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73.07% To The Outside / Chapter 13: The Training Diary - Year 2 / Part 3

Chapter 13: The Training Diary - Year 2 / Part 3

Year 2 Months 19 Day 1 523 - Log 9:52 P.M - End of Week 76

During this month, I had my hexbots replicate themselves, effectively tripling their numbers. To ensure consistency and functionality, I allowed the new units to upload the existing programming from the originals. I'll need the extra hexbots for future projects, like building the Satellite and the Charging Data Bank.

By the start of the sixth week, the hexbots had completed their replication, producing 105 small/medium units and 70 large ones. I finished uploading their programming and coding by the end of the week. Once that was done, I had them begin work on a new project: the Charging Data Bank, for which I had already drawn up the blueprint.

Charging Data Bank:

The device serves two purposes: 1) Charging Station: It functions as a charging port where the hexbots can replace their lightning stones and recharge them by overcharging the stones with electricity. 2) Data Storage: The device can store vast amounts of data. By studying the Dubious Disc, I discovered how to store almost infinite data within stones, similar to how evolution stones work.

By the end of the seventh week, the progress on my training templates was as follows: Tesla's template remained at 93%, and Sasaki's stayed at 92%. Meanwhile, Cyade-6's, Roland's, and Kuroko's templates were now complete. I replaced them with Winona's template at 54%, Bede's at 54%, and Colress's at 62%.

Upon completing Cyade-6's and Roland's templates, they left me with their revolvers: the Ace of Spades and the Guns of Deschain. I discovered that the Guns of Deschain, forged from the steel of Excalibur, possess the abilities of Regeneration Negation, Immortality Negation, Non-Physical Interaction, and Resurrection Negation. Which makes them capable of eliminating supernatural entities.

Afterward, I initiated construction on Victory Road. As before, I deployed 35 smaller/medium hexbots and 23 larger ones, providing them with all the necessary materials. I made sure to warn the nearby Pokémon, just in case the activity startled them. I also made sure that they scan all the new items, blueprints and beasts/animals before letting them go. That action alone caused all the hexbots to refresh. 

The final part of the month involved some spins: 90 000$ for 60 spins: 20 items, 10 abilities, 10 templates and 20 Pokémon.

The 20 Items I Received:

Choice specs, Iron ball, Big pearl, Sun stone, King's rock, Destiny knot, Psychic gem, Gengarite, Flame memory, Heart scale, Light clay, Leftovers, Luminous moss, Psychic seed, Silk scarf, Fairy tera shard, Fist plate, Douse drive and 57 205$. The bonuses were: TARS Blueprint (Interstellar) and Hoverboard Bluerints (League of Legends).

Leaving me to pay a total of 32 795$ and leaving me at 803 013$ .

The 10 Templates I Received:

Tadokoro Megumi, Megashina Tosuke, Ushi Jima, Murasakibara Atushi, Sekibayashi Jun, Mitsuyo Maeda, Shunsuke Take, Hajime Amano, Juumei Kuga and Pickle. The Bonus was Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshi).

The 20 Pokémon I Received:

Bidoof (2 families of 3), Bagon (2 families of 4), Pichu (2 families of 3), Turtwig (2 families of 3), Ralts (2 families of 3), Snover (2 families of 4), Feebas (2 families of 3), Munna (2 families of 4), Litwick (Pair), Deerling (Pair) , Snubbull (Pair), Rowlet (2 families of 3), Goomy (2 families of 4), Baltoy (Pair), Cottonee (2 families of 3), Swablu (2 families of 4), Phanpy (Pair), Larvitar (2 families of 4), Magnemite (Pair) and Pidgey (2 families of 4).

The bonuses were: Harry Potter Beast Pack and How To Train Your Dragons Pack. The HP Beast Pack provided me with Unicorns, Wampus cats, Dragon sharks, Nifflers, Fwoopers, Zouwus, Yetis, Thestrals, Demiguises and Graphorns. The HTTYD Beast Pack provided me Eruptodons, Typhoomerangs, Snifflehunchs, Speed stingers, Shellfires, Flightmares, Night Furys, Light Furys, Dramillions and Buffalords.

The 10 Abilities I Received and What They Do:

- No Itch: No more itching.

