/ Fantastique / The Werewolf Who Was Abducted and Replaced with the Changeling

The Werewolf Who Was Abducted and Replaced with the Changeling Original

The Werewolf Who Was Abducted and Replaced with the Changeling

Fantastique 1 Chapters 2.1K Views
Author: jamesrd

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Isla O' Cleirigh ( O' Clery) who was destined to be a very powerful Warrior in her tribe was abducted by the fairies and replaced with a changeling just after she was born.

Changeling are deformed fairies who had been left in place of a human child or baby. The human children or babies are stolen and replaced by the fairies.

Follow this story to see how Isla's despite the misfortune, follow faith and found her fate.

On this journey you will meet Adelmo and Marcello who found themselves mix up in Isla's fate and the struggle between them finding love where they least except it.

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Author jamesrd