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40.62% The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister / Chapter 12: 12. Paying back loses.

Chapter 12: 12. Paying back loses.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd blow were dodged successfully. I quickly feinted left as Robar swung horizontally the 4th time, he took the bait and I used my practice sword and braced diagonally on my shoulder to deflect the tip of the sword upwards. Robar was thrown off balance for a moment and it's all I need; I quickly push forward. Robar acting quickly simply stepped forward and shifted his weight and slammed into me using his shoulder. Even with my shield I am unable to absorb all of the force and I am thrown back.

Unable to maintain my balance I fall back, ass first. The shock travels up my back and I felt the muscles in my back strain. "My Lord, are you alright?" I heard Robar ask as he quickly lifted his visor and approached me.

Garrand laughed as he watched us. "He'll be fine, help him up and let him walk it off." Garrand said as he walked over. "You did well with those feints, and to deflect that last blow, what was this, your 5th exchange. At least you're learning to not take him head on, but even if you get past his sword, what then? Robar is good at what most knights neglect, basics. If you keep at the same thing long enough, you get good at it. It's his greatest talent and paired with his size and stamina. Even if you're getting faster, unless you can find a gap in the armor, then your out of luck."

I dejectedly walk back to the bench on the side. I knew my back would be sore later, I would get Mya to massage it for me. Even with the updated the increase to my 'Agility' and the new skill I had found in my 'status screen' this morning, I couldn't get the better of Robar after the 5 rounds we had gone.

'Deception (basic 1/15)- enhances your efforts while attempting to carry out a deceptive action.

*Notice- The skill Deception (basic 1/15) has been granted after having successfully concluding the quest *Tying up a loose end. Even if persons outside of your personal circle, suspects your involvement in the murder of Aenys Frey, you have left no evidence to lead back to you. Because of your cunning in dealing with those who know the truth, you have been rewarded with this skill.

It was mid evening already and after what happened last night, things had mostly been quiet. I had met with my uncle Ser Jason Lannister and discussed our travel plans. We will leave at first light and head East along the Goldroad, which ran from Casterly Rock through the Westerland, and on the border between the South of the Riverlands and North of the Reach, all the way to King's Landing.

Ser Jason had completed most of his preparations as well as myself and my people were also prepared. I just had some last-minute things to pick up from Lannisport, Maester Brayan and a few of my guards had already left to see about that.

As I sat on the bench and watched Garrand and Robar go at it, something had been bothering me though and it was House Frey. I had already scared Emmon beyond straight so I knew he wouldn't try anything with Genna. Aenys was already dead, but in the end Walder made out like a bandit from Genna's dowry.

Even if she was safe for about 5-6 years, because of the agreement signed by House Lannister and House Frey. Emmon would have to wait until she was more mature, also I had time to think and plan.

"What's the matter my Lord? You look more upset than usual." Robar had approached me while I was lost in thought. I looked up at him with a scowl but Garrand chuckle from the side of him as Robar just quickly looked away. The three of us had grown quite close over the last 2 weeks. Robar had even become comfortable enough to try and make a joke or two, but he had never been disrespectful. He was well aware of the difference between the both of us.

"What's the matter my Young Lord, are you still worried about last night? From what I heard from Ser Denys; your name was already cleared. Everyone is treating Aenys' death as an accident. It looks like he had too much to drink and slipped and bashed his head and face down the steps." Garrand stated, more of a reassurance that no one suspected me than trying to comfort me. 

Garrand had demonstrated how sharp he was, time and time again, even if he had his suspicions about my involvement, he would keep it to himself. Kevan on the other hand had rushed to confront me this morning when he had heard the news. He was discreet how he asked me and I had given him assurances that what I had done had been for the family's safety. He accepted that it needed to be done and made no fuss.

"Walder Frey is what's bothering me, the man is too arrogant. He has done nothing but take advantage of House Lannister since he got here and my father rushes to defend him at every turn. To make it worst, I had to conceded to certain terms to keep Genna here at Casterly Rock."

"Oh, yes, he had been boasting last night about how you promised to grant Emmon and Genna lands later on. That in time to come there would be a cadet branch of House Frey in the Westerlands and how big the dowry was. He boasted how rich House Lannister was that they were paying in gold." Garrand added.