- Sound Absorption - Absorbs minor to semi-medium sounds.

- Puddle Creation: Creates small puddles of water, a cup at a time.

- Temperature Sensitivity: Can sense slight changes in temperature; only useful in specific contexts like weather forecasting.

- Mimicry (Inanimate Objects): Ability to mimic the appearance of inanimate objects.

Scent Manipulation: Can change or enhance scents; useful for stealth or masking but limited in other contexts.

Thermal Vision: Ability to see heat signatures; effective for tracking in darkness or through obstacles but not offensive.

- Absence Detection: The ability to detect things that cannot be perceived by normal senses, like invisible entities, anomalies, or hidden truths.

- Geokinesis: Users can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.

- Hydrokinesis: Users can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compounds with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to another.

The Bonus ability was:

- Absolute Healing - The ability to heal any injury or ailment, no matter how severe, including resurrecting the dead. It only takes time the more severe the longer.

Year 2 Months 20 Day 1 551 - Log 10:12 P.M - End of Week 80

Over the past month, I trained and studied more intensely than ever before, now that I had the ability to heal from almost anything, even death. This newfound power allowed me to push myself to new limits in training. Additionally, I could heal my Pokémon using my healing aura and touch.

However, I faced a challenge: three out of my five templates were knowledge-based, while one was knowledge-based and one was combat-focused. To balance this, I began practicing my Hydrokinesis and Geokinesis. I chose these two elements because they represent distinct forces of nature, unlike the other two, which are more advanced forms of kinetic abilities, such as Hydrokinesis and Cryokinesis.

During my training, I discovered that my kinetic abilities would only work in two situations: first, if I am in danger, and second, if I actively guide them. So far, I've managed to learn how to guide them, which involves using methods like hand signs or dance movements. The key is to think about using the ability and ensuring it follows a specific flow, meaning my actions need to relate to the element itself. The actions were only to help guide the ability.

For example, water symbolizes transformation, fluidity, and the unknown, while earth represents stability, resilience, and balance. I reached these conclusions with the help of typing manuals I've collected. This understanding allowed me to develop my own movements to guide my abilities. I spent a lot of time exploring my home, which kept expanding, whether by traveling through water, exploring, or fighting wildlife—sometimes bribing them with my cooking.

By the end of the month, I found nearly 60 Charging Data Banks created by the Hexbots I had left behind. All that remained was to install them near construction sites to begin utilizing the data gathered from the Data Stones. Despite my explorations, I didn't leave everything behind; I brought study materials to complete the templates.

By the end of the seventh week, the progress on my training templates was as follows: Tesla's template remained at 94%, and Sasaki's stayed at 95%. Meanwhile, Winona's, Bede's, and Colress's templates completed, over my trip. I replaced them with Tadokoro Megumi, Megishima Tosuke, Hisako Arato all at 75%.

Year 2 Months 21 Day 1 579 - Log 9:23 P.M - End of Week 84

At the beginning of the month, I was tempted to simply repeat what I did last month. Instead, I decided to start by installing 30 Charging Data Banks at each of the construction sites. While doing that, I had the Hexbots in the Home build another 40 Data Banks, which I then installed around the Home. Once that was completed, I initiated the construction of two Satellites.

During my time outside, I visited Alpha, Iscan, and Palina. I informed them that in three months, I would host a beach party and told them to look for the smoke signal like last year. I encouraged them to invite anyone they wished. They were curious about the construction, asking questions about the hows and whys. I explained that I was anticipating a significant number of Hisui going underwater, and the city's construction was a precautionary measure in case this occurred.

Upon returning, I embarked on a two-month journey across my Home, focusing on moving around, studying, discovering, and fighting. I took along several Study Hexbots to examine different species and used this opportunity to introduce Pokémon from the Gacha to their habitats. Many of these Pokémon were pregnant, mostly the adults.

By the start of the second week, I completed the Megumi, Tosuke, and Arato templates. This process involved mostly refining and adjusting ingredients to improve my cooking. I then replaced these with templates for Murasakibara Atsushi, Kenjiro Shibaru, and Wakatoshi Ushijima, completing them by the end of the week. They were subsequently replaced with Hatsumi Sen, Hanafusa Hajime, and Kenshin Himura.

