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50% Thorns, Fangs And Ice / Chapter 27: Chapter 27 – Elf.

Chapter 27: Chapter 27 – Elf.

(This arrow… It's pretty.)

(Its nothing like that crude arrows those orcs archers were using.)



(Its even sharper as well?!)

(This arrow defiantly does not belong to the monster, but the person.)

(Did humans finally got inside the forest?)



(The arrow was shot by someone, since it dug into the ground.)

(And it seems the direction where the arrow was shot from, is from the deeper parts of the forest.)

(That does that mean that somebody is living inside this forest?)

(Is the person that shot that arrow, is a source of that weird feeling?)

(Still, it brings me to my new question.)

(Why did they shot the arrow?)

(Hunting? Or perhaps!)



(Or somebody is fighting!)

(That sounded like a young girl screaming?)

(Is she being attacked?)


(Fuck it.)

(I maybe able to find the source of that weird feeling if I go to the source of those screams.)

(I got much stronger and I have way better understanding of all of my skills.)

(I should be able to handle some stuff.)

The deerwolf began running through the forest and before long, it arrived to the source of a scream.


(A little girl?!)

(No wait! Her ears!)

(Long pointy ears!)

(Is she an elf?!)

(And the one attacking her, orcs?!)

Orc X Elf = &*!@


(Yea... Fuck that.)

The deerwolf howled loudly.

All of the orcs that were going towards the girl suddenly turned around and looked towards deerwolf.

The young elf also looked towards the deerwolf and watched in horror.

(Good. They have their eyes on me!)

The deerwolf instantly began running towards the orcs as soon as their attention was on her.

The orcs saw the new foe appearing and prepared to fight.

One of the orcs tried swinging their sword at the deerwolf, but the deerwolf bit the sword before then crushing it.

(Those half assed weapons of yours has durability of shit! I can easily destroy them!)

After destroying the orc weapon, the deerwolf quickly leaped at the orc throat and instantly ripped it off.

After dealing the fatal injury to the first orc, the deerwolf instantly shifted its attention to a pair of orcs nearby.

Deerwolf unleashed a storm of leaves, that instantly blocked the two orcs view and moments later, orcs bellies were cut open and their insides were spilled.

The last remaining orc looked in fear at the deerwolf and tried to run away, but the deerwolf leaped at it and pinned it against the ground before then tearing it apart with its claws and fangs.

After dealing with orc that tried to run away, the deerwolf rushed at the two orcs who had their stomach cut wide open and finished them off for good.


(All four orcs are dead.)


(That only leaves the elf.)



(She isn't just a young girl!)

(She is a straight up child! She is like what? 8-10 years old?!)

(Why the heck she is doing here?!)


(Anyway, she seems to be scared like hell.)

(I think she will cry and piss herself at this rate.)


(She is not the source of that unknown feeling.)

(But, she is an elf.)

(So the elves really exists in this world, huh?)

(This a second "Human like race" that I encounter, beside humans.)

(But… What the hell I do with her now?)

(I saved her because I didn't wanted her to be…. You know.)

(But what should I do next?)

(I did ate humans and all… But I never ate a freaking child!)

(I did ate a young people and all, but not a freaking child!)

(But can I even leave her be?)

(I mean, there is no way she is alone, right?)

(There should be her parents somewhere or something nearby.)

(What if she tells them about me?)


(Screw it.)

(Its too risky to let her alive.)

(And in the first place, I'm a monster.)

(So why should I care if I killed a child or not?)

Suddenly, a gush of wind appeared.


(W-what is this?!)

(T-this mana! This isn't normal mana!)

(Is it from her?!)


Suddenly a leaves appears out of a blue together with the wind and moments later, they formed a body.

A small girl that was same size as a girl appeared.


(W-what is this?!)

(This isn't a human or elf!)

(Wait! Her body!)

(Mana?! She is made out of mana?!)

"I'm sorry Umi!" – said the weird girl.


"I didn't realized that there were more of these orcs lurking around!"

"But… What the hell happened here?"