"Dowries are a stupid tradition, why the hell does the bride's family have to pay the groom's family for her to marry him? Shouldn't that be the other way around?" I asked a little frustrated, at times like this I remember I was in the body of a 10-year-old.

If this wasn't the case, I might have already made plans to kill Tytos and seize House Lannister, but I needed him to continue to breed discontent amongst the lords of the Westerlands. I would take advantage just like in the books to use the ensuing uprising to make my name and to purge all those who will rebel.

Likewise, with Walder Frey, I needed Genna to produce an heir while she was with Emmon before I got rid of the Walder. I will help Emmon to take control of House Frey an eventually use them to take the Riverlands, either by marriage or conquest. All of these things went through my head but I didn't share them with my present company.

"If I remember correctly, I once read a book from the maester at Feastfires when I was growing up. It was about…customs and traditions of the Seven Kingdoms. If I remember correctly, it dates far back and only amongst the nobility. The most famous dowry it mentioned was Argilac the Last Storm King, tried to entice Aegon the Conqueror to marry his only daughter, he offered all the lands east of the God's Eye, from the Trident to the Blackwater Rush as her dowry. She would end up marrying Orys Baratheon.

According to the book, it is supposed to be a gift from the bride's father to the bride and groom so that they can start there family together. Since the groom's family is losing a son and he is supposing to shoulder the finances of the family, then the groom's father doesn't pay anything." Garrand said sounding rather proud of the bit of history that he retained from his time at his family home.

"Wait, so that means that Walder Frey isn't suppose to get the Dowry himself?" I asked.

"No, it supposes to be Emmon, but he'll probably just give it to Walder if he demands it. You've seen the boy; I've seen fish mongers in Lannisport fiercer than him."

'Wait, how could I have been so blind, was it because it was such an archaic tradition both here and on Earth I had never even bothered with the details.' A devious idea came to my mind. "Garrand, you're a genius, get change you two and follow me." I said while Robar just looked confused as to what Garrand had done.


I found where Tytos was and as predicted, he was in his chancelry this hour of the evening. He had probably tried to lay low as well, not wanting to have to deal with Walder Frey. Unfortunately, he would have to deal with me.

After I found where he was, I immediately sent Garrand and Robar to round up a short list of people, I specifically told him to make sure and relay the message as they were being "requested to Lord Tytos' chancellery urgently". 'That should work.'


Ser Jason Lannister's POV

The message had come a short while ago, I was being requested urgently by my brother. I wasn't too pleased; it was already a long day with the preparations I needed to make for tomorrow. I hoped it wouldn't be anything else too stressful.

I still remembered last night, when the guards rushed into inform my brother about Walder Frey's son being found dead. Personally, I hadn't cared much but Walder Frey began to make an uproar and as usual, Tytos had jumped to try and placate him.

Why my brother was so concerned about if Walder Frey was upset had been beyond me. This had all start at the previous feast. All I had wanted was to have a good time. My Lady wife had still been angry with me over when she had caught me with one of the servants. She behaved as if it was the first time, but I guessed that it was because she had caught me in the act.

So, she had come with her family instead and left the next day. It didn't help when Walder Frey had tricked Tytos into accepting a wedding proposal. I knew my wife felt ashamed, a Riverland House had gotten the better of House Lannister.

What could I do, Tytos was my brother and the Lord of Casterly Rock, the mistakes was his to make. Tytos had always been a good brother to me and almost gave me anything I wanted within reason. Everything was fine, as long as I wasn't troubled, but that was where I was wrong.

The troubles had started, the next day when my brother had called on me to make a request. He wanted me to take his place and go to King's landing to meet with the Master of Ships; Lord Gavyn Redwyne. I would need to discuss various trade agreements concerning the West and the South of the Reach, recent issues with Ironborn raiders and House Lannister's naval obligations.

I eventually saw it as a good thing, my brother wasn't stupid, he was just easily swayed. The negotiation would probably be better off with me instead. My main problem was that I would need to leave almost immediately. I was fortunate I had at least a fortnight to head back to Feastfires and put my affairs in order for the next few months.

The trip to King's Landing would take at least a month to go and a month to return. I would have rather gone by ship but needed to be cautious of sudden winter storms especially off the coast of the Stormlands. It would taken a little longer but it would be less work.

Tytos also gave me another additional, to escort my nephew Tywin to King's Landing. I was rather proud of my nephew, he was intelligent, talented with a sword and was extreme strong willed. Tytos was both lucky and cursed. Tywin was an excellent heir, but they would frequently clash because of Tytos' poor leadership.