The remainder of my time was spent enjoying exploration. I trained, studied, fought, and explored, coming across various creatures such as Thanators, Wampus Cats, Zouwous, Antkoro Mochi, Fire Bears, and a Flightmare pack. Each of these beasts had unique traits, from a perpetually burning bear to a mochi-flavored ant.

Regarding my kinetic abilities, I managed to maintain a steady pace while using them, but they were not yet effective enough. I struggled in fast-paced fights, often only managing to annoy my opponents rather than inflict significant damage.

By the end of the month, my templates reached: Sasaki's at 98%, Nikola's at 96%, Hatsumi's at 40%, Hanafusa's at 40% and Kenshin's at 40%. 

Year 2 Months 22 Day 1 607 - Log 8:33 P.M - End of Week 88

My journey continued as I traveled between water and mountainous areas, seeing more life the further I ventured out. I'm confident that, over time, the wildlife near my home will also increase in diversity, bringing me closer to my goal.

I encountered several fascinating creatures along the way. There were Bubble Knuckles, which were intriguing due to the bubble organs on their sides. I ventured deep into the water just to observe one up close. Then there were the Puffer Whales, excellent at hiding in packs. They turn poisonous as a defense mechanism, which unfortunately ruins their meat. The Doctor Lobsters proved difficult to kill because of their hard shells, which can regenerate to pristine condition, thanks to their unique polysaccharide. I also came across Doctor Fish, various species with healing properties. Some were only visible using thermal vision, appearing as tiny specks, while others were larger, each with different healing abilities. The Bacchus Whales swim in packs, and the most notable thing about them is the incredibly strong alcohol they produce. I also discovered Bearbees, which piqued Vulma's interest—she managed to convince a few to join her. These fascinating creatures produce spiced and seasoned honey, with each color representing a different flavor.

I encountered Battle Wolves twice, both times resulting in defeat. I survived by convincing them that my cooking was better than killing me. There was also the Aloe Frill-Neck Lizard, which was frustrating to deal with and practically useless without its leaves.

Other notable creatures included Dragon Sharks, highly aggressive and nocturnal, though I suspect they have some other ability since they found me so quickly. Graphorns were docile unless threatened, at which point they used their poisoned horns in self-defense. Nifflers were playful but frustrating, as they loved to steal and hide things. Zouwus were slippery, nimble, incredibly fast, but equally playful. The Fwoopers, on the other hand, were birds I wouldn't mind getting rid of—their song drives anyone who hears it insane.

I also saw a few dragons, including the Speed Stingers, whose poison could be useful in crafting both lethal substances and fertilizer. Then there were Shellfires, which, surprisingly, travel in packs. The Flightmares glow and use auroras as a power source, gliding through them and siphoning energy while feeding on the algae below. Interestingly, they leave behind a trail with healing properties. Finally, the Buffalords, whose saliva has disease-curing properties, were as lazy as koalas but slightly smarter. Their tough bodies also made them challenging to deal with.

It's important to note that I left one or two Study Bots with each species to gather more information. They're small and quick enough to dodge if any creatures act aggressively. By the end of the month, my templates made significant progress: Sasaki's reached 99%, Nikola's at 98%, Hatsumi's at 55%, Hanafusa's at 60%, and Kenshin's at 55%.

Year 2 Months 23 Day 1 635 - Log 7:24 P.M - End of Week 92

This month, I made my way back home, but along the way, I started experimenting with materials from the various beasts and animals I encountered. For example, I discovered that combining Speed Stinger poison, Flightmare goo, and the leaves of the Aloe Frill-Neck Lizard creates a sort of bomb when lit—a paralyzing, healing flame if you happen to get hit by it. Needless to say, I collected more materials from the creatures I encountered.

On my journey back, I stumbled upon a tribe of both Night Furies and Light Furies. My initial approach was met with a barrage of plasma blasts that obliterated block after block of earth I tried to create for cover. On my second attempt, I used Vanishing Drive, allowing me to stay hidden for exactly 10 minutes, and Scent Manipulation to erase my scent. My goal was to avoid being spotted and place a few Study Bots around their den for observation.

