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33.33% Thorned family tree / Chapter 2: First encounter

Chapter 2: First encounter

Harry James Potter stood nervously in front of the door leading into the meeting room used by the order of the pheonix.

He could hear the adults argue beyond the door. Again about how much he was allowed to know and not know. Which Harry found unfair, it's his life that was constantly in danger after all.

Of course Snape thought he was too dumb to be given any sort of information. Which almost made Sirius hex him. Earning a smile from the tired young wizard.

Dumbledore finally called for silence.

"Harry, if you may come in please."

Harry sighed and pushed the door open. All eyes were on him. He found an empty chair next to his godfather and sat down, not meeting anybody's gaze.

"I have come accross some quite alarming news."

"Is that why you absolutely needed to call upon us all?" Drawled Snape looking annoyed.

"Yes I am afraid that these news are of the upmost importance for everyone present to hear. Yes even Harry." Calmly interrupted Dumbledore at Molly Weasley's worried look.

"Well, what's wrong?" Harry asked wishing he hadn't opened his mouth.

"It seems that Lord Voldemort has conceived a child in his time as Tom Riddle."

The room instantly erupted into uproar. Everyone demanding how such a thing was possible, how had Dumbledore not told them this before.

The old wizard calmly waited for silence to take back its place. Meanwhile Harry was completely frozen. The mere thought of Voldemort having children repulsed him beyond what words could carry.

"Sally Jackson was her name."

"Was?" Parroted Remus.

"Yes those information came to me recently, my informant has reported her murder. She was a Squib, but the son she left behind. I sadly have no idea."

Those words burned Dumbledore's tongue worse than a curse.

"So what do you propose we do? There'd no proof this boy is even aware of what he is?"

"Yes I am well aware Remus, but I fear we cannot take any chances with Voldemort's presence looming over us. I have already orchestrated a fake arrest for him."

"A fake arrest? What could you possibly have told the Aurors that wouldn't have put them on the track of his parentage."

"You see Remus this boy clearly has some level of magical abilities, his troubled and chaotic past tells as much. He most likely used magic to get out of these situations. Do not fret it is nothing too dramatic, it is only a way for the boy to be detained without bringing attention to us. So we may peacefully plan ahead for Voldemort's return."

"Great plan as always Dumbledore, but what if those American Aurors can't handle him?"

"Oh I see nothing that implies otherwise my dear friend." Serenely replied the wizard.

"So there's no real need for me to be here?" Harry wondered "I simply believed this to be something you deserved to know."

"What that the man who ripped my family away from me founded one, yeah I'm real happy about that!" Snapped Harry stomping out of the room.

"Brat." Huffed Snape under his breath. Sirius casually raised his wand at the potion's professor, not even looking at the man as he hexed him. Sending him tumbling off his chair.

Starting yet another loud argument amongst the adults of the house.


Meanwhile back in America Percy was settling down in a new apartment. Desperate to get away from everything for a little while.

Well everything except his one month old son that is. Gods Percy still had a very hard time getting used to that concept, but there he was feeding his son a fruit paste graciously made by the Demeter kids and a few nature spirits.

Getting healthy organic food like that would normally cost an arm and a leg for some reason.

Of course being an infant Matthew was messy. Often sending his food everywhere else than his mouth.

Percy very much liked his apartment, it was vintage loft with large windows and a lot of space. Percy had yet to find a job flexible enough for him.

But thanks to Athena he didn't have to worry about this for at least a decade or two. The best part was that Miss O'Leary and Blackjack had enough space to come by when they wanted.

Said trained hellhound was already crazy in love with little Matthew, he quite literally never left her sight when the two were in the same room.

Blackjack had already taken the habit of referring to Matthew as his tiny cuter boss. Which Percy found offensive.

"There you go." Percy said as he finished cleaning his face.

There was a knock on the door. Making Matthew whimper slightly. Percy frowned, usually it took a lot more noise to upset him. After all Miss O'Leary barked like a canon and it only ever earned a giggle out of him.

He made his way to his door and looked through the peep hole. "What the hell." Percy muttered to himself.

He opened the door letting a man in brightly colored clothes barrel inside of his home.

Without being invited.

"Hello young sir is your lonely lifestyle hard to keep it all tidy without a lady friend around?" Percy glanced at the hallway, there was only the maid, a random woman on the phone and another man walking back to his room.

The door to door salesman kept ranting about this new cleaning equipment with magical results. Percy closed his door and locked it.

"Who are you?" Percy asked leaning against the door in order to hide the lock.

"My name is Sullivan, George Sullivan and it's your lucky day buddy boy."

"Who are you really." Coldly asked Percy "because I doubt all of your associates would give me all the same answer."

"Now now son what are you on about?" Nervously smiled the salesman.

"Half of the people in that hallway weren't here yesterday and you need a key or someone else's permission to get in this building. Lastly door to door salesman are universally hated so no one in they're right mind is giving you access to the place." Percy shot back impatiently tapping his foot.

"Okay well you see- STUPEFY!" shouted the middle aged man pulling out a stick from his pocket. A red jet of light shot from the wand.

Percy who perceived the attack at such s slow pace merely side stepped and snatched a lamp from his counter and launched it at his face.

