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100% Through My Window / Chapter 1: Chapter1 - First Sight
Through My Window Through My Window original

Through My Window

Author: shirey_Yin

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter1 - First Sight

Rose feels very weak today. She has not eaten for a whole day. Since her adoptive father passed away, her situation has become more and more difficult. The dilapidated hut that could have been sheltered from the wind and rain has also been taken by other stronger homeless people. She went out After searching for a long time, I found a small house in an uninhabited place. I didn't care to think about why there was a house that was vacant, with no trace of anyone living there.

The first floor is full of clutter, but she has nothing to criticize, she just wants to sleep well now, but the hunger makes her stomach start to hurt, and she can't sleep.

Rose tentatively went up to the second floor and found that it was very tidy and there was food on the table.

Regardless of thinking about these weird places, Rose could feel that she had no more energy to think about. After drinking a bowl of hot corn soup, she lay down on the bed and passed out.

The moonlight shone into the room, and the pale light slowly moved to Rose's body. She didn't notice it, but the sudden heart palpitation woke her up from her sleep. Rose found herself walking uncontrollably to the window. In the sparkling pond, she was completely sleepless, but she couldn't move her footsteps away.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a thrust that pushed her out of the window.

Rose felt that her foot had been sprained, but the severe pain still couldn't free her from being controlled. She didn't stop for too long, the thrust led her to move forward, the source of this thrust was too strange, Rose wanted to know who it was, and what was the purpose of pushing her? After all, she is just a homeless wanderer.

Finally, at the edge of the lake, Rose stood still, and her eyes saw a strange scene. A figure emerged from the water, with long wet hair scattered around her shoulders, which looked particularly smooth under the reflection of the moonlight. But, that face...

It was a very handsome male face, but now the man's body was completely floating on the water.

This is no normal human being!

Rose suddenly felt that her body was no longer under control, and she took two steps back in horror, but he seemed to be full of interest in her, and he stretched out his hand to wave to her.

Rose turned around and ran in fright, her speed was extremely fast, her body trembled violently from running, but she didn't dare to stop, she was afraid, she was worried...

"Don't run!" A man's voice came from behind, Rose's footsteps stopped, she seemed to be under control again, and controlled her to turn around and walk slowly back to the lake, as if she had taken the initiative to walk towards the man.

The man's body was floating, slowly moving towards her.

"No..." Tears welled up in Rose's eyes.

The man's voice is very magnetic, but it still makes her feel scared. What does this man who is not like a human want to do? She doesn't want to see this demon, and she doesn't want to hear his voice, but this voice is like a curse, constantly Wrapped around her, she had no way of escaping, she could only stare blankly at him approaching her.

At this moment, a gust of wind brushed her cheeks and messed up the hair on her forehead. The man stretched out his right arm and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The water droplets on the man's body dripped on her clothes, but this man didn't dislike him at all.

"Don't leave me." The man said softly.

Rose's heart constricted suddenly, she didn't know why he said that.

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