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69.56% The Wandering Devil (TWD) / Chapter 16: A New Dark LORD?

Chapter 16: A New Dark LORD?

The Wandering Devil

Chapter: 16

Pa/ t reon details below the chapter if you're interested in seeing some content in advance. I'll keep posting regardless. If you have any suggestions you would like to see added, I will try to incorporate what I can :)

(A New Dark LORD?)

A chaotic cyclone of colours spiralled around me in a strange vortex-like pattern and I took a moment to assume it had worked. I was pretty sure I was falling downwards, but it was hard to tell. 

I had possessed a gut feeling my eyes would work again, an instinctive understanding of what my eyes were capable of. That's why I'd planned on testing it in the first place.

The potential behind this was staggering. This meant I could find a way home at some point and beyond that, travel to different worlds. Would I be able to learn different magics? Or even find a way to gain different types of energy? 

Did this mean that I technically had Dojutsu? There was the question of how I had obtained this power and how part of me had been inserted into Zephyrion Gremory but dwelling on that now wouldn't do any good. 

It was safe to say I had a lot of questions. 

Excitement was the biggest emotion I felt at the moment along with apprehension. I didn't know where I was going. There wasn't exactly a choice to select from. I tried aiming my thoughts home. 

While there were no doubt a lot of Gods and monsters that could easily kill me, my elder sister and Serafall happened to be among them. Along with that, I would be able to finally further my magical training.

I hesitated. However, my freedom would be restricted and my magical training stunted due to having many overprotective powerful older women who seemed intent on keeping me coddled. 

The pressure behind my eyes felt at an all-time high and my eyes felt powerful as I fell into something I couldn't describe. I hadn't gotten a proper look at it before, since I had been so disoriented and downright confused. 

Both my Human side and Devil side agreed that they had never seen anything like it. It was essentially a constant rainbow of colours rifting around me. It was something that wasn't meant to be possible and made my brain glitch a little bit. 

The pressure on my eyes started dimming down and I felt my eyes turn lax. I looked down as a blast of cold air finally hit me and I saw the strange rainbow open up below me. 

I fell into what could only be called a massive dark room. 

I was able to manoeuvre myself in the air so I landed on both feet. A much better landing than I had on my first time around.

Instantly my eyes started scanning the surroundings.  

The place I was in was strange… I didn't recognise it at all. Which either meant I wasn't in my home world or I had landed in my home world just in a strange location. 

One thing I knew was that I wasn't in Danmachi anymore. Which brought me both happiness and unease. Happiness since it worked and unease because Hestia wasn't around.

This place is different to anything in Danmachi both in design and structure. It was too advanced in a way and strange. The floor was made of extremely polished dark wood, gleaming and almost reflective-like quality. While the walls are lined with dark, polished stone.

It seemed to be some sort of Atrium. 

I scratched my head as I looked around the massive chamber. There was a large fountain with golden statues of a man, a woman, what looked to be a centaur, some sort of weird small creature and another small creature. 

Overhead the ceiling was high up with a deep blackness that seemed to stretch endlessly, making the space feel larger and more intimidating. There were also massive archways going up to the ceiling. 

It was a strange room. That didn't exactly make sense. 

Kneeling, I tapped the floor out of curiosity. It was clean, unnaturally clean even. I could also somewhat make out my reflection on its polished surface. 

Strangely enough, the next thing I noticed was what seemed to be multiple golden fireplaces along the walls and in between the massive archways. Their flames cast a soft glow around them. 

Something was off with this place. 

I started walking to an opening to another smaller corridor next to the strange fountain. It was the only way that could potentially have an exit from wherever I was. 

Just as I was about to enter, three robed men rounded the corner behind me. They chatted casually, but their conversation halted the moment they spotted me. Each wore long, dark-blue robes, with a gleaming badge displayed prominently on their chests.

Their hands flicked out and all of them were carrying long pieces of wood. 

"Identify yourself!" One of them called out.



From a glance, I could tell they were some sort of law enforcement. Definitely magical, I was assuming those pieces of stick were wands. Or something else of that sort. 

