Ross was the run moments after he began moving. Prior to his descent onto this planet, he assumed he would move with his friends.
How wrong he was in his assumptions.
After gathering his thoughts and making a suitable moving plan, he descended into the woods that was a short distance away from his starting point.
Arriving at the edges of the woods, he spotted a giant rat monster the size of a full-grown dog. It had large uneven razor teeth and patches of its fur were missing in some places, exposing red skin mixed in with dark fur.
Its elongated claws and sinister glowing eyes made Ross squint at its figure. The rat monster was disturbing to look at. Adding that to its screeching popped a vein in his head.
"Alright disgusting furball, I've had enough of you."
Ross waved his hand lighting it in flames he controlled and directed at the rat instantly incinerating it. The poor monster stood no chance.
I feel like I've discovered my writing tone.
Don't you agree?