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50% THE WORLD AFTER DEATH / Chapter 2: Chapter 1.1 - western border

Chapter 2: Chapter 1.1 - western border

Inspired by attack on the titan fighting style_


45th day of the cater month, year 1565th of the western calendar/War zone/second Defense Line of eclipse city

Levitating on the sky and with the sniper, on the western border. This person known as Captain Adapter "Ana Raymond" with the ability to levitate in the sky, kept asking herself,

"how did hell did the Slovenians break through the third defense line for the higher up to call me and my team to help them."

"Damn, damn it" double work for me, they were all [am strong] in the academy years ago but now on the battlefield only the weak survived"

[This is beetle98 to central control. I repeat, beetle98 to central control. Please respond]

Levitating in the red sky, desert area of the eclipse city, making sure not to let any. Slovenians get past the second Defense Line. Driving above the clouds while flying-was the Air adapter that is the pride of the western survey corps[The strongest western soldier], The thing hanging out from her special uniform was a magical hardware made by MANA scientists using mana as program in operation for allowing great mobility when facing the Air – adapters.

The mission was to station her team[Special Operations Squad] high in the clouds, maintain cruising speed, and make sure no Slovenians invade though the bolder.since they are the best support team in the western capital

[Beetle98, this is central control. Reading you loud and clear, ...your Global Positioning is working normally]

This is nothing, Ana Raymond and her Air adapter team has saved the country from the Marianas which came from the south, those Marianas has mana core compare to magic circuit that adapter in the western states has and also with their "high magic maneuvering equipment" fighting them killed a lot of western ground adapter and also some air adapter teams but ana Raymond and her team came in and drives them back

[Beetle98, copy. We are about to take care of Slovenians. Reading you loud and clear.]

I have already given up on the CC, but this delay in response always makes me feel disappointed. I'm used to it, but I still can't stand delay in communication when in the battlefield, so annoying.

[Central Control, acknowledged. Carry on with the eradication mission]

"Guys, let's go eradicate those Slovenians"

"Eradicate them all…don't leave a single one alive"


The team and Ana Raymond maneuvered in between the clouds and shoot down all the Slovenians with ground bomb bullet. While in the process of the mission, the Slovenians begin to use the injured ground adapter as a shield to either shoot down the ana's group air adapters or are trying to flee!

[Lieutenant, the Slovenians are using ours soldiers as shield and are fleeing]

"Switch to the missile condenser bomb and eradicate them … together with ours soldier, since they know what happened if you are injured on battlefield"


Click, click!!!!

Bang bang!!


"Air observer, Gatwick, what is the situation"

[They are all eradicated]

"Beetle98, copy. All the Slovenians on the war zone has been eradicated. I repeat, all the enemies have been eradicated"

[Central Control, acknowledged. The cleanup has been assigned to the body cleaners group, your mission is complete, so proceed in protecting the cleaners group]


The general of sharing human resources was based on the needs of western states. According to what happen in the past, western states wasn't located in middle of the continent, they were located at the western side of the world so due to this untouched rich territory, they fought their way to the middle of the continent, but now they have had to think of the four great countries as potential enemies.

To defend this rich and large territory, their troop have a different role to play. So to resolve a problem, the scout has to go on the battlefield and relay information to the headquarters. Then the HQ has to efficiently use every resource available to them to solve that problem.

[BCRT678, this is the beta cleaner from the body research team, do you copy?]

[Yes, this is the beetle98,Reading you loud and clear, ]

(This code name is too complicated, what the fuck is B.C.R is this kindergarten?, damn body research team)

[we have arrival at the war zone, so you will be protecting us from theplease acknowledge."]

["BCRT678 roger….we are on air and watching, please rest assured]

And so, Air adapter captain Ana Raymond who was commissioned into the survey corps, made periodic radio checks with the cleaner team via the signal set that was at her back, performing her duties as a forward air adapter in the mountain mix desert border of the western state

"To be honest, I don't have complaints about using my team and me as escort…but this shit is stressful and wastage of mana"

Suddenly, Air observer Gatwick saw twelve air adapter Slovenians coming using his eagle's eyes. They were maneuvering skillfully not to be seen, but they didn't have in mind that an observer has seen them.

[Captain, I have visual on the enemy, twelve air adapters approaching…it's a grade, sending the enemies coordinates]


[Received the coordinate, air observer Gatwick]

(so flying above 4000 feet in-between dark clouds eh! trying to ambush us)

"Air – Mage 2,7,9 stay here and protect the cleaners and air – mage 4,6,3 follow me"



Captain,ana Raymond and her called teammates went to the attitude of 5500 feet high to take a better ranging at the A – grade enemies air adapter silently

"Air observer Gatwick roger….conducting first ranging shot."

[Confirming ranging shot… Confirmed target within shot range. Shot deviation less than 1500 meters down to the left in—between the two-dark clouds from target's center. Please proceed with bombardment.]

"Air observer understood. Commencing fire mission."

"Teams ready for bombardment"

"Yes captain"

Despite her sniper eyes that were relentlessly observing the situation in front, she is getting old though, her eyes has started to see blurry.

