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83.33% Tidelands: King / Chapter 10: Chapter I: Apeni Mermaids

Chapter 10: Chapter I: Apeni Mermaids

Three months after my take over of Orphelin Bay and ascending to kingship, My father checked on my progress as promised. I had nothing to worry about as the bay was under my thumb. In the last three months, the Tidelanders had lived better days than all the days combined under Adrielle. Even the slaves lived a better life now than the ones they led before the Great Wave -that's what they're calling the tsunami I brought.

With the Drug Empire revenue alone, we lived up to our superior lineage. The Tidelanders and Humans had quickly become accustomed to this new lifestyle as we were pulling in millions a month. The years of relaxed life and living how I pleased is mostly over. While I would have sat on this revenue, enjoyed ruling over this small section of earth, spent time with Bijou, and most likely started a family with Calliope, unfortunately, I could not. I am my father's son.

Adventure and the sea are calling to me. More power is at the forefront of my mind, and I can't shake it. I could tell already, I was a king like King Richard, Lion Heart. But I suppressed those feelings long enough to establish a sturdy system in my Kingdom.

Let me explain a little of what I'm talking about. For the past three months, I've developed a routine to keep my days scheduled and organized. I know, it doesn't sound like me, but this King shit is a hell of a workload, even with Calliope's help. Within that routine, I carved out a training time for Bijou, Cal, and myself. Over the months, I've been getting a better grasp of my new power, but a few personality changes came with that growth.

I practically live in the water now, ten times more aggressive, possessive, decadent, and aloof when it comes to the human enslaved and Tidelanders I simply don't care for. I'm incredibly horny all of the time, and I even fucked Pavilna and few other sirens on occasions. As far as Tidelanders, I have my pick of the litter. So recently, with all of these changes, I've begun to wonder about my domain.

My mother is the daughter of two titans. My father is the son of the first titans, primordial beings. I have a divine domain. I just don't know what it is yet. I also know that until this war is over, I'm incredibly weaker than the average titan. But I take solace in the fact that my Titan lineage has fully blossomed, just suppressed to keep myself hidden in the mortal realm.

My body can now take on any man-made weapon, My strength and speed are phenomenal, and my cosmic mind shows me all. With this much greatness, Orphelin bay looks small, and my blood urges me to take more. So, slowly, Stolin's territory and business were slowly taken over by me, with my name stamped on it. Precise moves with the top members of the operation and expansion allow me to take over without having my name being known by the wrong people.

So now I sit at a table with Pavlina and Siren called Sibylla. On my right is Calliope, Violca, and Thea.

"My father has started a war, and I have responsibilities to aid him in his endeavors." I start, " I trust the five of you to make the best decisions, but Bijou has the final say as Calliope refuses to marry me."

I let the awkward atmosphere fester for a moment before I continue, "With that being said, I have lots I must do. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but trust I will come back. More Tidelanders from around the world are arriving every day. See to it that they are taken care of. If anyone challenges this governing body, just kill them."

"Aiden, they are Tidelanders," Thea spoke with concern.

"This is about more than Tidelanders, Thea. And we can always make more. Now, Calliope will explain the inner working of this kingdom and Drug business and how to keep it working while I'm away." I push myself up from my seat and move to give Calliope a kiss on the cheek.

"Please, try." I whisper, "Spend time with your mother and embrace what you are --the Queen of the Tidelanders. I try with us, you know I do. The only one souring this life is you. "

I then take my leave from the room. So, Calliope has been very reluctant about a lot of things. Not to mention she recently was released from jail. She's been through a lot of changes, and she's trying to wrap her head around them all. One day, she just stopped trying and refused it all. So I started giving her time, space, freedom. Hopefully, she figures some things out while I'm away.

While the ladies commune, I walk through L'Attente and return my people's greetings as everyone acknowledges me as I strolled. When I finally get to the beach, I make my way to a hut.

"Bijou," I call out.

The little girl pokes her head out with a smile. I look at her neck and see the necklace I gave her was dangling and shining when the rays of light reflected from its surface whenever it sways into just the right position. She had a habit of giving it to Gilles every time she worried about him. A moment later, she and Gilles came out and stood in front of me.

Going down to my knees, I looked Bijou in the eyes and tell her what's happening. She didn't mind much. She was a bit anxious about taking the lead, but she is wise. Her visions make her so. With the right steps, I think she will make a fine leader.

