In a world where heroes are celebrated and worshipped, the story follows the journey of a young hero named Akira. He had always dreamt of becoming a hero since he was a child, inspired by the stories of his father who was a renowned hero in his time. Akira had inherited his father's powers and abilities, which he trained hard to master.
Everything seemed to be going well for Akira until a tragedy struck his life. His family was killed in a terrorist attack that shook the entire nation. Akira was left alone, broken, and lost. He tried to find solace in his hero duties, but the more he saw the corruption and injustice in society, the more disillusioned he became.
As time passed, Akira's hero persona started to crumble, and he turned into a dark and twisted version of himself. He realized that the society that he had once wanted to protect was cruel and heartless. He believed that the only way to bring justice to the world was to destroy it and everything in it.
With his immense powers, Akira set out on a mission to rid the world of everything that he deemed unworthy. He became a notorious villain who instilled fear in the hearts of all who encountered him. But even as he wreaked havoc on the world, Akira couldn't forget the love and memories of his lost family.
As the story progresses, Akira's path will cross with that of a young heroine who still believes in the power of justice and hope. She will try to convince him that there is still good in the world and that he can still make a positive difference. But with Akira's heart consumed by hatred and vengeance, will he listen to her words of wisdom, or will he continue on his path of destruction?
That concludes the synopsis of "The Fallen Hero."
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Write a reviewA newbie huh, well it's a good start. It seems like a nice intro to the story, is this the summary of the story? Cuz the villain was showed a bit early when the characters are not introduced properly yet. Well it should be a interesting read Keep it up[img=recommend]
omgg!! it was so fun i am really waiting for new chapter!! one question is akira gonna be the strongest? or when he becomes the villian he gets taken down by some hero??
This is so goood!!! Keep it up bro the story and characters are amazing! I hope to see more from u ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
it was an interesting read waiting for further chapters and kinda excited to see how this hero falls and becomes a villian keep it up
okay, i will be honest just read the first chapter seems interesting and can have alot of potential i hope the author really goes into depths of the characters especially the mc cause he have to totally change his heroic persona to a dark villian i hope it will be interesting
Author Aryan_Ag
It was a good start loved the intresting and intriguing setting of the story can't wait to read more..... the introduction of the villian was nice i hope to see more character development still but overall it was nice