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The Wily One (TVD/TO) The Wily One (TVD/TO) original

The Wily One (TVD/TO)

Author: N_Nelson

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

In the ward of a hospital in New York a discussion seems to be going on.

"We are sorry Cole but we aren't going to press charges on Mr. Duboir, he's a decent man who made a mistake, can't you just forgive and forget" said a fat woman with blonde hair wearing expensive designer clothes.

"Yes, your Aunt Mia is right, can't you just move on and drop the charges you levied against him" agreed an equally fat man complementing his wife.

"I didn't ask both of you to come here, even if you are my so-called guardians on paper, I couldn't give a shit about your opinions since two of you never bothered to take care of me. The only time I caught your attention was when my business became successful, so Uncle Thomas, Aunt Mia, would you kindly fuck off" replied the young man laying on the hospital bed.

He had black hair and brown eyes, his name is Cole Michaels and currently he was dealing with his gold-digging extended family.

"How can you say that! After everything we've done for you. You ungrateful wretch, I should have never allowed you-" "He paid both of you off didn't he" Cole cuts off his aunt before she could continue spewing vitriol.

"I'm also pretty sure she slept with Duboir, I have the pictures" Cole continues as he drops a file filled with explicit photos in front of his aunt and uncle.

"Honey, I can explain" Mia says shakenly as both her and her husband left Cole's ward.

"Good riddance" muttered Cole.

Cole POV

The nerve of those imbeciles to come in here and tell me to drop the charges I levied against that scum Duboir.

The only reason I don't try to have them killed is because we are blood related even though we are more like strangers to each other.

I think on how I got to this point, my parents were fairly rich but they died when I was five. Instead of raising me, my aunt and uncle tried to get my parents' inheritance, luckily my parents never trusted those two and made sure even if I died, they wouldn't get anything.

I was raised in an orphanage and was taken care of decently since the matron was a friend of my father, I lived an ordinary life, went to college graduated, opened up a fairly successful retail store for electronics and became wealthy coupled with my inheritance.

My life has come crashing down due to a corrupt congressman named Victor Duboir who ran me over, driving under the influence. It would have been okay if I could just walk it off but due to the accident my spinal cord was severely damaged and I will never walk again.

What's even worse is that the corrupt congressman wants to hush everything up that I'm pretty sure he is already sending someone to kill me because I inadvertently found evidence of his illegal dealings, the cop that came to me to help take him down was just using me hiding behind his rubbish justice and patriotism.

Truthfully, I don't care, I've been suffering from clinical depression since I lost my legs a month ago, it doesn't even help that I was diagnosed with a terminal stage lung cancer and pleurisy. So, I was already on borrowed time.

But I'm a very spiteful person who takes revenge, so I already leaked all the congressman's dealings to the police and when I die under the congressman's orders, my acquaintance will already make sure the congressman dies painfully in prison, since all my assets will belong him.

As if on cue, the lights go off and I see a tall man wearing a mask holding a gum with a silencer attached to it pointing it at me.

"Huh, so this is it, I always thought it would be more dramatic like in those animes but it was a boring life..., I wish things had been different" as I finished my speech everything went black.

I awakened to blackness but it didn't last long as I was filled a different set of memories and emotions.

Strangely I didn't reject them it was seamless, if I were to describe it, it would be like my new self just remembered his former life or my old self has just assimilated to a new life doesn't really matter because I know who am.

"Argh" with a gasp I get up and look around me, I see my brothers and sister in this new life I am now in

"You were the last to wake, drink now boy!" said my father with his usual forceful and gruff voice as he brought what would be a goblet of blood.

Normally I would feel repulsed but for some reason, the smell and sight of the of it looked enchanting, which was quite disturbing but I had no choice but to drink this blood since if I didn't, I would die for a third time.

Taking the goblet from father's hand before he tries to force feed me, I drink the blood. Not long after I finished drinking the blood, I already feel different, better than I have ever felt in my two lives combined.

"Kol, how do you feel, are you alright?" my mother asks with a concerned tone.

"I'm fine mother, in fact better than ever, I feel reborn literally" I say with a smirk to which she nods

"Good boy, with this we won't have to live in fear of the wolves" my father, Mikael says heatedly to me and my siblings who have just gathered around him to listen.

Frankly I wasn't really listening to Mikael as he continued spewing his Viking crap, right now I'm planning how I'll live my life, now that I regained my past life memories because I'm no longer Cole Michaels, I became someone with a similar name, Kol Mikaelson.

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