When I was finished talking, Bijou wore a little smile as she said, "I knew you were leaving. This is for you."

I take a drawing from her hand and gasp when I see the beautiful artwork my sister produces. It was her finest work yet, a long way from crayons on copy paper. "This is incredible."

"Calliope got me an art set. She usually comes down to vent or ask about the future. " Said Bijou, "With the right tools, my art skills have improved."

"I can see that." I tell her, "This drawing is so realistic all the way down to scales of the fins and the women's expressions."

"Thank you."

"Anytime, bug. So, who are these people?" I ask, pointing to the four mermaids she drew.

"Cleo, Rikki, Emma, and Isabella. These four more or less protect Apeni Island and the waters surrounding it. They are strong, and they are returning for Cleo's birthday. Rikki's job requires traveling, and Emma lives in America with her second husband. Only Cleo and Isabella protect the island full time." Bijou explained.

"You got all of this from a vision?" I ask.

"No, silly," she giggles, "I got it from google."

"Ahh, right." I look to Gilles and motion for him to come closer.

A few months back, Adrielle had one of his eyes pulled out. I removed the eye patch he wears now, then I cover his eye with my hand. Once I released him, his missing eye was back in its rightful place.

"Look after Bijou for me," I tell him as he continuously blinked in an effort to get used to his new vision.

Gilles gives me a firm nod.

"Hey, Bug. When I return, You and I will take a little a trip, okay."

Bijou smiles at me without a word. She gets like that sometimes. It's weird, if I'm being honest. She suddenly nodded her head for me to turn around. Once I did, I saw Calliope coming down the beach.

"Still here?" she asks.

"Had to speak to Bijou," I reply.

"Hmm. Can you spare a moment for me?"

"Of course."

Naturally, the world went silent as Calliope came closer and remained silent for a while as she gathered her thoughts.

"Being what we are, scares me." Calliope admitted, "I can feel it crawling beneath my skin. I can feel my mind slipping from my control, and I realized that the Human and Siren in me are fighting for control. Aiden, I didn't ask for any of this."

"I know."

"I know you know. And that's why I love you. But... I'm going to test your love and ask for us to take a beat." She looked at me nervously.

"It's your life, Calliope. We both have these things that people are telling us to do. And whether we do them or not is entirely our choice. But we also have to live with the consequences of our choices, and how to do that is by being happy. If following this destiny that our parents say we have isn't making you happy, Cal. Then fuck it. All I want is for you to be happy. That's what love is."

Calliope exhaled a world of worries as her shoulder visibly relaxed.

"I want to go to Italy, for some reason. I think it'll be beautiful. I also want to go to Greece. I need to find out who I am as a free woman. I need to find out who I am as I siren."

"You have to find out a lot," I say.

Calliope giggles as she nods her in agreement. " I do want to marry you. I really do. Just not now."

"I get it. When do you leave?" I ask.

"Now." she replied, " Pavlina and Thea have things covered. I figured that if, for some reason, life as queen isn't for me, hell, if life as Tidelander isn't for me, then Thea loves you. Sometimes watching her makes me feel like I don't love you enough."

We both chuckle a bit.

"She would make a great queen." Calliope finally said it. I felt like I watched her amputate a piece of herself. I pull her into a hug and just hold her.

"Hey....everything will work out. And I will always love you, Calliope McTear."

When we finally parted, we spoke on a few details to make sure she would be safe. We decided that it would be best for her to stay in Sidney with Augie while she traveled and figured things out. That way, she didn't have to be faced with Tidelanders and Sirens all of the time. By the way, I sent Augie to Sidney to manage things for me. I couldn't possibly keep my brother in chains.

When Calliope and I parted, It was the most relaxed I had seen her in months. I had never been so happy watching her walk away than in this moment. I just hoped she comes back. Life, love, destiny, and so on. It's all fucking complicated. But enough of the sap.

I helped Bijou move to the main house and L'Attente through a departure party for me.

I pushed off the sandy shore in the dead of night and sprang miles into the air before diving into the middle of the bay. Like a jet, I zipped through the water and arrived at Oceanus's Cave. After retrieving the Broken sword left behind for me, I turned into water, then vanished.

I soon reappeared with a splash of water in the middle of Mr. Crumberland's office.