After leaving their den, I set up camp nearby and began cooking larger quantities of food than usual, hoping to lure the dragons out. It worked to some extent—they stayed at a distance, but I could still sense their presence. I let them track me back to my home, intending to draw them closer. As I continued my journey, I fought occasionally and cooked larger meals each time. The dragons seemed to catch on to what I was doing, but they were more arrogant than I expected.

By the end of my journey, my templates had made substantial progress: Hatsumi's was at 70%, Hanafusa's at 85%, and Kenshin's at 70%. I also completed Sasaki's and Nikola's templates, which were replaced by Baki and Ohma Tokita, both starting at 30%.

When I completed Sasaki's and Nikola's templates, something unexpected happened. I was aware that I could obtain their weapons, and I did, but that wasn't the surprise. By the time I returned home, I had two new visitors—something I didn't anticipate.

The visitors identified themselves as Valkyries, Göndul and Hrist. They initially demanded to see someone named Brunhilde, another Valkyrie. I didn't know who she was at first, and it took a few hours to calm them down—along with a fight they lost miserably. Between me, the Furies that had been following me, and my Pokémon, they didn't stand a chance and were knocked out quickly. They have yet to wake up.

Year 2 Months 24 Day 1 663 - Log 8:52 P.M - End of Week 96

In the first week, my guest woke up and tried to punch their way through my home until they made it outside. Once there, they stood stunned, as they hadn't had a proper view before. Then they turned to look at me, training with my Pokémon.

When they approached, my Pokémon immediately went on guard, ready to blast them if necessary. My guest was equally tense but still asked again to see Valkyrie Brunhilde. I explained that I couldn't, since I wasn't even sure if she existed here—which I'm almost certain she doesn't. Even if she did, I wouldn't know where to begin looking. That seemed to catch their interest, but then it quickly shifted into panic. I waited for them to calm down before explaining the basics: how they appeared through my equipment, where they were, and finally, what they wanted. I made it clear that Arceus would likely either kill them or allow them to live under specific conditions, which I also explained. Either way, I would need to speak to Arceus, both as a courtesy and to ensure they wouldn't go crazy staying in one place for too long.

It wasn't until the second week that they fully calmed down. They finally decided they wanted to see more of the outside world. We had grown closer during that time, likely because we were the only ones who could speak human language. While I went to get permission, they explored. Göndul was fascinated by the technology I was creating, while Hrist enjoyed walking around and taking in the scenery, particularly curious about the local animals and beasts. However, both were especially interested in the Furies that had buried them in plasma blasts when they first arrived.

During the second week, I also received a notification for an achievement: Mystery Maker. It read, "A city shrouded in mystery, it has scientists scratching their heads on its creation, much less its secrets. Attempts to unravel its origins only raises more questions, leaving experts baffled and adventurers eager to uncover the truth. This enigma stands as a testament to the unknown, daring the world to solve its age-old riddles".

This achievement granted me an upgrade for my Home: Relevance, as well as 10 packs of outside beasts. The upgrade allowed beings from other universes to exit my Home, provided they had the approval of that universe's god. In this case, I needed Arceus's approval for them to leave. Also, I realized I needed to come up with a proper name for the Home, as I couldn't keep calling it that forever.

That night, I played the flute to summon Arceus, choosing to do so under the cover of darkness to avoid interference or unwanted attention. After about an hour, Arceus appeared, somewhat annoyed that I hadn't contacted him in a while. We caught up, and eventually, I asked if it would be alright for me to invite people who didn't necessarily exist in his multiverse. He agreed on the condition that I create a door to my Home. After some back and forth, I agreed on the condition that anyone who found the door would need to pass a trial and have a redeeming quality to obtain a key. Whoever possessed the key could invite another person to join them, should they wish.

The next time I left the Home was for the beach party, which occurred during week six for me. In the time leading up to it, I spent a lot of time with Göndul and Hrist, who had been adjusting well to their new surroundings. I crafted Hisuian Poké Balls for them and assisted them in catching their first Pokémon, which surprisingly both had the Alpha trait. Göndul caught a Snom, which she named her Eira, while Hrist caught an Axew, naming him Tannis. I explained that they would need to catch any subsequent Pokémon on their own and stressed that creative, out-of-the-box thinking was crucial for becoming stronger. I also encouraged them to train regularly and offered them the opportunity to train with me whenever they wished. To be honest, outside of their weapon-wielding skills, they were relatively weak.

