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Chapter 42: 42

Frigate Normandy-SR1

- Councillors," Shepard began, already out of old habit, but she could already tell by the faces of the councillors that this was going to be a tough conversation.

- YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND, SHEPARD!!! - began to pour in Tevos. Yes, it was Councilwoman Azari who started yelling at the Captain, ignoring all rules of decorum. Though Shepard was not used to it, she was shocked that Tevos was the one yelling at her, which also caused the other two Councillors to be very surprised. - You set off an EIGHT MEGATON EXPLOSION on Vermair!!!

- Actually, we just blew up the reactor. Who knew it would go off like that?

- I don't care what you blew up! Do you have any idea what you're doing on a GREEN planet?!

- Why are you even bothering with this planet? It's not colonised," said Shepard, trying to lighten the mood, but Tevos seemed to be getting angry.

- The planet was a potential candidate for Azari colonisation. And now it's an environmental disaster!

- So why didn't you colonise it before? Then Saren wouldn't have come there, and neither would I.

- This is none of your business, Shepard. You used a Type 2 WMD, violating the Citadel Council's convention. Because of you, Vermeer is unsuitable for colonisation for decades, if not hundreds of years!

- That's not a long time for an Azari," Shepard said, then continued in a more serious tone. - Actually, my first priority was to destroy the krogan cloning facility. As we learned, they were still looking for a way to cure the genophage, and the scientists there went a long way in that. We even learned of a mole in the GOR who gave Saren information about the genophage. I'll send you the data. Now imagine what would happen if there was anything left of the complex. Would the Battarians hesitate to go rummaging through the ruins in the hope of finding something about cloning a Krogan? - that question was more likely directed at Valern. The Salarians, in general, and their Dalatressa, always became a brick factory when they heard anything about curing a genophage. Over a thousand years have passed, and they're still nervous.

- Yeah... I guess... You're right. It was worth it," Valern said thoughtfully, giving Tevos an inquisitorial look.

- Yes, except that the mission itself might be considered a complete failure," Sparatus began. - The Geths have managed to take the Queen of the Rahni, and now only the Spirits know what they intend to do with her or how to use her. And the Geth you were once supposed to capture is now a prisoner of the Salarian Alliance.

- So that's a good thing, isn't it? You have the Get," Shepard didn't understand.

- Not us, but the Salarian Alliance. Dalatressa denies that she sent an entire fleet to the Terminus system. And they're 'hearing about the Goeth for the first time ever,'" Valern said, his fingers in inverted commas for the last two words. Though the fact that he was three-toed made it seem a bit odd, the fact remains that he meant it. - The fact that the Union's geth is akin to the same grab it by the Alliance. Or did you think we were so united? Well, we're not.

- Yes. The Citadel Council is designed to maintain a balance between the most powerful nations. We're working the brakes here, and now... - Sparathus said calmly, and Tevos still glared.

- 'Dalatressa's brakes could go off permanently,' Valern added, trying, and quite successfully, to mimic how people talk.

- So we should give the Alliance membership in the Council. To control them," Shepard suggested. She was even pleased to move on to other matters.

- You think we still need to think of that. It would have been the best solution, but... Think about it: let in an Alliance that's been in the galactic arena for less than thirty years, and the other races will demand the same. You can imagine Shepard being scolded by a jellyfish over this connection," whether Sparatus had a girlfriend or something else. Still, today he was treating Shepard better than all her superiors in the Alliance. On the other hand, the thought of being scolded by a Hanar Councillor gave Shepard a chill that ran down her spine.

- Yeah... Not really... - said Shepard as suddenly Tevos exploded altogether.

- You have got to be kidding me! Shepard! Go back to the Citadel!!! IMMEDIATELY! - commanded Tevos, causing Shepard to immediately change her mood.

- WHAT!? This is unacceptable! We found a Protean lighthouse on Vermeer and found out where the Channel is!

- You destroyed the lighthouse, too?! - Now Tevos was really mad. - THAT'S AN ORDER, SHEPHERD! Over and out! - said Tevos and her hologram disconnected, but Sparatus and Valern were still in contact.

- Return to the Citadel, Captain. Otherwise, it will be worse... - said the turian and disconnected.

- And hurry up. - said the Salarian and disconnected as well. Shepherd just drifted off, and it was only a moment later that she spoke on automatic.

- Joker. Heading for the Citadel.


