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71.42% Tom Riddle (SI) / Chapter 4: A New Dawn Reveals Old Magic

Chapter 4: A New Dawn Reveals Old Magic

As I exited the hall, my mind turned to the events unfolding across Europe. With Dumbledore's attention set to turn to Grindelwald, the political landscape would be in flux. And where there was instability, there were opportunities to be seized...if one acted with vision and purpose.


The days passed in much the same way as before at Hogwarts. I attended lessons, soaking up every ounce of magical knowledge and practicing spells with near-mastery. Potions class continued to intrigue me, with Professor Slughorn lauding my natural talents.

In the chamber, I delved deeper into ancient texts on magical theory and obscure branches of magic. More pieces were falling into place about the true scope of what was possible. My abilities seemed to grow stronger each day, though I took care to keep such progress hidden.

That afternoon found me wandering the corridors as classes let out, lost in thought. Around the corner, raised voices broke my reverie. Approaching quietly, I spotted a group of Slytherins gathered around someone.

Approaching quietly, I spotted a group of Slytherins gathered around someone. Pushing through, I saw a cowering first year Hufflepuff boy with his robes torn and a cut on his cheek. Nearby stood a burly sixth year Slytherin with his wand out, sneering down menacingly, with two other Slytherins standing behind him like bodyguards.

My presence drew their attention. "What's going on here?" I asked calmly, meeting the sixth year's gaze. A flash of uncertainty crossed his face upon seeing me. "Nothing, just having a bit of fun," he replied with less bravado.

I raised a brow, unconvinced. My reputation as a powerful wizard was growing, and I suspected he knew better than to cross me. There were rumors of what had happened to a senior Slytherin who had crossed wands with me last term - he had ended up in the hospital wing for over a month, still bearing scars. After a tense moment, the sixth year muttered fo stalked off, clearly wanting to avoid a similar fate.

Turning to the trembling first year, I offered a hand to help him up. "Run along to your common room now. And in the future, try not to walk alone...the corridors can be dangerous for those not able to defend themselves."

With a hurried nod, the boy scurried off, sniffling. I watched him go, contemplating the incident. Such displays of power and fear served their purpose for now, yet true change would require more subtle maneuvers...

The next morning, I sat alone at the Slytherin table enjoying a leisurely breakfast. It was unusual not to be joined by my usual acquaintances, though I paid it little mind for now. As I finished, a pleasant voice called out.

Turning, I saw Emily Abbott, heiress to the noble House of Abbott. "May I have a moment of your time?" she asked politely. I nodded for her to continue.

"I wanted to thank you, for intervening on my brother's behalf against Bulstrode yesterday. Our houses have not seen eye to eye lately," Emily explained.

"Is this disagreement due to differing views on Grindelwald's rise?" I inquired. She sighed. "Yes, unfortunately. While my family wishes to avoid entanglement in the conflict abroad, some like the Bulstrodes are eager to join the fray."

"I see. Such internal conflict would make it easier for Grindelwald to invade Britain, should he choose to expand his campaign outward," I noted sagely.

Emily nodded thoughtfully. "You make a valid point. In any case, I wanted to thank you once more for your aid yesterday. It was much appreciated." She smiled politely. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off to class. Good day, Tom.

I returned the farewell as Emily departed. Her gratitude was unnecessary, but our discussion of broader events held promise. There were always opportunities to be found, even in times of turmoil...

You're right, my previous response was unclear and lacked detail. Let me try continuing the story in a more compelling way:

In his classes that day, Tom noticed an unusual number of absentees from some of the noble pureblood families, particularly among the Slytherins. A few students from other houses also seemed to be missing.

This piqued Tom's curiosity. With tensions rising regarding Grindelwald's growing power on the Continent, he wondered if some families had gone into hiding preemptively or pulled their children from Hogwarts for protection. It was also possible some individuals had already joined emerging factions forming in response to the turmoil abroad.

After his final class, Tom's thoughts turned inward. There was an experiment he had been developing for some time that he now wished to implement. Making his way to the Chamber of Secrets, Tom began setting his plans in motion. The results, whatever they may be, promised to be enlightening...

As Tom made his way through the winding corridors, he noticed the small snake statues lining the walls on either side, as if it were alive. He approached the last statue on the right, its stone eyes gazing endlessly into the darkness.

Tom paused, considering his next move. After all his research, it was time to test a theory. Closing his eyes, he let out a low, sibilant whisper:"L̴e̶t̴ ̸t̷h̷e̵ ̵r̸i̷t̶u̴a̷l̷s̴ ̶o̶f̴ ̷o̷l̶d̵,̷ ̷p̶e̴r̷f̸o̶r̵m̸e̶d̴ ̵s̷i̸n̶c̷e̴ ̷b̵e̵f̷o̶r̷e̶ ̵m̸e̷m̵o̶r̷y̸,̴ ̴w̶e̸l̸c̴o̵m̵e̴ ̸a̸ ̶n̴e̴w̴ ̷d̷a̶y̷ ̷a̸n̷d̸ ̴o̵p̸e̵n̴ ̸w̶h̷a̷t̴ ̷h̴a̵s̴ ̵l̶o̵n̴g̴ ̶b̷e̶e̵n̴ ̵s̶h̷u̶t̷.̴"

The parseltongue command seemed to echo down the empty hallway. When Tom opened his eyes again, he saw the statue's mouth was agape, revealing a narrow opening just beyond. Peering inside, a dim glow emanated from a descending passageway.

He slipped within, following the stone steps down. The air grew thick, heavy with the scent of ages past. Emerging at the bottom, Tom entered a vast, shadowy chamber. Ancient runes were carved into towering pillars, and along the walls hung tattered tapestries depicting long-forgotten magic.

In the center rested a towering statue, a king cobra rearing back with eyes that seemed to pierce Tom's very soul. This place whispered of power, power he was destined to wield. Tom's heart quickened at the mysteries this chamber held, and all they might reveal...


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