Additionally, they had access to my library of books, which would prove helpful. Over time, I discovered that Hrist and Göndul had Aura powers that align with the Pokémon world. I advised them to explore and develop these abilities, suggesting that once they had a handle on it, they could assist me with my own Aura unlocking and training.

I informed Göndul and Hrist that we'd be attending the beach party, and of course, I had Vulma help create bathing suits tailored to their sizes. When we arrived, I started the campfire, and before long, I was surrounded by the Wardens, the leaders of both clans, Laventon, along with Rei and Akari, Volo and his family, as well as the villagers I had already met. I introduced Göndul and Hrist, who were a bit excited, to everyone. Just like the previous year, my cooking attracted a lot of wild Pokémon, but this time there were even more, including the Alpha Pokémon I had encountered in the Cobalt Coastlands. I ended up cooking for about five hours at a fast pace, giving some of the newcomers a bit of a shock.

Surprisingly, before the party really kicked off, I found myself talking to Kamado, the leader of the Galaxy Expedition Team. He was curious about why I was building a city, so I explained the truth—there was no reason to hide it. He left shortly after, likely pondering whether to believe me or not.

Year 2 Months 25 Day 1 691 - Log 7:58 P.M - End of Week 100

The previous month, Volo expressed interest in purchasing items from me, so we arranged to meet in two months. As for the Valkyrie sisters, I offered to host them until the city is ready, which should take another 3 months to complete. In the meantime, we continue with our usual routines.

I also have the skeleton of a satellite that the Hexbots have been constructing. After some testing, I discovered it's capable of more than the original blueprint I left. Here are a few of its new functions: it can Passively Hover from any of its flat surfaces, preventing accidents; it can Weather-Shift on a minor scale, either upgrading or downgrading conditions (like turning a drizzle into rain or vice versa); it can Cloak itself by blending into its surroundings using a combination of the panel imitator and mirror room blueprints; it can Absorb basic forms of energy for self-repair and shielding; it has direct communication with the Charging Data Banks and other paired equipment; and finally, it incorporates any useful function a Hexbot could offer. I named it the P.A.C.A.D. Sentinel Satellite. With two of these, I plan to create a larger hub or satellite with enhanced functions based on P.A.C.A.D., which I'll call C.A.P.A.D. Essentially, it will be a mobile home in space.

Then I had the spins to do: 20 Items, 20 Pokémon, 20 Abilities and then I still had the additional 10 outside beast packs. so 70 spins :

The 20 Items I Received:

Draco plate, Big root, Miracle seed, Charcoal, Leftovers, Quick claw, Eviolite, Rocky helmet, Choice band, King's rock, Life orb, Muscle band, Soothe bell, Focus sash, Black sludge, Air balloon, Lucky egg, Dusk stone, Reaper cloth and Blue orb. The bonuses were: Gravitonium (Marvel) and Animal Package.

The 20 Pokémon I Received:

Caterpie (Pair), Fletchling (2 families of 4), Bounsweet (2 families of 4), Sentret (2 families of 3), Chewtle (2 families of 4), Pidove (2 families of 3), Ledyba (Pair), Blipbug (2 families of 3), Mudbray (2 families of 3), Chingling (2 families of 3), Scatterbug (2 families of 4), Skrelp (2 families of 4), Venonat (Pair), Spinarak , Yungoos (Pair), Hatenna (2 families of 3), Skiddo (2 families of 3), Barboach (2 families of 3), Spritzee (2 families of 3) and Toxel (2 families of 3). The bonuses were: One Piece Beast Pack and Avatar: The Last Airbender Beast Pack.

The 20 Abilities I Received and What They Do:

- Backwards Walking: Can walk backwards really fast.

- Minor Healing (Self): Can heal minor scratches or bruises on oneself.

- Non-Reflective Skin: Skin that doesn't reflect light.

- Sound Imitation: Can imitate simple sounds or noises; limited to natural sounds.

- Watering Plant: Ability to enhance plant growth by watering them.

- Time Estimator: Can estimate the time.

- Enhanced Intuition: Improved gut feelings or hunches.

- Enhanced Strength: Increased strength.

- Enhanced Agility: Increased speed and flexibility.