I raised my hands lazily. My expression relaxed.

"I'm sure there's no need for wands, how about we talk this out," I questioned in a relaxed manner. 

Getting into a magical fight with beings that could potentially wipe the floor with me wasn't the smartest of plays. It also wouldn't be a good idea to just start attacking someone. 

They seemed to relax a bit at that. Still, they had their wands raised and they approached me with cautious, well-balanced steps. They were ready for a fight. 

"Identify yourself and there will be no need for worry. If you are a worker of the ministry then we apologise for the misunderstanding. You know how times are at the moment." The one in the middle firmly said. 


Where had I heard that term before?

"And what if I'm not a Ministry worker?" I questioned.

Their wand tips glowed and their aim straightened. 

"Then you will be temporarily imprisoned for a span of ten to fourteen days for trespassing on Ministry grounds at a restricted time and location before receiving a chance to plead your case in front of a court hearing." He explained.

"I hope for your sake that you are simply curious. Trespassing especially during the beginning of a wizarding war would be foolish unless you are with… them." The one on the left said with narrowed eyes. 

Well, that's unfortunate. 

I smiled. 

"Feel free to send me the cheques for your hospital bills." I apologised. 

"What?" One of them questioned confusedly. 

My hand swished and a shockwave of air erupted from me. Their eyes widened and in an instant spheres of magic were barely able to form in front of them just in time. Their reaction times are surprisingly quick. 

The shockwave sent cracks through their magical barriers and they all gritted their teeth as they were pushed back. 

"What the fuck is that? Wandless magic on that level?!" One of them called.

"Get your head in the game. Quagmire." The other shouted.

Their shields dissipated and red bolts of magic exploded out of their wands.

My hand waved and the water from the fountain rose, swirling chaotically to form a shield in front of me. The water froze and their magic was blocked by the wall of ice. Still, their magic was able to cause massive cracks to form the thick ice.

I took this time to bolt down my original path. Just in time as I heard a massive explosion erupt behind me and the shattering of my ice wall being destroyed. 

I heard them give chase to me a few seconds after that. 


A bolt of blue came whizzing down towards me and I forced the earth in the corridor to close up. Another large explosion of flames erupted behind me, the earth I had just used to block up the corridor being destroyed along with half of the corridor.

Understandably, I didn't want to fight them since this was just a misunderstanding but I wasn't going through whatever bullshit processing route for landing in the wrong place by accident.

Wait a second.

Oh dear.

I think I knew where I had landed.


I was glad I didn't let those bolts of magic hit me, who knew what effect they would have. I suddenly found myself in two more of the same clothed Aurors. Who both turned me to me in alarm. Wands in hand, ready to fight. 

The other three came flying out of the corridors and I finally turned to face them.

I was going to be forced to fight my way out. 


I was surrounded by five wizards. 

"Watch out, he's capable of wandless magic." One of them hurriedly said to the other Aurors.

"By the order of the Ministry, surrender peacefully or we will be forced to use force." 

I sighed.

My hand whipped out and I found bolts of red light already being sent my way, I avoided them narrowly even with my enhanced speed their spells were fast. Especially from such a short distance away.

Four earth spikes shot toward them, and each reacted differently. One spike was melted by a strange bolt of purple magic, while another froze in place mid-air. A third was sliced cleanly in half. The fourth was frozen solid. 

A gust of harsh warm air swept through a moment later, driving them to take cover behind their shields. With a roar that came from the wind, I intensified the wind, conjuring a massive tornado that tore through the centre of the room. 

Their shields morphed into protective domes, but the two closest to the vortex were dragged in with screams as their domes cracked and shattered under the pressure.

The other three sent multiple spells at the tornado over the space of ten seconds and I took this time to observe their magic. Right until they finally caused the tornado to destabilise and fizz out. 

The two Aurors who had been sucked in fell to the ground with a sickening crack, their bodies unmoving.