"That thing saved you?"


(W-what the hell is going on?!)

(I can understand what that weird girl is saying?!)

(But I cannot understand what that little girl is saying?)


(Does she has some sort of skill or something?)



"Hey. Can you understand what I'm saying?" – said the deerwolf. But the sound that came out from her mouth weren't a real words or anything.


"Huh. You are monster with intelligent?" – said the unknown girl.


"But… How can I understand what you are saying? No wait. How can you understand what I'm saying?!"


"Its because of my skill."

"[Plant Communication]."

"I can talk with plants, but it doesn't always works, since some plants don't possess even a little bit of intelligent or something."

"But you… You are a plant monster?"

"Yea. Well, a plant beast monster."

"I was originally just a plant monster."

"Huh. I see."

"Anyway, you were the one that saved my little Umi?"

"Yes. But that wasn't intentional."

"I found this arrow near me and then I heard the scream." – said deerwolf while taking out the arrow from its mane.

"I found orcs and I decided to hunt them.)

(Honestly, I cannot tell her that I was about to eat that kid.)



"Huh. So, it is your arrow Umi."

"You can take it back."

Deerwolf used its root limb and handed over the arrow to the elf.


"Anyway, what do you want?" – asked the girl.

"I don't know."

"It's only been 2 months since I was born and I still don't know what do I want."


"Wait, you have been born only 2 months ago?!"

"You seem quite powerful! Who was your parent?! What were you before?"

"I was a born as species known as mouth plant."


"Oh. Interesting. So you were the path plant."


"Path plant?"

"It's a other name of your species."

"Path plants possess ability to evolve more often and posses an bigger pool of evolution paths they can chose."

"For their first few evolution, depending on their evolution paths, they will evolve more often compare to other monsters."

"Their first view evolution however do not give them as powerful upgrade like other beings, but they posses ability to have way more options when it comes to evolving."

"They are also very easy influenced in their early stages what they eat or where they live, making them evolve into new evolutions."

"Monsters and other being can be influenced on what they ate or how they develop or be affected by their environments, making them develop new power or a new forms."

"However, the path plant in their early stages of life are way more easily influenced by their developed, their environments and what they eat when they still didn't evolved too many times."

"Most of the times, their evolution speed will slow down after, I don't know, evolving 6-8 times? It depend on their evolution path. Sometimes I saw a very weak path plant evolution that was able to evolve 10 times at fast pace, all because its forms were quiet weak in the first place."


(Holy shit!)

(So that's what I'm?!)

(A monster with ability to evolve more often in their early stages?)

(Not only that, but depending on what I ate or where I live, I can get a new evolutions more easily?)

(Holy shit. This is a proper cheat.)

(Everything she said just now is correct. When I evolved for the first few times, my power up wasn't big.)

(But when I encounter monsters and their evolved forms, I could tell the gab in power easily.)

(So that's explains why they had more powerful power up after the evolution compare to me.)

"But still, what are you? I saw many different path plants forms, but I never saw something like you ever." – said the girl.


(Should I tell her? About my unique skill?)

(I still don't know much about the skills, but when it comes to unique skills, I know right next to nothing about them.)

(I just suddenly got it one day.)


(But would talking about this be a good idea?)

(I still don't know if they are enemies or not.)

(But… That girl seem to possess some information.)

(An information that I desperately need.)

(An information about this world!)


"I can tell you why I look like this, but first thing first. I want to know."

"Who are you two?"


"Hey Umi."



The girl and the floating girl moved away from the deerwolf.



The pair returned

"First thing first. Are an enemy?" – asked the girl.

"No. But depending on the situation, I may attack you."

"The question is, are you, my enemy?"


"Are you picking a fight with me brat?!"


"I'm just standing facts."

"If you don't attack me."

"I don't know anything and I'm willing to trust you in order to learn."


"Wait a moment."

Elf and the floating girl moved away once again and began talking with each other.


Before long the pair returned back.

"Okay. I don't see any harm in telling you."

"First thing first."

"I'm being known as spirit."