It was just fortunate that King Aegon V had offered to accept Tywin at King's Landing as his cup bearer. This was an incredible opportunity for the boy, he would get a first hand look at how Westeros was run from the highest level.

When I arrived and the guards announced me, as I entered the door, I saw that my sister-in-law Jeyne, Tytos, Maester Hollard and Tywin already there. "Hello Uncle, glad to see you could make it so quickly." To my surprise Tywin greeted him.

"What's this about Tytos?" I asked trying to figure out what was going on.

Tywin answered instead while Tytos looked like he was also wondering what this was all about. "I asked all of you to meet here because this is an important matter that concerns all of House Lannister. Father, do you truly love Genna and want what is best for her?"

 "If this is about the wedding again, please just stop. I have enough to deal with as it is without you trying to stop this wedding before you leave tomorrow. I already accepted this arrangement and there is nothing we can do without ruining house Lannister's reputation by breaking it."

"That was not what I asked you father? Do you truly love Genna and want what is best for her?"

"Off course, I love all my children, and want what is best for all of you." Tytos answered cautiously. Jeyne seemed perplex at where Tywin's was headed with his question.

 "Good." Tywin answered and paused for moment before he followed up. "What arrangements have been made for Genna's dowry?"

Tytos was now more cautious but answered while deep in thought. "As per the arrangement that we agreed to and signed. 50,000 gold dragons will be given to House Frey when they return to the Riverlands after the wedding."

"Why are we handing the dowry over to House Frey?" Tywin followed up with. I could tell he was trying to get us to see something we had been missing.

"Because we already agreed to it, you also signed the document. Tywin what is the meaning of this?" Tytos was actually curious to what his son was getting at?

"Maester Hollard, you read over the details of the agreement. Did it ever say that the dowry would be specifically paid to House Frey or Walder Frey?"

As Tywin asked, something dawned on the elderly Maester Hollard. "Not at all, only what the agreed dowry was. And as it is customary in Westeros tradition, the dowry is a gift to the bride and her groom."

Realization started to come to everyone in the room but Tywin continued to spell it out. "Including myself, we have failed to account that Genna will not be accompanying her soon to be husband to the Crossing. She will be staying right here at Casterly Rock. Also, when does a marriage be considered as considered as consummated?" The last part again directed at Maester Hollard.

 "Only after the groom beds the bride." Maester Hollard gloomily responded.

Tywin now turned completely to face Tytos. "You are not a stupid man father. You are also the Lord of Casterly Rock and the Great House of Lannister, Warden of the West and the Sheild of Lannisport. You speak to me about ruining our House's reputation. You also claim that you love and care for Genna.

If you allow another house to take from Genna what is rightfully hers. You would not only have failed her as a father, you will also make our noble house a laughing stock that will never be respected by the other great houses of Westeros."

"Tywin." Jeyne says softly but he ignores her, staring at Tytos, who even though doesn't meet his son's gaze, is deep in thought.

"Grant Emmon and Genna a generous allowance if you want, but the 50,000 gold dragons should be set aside for after they consummate their marriage and are ready to leave Casterly Rock to start their own House. Does this not sound fair?" Tywin puts forward a generous proposal.

"Tytos, I agree with Tywin. He has put forward a very sound argument. I will back you when the time comes for you to inform Lord Frey if you agree to this proposal. We can even wait until after the wedding to inform him. That way there can be no problems." I suggest. Tytos looks at me and then Jeyne, she nods at him, and this causes him to gain some strength.

"Alright, I will do as you suggested, you have made a very valuable point Tywin. You are definitely a blessing to this family." Tytos says with a proud look on his face. Tywin simply nods and stands to leave.

"Tywin, maybe I should allow you to sit in on my meeting with the Master of Ships when we arrive at King's Landing." I say to him half-jokingly as he leaves but all he does is turns to me and nods "I look forward to it." With his response he leaves. I am stunned for a moment before Jeyne interjects.

"Were really serious about letting him sit in on your meeting?"

"Not really at first, but now that I think about it, maybe it isn't such a bad idea. Why shouldn't I, he was already proving to be of great value to this our House." 'I think that I will have to get to know my nephew a little better', I will have an entire month on the road to do so.

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