One of the remaining Aurors sent a powerful jet of water at me, a furious expression on his face. The earth below me rose and intercepted it, but it didn't last long as it was cut in half by another a moment later.

Water formed in the air in front of me and I used it to intercept the multitude of spells sent my way. The different effects of each spell left me fascinated. It was both versatile and restrictive but I had my imagination magic to counter that. If I could learn the spell's functions…

I fired clusters of water back at them, forcing them to hide behind their shields. A dome of water forming and swirling around at an increased pace. A jet of water shooting out every time it performed a full rotation. 

The output kept increasing and their shields continued glowing brighter. 

One shield shattered and the Auror was able to neutralise two jets of water before he was hit, sending him skidding back on the ground unconscious. 

I heard distant shouts and four Aurors appeared from around the corner, instantly shooting bolts of magic at me. One bolt got close and exploded on impact, sending my dome of water away.

This wasn't good.

I reformed the water and turned it into a massive shard of ice, sending it towards them with an annoyed frown. All of their wands glowed and they created a massive wall of earth. 

The two Aurors in front of me tried to use my focus on them as a chance to strike at me but I quickly used wind to try to rip their wands out of their hands. 

Which only succeeded in one of the two. 

A bolt of air was sent his way and he was sent back into the wall with a crunch. A whip of water was formed, snapping at the second Auror who froze it in response. Only to be sent flying back to the rest of the Aurors with an abrupt wave of force exploding out of my hand.

A bright ball of light was created from them in an attempt to blind me I assume and I felt my skin prickle. In that time three more Aurors joined the fray. 

They were starting to work together which made it harder, considering I was using raw elemental magic. If I managed to escape this place I was going to try to learn this magic. 

I was forced to dodge dozens of spells, the room lighting up from the different colours. All the Aurors fired spells at a quick rate, all unique and different in capability. 

One of the spells was able to hit me among the hundreds that were shot, an explosion sent me skidding back which made some cheer while others smiled in victory even as they continued the magical assault. 

I scowled. 

That hurt. My body could feel burns from the impact of the explosion. 

Both of my arms swiped out and I sent a massive inferno of deadly simmering hot fire roaring out from me. The dozen or so Aurors back away. The smirks turned into pale looks and the cheers going silent.

They all looked at the inferno in both fright and awe. I witnessed them send spells in an attempt to neutralise it. 

Which was working albeit slowly, they spread out to try to weaken the demonic magic from all sides. The screams of Aurors who weren't strong enough ringing out and making me grimace. 

Definitely not a good introduction to this world. I may have let my anger at being hit cloud my decision making capabilities but funnily enough I don't regret it. 

I used this opportunity to run back down the destroyed hallway just as I saw yet more Aurors arriving. 

I was only winning this due to pure power and not being restricted by spells. The amount of magic they possessed was either really good for humans or those wands were something that needed investing into.

A high-pitched scream-like alarm rang out. 

"WARNING: The ministry is under attack, all Aurors report to the Atrium. All Ministry personnel vacate."

I sighed once more. This was a mess.

I came to a stop as I was met with two dozen Aurors who all paused in their tracks as they saw me. 


My fists clenched for a moment before I called forth a large amount of demonic energy and as quickly as I could just as they began firing spells, thrust my hands forward.

A massive swirling mass of flames erupted from my hands, swirling into a towering inferno that roared like a living beast. 

I needed to start making an exit. I was using a lot of demonic energy, not enough to be of dire need yet but it was steadily getting there. 

The wizards, to their credit, didn't falter. They immediately sprang into action, wands raised in unison as they shouted spells to counter the onslaught.

"Protego Maxima" a group of them bellowed, forming a large shield that shimmered with silver light, barely holding back the firestorm as it collided against their barrier. 

Cracks appeared but they seemingly added more magical energy.

Another group took the opportunity to intervene.

"Aguamenti!", sending jets of water surging toward the swirling flames, steam hissing and billowing throughout the hall as water met fire. 

The other group sent mass amounts of spells at me which I was forced to avoid, while the other majority of the Aurors dealt with the massive fire. The once strange Atrium was now set alight and riddled with shattered stone on the ground. 

