Zero separated himself from the bronze golem making sure that the more twenty meter distances between them and he yield "Begin".
When the golem heard Zero it took of charging at Zero, it was at that moment that Zero realized that he over estimated himself he was thinking that since he had a Golden body that he could fight off any one at Spirit gathering stage level 1 but he was wrong he was simple no match for the golem.
BANGGG Zero was hit by the golem and sent flying backwards for about twenty meters and when Zero finally managed to get his legs under him the golem was already on top of him ready to punch his again.
Without anytime at all to evade or block the attack Zero survival instinct kicked in and his eyes turned from black to red as the Sharingan activated but it was already too late and BANGGG Zero was sent flying again but this time Zero got his feet under him quickly and spit out a mouth full of blood. Zero could feel that his skull was damaged badly and his jaw was completely broken from that punch.
Zero got back in time to see the bronze golem charging at his again at full speed when it was about to attack again Zero took one steep to the right and turned his body 85 degrees in a clock wise direction and he managed to narrowly evade the attack.
Seeing that Zero evaded his attack the bronze started to attack again with even more ferocity than before but Zero kept evading every one of the attacks from the bronze golem. The momentum of the golem of the golem kept increasing and Zero was starting to have problems evading the attacks, the problem was not that Zero could not see the attack coming but it was that he could not move fast enough to evade anymore. Just when Zero was thinking of tell the golem to stop the golem made attack that Zero could not anticipate and BANGGG out of know where Zero was hit by a kick in his midsection. The sent him flying and even before he could hit the ground everything went black.
Zero woke up and find that he was lying in his bed, Zero could not tell how long he was out for but he was guessing that it should a couple of days. Looking at his injuries Zero knew that he made a mistake when he was fighting with the bronze golem and the mistake could have ended his life when he was hit the second punch from the golem and the only reason that he was alive was thanks to his Golden body. The Golden boy made his bones far stronger than that of a normal cultivator who was Body cleansing stage peak.
Knowing that he could have died when he was hit for the second time Zero had a new appreciation for life now. While Zero was busy analyzing all that happened and angry but cute voice started yielding at his from the door to his room. "Are you trying to kill yourself didn't I tell you that the bronze golem was to strong that you should not go and fight with it "from the young girls voice Zero could hear the concern and he was somewhat happy about been yield at by Lily. Lily woke up to Zero bed and she was glaring at Zero the whole tell and even though she was trying to look scary she made an adorable site.
Zero listened for a full five minutes as Lily continued shouting and in her voice the was so much emotion that Zero was starting to feel sorry for what he did but he knew that this was the only way for him to get strong.
But it felt good to see that in this life he had someone who cared about him unconditionally like the little girl that was currently shouting at him. After she vented all her anger a t Zero she finally calmed down and took out a jade bottle and put it gave it Zero, inside the jade bottle the was only one pill and it was not just a simple pill. '' when you got hurt mother got very worried about so she went out and bought this pill for you, you should take it right now because the quicker you heal the better it would be".
Zero put the pill eat the pill and it melted in his mouth immediately and a warm and comfortable filled spread across Zero entire body the feeling felt as so good that Zero went to sleep right away and let his body heal.
When Zero woke up again it was already morning that meant that if only took one night for the pill to heal all of Zero injuries and this was way more than what Zero expected from a simple pill. The effectiveness of the pill meant that pill was a high level pill and it has to be very expensive for Pill Island to get this pill.
The Heart restoring pill was the only pill that Zero knew that was this effective and the pill was expensive and something that Zero would not be able to refine for a long time. Pills are divided into different categories and classes according to the quality and efficiency there three classes that Zero knew of and that was a Legendary Divine pills that legends say can even bring someone back from the died.
The was also Saint pills which are made from herbs that can't be found in the Thunder good realm but some say they have been some cases where Saint pill were refined in the Thunder good realm. There Spirit pill which are the most common in lower realm like the Thunder god realm.
Every class also divided into 9 different levels from level 1 to level 9 and pill like the Body cleansing pill is a level 1 pill and they have the lowest quality and efficiency of all pills. The Heart restoring pill is a level 3 pill and Zero. Knowing that Pill Island spend a lot of money for his recovery Zero got up and told Lily to follow him to the study it was time for to start teaching Lily Pill refinement.