"I'm a mid rank spirt called Opi. And I'm a plant spirit."

"Spirts are being made out of spiritual energy or a spirit mana."

"We spirit live freely, but sometimes we make a contract with some individuals in order to lend them our strength."

"This girl here is called Umi and she is my contractor."

"She belongs to the race called forest elves."

"And well… She is on the run right now."


"Is somebody chasing her?"

"Yea. Her own people."

"Let me explain."

This forest is a home to the tribe of elves called Uilion.

The elves of this forest are wary of other races and wouldn't even mind killing somebody on sight, just because they are of a different race.

However, these elves live in harmony with the spirits.

Forest elves are a natural bond individuals with a high affinity towards the spirit mana.

Not only that, but the mana that average elf can handle is much bigger than average human and the elf lifespan is 300 on average.

Forest of spirits and elves.

Well, it was.

Around 100 years ago, to people of the Uilion changed.

They said that they needed more power to protect their people, but it was a lie.

The people of Uilion tribe wanted more power in order wage a war against humans.

We don't know exact details, but from what I found out, the elves wanted to remove any humans near their settlements, since they saw humans as inferiors species and parasites. However, we would find out about this later.

Most of the people of the Uilion tribe were in contract in the spirits and so, we did our best to make them stronger.

But it wasn't enough.

They wanted more power.

Their greed for power couldn't be contained.

Many of the contracted spirits started to grew wary of them.

However, it was too late.

The Uilion tribe greed took over and they conducted the forbitten ritual.

[Spirit Crystallization]

A ritual that involves sacrificing the spirit in order to create a gem containing their entire power.

This ritual ends the spirit life and the process its self is a torture itself.

Many of the spirits were sacrificed for the elf's greed to the point where the high ranking spirit that was in contract with the high elf and leader of the Uilion had broken their contract and called upon her sisters.

The trio of the high ranking spirits called upon their mother. The grand rank spirit called Amioni.

The spirit broke down the contracts and freed her people from the greedy elves.

The elves didn't apologized for their mistakes and if anything, they tried to enslave the grand spirit.

But their attempt ended in failure and many of the elven lifes were lost that day.

The grand spirit then cursed the elves and robbed them of their spirt mana.

The elves of the Uilion tribe had not only lost their spiritual mana, but also spirits.

Not only that, but the elves that were born afterwords were also affected by the curse.

"Understandable. Even though I don't know much about this world, I can tell that those elves went too far."

"But wait. You said that she was your contractor and you said that the elves living here belong to the Uilion tribe."

"So does that mean… You know?"

"Yes. I know what you are saying."

"Umi isn't a normal elf."

"She is a high elf that bears a blood of a heretic Uilion leader."

"However, her affinity with the spirit mana was something that nobody was expecting."

"An affinity so powerful that the curse placed by the grand spirit wasn't able to completely suppress it."

"If the cursed people didn't gave birth to her, her power over spirits would be something unimaginable."

"The elves saw this as a way of getting their power back."

"They enslaved and trapped the poor Umi in order to use her once she grows up."

"She spend years trapped in her village, until she made contract with us."


"Yes. Us."

Suddenly, multiple spirits appeared around the girl, ranging from small burning rats, to a big owls made out of a water.


"The elves did not abandoned their greed and wanted to exploit that poor girl."

"She maybe bearing the blood of those traitors greed bastards, but she was an innocent victim in all this."

"So, we helped her escape her captives."


(So, the elves of this forest betrayed the spirit, but the spirits called reinforcements and killed bunch of elves and free the captured spirits.)

(Afterwords, the grand spirit cursed the elves for their betray and the elves couldn't use their spirit mana or make contracts with the spirits.)

(And from that day, any of the born elves with their blood would not be born with the spirit mana nor they could make a contract with a spirit.)

(But that girl was somehow born with spirit mana and the elves wanted to use her to regain her power.)

(However the spirit helped her escape from her captives.)

(And now she is in here.)


"Okay. I understand the situation."

"So I guess its my turn to talk?"


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