- Language Fluency: Help understand any language.

- Echo Location: Can detect nearby objects by echolocation, limited to closed spaces.

- Empathy: Can sense the emotions of others.

- Remote Viewing: Ability to see distant locations without being physically present, on the condition that I have already been.

- Temperature Adaptation: Adapts to extreme temperatures, makes it harder to affect you.

- True Enhanced Senses - Enhanced ability in all senses; useful in certain situations but not as versatile as enhanced overall senses.

- Temporal Perception - Ability to perceive time differently; useful for anticipating future events and reactions.

- Emotional Projection – The ability to project one's emotions onto others, causing them to feel fear, joy, sadness, or other emotions.

- Mirror Adaptable Neurons - Ability to copy and mimic actions or powers through live observation.

- Null Field – Creation of a field where all powers, magic, or supernatural phenomena are nullified, turning the area into a neutral zone.

- Technokinesis - User possesses control over technology and devices and can create and manipulate technology.

The Bonus ability was:

- Eternal Regeneration - The ability to regenerate from any injury, no matter how severe, even from complete disintegration or erasure.

- Cosmic Awareness - Awareness of events and entities of the cosmic level; provides insight into universal phenomena.

Some abilities combined, like and its important to understand that none of the combined abilities are lost:

- Active Mirror Neurons + Mirror Adaptable Neurons = Complete Mirror Neuron [ I can copy anything, over time, as long as I am exposed to it. ]

- Eternal Regeneration + Absolute Healing + Healing Touch + Minor Healing + Healing Aura = Healing Embrace [ Can heal others to any extent except death and above. The user may heal and regenrate through anything even death and above. ] Granting Immortality Types - 3,4,5

- Time Estimator + Temporal Perception + Cosmic Awareness + Absence Detection = Timed Cosmic Detection [ Allows to accurately tell when, where and how cosmic events take place, providing insight into cosmic-level phenomena and the intricate workings of the universe. No Cosmic entity remains hidden, more information is provided on the entity if they are apart of the events seen. ]

- Empathy + Emotional Projection = Empathetical Projection [ Allows to fell, sense and project emotions of the user or a target. Illusionary but can be seen ] 

- Linguistics + Language Fluency = Fluent Linguistic [ Allows the user to speak, write and instinctively understand a language provided that the user learns the bare minimum of the language. The more complex the language the more you need to know. ] 

The 12 Outside Beast Packs I Received:

- Avatar: The Last Airbender Beast Pack: Screeching Dodos, Canyon Crawlers, Polar Dogs, Buffalo Yaks, Giant Rhinoceros Beetles, Flying Bisons, Koalaotters, Snow Leopard Caribous, Badgermoles and Flying Dolphin Fishes.

- HP Beast Pack: Augureys, Dragons, Diricawls, Griffins, Marmites, Puffskeins, Quilins, Peludas, Squonks and Pheonixes.

- Toriko Beast Pack: Andre Marlins, Coin Carps, Sky Deers, Emperor Crows, Mother Snakes, Black Hole Whales, Phantom Beast Heracs, Energy Arowana and Gourmet Jellyfish.

- HTTYD Beast Pack: Rumblehorns, Gem Blasters, Groncicles, Hobblegrunts, Hotburples, Hobgobblers, Triple Strykes, Thunderclaws, Terrors and Sea Gronckles.

- HTTYD Beast Pack: Octofin, Foreverwing, Fire Swarms and Queens, Yetiwings, Red Death, Catastrophic Quaken, Snow Wraith, Screaming Death, Zoomerang and Razorwhip.

- One Piece Beast Pack: Agehagueras, Blue-Finned Elephant Tunas, White Walkies, Cloud Foxes, Octopus Ballons, Horn Sharks, Wanizames, Dream Kois and Sennenryus.

- HTTYD Best Pack: Purple Death, Crimson Goregutter, Gronckle, Hackatoo, Bewilderbeast, Deadly Nadder, Submarriper, Green Death, Skrill, Stormcutter and Copyclaw.

- HP Beast Pack: Catoblepas, Erumpents, Hippocampus, Hippogriffs, Mooncalfs, Runespoors, Thunderbirds, Occamys, Gigantic Jellyfishes and Billywigs.

