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A friend for harem ?

I've never been in a hospital for more than a week. So 2 months was kind of record-breaking.

As I was discharged, my parents were there to take me home for another week or 2. The thought of delaying my absence from college wasn't quite fitting well with me. But stubborn parents are stubborn parents.

They came to visit me after 2 weeks of my stay in the hospital. I told them I was fine. But you know parents…

I could have handled being in the main house for a week if Karmia was there. But I expected too much. Being with these 2 was fine and all. But I missed a lot of fun.

Even the hospital was fun from time to time. I felt bad for thinking like this, but it was the truth. Was I getting tired of having parents? No, that thought was unnecessary. 

The extra free time though, let me reflect on myself and think about that absolute cringe crying scene back at the hospital. All my thoughts about not wanting friends, not thinking people are good enough for me to be friends with, feeling like friends make me weak. All of it came down to my own self worth being low and my conversation skills being absolute trash.

I finally decided I would try making new friends when I get back to college. I was motivated like never before. I wanted to do this so bad. 

Then the faithful day of return shined upon us. I was greeted by merg, cory and Lara on the way. All of them felt very excited. I felt like the whole college would cheer for my comeback, like those comebacks in wrestling.

Reality is often not what you think it would be. We, humans, tend to overthink about the future before anything actually happens. Which leads us down a dark path of believing in the future that has yet to come, to come and be more than what we thought of. Basically, no one gave a shit about me except Xora, who apologized once again.

I thought she was some kind of shounen character that fits the humble innocent girl troupe perfectly. But innocent girls don't talk to naughty boys...

Goddammit. Sorry for the cringe. 

I was resolved about making new friends today. Looking at the campus I realised making friends here would be too public for my taste. I have a huge ego. Would have called it self worth. But honestly, it's just ego.

I feel like I'm beneath someone if I try to make friends with them first. It's like how proposing to your love first puts you below them in the relationship. I mean there's a masterpiece comedy anime about this too. So I'm not alone in this type of thinking.

The campus was a big no. So I tried the common room. The BOYS' common room. You can understand the torment I had to go through just to let myself be inside that shithole. I sat at a table that had 3 guys playing some online games. I honestly don't know how these people could be satisfied with the garbage wifi here. Hell, the whole college has shitty network problems. For a reputable college, it sure sounds uncharacteristic. But it is true.

I could not fathom looking at all these people just staring at their phones relentlessly. Like, come on. You have all day to dedicate your time to your phone. And you can't even leave it alone while in college? 

Honestly, I'm flabbergasted at how these human wastes waste their precious time of human bonding for some hours of dopamine you won't even care about after the release. And even more shocked at how these people can even enjoy anything in a situation like this. I can never understand these people.

The guys whom I thought so highly of because they weren't on their phone 24/7 turned out to be just as bad. They were talking about the new online trends. Like come on.....Thinking back on it. The phone thing didn't feel that bad after all. 

So I whipped my phone and…...and what? What do I even do with this? Watch some shows I was currently watching? No, I don't have headphones. All the sound would be drowned out by these pieces of craps putting their volume on max while playing. And to be honest I would not feel anything good while watching the show with this much shit going around.

Then I thought of reading some manga or a novel. But that too wouldn't feel like reading. Games? No, that would have drained my battery. I needed to save it for maximum consumption. I had nothing to do except stare at the fucking screen. 

I sat like this for half an hour. Doing nothing after putting the phone in my pocket. After a while, a fatass came to me. Finally, someone to talk to even if it's someone I would rather be far far away from. And he proved me right. The guy started talking about studies....

You seriously have no idea how much I utterly hate this type of small talk. And the way this….thing….put his hand on my shoulder I felt for a moment that he was gay. Suspicion grew as we talked. It didn't take me 10 minutes before I left saying I have a class. You can't blame me. You'd do the same if someone was looking at you weirdly.

Honestly, the truth was I had only 1 class at the end of college today. I remembered why I hate the students of this college.

When I crossed the GIRLS common room I had this thought. I had this evil desire to go inside and make friends there. Certainly, the boys are no good. The only option was the girls. I mean I wouldn't be friends with merg and cory if I didn't already know them from school. Who would?

Girls, on the other hand, were such sweet creations of God. They always act nice, except the ones with boyfriends. I don't know why they always think of boys as horny bitches who'd do anything for them. I mean they aren't completely wrong. I do have a crush on every single girl I talk to. But come on, there can be platonic relationships between a girl and a boy too. Just look at me and Lara.

Yup that one got me hard. Ouch. How come all my shitty jokes end up only hurting myself and no one else? 

Alright, that was enough of making friends today. Now I wouldn't be such a non-gentleman as to get into the girls common room like this, so I decided to just take a peek at the beauties inside the room and leave to a quiet place or go to merg or cory. Little did I know I would bump into a beauty of beauties, yet beautier than the one single beauty. I'm of course talking about our new friend Xorgasta coming out of the common room in a hurry. Our bodies touched again. Chills ran down my body. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was lost in thoughts….and you...I didn't see you. I'm sorry"

"Man, you really have some problems. Why do you need to apologize all the time?"

She looked at me apologetically. 

*Sigh* "I guess it does make you look cute", did I actually say that? Fuck my life man. Would she think I'm hitting on her? She even blushed. Kill me.

"Thanks", it took a lot of effort for her to stop looking away, blushing, and say that. 

When she motioned her hair to get behind her ear with one finger, I realised her hair was unbraided. At that moment I was taken aback by her beauty. She was certainly beautiful. There was no doubt in my mind. Man, why do long hair make every girl look 10x more attractive?

At that moment I got a huge crush on her. Fuck my mind man. Fuck my mind. 

My heart was only and only for Lara. So I was filled with guilt at the realization of having my heart for someone other than her. Surely it must be a dumb crush. You can't expect someone who saved you to be the 'one' for you. This is not anime. 

It had to be just a dumb crush. I mean love at first sight? Worst troupe ever. But then again. We did converse in those 2 months. So it's not totally love at first sight. But come on. Just 2 months? It is just a crush. It must be. It had to be. I had to be sure of it. 

"Hey, Xora. We have only known each other for only 2 months. So I want to let our friendship develop more."

Surprised by my own straightforwardness. I looked at Xora who looked as if she felt comfortable, smiled at me and gestured me to come outside with her. 

The voice inside me wanting to be friends and only friends with Xora followed her. I had to make sure.

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