimmed short in the sides and parted neatly. He had a manly face and a strong jawline causing him to immediately attract the attention of the girls present on the bus. But, Martin did not care about their little gossips. He had his fair share of women back on Earth so he was not that attracted to little girls.

The middle-aged man saw that Martin was not affected by the girls gossiping and nodded his head.

'A good seedling'

The trip to the Academy was mostly uneventful, they picked up a few more students and then headed straight to the Academy.

Halfway through the journey, Luke distributed something that looked like a bracelet. Martin realized that it looked similar to the one Luke was wearing.

"This is an Omni bracelet, during your time in the Academy you will always wear it. It helps us keep track of your progress and location. If we observe that someone is not cultivating properly then there will serious consequences."

Luke sropped talking after that.

Martin wore his and he felt a pricking sensation, it was probably taking a blood sample. After some time the black bracelet lit up with a blue pattern projecting a hologram on top of the bracelet

Name: Martin

Designation: Student

Rank: Unranked Cadet

Cultivation: None

Martin looked at the hologram with interest. To think technology had reached this point or was it some kind of Totem skill?


The war was getting intense and the military needed new blood in order to replenish the casualties. Most of the students had excited expressions on their faces. It did not seem like they were forced to be here. They probably think it's an honor to fight for the Federation. But, being in the military did have its merit, in exchange for risking their lives on the battlefield they wielded immense power over the people. The benefits provided by the Federation were enough to tempt their young hearts. Of course, Martin could not care less about fighting for the Federation. He just wanted to attain absolute strength in this life. He wanted to see for himself if a Totem could help him achieve it.

Martin soon noticed a huge steel gate in front of the bus, The bus came to a stop in front of the gate. Someone came to talk with Luke after some time, the gate opened letting them pass.

Martin observed that the guy was very respectful towards Luke

'He must be someone important or have some kind of backing'

Martin raised his importance for Luke in his heart, he could use him in his plans.

The bus came to a stop in front of a huge building and everyone got down quickly.

Martin got down in the end and observed his surrounding, it felt like it was in a city rather than campus. They were on a huge ground and far away he could see Military buses and Trucks levitating above the ground carrying students and all kinds of Equipment. There were also aircrafts that seem to be flying a bit too close to the buildings. Martin observed everything with interest.

Soon, more MIlitary Buses and aircrafts carrying students stopped in front of the building and the whole area was filled with students. There were a bit more than 100 students gathered here.

The students were divided into groups and led by their respective Instructors. Martin counted 25 students in his group, the other groups were in similar numbers.

Luke noticed Martins expression and said,

"The lot of you will awaken your Totems here, you guys are the last batch"

Martin looked at Luke and asked,

"Oh? then all of them have already awakened their Totems?"

"Yes, there a total of 4 batches and 3 batches have already awakened their Totem and the other batches are here to watch you guys awaken, including your batch there are a hundred first years."

"Then why are there more than a 100 here?"

Luke smiled at the question

"Hmm... they are your seniors"

Martin smirked when he heard that,

'the competition sure is intense'

Just as he was about to say something Luke silenced him and pointed at the front,

A fierce-looking bald guy was making his way towards the ground, the Instructors of the other groups also warned the students the be quiet. The whole ground was suddenly filled with complete silence. The bald man smiled ferociously when he reached the ground he looked at the newcomers and spoke in a loud voice

"My name is Brutus and I will be your Head Instructor for you first years. Let's begin with a simple test to see where you guys stand shall we? Bring it!"

Upon his call, someone from a truck brought a Heavy looking Drum. When he kept it on the ground it made a huge sound indicating its immense weight.

Brutus pointed at the drum and said to Martins group

"This here is a Strength measuring device, when you strike it, it produces a sound. how many times it repeats determines the strength of the strike"

Saying that he flicked his finger and

"Gong!.. Gong!.. Gong!..."

The sound echoed 9 times before it faded away.

Martin raised a brow at this, although it was just a flick he felt immense power get transmitted to the drum. But, other students in his group did not seem impressed, they thought 9 echoes was a low number.

Brutus smiled seeing their expressions,

"Now, it's your turn who wants to go first?"

Luke looked at Martin and nodded his head, Martin made a wry smile and walked towards the Drum.

The bald man looked at Martin up and down and smiled,

'Good muscle density, It seems he received some special training'

"Good kid, go on and try your best!"

Martin smiled and took a punching stance he wanted to see how much he had grown in the past month so he decided to go all out with the punch.

Brutus raised a brow as he looked at the stance, he could hardly see any openings he could spot a few openings only because of his extensive battle experiences with his life on the line.

'Where the hell did this kid come from?'

His interest in the kid increased,

'I need to observe him more'

Martin did not realize that his casual stance had managed to pique the interest of the Head Instructor. Even if he knew he wouldn't care. He had no plans of hiding his strength, in a world where the strong ruled, he needed to quickly climb up the ranks. He also needed to attract the attention of the higher-ups so that he gets some kind of backing. This was also one of the reasons he decided to go all out.

After taking a deep breath, he twisted his hips and utilized his entire body in one fluid motion to throw a punch containing all his power.

"Gong!.. Gong!.. Gong!.."


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