/ Fantasy / the witch within

the witch within Original

the witch within

Fantasy 9 Chapters 6.4K Views
Author: Esther_Okosi

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Josephine discovers her powers and meets Emily, Risa, and Cleopatra
- She falls in love with Jaden
- Josephine meets Axel at the outcast coven and develops feelings for him
- Love triangle ensues, and things become complicated with Jaden
- Josephine becomes enemies with Allison and Martha
- Risa betrays Josephine

*Climax and plot twist*

- Jaden's true intentions are revealed, and he attempts to kill Josephine
- Josephine uses her powers to defend herself, and Axel helps her defeat Jaden
- Josephine's feelings for Axel solidify, and she realizes she can't be with Jaden
- Josephine kills her rivalries
- Allison finds out Josephine secret
- Josephine finds out that her father killed her mother
*Act 3:*

- Josephine unlocks a mysterious power that allows her to defeat her enemies
- She faces off against Carlos, Arachne, Lukas, and Carthel in an epic battle
- Josephine emerges victorious, and ends up with Axel
- She must navigate her new relationships and powers, while dealing with the aftermath of Risa's betrayal

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Author Esther_Okosi