- Avatar Beast Pack: Akulas, Ilus, Tulkuns, Banshees, Great Leonopteryxes, Bladeheads, Skimwings, Buoyfishes, Soundblast Colossus and Direhorses.

- Avatar Beast Pack: Dinicthoids, Spade Wings, Sagittarias, Dodiapedes, Coronis, Pachyderms, Chelydras, Arrow Deers, Porcupines and Syringils.

- One Piece Beast Pack: Island Whales, Air Elephants, Kappa Whales, Sky Fishes, Sumo Frogs, Masukeredomo Goayu Birds, Faceless Crabs, Komainus, Island Turtles and Draconic Super-Fillet Salmons.

- Avatar: The Last Airbender Beast Pack: Ring-Tailed Winged Lemur, Winged Lemur, Otter Penguin, Owl Wolf, Elephant Koi, Fire Fox, Komodo Rhino, Armadillo Bear, Manatee Whale and Iguana Seal.

By the end of the month, my templates had made progress: Baki at 53%, Ohma at 53%, Hatsumi's was at 94%, Hanafusa's at 97%, and Kenshin's at 83%.

Year 2 Months 26 Day 1 719 - Log 8:53 P.M - End of Week 104

Since I had made a deal with Arceus, it was necessary to forge trials, which meant I needed to rely on my kinetic abilities to make this work. I spent time developing plan after plan to design trials that would reveal the redeemable traits or qualities I sought in the participants. By the end of the month, I had completed two trials, both structured to test and prove the traits I wanted to see.

During this time, my templates also made significant progress: both Baki and Ohma reached 62%. Meanwhile, Hatsumi's, Hanafusa's, and Kenshin's templates were completed and replaced with new ones. Sozan Matsuo, Katsumi Orochi and Kuroki Gensai.

Thinking ahead, I also prepared for potential changes in the next century by creating detailed records—maps, locations, legends, history, culture, Pokémon, bestiary, and more. Everything was documented in books, starting with a book containing a certain story. However, the crucial part lies in the two riddles engraved on the back cover. The book is titled "The Hisuian Book of Secrets." Another key book is the bestiary.

"In the Glacier Terrace, where the winds forever bite,

By Lake Acuity, where stars glow bright.

A dome stands firm against nature's spite,

What shelter thrives in cold and light,

A beacon of warmth in endless white?"

"By cold hands, the way is clear,

The statues stand, with secrets near.

In icy winds, the truth does wait,

Follow where the statues face their fate.

But when the blizzard howls and roars,

And a light will grant you more."

The trials themselves are designed around intricate riddles. The first trial challenges the participant to travel through a blizzard to reach the top of a mountain, as everything resets in 10 minutes when exposed to light. The light reveals a crucial location, but it only lasts briefly.

The third, fourth, and fifth riddles build upon the earlier trials, leading to the next challenge, uncovering the underground maze, and ultimately, revealing the last location for the key. One riddle describes a location, while the Great Leonopteryxes and Mountain Banshees feed on its fruits.

I chose to release creatures from various universes—Toriko, How to Train Your Dragon, Avatar, and Avatar: The Last Airbender—because they enhance the environment in unique ways.

"To unlock the door and claim the prize,

Seek three parts where danger lies.

One in a place where victors tread,

In trials of strength, the brave have bled.

Another beneath a village's wave,

Where once it stood, now it's a watery grave.

The third where flames and mountains roar,

A land of heat where fire will soar.

Only when all three are bound,

The final key shall then be found."

"Where roots run deep and shadows play,

Beneath the earth is where you'll stay.

The winds above may guide your path,

But below, the earth reveals its wrath.

The roots will twist, the soil will part,

To find the way, return to the start.

Search not the branches, nor the sky,

For answers lie where the different birds fly."

"Through habitats strange and wild you tread,

Where beasts of land, sky, and sea are fed.

The maze itself unknown shall shift and churn,

And in its depths, the path you'll learn.

Three you must ignite with care,

To clear the way through fire, earth and air.

One for the storms, one for the stone,

And one for light that's all your own."

As the second riddle shows, finding the tricky exit also requires solving its answer. This leads to the final chamber, locked behind a hidden door.