Three wind blades shot out and I focused them on one Auror, who was practically cut in half before I slammed my hand down and made a massive pillar of earth explode up. 

The thick wall didn't last long and the entire room was destroyed by powerful spells splitting through the air. 

Then? I promptly made myself scarce and fucked off back down the corridor. 

I was faster, my enhanced devil physique giving me an advantage but the wizards weren't standard humans. Whether they were using magic to make themselves stronger I didn't know but they were only a few times slower than myself.

If I had to make a guess of it I would say they were each strong enough to match a level two adventurer in physique. Alone that wasn't a problem. 

When you considered the massive number of them with their magic this battle wasn't easy. It also didn't help that their perception speed was even higher. 

Probably from having to deal with the fast spells they could produce. 

It was safe to say these wizards and witches weren't pushovers.

The ground under me turned into ice, forcing me to jump over and block a multitude of spells. I kicked my foot down and caused spikes of earth to erupt outwards by the dozens. 

Which was able to take the Wizards who had just been about to give me a chance down the corridor off-guard. A lot of them were sent unconscious and some even killed.

I pressed my advantage. 

Air surged upward at my command, sweeping through the cluster of Aurors, and with a swift flick of my hand, I disarmed three of them, their wands spiralling into the air before landing neatly in my grasp. 

I pocketed them quickly. Without their wands, these wizards were practically defenceless. Save for their enhanced physical abilities.

But I wasn't in great shape either. 

My demonic energy reserves had dipped below fifty per cent. Teleportation was out of the question since I had no fixed direction in mind, and my earlier attempts had proven that I lacked the power to even consider crossing between realities with a simple teleportation spell.

My arms swirled and I gathered ice along with air. Attempting to mix them together. I was forced to briefly stop to create a dome of demonic energy around me to block all the spells coming my way from the remaining wizards. 

Gritting my teeth, I focused again. 

My arms traced fluid arcs through the air as I summoned both ice and wind, trying to fuse them into a cohesive attack. The cold bit into the air around me, causing frost to creep along the floor.

A storm of cold shot out from me and was able to destabilise the rest of the Aurors who were forced to defend while the wandless Wizards attempted to run away.

Shouts came down from the corridors as the dozens of Aurors came piling through, I quickly directed part of the ice storm towards them and forced them back on defence.

All the wizards in the ice storm became silent and I realised they were all defeated. I made the rest of the ice storm go through the corridors from which the dozens of Aurors slowly advanced from. 

I went to leave only for thumps in the ground to catch my attention as a massive golem came through the ice storm. The golem swung a massive hammer down and I avoided it. 

Jumping up, I sent it back through the corridor with a powerful kick. By now, the ice storm was starting to die down as the Aurors dealt with it.

The golem quickly came back, swinging again. I scowl in fury. This was dragging out. Infusing my fist with fire, I punched it and sent fire burying it into its stone frame. Melting into and causing steam to pour out from the sheer heat. 

The golem fell down. With me standing on its head covered in steam. The ice storm fizzled out and the Aurors poured in, looking up at me with fear and awe. 

I sent a wave of fire at them as a quick distraction and jumped behind the golem's massive form. I punched down into the ground and made the floor split apart with the help of magic. 

Jumping through, I heard the Wizards shout in alarm. I didn't wait, making sure to use the dense steam to temporarily cover my tracks. 

I found myself on a lower floor, like I had predicted. 

It was thankfully empty. 

I didn't waste a second. I unleashed a blast of pure demonic energy, tearing through the walls. One way or another, I was getting out of here. Staying back there and continuing to fight hordes of trained wizards was going to get me killed. 

My sheer raw power was high but they were still powerful in their own right. If I stayed I would be defeated. For now at least. 

Jumping through the hole I'd made, I was met with yet another wall, which I promptly obliterated. It wasn't until I'd blasted through six walls that I finally caught sight of the outside world.

