/ LGBTQ+ / The Voices in his Emotions

The Voices in his Emotions Original

The Voices in his Emotions

LGBTQ+ 6 Chapters 13.7K Views
Author: Kittylovely

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Feelings are the lovely nuisances all humans were burdened with, however, Alistair Terrance, a unique existence, an empath; was someone who never understood those things and even though he always felt it from others, he never felt it himself.

Always seeking clarity, trying all he could to understand these things called ‘Emotions’, he had almost lost all hope until finally he met him, the possible answer to his complexities…Ronan Alder, the boy with voices in his emotions.

Tip: Check out Character Intro in aux. chapters, character images are in comment section.

-Also check out my blog- https://lovelyrara.wordpress.com,
It has lots of interesting things there like mini-stories, alternate universe and out-of-stage scenes, short NFSW or cute stories, drawings etc. Check it out! (Still updating though!)

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Kittylovely
    Kittylovely Contributed 10
  2. DaoistaKj3jD
    DaoistaKj3jD Contributed 8
  3. your_senpai
    your_senpai Contributed 5

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Wow I really love the settings for this novel and it world building....k keep it up author, we need more updates from u❤️❤️

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It's a good book would highly recommend it..writing is simple making it easy to read and the characters are wholesome .Love it

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Quite an interesting story. I really liked the character aux and where this story is going. Would like to some more descriptions of settings because the ones I've read so far are quite amazing. There were a few grammar mistakes and dialogue got a little awkward at times. Otherwise, job well done author.

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Ronan is my favorite! He looks cool to be called an introvert and also the moment he first saw Alastair, he just went to his direction without hesitation! xD xD xD Although it's only 4 chapters, the author is doing great and I will look forward for more chapters! ^_^

Reveal Spoiler
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The story has a nice flow even with few chapters. It is fun and keeps the reader engrossed. Looking forward to more chapters.

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The author is doing an amazing job. I love his characters. The book is unique in it's way with less errors. Also his choice of words is thrilling. Good job author 👍

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I do really love this book and I think the writer is doing a great work, Even though the chapters ain't much... Still the book looks really promising ☺️

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Author Kittylovely