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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"My name is Kibo Banetto. I'm 18 years old and have been living on my own since my foster parents passed away two years ago. They adopted me when I was just 6 months old, and I cherished them deeply. In my free time, I enjoy watching anime and playing video games.

I don't attend any school or university; instead, I devote most of my time to investigating my parents' deaths. Something about their passing doesn't sit right with me. The police claim it was a simple car accident, but deep down I know that's not the whole truth. I've taken it upon myself to uncover the real story.

This evening, I stumbled upon something unsettling – a white feather. It struck a chord within me, as I recall seeing a similar feather on the day my parents died. This eerie coincidence has left me with a sense of déjà vu, leading me to believe that this feather holds the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding their deaths.

I can't shake the feeling that uncovering the truth about the feather may finally bring closure to the lingering questions that have haunted me for so long."

Kibo lay sprawled on his bed, bathed in the soft glow of his laptop screen as he delved into his online search. The steady rhythm of his keyboard clicks filled the room as he entered phrases like 'white feather' and 'white feather disappearing' into the search bar.

His curiosity piqued, and he sifted through the search results until he stumbled upon a webpage discussing the existence of angels and demons. Intrigued, he clicked on the article and began to read. "The angelic force?" The words leaped off the screen, capturing his attention as his eyes flickered with newfound interest, their hue briefly transforming into a vibrant blue.

As he scrolled further, he came across a video depicting a harrowing scene: a car hurtling towards a pedestrian, only to witness a strange distortion that caused the person to appear unharmed on the opposite side of the sidewalk miraculously. While the phenomenon itself fascinated Kibo, it was the sight of a feather gently drifting down amidst the chaos that truly captured his imagination.

Though the video's low resolution made it difficult to discern details, Kibo couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity as he scrutinized the surroundings. With a sudden realization, he recognized the location – a place he knew all too well, sparking a surge of curiosity and apprehension within him.

Jumping off his bed with newfound determination, Kibo rushed to the door, hastily donning his jacket and slipping on his shoes. It was a rare surge of motivation that had eluded him in recent years, propelling him forward with urgency. With a swift twist of his keys, he locked the door behind him and dashed outside, his heart pounding in his chest.

Living near the Brioh Hotel and Casino, Kibo sprinted at full tilt towards the designated location. As he finally arrived, he slowed his pace and allowed himself a moment to catch his breath. Leaning forward, hands on his knees, he gasped for air, the exertion evident in his trembling form.

"That's probably the fastest I've run," he muttered between ragged breaths, the fire of determination still burning brightly within him. Straightening up, he surveyed his surroundings, only to be confronted by a sight that defied belief.

"What is that? Is it real? I must be dreaming. Yes, it's a dream," Kibo thought, his mind reeling as he struggled to comprehend the horrors before him. Were they monsters? No, they were demons – twisted and grotesque, emanating an aura of malevolence attached to or following people.

As Kibo recoiled in terror, he failed to notice one of the demons looming behind him. With a sudden jolt, he bumped into a tall, lanky figure with a hunched back, its spine protruding unnaturally. Void of eyeballs, its presence sent a chill down Kibo's spine.

"You can see me!" the creature screeched in a hellish tone, its voice reverberating with malice. Without hesitation, it lunged toward Kibo, who reacted swiftly, turning on his heels and fleeing for his life. 

As Kibo fled in panic, he found himself cornered in a dead-end alley, his heart pounding in his chest. The demon, relentless in its pursuit, closed in on him once more, its ghastly form poised to strike. With fear gripping his every fiber, Kibo's instincts kicked in, and his eyes began to glow a brilliant blue once more.

To his astonishment, he found himself able to repel the demon's attack, a surge of unknown power coursing through him. But the respite was short-lived as the demon launched another assault, driving Kibo to the brink of despair. With nowhere left to hide, he backed into a trash bin, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

As the demon closed in for what seemed like the final blow, a blinding light suddenly engulfed the alley, incinerating the demon in its radiant embrace. In its place, a luminous white sphere with a single eye and angelic wings hovered in the sky, casting a divine glow upon the scene.

Descending gracefully, the angelic being approached Kibo with a commanding presence, its voice resonating with power as it inquired, "Are you okay?" But to Kibo, still reeling from the surreal turn of events, it all felt like a dream.

Ignoring the angel's inquiry, Kibo turned and made his way toward an old church nearby, seeking refuge and solace amidst the chaos and confusion that had engulfed him.

Outside the church, Kibo's attention was drawn to a girl wearing headphones, her gaze fixed on the ominous structure. As he followed her line of sight, he noticed something unsettling – a towering demon with wings, resembling a man-dragon, shackled with chains on its wrists. Before he could inspect further, a powerful voice reverberated through his mind, commanding him not to look at the creature. Startled, Kibo quickly averted his gaze, only to find the girl had vanished.

Deciding it best to retreat, Kibo made his way home, the encounter weighing heavily on his mind. However, his thoughts were interrupted as he spotted the girl again, crossing the road with her headphones on. In the dimly lit street, a lone motorcycle hurtled towards her, threatening disaster. Yet, before the collision could occur, reality warped, and she safely reappeared on the opposite side of the road.

A sense of disbelief washed over Kibo as he processed what he had witnessed. "No way she's... she's..." he murmured, his mind reeling with unanswered questions. Rushing home, his nerves frayed and his heart racing, Kibo struggled to insert his keys into the lock, his hands trembling with fear and confusion.

Finally gaining entry, he rushed to the bathroom, flicking on the light and staring at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes, had changed color, a stark indication of the inexplicable events unfolding around him. Overwhelmed, he stumbled back to his room, shutting the door behind him.

With shaking hands, Kibo reached for his laptop, desperate for answers. But as he delved into his search, his panic escalated, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. With a sudden surge of emotion, he swept the laptop aside and stood, his body trembling uncontrollably.

As the weight of his experiences bore down upon him, Kibo collapsed to the ground, his senses dulled, his thoughts consumed by confusion and fear. In the recesses of his mind, two voices murmured in hushed tones, discussing his plight. "This is the second time it has happened," one voice remarked. "What should we do about him?" the other pondered, their words echoing in the darkness as Kibo lay motionless, lost in a sea of uncertainty.


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