The lamp shattered and the man fell over unconscious.

"Man I liked that lamp." Grumbled Percy.

"Alohomora!" Cried out a voice behind Percy's door. Percy saw the lock shift and instantly jumped into action. The door had barely swung open that Percy kicked it back in the maid's face. Sending her stumbling back. He snatched the stick out of her hand and snapped it before kicking the woman in the stomach. Sending her flying throught the hall.

Percy heard a pop and spun around. The man from the other room was now standing next to Matthew's high chair. His wand aimed straight at his head.

"Come quietly and the kid won't get hurt." He ordered with a thick New Yorker accent. So he was a local.

"How about you step away from my son and i'll make it quick."

"Son?" Repeated the man confused giving Percy the split second he needed. In one swift motion Percy grabbed Riptide uncapped it and threw it like a javelin at the attacker.

The sheer force behind the throw knocking the wizard off his feet and pinning him against a brick wall.

He calmly turned to the woman on the phone. Clearly she was wiser since she ran off.

"Oh God, oh God please don't hurt me," he begged silenced by Percy's hand wrapping around his throat. "You just tried to hurt a goddamn baby, but don't worry i'm not going to hurt you, but she will." The man's head slowly turned in the direction of the rising growls.

Miss O'Leary forgoed her role as family dog and snatched her new chew toy off the wall before dissapearing into the shadows, abruptly cutting off the man's horrified screams.

Percy picked up Matthew making sure there wasn't a single scratch on him. When he was reassured he hugged him against his chest. Sighing with relief, but Percy couldn't help, but wonder.

Who were they? And how many of them were after him?

Sighing Percy wrote a note for his landlord and enough cash to pay for a few months. As much as Percy loved this place it was clearly no longer safe.

Packing up every single baby things he needed Percy tied Matthew to his back. Percy looked out the window hearing several more pops like earlier.

He saw multiple strangely dressed people appear on the roofs outside. Like a bunch of shooters they raised they're wands at him. Percy once remembered Lou Ellen claim that those who needed a wand to practice simple magic were no threat to demigods.

It somewhat reassured Percy, but he wasn't about to drop his guard for so little.

He whistled loudly three consecutive times. His little code for Blackjack meaning bring your equine ass here i'm in trouble.

The Pegasi flew through the window sliding to a stop on the smooth floorboard.

"Who the fuck are those weirdoes?" He asked rudely swinging his head in the general direction of the wizards.

"No idea, but one of them tried to hurt Matthew." Grouched Percy.

"Ah hell no you want me to call the boys and trample these fucks?"

"Maybe later." Mused the son of Poseidon.

Blackjack took to the sky weaving between magical projectiles. Matthew giggled the sound filling Percy's heart to the brim with joy despite the situation.

"Glad you love flying, I didn't want to scare you." Chuckled Percy moving his bag so he could hold Matthew in his arms.

Suddenly something flew past him. Percy raised an eyebrow at the flying broomsticks and groaned in annoyance. He went to order Blackjack to go faster before a red jet of light slammed into the pegasi from underneath him.

Blackjack froze up falling towards the river like a stone.

Matthew cried out, but Percy wasn't worried. He simply focused and the fall was as light and soft as a cloud.

Percy And blackjack rose towards the surface on a plateform of solidified water. One of the broom rider shot forwards towards him. Only to be slapped away by a massive wave.

The son of Poseidon sunk back underwater not wanting to fight with his son attached to his back.

In merely a few minutes he was walking on the shores of Montauk.

"Your grandma and I came here every year. It's where she met you're grandpa." Percy explained down at Matthew. The curious child looking around wildly.

"You don't mind going fast don't you, you little rascal."

Matthew smiled toothlessly.

"If only your mom was here." Percy added feeling more tears pool around his eyes. "I wanted to bring her in on the tradition."

"Gah!" Exclaimed the child clumsily slapping his father's cheek. Earning Percy some much needed laughter.

"Yeah you're right it's no time to weep. Hey I'm being a bad host. Daddy should show you around right?"

Percy marched towards the entrance of the cabin. He didn't even cross the doorstep before feeling a prick on his neck like a needle.

His head started spinning. He looked down at the dart and stumbled backwards. Clutching his son to his chest.

A couple of wizards came near him. Percy stood his ground a massive wave rose from the shore washing several of them into the water.

Percy shielded Matthew with his arms as he was showered with over a dozen more darts. Percy wasn't sure what kind of poison was coursing through his veins, but it did it's job.

The son of Poseidon fell to his knees. A wizard reached for his son and nearly ripped him away from his arms, but even while weakened Percy snatched their wrist and promptly crushed it. The man howling in agony as Percy nearly ripped his hand off.

His backhanded another visibly dislocating their jaw. Percy's own momentum making him fall on his side.

Percy's eyelids weighed heavier than the sky. The last thing he witnessed being the multicolored old man peering down at him with way too much interest.

If the slightest discomfort came to his son. They were all going to regret it for the rest of their very short lives.

A.N for those wondering I'm pretty sure celestial bronze can hurt wizards since it can hurt carter Kane. Who is essentially the same as an HP wizard just more

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