Interestingly, I already know that in exactly 154 years, 10 months, and 9 days, four individuals—two girls and two guys—will make it through. This will happen after someone foolishly attempts to create a new world. Additionally, I know two Valkyries will assist them later, and I'm curious about their motivations. While I know who they are, it's better to leave that information unspoken here. As for how I'll confirm their redeemable qualities—well, I have six separate pairs of eyes observing to ensure they have what it takes.

Year 2 Months 27 Day 1 747 - Log 8:49 P.M - End of Week 108

This past month was relatively straightforward. After finalizing my plans for the trials, I had the Hexbots scan and begin construction based on those plans. However, something seemed to happen during this time—I felt several powerful presences watching me. It was likely Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Landorus, Enamorous, Tornadus, Thundurus, Regigigas, and the original Mew. Not that they could hide from me anymore. Still, my goal isn't to anger them; if anything, I think Arceus is probably amused while the others are dealing with the headaches I've caused them. And yes, those headaches are quite effective.

I've given the Hexbots four blueprints to start working on for the mountain near my city: the [Sea Map and Key Blueprint and manual], the [Storm Globe] to create and control man-made storms, the [Stone Resonator] that shifts rocky pathways, and the [Light Prism], which captures and amplifies sources of light. These are crucial for the ongoing construction in Glacier Terrace, where I've been relying on my Cryokinetic and Geokinetic abilities to get the job done.

Additionally, Technokinesis has proven to be invaluable. Since I fully understand the intricacies of my tech, I don't need to waste time on months of trial and error for a single project anymore.

Beyond that, my focus has been on continuous training, the release of new fauna into the Pokémon world, and the items I've sold to Volo. At this point, I don't really need anything he sells, but I still buy from him to help him out. I hate to think of him as just a "get rich quick scheme," but let's be honest, he's a good one.

- My templates: both Baki at 66%, Ohma at 66%, Sozan at 50%, Katsumi at 50% and Kuroki at 50%.

- Volo bought enough for me to gain 183 755$ while I bought back 81 625$

- The release of the Animals/Beast:

Toriko: Gourmet Jellyfish / Bubble Knuckles / Doctor Fishes / Doctor Lobsters / Puffer Whales / Antkoro Mochi / Aloe Frill-neck Lizard / Fire Bear / Bacchus Whale / Bearbees / Coin Carps.

HTTYD: Eruptodons / Buffalords / Octofins / Foreverwings / Fire Swarms and Queens / Yetiwings / Catastrophic Quakens / Snow Wraiths / Zoomerangs / Crimson Goregutters / Gronckles / Bewilderbeasts / Deadly Nadders / Submarripers / Shellfires / Stormcutters / Rumblehorns / Gem Blasters / Groncicles / Hobblegrunts / Hotburples / Hobgobblers / Thunderclaws / Terrors / Sea Gronckles.

ATLA: Flying Bisons / Koalaotters / Badgermoles / Ring-Tailed Winged Lemur / Winged Lemur / Screeching Dodos / Polar Dogs / Buffalo Yaks / Giant Rhinoceros Beetles / Snow Leopard Caribous / Flying Dolphin Fishes / Otter Penguin / Elephant Koi / Fire Fox / Komodo Rhino / Armadillo Bear / Manatee Whale / Iguana Seal.

Avatar: Ilus / Tulkuns / Banshees / Great Leonopteryxes / Bladehead / Skimwings / Buoyfishes / Soundblast Colossus / Direhorses / Spade Wings / Sagittarias / Coronis / Pachyderms / Chelydras / Arrow Deers / Porcupines / Syringils.






Few Things to Say:

- This chapter was around 5 900 words.

- Now I know summons are story killers but thats not what it is. It was genuine randomness that I got the yes on my wheel spinning but a no for a summoning system add-on.

- But again summons aren't apart of this but since it happened well see where this goes actually I already know. It'll just take a while I think about chapter 200 and up. I'll get to it but unless situations like the Voldur Valkyries of RoR there wont be any summoning unless I get a summon system odds are 99% (no) and 1% (yes) OR a chart of yes and no copied over 300 times on a wheel.

- Also if you couldn't tell I am setting things up. The real story doesn't start now. But it will.

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(When making the comment right down what it is. Example: Ability- ???) 

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