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96.36% The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup / Chapter 53: The Polite ❄Inserted❄

Chapter 53: The Polite ❄Inserted❄

There are many unique individuals in the Writer's Discord Chatroom and one of them is Inserted. I call him a Noble Vampire Lord, because his voice can scare little kids away. When he starts typing in the discord chatroom things become... interesting to say the least.

If we take out the [redacted] words in his comments then the chat will stay PG. Since we are on the internet, we can't really tell if people are being their "normal self" or just using one of their faces to interact with other people.


HavenJie: you're talking to the original founder of the NUCC.

Elyon: Succ.

HavenJie: Not quite. Sooo, hows life been going elyon and penguin and other lurkers?

Poetic Penguin: Bad. Sleep = bad.

HavenJie: Thats... not great.

Poetic Penguin: Grades = struggling and bad.

HavenJie: I mean same… the semester ain't even started yet and I'm failing.

Elyon: Omo overall it's been good. Tiring but good.

Poetic Penguin: A fellow author told me... I have a good book but becoz I don't update regularly, it's not popular. *meow scared emoticon*

[A/N: Poetic Penguin is the author of the story called "Not So Confident."]

HavenJie: Yeah. Penguin. WN needs like mass release every day to be super popular.

Poetic Penguin: I used to update 3-4 a week.

HavenJie: Just regularity and frequency is what they need.

Poetic Penguin: Because of lack of sleep and struggle with grades that turned into 2-3 a week now.

HavenJie: Well, as long as you are updating it should be fine. I ain't touched my WN book since like... February.

Poetic Penguin: Oof.

❄Inserted❄: Gifts for 45 year old dudes, go.

Elyon: Oof, I almost said the forbidden 2 words. Damn Ins xD.

HavenJie: Ah, a coupon to a strip club.

❄Inserted❄: Denied.

HavenJie: Or if hes married then a tie.

❄Inserted❄: You pervert.

HavenJie: Shoes?

❄Inserted❄: He's a farmer.

HavenJie: A self help book to avoid mid life crisis.

❄Inserted❄: Dresses worse than 10 year olds. How about a car?

HavenJie: Infinity war on VCR or blue ray.

Transcendent: @Elyon Read a good book.

Elyon: I am.

Transcendent: The universe book? *thinking glare emoticon*

Elyon: Kushiel's Avatar.

Transcendent: >.<

Elyon: It's one of the trilogies I haven't finished when I was young. I'm catching up to the trilogy books.

HavenJie: Mario Cart on Xbox.

❄Inserted❄: …

HavenJie: A hat.

❄Inserted❄: He's 45, not 12.

HavenJie: The entire harry potter series.

❄Inserted❄: A hat might work.

HavenJie: It's timeless.

Transcendent: Reading a great novel increased your usage of language and elevates your writing quality. XD

Gold_Paper_Crane: @❄Inserted❄ Real nice and expensive cowboy leather boots.

HavenJie: Get him a fedora.

❄Inserted❄: LMAO.

HavenJie: Every self respecting man needs a fedora.

❄Inserted❄: I don't own a fedora disgusting.

HavenJie: In all seriousness though, how well do you know them?

❄Inserted❄: Father in law.

HavenJie: It might be best to just let them a new work tool that- oof. Umm…

*escapes in eternally single*

❄Inserted❄: Maybe I'll just get him a gift card.

HavenJie: Or just replacing something that he already had. I got my dad a new watch cause his was broken. I mean he lost it.

❄Inserted❄: Watch or gift card.

HavenJie: But it's the thought that counts.

❄Inserted❄: Thanks for the help *thumbs up emoticon*

HavenJie: np brah.

Gold_Paper_Crane: Tony &. guy gift card.

❄Inserted❄: I would call you darling, but I remember that you hate terms of endearment.

Elyon: @Transcendent Aside from that there's something you need more than anything else. You need to be excited on what you write and right now, I'm excited when I'm writing.

HavenJie: Grats on getting married btw.

❄Inserted❄: Not married yet. Soon!

HavenJie: Oh. Then grats on engagement.

❄Inserted❄: Thank You!

Transcendent: @Elyon Point noted.

Elyon: A few weeks ago, writing became a chore.

HavenJie: Writing is always a chore.

Elyon: My attitude made a complete turn around after my closed door cultivation.

HavenJie: Its just sometimes the type of chore you can blast music to and work around the house while you do it.

