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The Two Goddesses and The One God The Two Goddesses and The One God original

The Two Goddesses and The One God

Author: Always_Alixia

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One: The Unknown Power

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I sit up and groan. Another day of high school. I was tired because I had stayed up watching my favorite anime, and playing video games. I got out of bed and got my uniform on. I walked to the bathroom and my eyes widened when I saw the large marking on my cheek. I stood there in surprise when my sister slammed the door open and asked why I was taking so long. She looked at my face and shrieked. "What the heck is that?!" she shouts as she backs away. My grandmother gets angry abd comes out of her room. "Its my day of so just be qui...." she trails of and then sherieks just as my sister had done. Elixe, my sister, was already backed away in a corner frightened but surprised. My grandmother walks to her room and settles down to sleep after she convinces herself its a marker, even though it was glowing purple and black, and looked nothing like a marker. it was in the shape of a swirl, similar to a hypnosis thingy. I took another look at it and my sister, after sitting 5 minutes in her little corner, jumped at her own sudden movement and ran down the hall and grabbed two old bandages, fake blood, and a crutch. She lays me down on my younger brothers bed and wraps my left leg in the bandage. She runs out of the room and comes back with her makeup kit almost spilling it. she uses gray, blue, and a dark purple and makes a surprisingly real looking bruise. She then takes the second bandage and splatters a small amount of fake blood on it. She wraps it around the large glowing mark and puts another realistic bruise on my other cheek. She picks up the crutch and runs out of the room again. She comes back with a weelchair she found in my grandfathers room. It looked pretty new even though it was at least one year old. She gets into acting mode and helps ne onto the wheelchair. "I can walk Elixe," I say but she doesn't listen. She drives me out to the car and we start outlr long drive to school. She gets on the phone with my best friend who is in all my classes. She tells him what happened and what our plan was. She hangs up and asks if its ok that he pushes me around, and if I trusted him. I said yes and we made our way to school. When we get there I decide that acting was needed to pull this of so I pull myself together and let Elixe help me out of the car into the wheelchair. She pushes ne along and everyone is staring at us. Surprisingly, we were not late, so we moved along to let the principal that i might be late to most if my classes. Elixe says that I got into a car accident and and injured badly. The principal tells us to go off to class, so Elixe gives Brandon, my best friend handle the wheelchair. He is very loyal and trusting. He is serious about, well, serious things. He likes to mess around a lot, but other times, he is quite serious. Luckily the day went by fast. Every class was easy. I don't know if it was a lucky day, or if it was because I was in a wheelchair, literally sitting there making everyone think I was in pain. I went to bed that night without a worry. The next morning we put on the bandages, repeated all the steps, and headed of to school. There was a new student who apparently did not believe, or know, anything at all. He didn't believe that I was actually hurt and pushed my wheelchair back. As I feel backwards I turned on true acting. As soon as I hit the floor I shrieked. I knew that anyone anx everyone on school properties could hear it. it echoed through the halls and classrooms. I felt fake tears fall down my face as I heard clapping of heels down the hall. As soon as the teacher saw the fearful look on the dudes face and the tears dripping down my face, she knew what was going on. She stomped down the hall screaming at the student another teacher helps ne up when she gets down the hall. "Expelled!" I hear the teacher shriek in rage. She drags the dude down the hall and shouts for the principal. She calls my sister up and she takes my home. "Awesome acting!" she says when she starts driving. "Thanks!" I say proudly. "You did great making it believable by crying!" she says excitedly. When we get home, Elixe bakes some cookies for us to share while we watch anime. "How much did you watch last night?" she questions. "I'm so far behind! Go back! I missed the fight!!" she demands when I tell her. "I only watched the rest of season 2 and half of season 3!" I say giggling. I wasn't kidding though. I really had watched that much last night. "Quit your bickering!" my oldest brother says as he walks in for some milk. I had a younger brother named Jake, an older brother named Jacob, an older sister named Elizibeth, and my twin sister Elixe. All the girl's names started with E, and all the boy's names start with J. Weird thing about that was I was the only boy with a K name, unlike alk the other boy's in the household. My name was Kirishima. I had the longest name in the family for some reason. My siblings said i would figure out soon enough but I just couldn't think of a reason i would be named a name like Kirishima. I was lost. I was sleepy and then my brain woke up.Then, it suddenly hit me.

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