Citadel. Councillor Sparatus' office

Making his way to his office, Apparatus sat at his desk and began to choose whether to smoke, drink, or create a phone call. Sparatus was about to do the first two things at once but jerked his hand away from the box of cigars and Turian brandy and then dialled the Turian he wanted.

- Hello," came the voice of the turian who had recently become even closer to Sparatus than Tevos, who was now generally angry with him.

- Soltak," Sparatus said calmly, and the turian there was immediately pleased.

- Ah, Sparatus. Good to hear from you, my friend," Soltak said hello.

- Yes. I wanted to thank you... For your advice...

- That's how. Which one, if you don't mind me asking? - Soltak asked.

- "Treat others as you would have them do to you," Sparatus muttered a well-learned human proverb.

- Ahh, yes, yes, yes, I remember. Well, you're welcome.

- Yes, thank you. And also...

- Listening...

- I'd like to make another appointment. Same time tomorrow, the Turian said shyly, fearing rejection.

- Of course! For you, you are most welcome, Soltak said in the same cheerful voice.

- Thank you. See you tomorrow," Sparatus disconnected the link and muttered to himself in a whisper but still aloud. - My mother did not recommend this psychologist to me for nothing.


The Citadel. Councillor Tevos' office

- EIGHTY MEGATONS, TEVOS!!! EIGHTY!!! - Yelled at the Councillor General Matriarch of Thessia. She was the one Tevos always spoke to communicate with the Council of Matriarchs. Other Matriarchs were chosen for the position and only from members of this Council, namely, those who wished to become one. And now, the Matriarch General Etina was yelling at Tevos and cursing her to hell after reading her report on Vermeer. - Tevos, how could you allow someone like Shepard into the SPEKTRs!?

- It wasn't just my decision. It was made by all three advisors... - Tevos began to make excuses. Etina pressed Tevos with her experience and authority. Understandably so. Tevos was 553 years old, and Etina was 1124. Even by Azari standards, such an age was unthinkable. Everyone expected her to die of old age any day, but she lived on and on. And now, for 224 years, she was the Matriarch General. Her experience and powers of persuasion were paying off. Also, she could make any Matriarch feel like a little girl who broke a vase and was unmasked by her mother with one look. Anyway, Tevos, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't look Etina in the eye. She just couldn't.

- You should have prevented this! What do you think you are in the Council for? You must keep the Turians and the Salarians in check. And you... You let a man into the speakers. Moreover, you let a man into SPECTRs who caused an ecological disaster on a green planet. We've invested billions to prepare for colonisation. The first ten thousand are due to go there in a month. They've given everything to get a new chance on Vermeer. And we've also prepared the entire Third Line Fleet to defend the colony. And because of Shepard, now it's all for nothing! Because of her, the authority of the Matriarch Council has been undermined! All thanks to you, Tevos! You overlooked Shepard's joining SPECTRE! You're supposed to be far-sighted and calculate all your options! And you failed to do so!!! - Tevos had nothing to respond to, as she knew it was her fault. However, Etina still needed to be finished. Rubbing the bridge of her nose and trying to calm down, Ethina continued. - I will raise the issue of the Republic of Azari's trust in you and your competence with the Matriarch Council. That's it, over and out! - With that, the General Matriarch's hologram went off.

- May Ardath-Yakshi rape you and turn you into a vegetable, you longhaired bitch!!! - Tevos swore into the wall and then reached into her mini bar. As much as she wanted to and as much as she was saving it for an emergency, right now, only a human drink with the strange name of 'Vodka' could help her calm down. She had sent Sparatus after her conversation with Shepherd in Azarian, so calming down in his office would not be an option as it had been in the past.


The Citadel. Counselor Valerne's office.

- Do you have any idea what you have done? You sent an entire fleet to the Terminus Systems and kidnapped a living, sentient and emotionally possessed Geth, yet you deny the fact to the Council. Do you realise the danger this poses to the Salarian Alliance? - Valern lashed out at Dalatressa Rertod, who's only a year in power and is already running amok.

- Listen to me, Valerie. I act solely for the good of the Salarian Alliance. It's high time we raised our profile.

- RAISE OUR PROFILE? Do you hear yourself? The Salarians are the founders of the Citadel Council. What's next!? - The Councillor was still indignant.