I saw dozens upon dozens of Aurors starting to pour out of the room I had jumped into. They all barely caught sight of me before flames exploded out of my feet and I used them to propel myself out.  

Definitely not as smooth of a start as I had in Danmachi. This was going to make my introduction to this world much harder, at least I knew that I was relatively powerful in this world. 

Considering I had taken on at least thirty-plus Aurors. 

For now, I needed to find a place to lay low before I started looking into this world's magic.

-{Jacob Jenkins}-

Jacob Jenkins looked at the scene of the crime with a grim look. As the Head of the Auror Office, he was naturally the first person on the scene of the attack. A massive battle had occurred and if the whispers he had heard were correct, this was a serious problem.

A beaten-up Auror limped his way over. 

"Auror Quagmire, reporting." He said respectfully.

"Status report?" Jacob questioned.

"Fifteen critically injured and eighteen injured." He reported grimly.

Jacob's hand clenched around his wand. An attack right in the middle of the Ministry. Especially with extra Aurors being on duty due to wartime preparations. This was a slap to the face.

Just what force had been mounted to achieve this?

The damage suggested at least thirty to forty wizards, such damage and those holes in the wall. They looked to be made from some sort of powerful fire spell. The sheer amount of destruction was staggering. 

"And casualties on their side?" He questioned.

Quagmire shifted uncomfortably.

"None, sir."

Jacob's eyes widened in fury. He sharply turned towards Quagmire.

"None?! This isn't a time to joke Junior." He growled.

Quagmire looked at him gravely.

"I'm not joking sir." He meekly replied.

Jacob put a hand on his head, his face paling.

"Just how many attacked for such an overwhelming victory." He muttered.

Quagmire lowered his head, a fearful expression on his face. 

"Tell me," Jacob questioned, a shiver running down his back. 

He knew something was wrong. How couldn't he? Aurors were trained to deal with these kinds of events with a clear head.

Whatever had happened, it was enough to shake a professional Auror. 

"Just one." 

He froze. 

Jacob quickly registered it.

"Was it him?" He questioned gravely, his face pale.

There was only one current person he knew capable of this.

The new and upcoming Dark Lord who had been amassing followers. 

"No. It was someone else." Quagmire shivered.

"Tell me everything." He ordered seriously.

Quagmire nodded.

"We found a man wandering in a restricted area and followed standard protocols. At first, he seemed cooperative, but then he casually told us to 'send him a cheque for our hospital bills.' After that, he performed what may be the most powerful display of wandless magic since Merlin himself," Quagmire reported.

Jacob listened in silence, arms crossed, his expression unreadable.

"We assume he was under the effects of a Polyjuice potion. There's no way someone his age could have caused all this damage. He wiped through our ranks without a wand." Quagmire finished. 

"You are saying he did all of this? He took down dozens of Auror teams by himself?" Jacob attempted to confirm. 

Quagmire nodded, his face that of someone who had swallowed a lemon. 

"He kept using massive magical attacks, this was all done by him. What would be trump cards for any talented wizards were casual attacks for him." He informed Jacob.

"Did you get any spell names? Perhaps we can track that to a certain pureblood family?" Jacob asked.

Quagmire shook his head.

"You think he's a pureblood?" He questioned.

"With that amount of magic? He would have to be or a half-blood at least." Jacob replied absentmindedly back.

"Did he have the mark?" He questioned.

Quagmire shook his head.

"I don't think so and he didn't use the spell like the rest of the Death Eaters are ordered to do," Quagmire answered. 

"So he's not a part of his army, I'm not sure if that's good or not but it makes sense. Someone so powerful would settle to be ruled by someone who is equally or even a bit less powerful than himself." He muttered. 

He turned back to Quagmire.

"Auror Quagmire, go report back to the rest of your regiment and make sure the word is spread," Jacob said gravely.

"Of what?" He questioned. 

"A new Dark Lord has risen," Jacob responded grimly. His eyes were dark. 


I wonder if any shops are open? I'm kinda hungry. 


if you wish to read up to sixteen chapters in advance among my stories and other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

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