Transcendent: @❄Inserted❄ You are engaged?

❄Inserted❄: Ah yes, didn't you rebirth Ely?

HavenJie: I had a routine death and revival as well.

Elyon: Rebirth?

Transcendent: Metamorphosis is apt.

HavenJie: Inserted. Its the haven that occasionally dies and rebirths. Elyon close door cultivates apparently.

❄Inserted❄: I see. Apologies, I mixed it up.

Elyon: Ins… are you alright?

HavenJie: He's nervous. Buying a gift for Father in law.

Elyon: You are too polite right now.

❄Inserted❄: Oh? This is how I used to be?

Transcendent: I swear I never saw him apologize *joy emoticon*

Elyon: *thinking emoticon*

Transcendent: Is that the first? Or the Last?

❄Inserted❄: Me being an asshole* is simply one of my many faces.

Elyon: Ah I see. If that's the case then it's fine *fufufu emoticon*

Transcendent: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Elyon: I forgot about faces.

❄Inserted❄: Of course. Every face I own is an emphasized part of myself.

Transcendent: The more you pretend, the more you become. Period.

❄Inserted❄: It's not pretending. It's isolating.

Elyon: Mmm, still congrats on the engagement. *clap gif*

HavenJie: I mean, every one has different sides to themselves.

Transcendent: I quoted it for a case when you pretend, it is also the case for isolating.

❄Inserted❄: *thinking emoticon*

Poetic Penguin: I enjoy writing. It's a way out of my studies as a way to procrastinate.

❄Inserted❄: I am incapable of becoming more of an asshole, than I already am Fret not. However, I still care for those that I love.

Elyon: It's fine.

HavenJie: I write to deal with how my life is falling apart.

Rororo: Cool.

Frozen Synapses: *cry emoticon*

Transcendent: Humans need hope. Pathetic.

Poetic Penguin: @Frozen Synapses U are back.

Frozen Synapses: I'm back with only 1 word written.

Poetic Penguin: *awww emoticon*

Transcendent: When does melodrama help?

❄Inserted❄: It helps with over the top madams. Oh, and cliché romance.

Frozen Synapse: A man of culture I see.

HavenJie: Romance suck.

Transcendent: It might help when you want to write a cheesy romance and a horrible one at that.

❄Inserted❄: Haven you distraught soul! Romance will soon enter your life, I promise you.

♡♤ThatClassyMobGuy♤♡: When it does. I'll be in my grave.

HavenJie: Am I distraught?

Transcendent: And she will be dragged into the abyss of no return, like everyone who are smitten with it.

Rororo: Romance will also exit ur life promptly.

Transcendent: Fear not, you will soon be one of them.

HavenJie: I think I'm pretty normal tho?

❄Inserted❄: Hey, an abyss is what you make of it.

HavenJie: I mean, grats to all those who like romance. I mean, I've written romance. It was ok, so I'm not bitter.

❄Inserted❄: Romance in literature is often a gross exaggeration of reality.

HavenJie: yeah... i noticed.

Rororo: Romance as a genre is incomplete.

❄Inserted❄: It's a great sub-genre. It cannot stand alone.

Transcendent: True. I can't imagine a story built on romance alone.

Rororo: Romance better for shorter forms of media like movies. U can make 2 hour movie with just romance.

Transcendent: Being a writer is being a God of your world. Let them play, but you ultimately decide their fate.


Author's Thoughts

There are many faces to people, especially those on the internet. The internet allows you to use a 'pen name' and you can freely act in whatever way you want. Sometimes, people act differently like they're completely different people.

A shy, introverted person, can be very socially active all of a sudden. It's like breaking free from the limits that binds a person and you can have as many faces as you want depending on your whim.

The same is true for authors. There are times when we write about things that we haven't experienced or things we want to experience, but unable to. This is where genres like Fantasy and Romance come to play.

It's funny how people who are not in a relationship are able to write good romance stories. Perhaps, these authors are looking for the 'perfect romance' in their life and their story mirrors their ideal romantic relationship.

For those who write fantasy stories, perhaps they want to escape the mundane reality and the hardships of life. A place where they can fly freely in the sky. A world where magic exists, a place where infinite possibilities are open to them.

Sometimes, we just write these stories because our own worlds are falling apart.

Elyon Elyon

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”

— Virginia Woolf

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