"Shit-balls!" he exclaimed, "You have to stop doing that."

"Tell me about Peggy Trevino," I say.

"Dead." he replied, "Your team is on its way back now with the package."

"Crumberland, I'm glad you stepped up to challenge and made me your sole client. With my business going well, you have made quite the fortune. But now I have to ask that you do something hazardous for me."

Cumberland gulped, and I watched as he took a deep breath to steel his nerves. " What do you need, boss?"

"Only a select group of people know my name and that I have taken over Stolin's business. Peggy has a set of twins set to inherit the business now that she is dead. I want you to broker a deal for me. I buy from the Bolivians. They buy from the Columbians. My cocaine is better. I want to sell to them."

Cumberland looked shocked. "Do you know how much product you'll have to move? No one can move that much weight. The Trevino family supplies the entire east coast of the USA, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Columbian cocaine has been the main source because it's impossible to smuggle that much product from Bolivia."

"Allow me to handle the logistics. " I tell him, " I also sent a word to partner, we will be moving into Adelaide and Brisbane within three months. By then, I'll need you at my side full-time. Also, there's a runway in Orphelin Bay. Tell the team to land there, and my people will handle it." I explained.

"What about their payment?" Crumberland asked.

"You keep it. They won't be needing it anymore." I reply, "Thanks for all your help, Crumberland."

"No problem, Boss."

I then toss him a phone with my number programmed into it before my body turned to water once more, and I reappeared on the Shore of Apeni Island. The moment I arrived, I felt its power thrumming from deep within the Island. Looking at the Volcano at the center of the Island, I notice intense magic similar to the power I felt.

Focusing my energy, my hair turned white and shimmered like celestial silk. My eyes glowed a deep ocean blue, and my body raised from the earth. In a moment, I was hovering over the volcano. Looking into the dormant beast, I noticed a bubbling pool with women soaking. The magic that radiated from said pool connected with the full moon in the sky. It was unlike any magic known within my cosmic mind.

An Instant later, I emerge from the water in the pool as the magic attacks my very essence. It attempted to change me. Dispelling the magic, I then attempted to end it all but found that the moon pool's magic was a lot more durable than I had thought. I knew then that it was divine magic.

I suddenly smell burning in the air as lightning is hurled down the vent of the volcano. Flourishing my hand, the lightning hit a water barrier. A moment later, I crushed the storm clouds in the sky before looking at the four dumbstruck mermaids, one of which is pregnant.

"That wasn't very nice." I spoke out, " Where I'm from, we greet people with words, not lightning bolts."

I then sink into the moon pool and find it surprisingly warm, considering it's connected to the ocean. But I couldn't enjoy it as the four women had their hands extended and aimed at me.

"Who are you?" Asked the pregnant Mermaid that looks to be Isabella.

She has honey-blonde hair that falls straight down past her shoulders. Her hair also seems to have a naturally wavy texture. Isabella's eyes are ocean blue, and her skin has a honey-bronze color. She is not quite as tan as Cleo but not as pale as Rikki and Emma. She seems to be the shortest of the mermaids at 5'2" and has a slim but curvaceous figure.

To Isabella's left is Cleo. She has wavy-curly brown hair that stops mid-back and hazel-green eyes. Her skin is clear and is an extremely light tan color. She has a slender figure and is tall, standing at 5'7''.

Then there's Emma, who has blue eyes and long golden-blonde hair that reaches her waist. Her skin is quite fair and smooth. Finally, Rikki has wavy, platinum hair that goes a bit past her shoulders. Her eyes are wide, dark-lashed, and sky blue. She is fair-complected with no visible blemishes. Her lips are a rosy pink and plump.

And, of course, all of them now had matching orange tops that looked like some kind of seaweed. It only covered their breasts and left the rest of their upper body exposed. From their waist down, each of them had large orange scaled mermaid tails.

"I am Aiden," I reply with a smile.

"What are you?" Emma asked.

"I am a... I am the son of the Ocean. I sensed the magic coming from this place and had to find out what it was."

"Son of the ocean? Bullshit," said Rikki.

"Says the mermaid," I added. "Yeah, there's a lot of you in the water. There's a lot of Sirens in the water—monsters in the world. But I come in peace. The water is warm. Do you mind if I sit for a while?"

The ladies look at each other and shrug.

