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10% The World Walker System / Chapter 1: New World
The World Walker System The World Walker System original

The World Walker System

Author: Werewolvking

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New World

"UNITED!! STATES OF!! Smash"!!!!

Another normal afternoon, for our harlem born protagonist, Marvin, as he watches his favorite scene from the anime 'My Hero Academia' for the 36th time.

Marvin: "I swear I never get tired of this, just so much emotion"😭

Marvin's mother: "Marv can you go with your brother, to the store to buy some milk"

Marvin: "Yeah mom, just one sec. Johnny hurry up. You can play with you're microscope later"

Johnny: " I'm coming, I'm just putting on my hoodie"

Johnny quickly puts on his red hoodie.

Making there way through there neighborhood they see run down complex's and old black people sitting on the porch staring at them.

Marvin:"This is why I hate leaving the house"

Johnny: "don't they have something better to do with there life"

Marvin: " whatever, just hurry up"

they make their way to the store and Johnny immediately takes his hood off. He knows that he would look suspicious if he kept it on. They bought the milk and proceeded to leave. On their way home, they see a car cruising along the road that seemed to be following them. They both start to run because they know what that means.


Marvin jumps in the way of Johnny and takes 10 bullet wounds to the back. Piercing pain filled him as he fell to the ground bleeding.

Marvin:"take care of mom"

He bleeds out on the concrete and his vision goes dark.

*Marvin's eyes open and he sees white walls all around him. in front of him a young handsome man with white hair blue eyes and a halo sits in front of him."

"Wow, I cant believe you just got put on a shirt like that*".

" Wait, wha.. what is happening".

" well obviously you just died".

" what really, what about my little brother... what about my mom. She's going to be devastated."

"They are fine. Your brother grows up to be a billionaire entrepreneur who worked to cure cancer and is one of the biggest philanthropists in your world right now. Your mom is... healthy"

" wow, Johnny made it. "

"Actually the main reason you are here right now is because 1 what happened to you was unfair and 2 all the good karma from what your brother did was shared with you since you were his inspiration to make the world a better place."

"And Where am I"

"You are in the room where we take people who will become new gods. You will be getting a system with an ai in it that will navigate you through the worlds that are most prevalent in your mind."

"What do you mean."

"All worlds whether they are in a fiction novel or movie or comic or even anime is real. We send you to those worlds that have the biggest impression in your mind and you will get stronger and stronger till you are able to reach a higher power and work up here with the big boys.


"Andddd that's my time."

The mysterious man pushes Marvin's chair over and he falls through the floor into a deep dark abyss, then he instantly stops and floats in a stationary position

"Where am I"


"Why are you so loud?!?!Where is the volume?!?"

*beep*' my bad. This is my first time being booted up.'

"My eardrums are bursting right now. But I will let you slide since you're probably the only thing I will be talking to for the next 9 months. Wait... are you the system."

*beep*'something like that'

"So, what can you do system. And what world am I in.

*beep*'I can show you your stats, the store, and your inventory. You are currently in the highschool dxd universe as issei hyodou.

" what, I really wanted to go to the Boku no Hero Academia world. I hope I can at least go in the future.

*beep*' You can choose your appearance, character, bloodline, etc. in the next world. This world is just a trial run.

"Really, I'm definitely going to BNHA next. Do I have anything else in my system Siri. Can I call you Siri."

*beep*' didn't have a name before, guess I have one now.'


20 x body refiner

1 x sacred gear template

1 x time and space manual (locked until 5 years old)


" open sacred gear template"

*beep* 'Just explain what you want and I'll make it for you'

"I want it to look like the red dragon armor but it's black and green, and it's function is to phase through any type of attack and to control any type of element.

*beep*'it's done. Would you like to see it'

"No, I know you did a good job Siri."

*beep* 'thanks...'

" Can you put me to sleep till I'm born"

*beep* ' don't you want to check out the other functions'

" Nah. Too tedious...." (agreed lol)

*9 months later*

*bright light*


Werewolvking Werewolvking

This is my first time writing a novel so if I can get some feedback that would be much appreciated. Also tell me if y’all want my dude to have a traveling harem, no harem, or a harem buildup in each world ?

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