Why did the Slovenians suddenly decided now to send their best air adapter team, maybe when their ground adapter didn't Return…but it doesn't change anything?

According to her last mana equation test, she is getting old, her diving and flying speed has all reduced and her mana circuit has become weak.So, she now wants to need to retire to enjoy a peaceful time alone, or she also wanted to train a child of her own, but she can't give birth reproduction since she sacrificed her reproduction ability for more mana during her young age.

I see why the Slovenians didn't sent ground adapter anymore since they think it was GM that killed them not knowing it was my team and me since GM can't be used when the combatants are in the air since it's only the Western state who has and made it.

But still, that country is not enough for the western state to prepared that catastrophic Ground missile.I will say this is still a peace time for the Western states

Speaking of which, is there any reason that really need the use of an GM? It was only because of the worst relationship between the Western states and the four-great countries, that made the western state to create that deadly weapon ..but that isn't recent news.

A long time ago, the western states and the Union states which is the collaboration of the four great country had an unconfirmed disagreement over the marking of the national border.

At least on the levelled ground of international politics, neither country argued over the ownership of this territory in question.

But this was only because of the overwhelming strength that the western states had; that's why this problem of territory keep on coming on

This also the same reason why the smaller nations wouldn't enter into border disagreement with the western state by themselves, but try to use the others since they can't fight The western states

A few "happening by chance"events happened at the border. The border of the west -south state from both nations misfired accidentally, and firefights broke out because of some stupid misunderstanding. These issues could be resolved by the commanders on the ground, but it was clear the situation was becoming tense.

Before the western states moved into pre-war footing, ana Raymond wants to retire and enjoy her remaining life even if she didn't retire due to her old age and soon to weaken mana circuit, she won't be of much help, or she can even be retreated to the rear lines which will reduces her statue and everything she has worked for

The call sign given to her was [Beetle98]. The call sign, "Beetle", suited her Appearance and her ability to regenerate and stay young, She had red eyes showing strong determination and long sliver hair that was pretty to admire Considering her pale, white beautiful skin, this name suited her well.

After receiving her call sign from the higher ups and magic tower to assist the ground adapters in the eastern border battle between the Trippers. She officially helped with her teams, that was before coming north 24 hours ago.

Following that, with a timing that would make the all her teams exhausted, emergency reports came from the central control at the front lines. They warned that there were signs of a large-scale Slovenians northern invasion, then after that she was ordered to protect the cleaners. Now about to shoot this ruckus A – grade enemies adapter.

The strange thing was that during a war or battle in which the western state had the overwhelming advantage, they were no way, a country of whatever name or wherever they come from could put up a fight

But still, she doesn't want to participate in this upcoming territory war in whatsoever condition. If that was the case, she hoped to retire and protect her status she maintained until now that would allow her to live in peace.

When she thought about it that way, Ana Raymond felt that the situation wasn't that bad after all, unconsciously relaxing her bright red lips.

No one could hear her quiet mutters, not even her team… Even if someone was flying near her, her words would probably be covered by the sound of wind or Air magic bullet and the impact of air bomb bullet.

[Beetle98, this is Gatwick. Please what is the effect of the bombardment.]

"Gatwick, this is beetle98 The bombardment is effective. I say again, the bombardment is effective, so report to the central control that the enemies air adapter has been killed since no signal on my device up here"


If She continues to perform her duties diligently, in two more years she could be able to be major one day and being assigned to an administrative role, but she is tired of wars and blood.

The air bomb bullet exploding before her eyes and her teams successfully dealt critical damage to the enemies air adapter Although the border of western states was the mixture of mountainous area with desert landscape, wandering carelessly into enemy territory when my sniper team was in position only made the Slovenians air adapter forces easy targets even if they are a – grade or be carefully maneuvering in—between the dark clouds

The well-prepared snipers fired an air bomb bullets on their targets from an adequate distance with the guidance of the sniper eye ana's team has and the observers below their attitude they had already mapped out. It would be harder to not obliterate the enemy. She and her team watched the group of people who used to be A – grade air adapters scampering around and falling to the ground so easily. From what she was seeing from her sniper eyes and her judged that it would be a waste of bullet to continue the bombardment.

Since they have been eradicated, Ana Raymond and her team came down to the attitude of her teams that are watching the cleaners

"Central Control, this is beetles98 over"

[This is central Control, reading you loud and clear, over.]

Beetle98, central control, acknowledged. Enemies eradicated!

So few minutes later,

[Beetles98,this is the beta cleaner from the body research team, do you copy?]

"Yes, beta cleaners, Reading you loud and clear"

[we are done cleaning the bodies and equipment at the war zone, Please acknowledge."]

["BCRT678, roger….]

"Team, let return to the western state capital"

"Yes captain"

[Central control, this is beetles98,we are our]

[Central control, acknowledged out]


This is the Fucking first time I have written a political and warfare chapter, my head is boiling, what do you think guys… I can improve if you give me your review and rating.

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