After a moment of relaxing silence, Isabella asks, "Where are you from, Aiden?"

"I was born in the sea up north," I reply.

"Literally?" they asked.

"Yes. 100 meters beneath the tides, to be exact." I speak nonchalantly. "But Mermaids are born in the water too. Why are you so surprised?"

The ladies look at each other as if they were carrying a secret.

"Forget about it. I don't care that much. " I tell them before I start to strip.

"Wow!" they exclaim.

"What are you doing?" Cleo asked.

"I'm getting ready to go for a swim. Care to join me? I promise I won't go too fast."

The ladies looked almost offended.

"You two-legged thing. You think you can out-swim us?" Isabella asked.

"I know I can. How about this. If I win, you ladies treat me to drink and tell me about this strange little Island. If I lose, I'll tell you all about strange little me." I offer.

I tried not to hold their gaze too long as my eyes' glow had unusual effects on the body and mind. But it must have some sort of effect as they all seemed interested in who I am. Naturally, they all agreed.

After stripping to my briefs, I call my broken sword, which was left at the bottom of the moon pool. The ladies then led me out to the ocean. I looked at them, and they all smiled, but I noticed they were holding their breath.

I took a few lounges full of water, and their smiles turned to shock.

"Can you not breathe underwater?" I ask, deepening the creases of their brows.

The ladies shook their heads, and I found it odd. I look at Cleo, and I tell her to breathe. She resisted until I spoke again. "Breathe," I commanded in my siren's voice.

The others tried to stop her, but the water held them back. It looked like Cleo had drowned until her body jerked, and she began to breathe.

"Fear. A fear most unusual for people of our nature. All of you, breathe!"

One by one, the ladies began to breathe underwater.

"H-how is this possible?" Emma struggled to speak.

"You're a fucking mermaid. What do you mean how?" I asked, and all of them looked quite embarrassed.

"Holy shit, You guys were born on land," I say. I then frown at Isabella and her swollen belly. My cosmic mind swirled, and everything began to make sense. "You were all human once...How odd."

"The pool." Cleo blurted out, "The moon pool turned us."

"Wasn't expecting that." I replied, "Well, you lot still up for a race?"

The ladies laugh as they nodded. A moment later, five jets of water are ripping through the ocean back to the mainland. About 100 meters out, I purposely and discreetly pull back.

When we made it to the shore, the ladies began to cough up water as I laugh at them.

"You'll get used to it, and soon, you won't need to cough up the water when you resurface," I explained.

"You still lost," said Rikki.

" I did." I agreed as I walked on to shore, and the ladies were still lying on the sand.

Rikki seemed to be cooking herself, and Cleo was air-drying herself as Emma and Isabella waited.

"For fuck sakes, ladies," I growled as I reached out to take the water from their bodies and hair.

In an instant, they transform back into human women with bikinis on.

"You lot have to be the worst mermaids in history. Have you not met any others?" I asked.

"We have. Many live right here on Gold Coast. But you are powerful. I mean, I'm the best at manipulating water but what you did is unlike anything I could ever dream of doing." Said Cleo.

"Well, it isn't hard. So, where can I get a drink around here?"

"I know a place, but you have to put some close on," said Rikki.

"I will when you do."

The ladies look at their bikinis.

"Fair enough." Said Isabella.

Sometime later, We all sat in Rikki's Cafe as Rikki made us drinks. I then realized that the ladies hadn't introduced themselves. I recognized them because of Bijou's drawing, so I never asked.

"Say, you ladies never introduced yourselves," I say.

One by one, they gave their name. The only thing that differed was that Isabella liked to be called Bella.

After Rikki made me some fruity drink, chuck full of alcohol, we all got to talking. They first asked me about the broken sword. I simply told them I found it at the bottom of the ocean. Rikki laughed and said she made a living off the things she found on the ocean floor.

I told them of my young years, adult years as a director, and all seemed to be a fan of my work. Eventually, they asked if I was human or something else. As being born from the sea seemed too godlike for them.

"I'm a water deity. My father's a King, actually."

"You're a prince?" Cleo asked.

"I am," I reply.

"So your hair..." Said Emma.

"And those eyes..." Bella added.

"Is it because you're a god?" Rikki asked.

"Titan. But yes. I can turn it off if it's distracting."

"No." they protested.

I chuckle.