- Do not deceive yourself, Valern. After the Turians came along and became 'Knights of the Galaxy,'" Dalatress put so much venom into the last two words that you could have started over and successfully ended the genocide of the Krogan. And there would still be enough for a Vorc. - The Salarian Alliance has long been in the shadow of the Hierarchy. We often have to make decisions that please the Turians. You, of all people, should know. If this keeps up, we'll be as crucial to the Hierarchy as the Volusans in a hundred years! - Dalatress wouldn't give up her position.

- Don't you see! Jokes with Artificial Intelligence end very badly. Or do you need to remember what happened to the Quarians? - Valern reminded me of a very poignant moment in history.

- Remember, Valern. Otherwise, I will question your competence," Dalatress narrowed her eyes and began to glare at Valern. - "And anyway, if anything, we can beat the problem in its infancy," Rertod said, then suddenly remembered what her look a la "I forgot to turn off the iron!" was vividly saying. - Speaking of problems. Or rather, the solutions to them. I certainly disapprove of Captain Shepherd's methods, but... The fact that she solved the problem of the genophage cure complex so thoroughly does justify those methods. Anyway, Valerian. Do what you can, but Shepard must remain in SPECTRE. Is that clear? - it was a question that could not be answered negatively.

- Yes," Valern replied dryly.

- 'That's good. Over and out," and that was the end of the conversation.

- If that goeth kill you, I will drink with him on your grave, for you to burn in the Christian underworld! - blurted out Valern and then searched for something more substantial at his bar. Because it was the brothel's day off.


Object 37. Sur'Kesh's orbit

When I was taken out of the shuttle, we found ourselves in an airlock where a decontamination procedure was underway. The door opened, and we walked down a straight corridor to another door. In the hall itself, I noticed two turrets hidden in the ceiling. I did not try to seize control of them, as there was no point in doing so, and I did not want to raise the alarm. In fact, I had no intention of resisting. There was no point in that. "I ordered the Light of Kila to wait outside the Citadel, join the fight against the Lord Holder, and save the Destiny Path even if Shepard didn't want it. Still, it was preferable to keep those three alive, to at least prepare them for the Reapers. Still, they'd get to experience the Black Lord firsthand. So now the dreadnought was going that way, and I wasn't resisting at all and was, in fact, going to my death. I didn't even understand why I was doing it so calmly. Maybe it was because I was sure I had done the right thing?

Yes, I could still do many things: save Tori, the Rahni Queen, find the Light of Kila, and activate Xad. As far as I'm concerned, that was quite enough. I had already appointed Xad as my successor in case I was gone. The Geths had to obey him, he would become Captain of the Dreadnought, and in return, he had to give my Geths and SUSIs consciousness like mine. He also asked the Vee from the moon to name the SUSI specifically. He swore to the Empire that he would do anything to make it happen. And all of them, all those I had gathered, were to prepare for the Harvest. Secretly, hiding and dodging the aggression of those who would want to destroy them, they would design and then win.

Eh, I hope they can do it. There was no other way out on Vermeer. I even considered leaving a left platform there, just like me, but I couldn't speak for the different platforms. Something to do with my program being incompatible again with the Commons and a bunch of goths in general. Anyway, there was no other way out. I had to show that I was the right Geth for them, and there was no other way. Now they were taking me to some unknown place. Wouldn't they at least talk to me?

My hopes for negotiation immediately faded as we walked through several doors and corridors and entered the lab. It was exactly a laboratory. There was shielded glass on three sides, through which I could not look with any of my eyesight. A chair in the centre reminded me of one at the dentist's. And the guys here know a lot about sadism. I've always been afraid of dentistry. Many in my school feared spiders, rats, the dark, heights, water, pain, confined spaces, and death, but I only feared dentistry. So was everyone else, except I wasn't afraid of anything else. Yeah, why am I so not afraid of dying? Maybe because I know it won't hurt? Yeah, that's for sure. And the speed of thought helps.

- Sit down," the Salarian commanded briefly from behind me.

- What, Merlon lied to me after all? I knew it. Well... C'est la vie," I said in French, though they must have understood me. Sitting on the chair, I immediately found myself restrained in my arms and legs. Then a device was connected to the plug in my head. I did not resist - it was pointless. Ironically, I started my journey chained to a table with a cable in my head and ended my journey the same way. Oh, if the Salarian people knew my story, they would laugh. It's funny, isn't it? Ah, well. Goodbye, Mass Effect world. You were great.





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