"So, Prince Aiden. How'd you happen upon Mako Island? Are you traveling the world?" Cleo asked.

"Mako? I thought it was called Apeni?"

"Mako is an old name. We find it hard to shake." Rikki explained, "Apeni is its new name."

"No. I'm on a quest, believe it or not. You see, mermaids are descent from the Titan Nereus. My father is the King of Titans and the waters of the earth. I have come to unite the races of the water and all those of Titan blood."

"Are you saying that you're our Prince?" Emma giggled.

"ehh, not quite. You ladies weren't born mermaids. How does that work actually?"

"The moon pool. Every full moon. Any human caught in its waters will be turned into a mermaid." Said Isabella. " There are many born mermaids, but it's hard to tell whose ancestors were pure and who's were turned like us."

"And there was this girl back in Highschool. Her grandmother was like us, but she and her mother were born human. So I don't think we can give birth to mermaids. But we'll find out once Bella's baby is born." said Cleo.

"What an interesting little place." I said, "So much mystery. Well, ladies, I have to be going now. We should do this again sometimes."

"Friday." said Cleo, "My birthday is Friday, and we're all going to the clubbing. You're welcome to come."

"The pregnant lady too?" I asked.

"We're a package. Pregnant or not." Bella spoke up.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of her." Said Rikki.

"Friday then," I say before vanishing in a splash of water.


Third POV.

The moment Aiden took his leave. The four mermaids exhaled heavily and slouched in their chairs.

"He is so handsome!" Cleo sang.

"And those eyes," Bella added.

"So you felt it too?" Rikki asked.

"Oh yes. There's pregnant horny, and then there's horny for Aiden." Bella replied, and the ladies laughed.

"Some respect, please!" Cleo interjected, and they all got serious. Cleo then swooned and said, "Its 'Prince Aiden' "

"Oh my god!" Emma hugged the blushing Cleo.

"So when did we decided to go clubbing for your birthday?" Rikki asked.

"Just now." Cleo sang.

"Oh, somebody's ready to get back out there. Good, you've been single for years. But if you want this, you're going to have to fight for it." Bella spoke up as she sipped her virgin juice.

"You are pregnant, and what would Will think?" Cleo asked.

"Matter's not ladies. " Bella replied, "Cleo, you're divorced, so you dodged a bullet. But Rikki, Emma, let's hope your husbands aren't like mine. The moment he knocks you with a nine-month charge that leaves you horny 24/7, he won't even look at you. It's like I'm too fat to be sexy. And I'm a bit on the shorter side, so I need a self-esteem boost, and how I get it is my business."

"God! Men!" Rikki groaned. "Zane and his daddy issues. He wants to buy every startup and turn into a hegemony just to make his dad say 'good job'. Ash had a thing for horses, Emma divorces him, and now her new husband can't seem to leave his nightclubs. And Lewis, forgive me Cleo but divorce was the best thing that happened to you. He seemed more turned on by amoeba and the fact that you could grow a tail than your bum and those pretty lips of yours."

"Not tonight, Rikki." the ladies moaned as they had heard Rikki's rant all too often.

"Fine, but nights like this get you thinking sometimes. Anyway, are we going to tell the council about Sexy Prince?" Rikki asked.

"We have to." said Cleo, "He brushed off our lightning and dissipated our storm like it was nothing. And you heard what he said. if he believes he's our Prince, the council might feel differently."

"Good point," said Emma. "Well, I have to take Mum and Dad to breakfast tomorrow. "

Emma emptied her cup and said her goodbyes.

"I'm too hormonal to talk to the council." Said Bella.

"I just don't like them," Rikki added.

The night ended with Cleo jumping in the ocean and swimming out to the middle of the South Pacific Sea.

Meanwhile, Aiden stood within the Volcano on Apeni Island. He stared at a wall for a while. He then used the water in the Moon Pool to destroy the wall, revealing a second chamber that housed a golden trident that seemed to be feeding magic in the earth.

"I see." Aiden muttered, "crafty old bastard."

Aiden followed the streams of magic to Ireland, Hawaii, Russia, Japan, and North Africa. Each location had moon pools similar to the one at Apeni Island. When Aiden returned to Apeni Island, he pulled the trident from its resting place and the flow of magic was cut off. Each pool still held magic, but eventually, it will run out if people keep using it to turn into mermaids.

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